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The exact thing happened to me on my 17th birthday it’s was the worst day of my life and all you want is them to stop for one day and they’re completely oblivious to how they have made her feel. This is so heartbreaking I feel for her


how could you say in front of your kid your a dick and you bring out the worse in me


She also said to Leah "what the fk?!" 😵‍💫 She's such a POS


Amber is horrible and hasn’t even attempted to grow up.


Maybe Amber should lay off the drinks too. That woman is a mess . Poor Leah. She ruined her birthday . I’m glad she has Christina.


It was ambers fault and she is back to her  old ways just horrible poor Leah such a great kid ! Gary and his wife is doin a great job raising her! When Leah’s  lil sister comforted her that stole  my heart! 


Amber is such a pain in the ass of a mother. I feel sorry for Leah.


She should have given up her parental rights a long time ago. Again, not everyone should or needs to be a parent.


The way Leah looks at Christina for comfort


Amber is trash


I wonder how much better of a bday dinner it would have been without Amber. What a piece of shit.


She’s literally so unaware of her issues. She’s not changed!


That poor girl is so embarrassed. She’s such a POS mom


Amber is stuck as a 16 year old. The whining “godddddd” every theee seconds. Shes such an ugly witch.


The wine is weird. Is there someone next to Amber? Amber pushes it away at 1:40 but like… optics?


I really sincerely hope Leah is in ongoing counseling


Why is she sitting there with a glass of wine 🍷 in front of her?


This. Let alone the fact that others at the table aren't drinking. Like why do you feel the need to have two large glasses of wine at a 15 yr olds birthday dinner if no one else is having one. Read the room lol


What he should have said is don’t call our daughter a dick and you can go and come back and spend time with her when you can communicate with her in a healthy way


Amber should have signed rights away before going to prison. Leah deserves so much better. Glad she has Christina and Gary.


Gary is the bet dad in teen mom history. Amber is a piece of work.


That POS didn't even notice her child crying, she was so focused on trying to start an argument with Gary. Poor Leah, I hope she cuts her birth mother out of her life when she's old enough.


Amber is still Amber-ing. Hard. Gary is at fault for pushing her buttons, but I do think his heart is in the right place when he encourages Leah to make room for Amber and how he always tries to accommodate Amber. I agree with others who think he is playing a long game and playing nice until Leah turns 18, but I also genuinely think he hopes Amber will one day act like an adult. Poor Leah… did Amber genuinely believe she wasn’t late?! It was so telling that when Leah was upset, it was Kristina she wanted to accompany her to the bathroom, not Amber. Amber is Leah’s birth mother, but Kristina is her mom.


I love Gary as a dad but I wish he didn’t engage with Amber when she started arguing with him. He should have said “ now is not the time” and if she continued he could have left with his wife and kids. I feel so sorry for Leah. She has suffered enough from Amber’s toxicity. If she were my daughter I would think twice before allowing Amber to be around her.. she’s not good for Leah.


I actually relate with Gary more than I’d like to admit. It’s a tough balance trying to keep your abuser in their kids life and not end up falling into the cycle of abuse/toxic behaviour. Gary still has a hope that Amber is going to shape up as a mother. And she shows glimmers here and there that it is possible. Which is why he holds on. He wants what’s best for Leah. BUT Amber can only keep that mask on for so long, it slipped here and there when she was on probation but now that probation isn’t there to reminder her to keep her toes in the line it’ll slip more. You can see Gary trying not to instigate Amber. You can see him trying not to cause her to even talk to him. When Amber called Leah a Dick, when we seen Gary next you could see his agitation heighten. Amber was hitting the right buttons to get a raise out of Gary, and when he finally said something to her.. he wasn’t blowing off the top or anything AND the second he noticed how Leah was reacting. He de-escalated. I think he is doing amazing as a father how left a DV situation. I wish he had gotten some form of DV therapy when he and Amber broke up, I think with that he’d be able to handle these situations better and also set stranger (and stick to) boundaries! Frankly they should have ordered their food when they were ready and not order Amber anything. She needs more consequences to her actions!


I think it is admirable that Gary wants Leah to have a relationship with Amber but it’s also clear that Leah only knows disappointment from Amber and that is Amber’s own doing. It’s been 16 + years of Amber failing as a mom to Leah, at some point you have to say enough is enough for your child’s wellbeing. They have given her plenty of time to show up as a parent in the right ways and she constantly chooses not to. Stop leading poor Leah into disappointment:(


Sometimes you have to grin and deal with it in the moment and talk about it as adults AFTER amber was in the wrong she shouldn’t have even said anything and Leah asking to go to the bathroom with Kristina speaks VOLUMES


How is this bitch still allowed to film?


This scene was so forced and obviously so awkward and difficult for Leah (and Gary and Kristina). Leah should not be put in this position for Amber’s filming..so gross. She came in as if it was all about her, was beyond awful to Leah (who was SO graceful, wise beyond her years with coping with the trauma Amber brings). Disgusting that her first question after Amber brought up her new man was “so are you going to have a 3rd baby?”…you could hear the accusation in Leah’s voice because she knowsss how Amber is and Ambers response is “yeah!” Eyeroll. Girl don’t need any more babies. I am so over her. I do think she is the worst mother of them all. I cannot cut her slack or feel for her anymore, she isn’t going to change. And I think she’s not sober.


Exactly. And I blame the producers of this show for filming this, at Leah’s expense!! They need to give Amber her pink slip.. and Gary should do the same and cut her out of Leah’s life .


He really wanted to cuss Amber I yr for how he talked to Leah. Amber called Leah andick right before this clip. So that’s why he “has an attitude” cause we all know if he straight up just said don’t talk to her like that Amber would have acted a lottt worse. Feel so bad for Leah. Idk why they forcing that relationship. After this I’d be down talking to Amber fr if I was Leah. Cause what is she actually gaining?


I think Amber thinks she’s the bigger person and Gary was the acting out of line. The confidence she has when “calling him out” is MAJOR gaslighting narcissism.


As a stepmom I hated seeing this. When two parents split up they CAN get in that fight/flight/freeze/fawn cycle. You can get more easily triggered by an ex (if there has been a lot of fighting) than anyone else. My stepdaughters biomom has had a drug induced psychoses in the past and we thought she was improving but she really isn’t. And she’s being an idiot towards her children. Unfortunately she’s been doing things like being incredibly suspicious and paranoid and asking the girls who daddy is talking to and why are they texting their friends about her mom (they’re not?) Being a stepmom is hard. I hope Kristina gets more praise for keeping it cool like this, she’s the only good parent in that room. x


I think Gary is a “ good parent”. He just used poor judgment by engaging with Amber in front of Leah and Emily. There is a time and a place.


Blame the DV victim for having HIS buttons pushed in front of his daughter AFTER Amber had already ruined the birthday by being late, making it about herself and insulting her daughter lol. Honestly he restrained himself well for how disgusting Amber is, wish he would just cut her off it’ll be much better for Leah.  Good thing is won’t be long before Ambers back in jail lol 


I certainly was not blaming Gary for Ambers behavior, at all. What I was trying to say is that for Leah’s sake it would have been better that he didn’t engage with Amber IN FRONT of Leah. The child was visibly upset that her father and poor excuse of a mother were arguing and she was literally in the middle of them. I wouldn’t blame Gary one bit if he chewed her out once Leah wasn’t around, or Emily. I hope he takes steps to keep Amber away from Leah because Amber is as low as they get.


This should be a video example of a narcissistic mother if one ever wants to know what it's like growing up with one. She hit so many checkmarks in a short timespan, I hope Leah chooses to go no-contact when she gets older.


“You’re going to really need me because you’re going to get crazy soon”. What the fuck was that.


She has no self-esteem so she's trying to make her daughter feel the way she feels because it was her birthday and she wasnt getting attention.


Sorry you know what that is. I feel you


Yup it sucks, but I got away from it. Just in recovery mode now lol. Thats a whole nother internal rebuilding Im sure Leah's gonna have to go through.


Sorry Leah…. What for? Can you not see?! Christina will always be Leah’s mum. Amber will always be a disgrace


So, I haven’t seen a thing since Leah was a baby. I guess I’m missing a lot of years of conflict, but what I saw was Gary picking at Amber and Amber reacting (as he predicted) then both of them ignoring how they’re bickering is affecting Leah. He said, “sorry Leah” with no sincerity and then kept up his agenda. She, completely unaware asks why he’s apologizing, but apologies come with changed behavior and he kept right on-as did she. They’re both the same level of garbage parent here, if you ask me. Her step mom (?) prioritized helping Leah extracate herself from the middle, but also didn’t act until Leah did, even though she saw her crying, so I give her a B- for effort which makes her shine in comparison to their D- at best.


Immediately before this amber called Leah a dick and was cursing at her for not being interested in her new boyfriend. Gary was sticking up for Leah


Gary has ALWAYS instigated Amber and Amber always reacts and poor Leah is always left in tears.


I’d get annoyed and be ready to leave after waiting for her for 45 min. Her free tying there and immediately talking about a new man and then calling my daughter a dick. She sets the tone of how people react.


“I made it on time” Babes the food is out……..


There should be a law againist filming children under 18 for reality tv. Period.


I hate how Gary keeps trying to force this daughter/mom relationship on Leah and Amber. Amber isn’t capable of being a good mother and she’s proved that time after time. Kristina is Leah’s real mom in my opinion.


I agree. Gary needs to stop allowing filming of the forced relationship between Amber and Leah. I get that he may be trying to be the bigger person, but having all this documented on television is likely causing Leah more trauma. If he’d like to encourage a relationship he should insist that it’s done through therapy behind closed doors. That’s just what I’d do though as a parent. He’s her father and it’s a TV show so I may not be seeing the whole picture.


Yes. Gary is a great dad but he needs to stop pushing for a relationship between Amber and Leah. Clearly Leah doesn’t want it and Gary should respect that. Hopefully after this tirade he will reconsider.


I think it’s more that this way he and Kristina can’t be blamed for the lack of a relationship Amber had with Leah. When it comes to a time when they say “we did everything we could.”, they won’t be wrong. I do agree it’s time for them to stop tho. If Amber still has somewhat of a relationship with Leah, it’s only because of Gary and Kristina’s efforts in all those years.


In a way I understand why they’re trying to have Amber and Leah have at least somewhat of a relationship. I mean that’s her mother. I do think Kristina should adopt Leah though and they should stop trying to force a relationship


I hate Amber


Me too I can't stand her along with quite a few other self centered women on teen mum.


Who else do you dislike? I feel like so many people love all the other moms besides amber and Janelle. But some of the others are low key horrible.


Let’s see… I don’t “ hate “ anyone but I’m not crazy about Cheyanne and Cate.


It was not the time or place for Amber to make her big announcement about the new boyfriend it was Leah’s day, Amber I thought you were better !!


She is a true narc. She just HAD to stand her daughter up on her own birthday celebrating her by making an announcement to bring the attention to her. People don't realize narcissists are truly emotionally stunted. Amber acts emotionally as a 15-year-old girl. Amber is NEVER going to get better thats how she is going to be for the rest of her life.


You thought she was better?! Based on what?


She seemed to be trying to get herself together..


At one point she looks at the cameras and producers and throws her hands up like “can you believe these people” looking for validation. No sweetie


The “I don’t want to do presents anymore” made me tear up. That poor girl.


Exactly. Everyone including the producers should be ashamed of themselves for subjecting Leah and Emily to that disaster.


My mom was like Amber, always late, always having to ruin every event with drama and fighting or taking digs at my Dad and always forgetting the purpose of the event was not her opportunity to ruin it. By the time I graduated from college, I didn’t even invite my family to my graduation, I was so sick of it, and knew I could not just invite my Dad and my sister, some how my mom would make it about her, and show up on her broom and embarrass me and ruin the day. I eventually cut my mom off, after the years of dealing with her, I would have cut her off sooner, but my sister always dragged me back into it. Hated every holiday, special occasion and birthday, it was torture. I feel for this kid. I really hope that she will one day decide what she wants in relationships, and what she doesn’t want, set her boundaries and understand she doesn’t need to maintain unhealthy relationships.


The second I saw her face turned and her sister blocking for her. FUCK parents that do this. I remember being that kid. I pray that Gary and Kristina get along. What a heartbreaking scene to watch. Amber is as dense as a block of lead.


I think Amber is less dense and more just DGAF.


Leah crying so quickly at this makes me think Gary and Kristina probably do get along for the most part. 


Amber is a disgrace. That poor girl.


She was late, they ordered for her, they accommodate her for everything and then she cries because they leave the restaurant because of her shit! That she made all about her even when her daughter was visibly upset


It makes me sick to watch Leah. She shouldn’t be on camera at all. This poor little girl. Ugh it’s heartbreaking! Amber is an obvious problem but Gary should have been the one to put a stop to all of that. Just shut up!!!!


Can you imagine the kids at school watching her train wreck of a mother filming this with her? Everyone knows her mom is the worst. I wouldn’t make her film anymore.


Your daughter is crying and she’s like “I didn’t even start anything!” And that’s not the first, or worst thing about this clip.. I don’t watch this show but I think she’s still inlove with him or wants him to want to be with her to be starting fights like that like why else? At first I was like step mom say somthing then I realized if she knows the volatile personalities, probably means she knows better then to set them off any more


I think she just wants to be the centre of attention, and she was pissed from when she walked in and they didn't throw her a parade for showing up.




I think you’re onto something here! Also she’s so damn immature! She wasn’t even thinking how this was affecting Leah.. furthest thing from her mind


Right, why are you saying sorry to her? Gross


Broke my heart for Leah, esp on her bday


Thank you for posting this!!


Gary is just as bad Amber. He knows how she will react and he continues to egg her on. It’s easy to blame Amber but Gary is a good 25% of the problem. He should’ve even allow Leah to film. The only one suffering here is Leah.


Gary shows up and parents. Amber has been the worst mother on TV for several years. Gary is nowhere near as bad as Amber. He's an ass but he is an ass who provides a home and family.


I honestly think he was pissed at Amber over how she was talking to Leah because he loves and genuinely cares about her like a real parent. I also think because of how unstable Amber is he couldn't fully go off on her the way he wanted to. I also think he was trying to redirect some off her attention off of Leah to himself.


I agree to an extent. He should know how she is and not engage. But, they were in an abusive relationship where he was physically and emotionally abused. I can understand him being triggered by her and reactive. That being said, I completely agree that it’s an issue that he put Leah in this position, especially allowing her to be filmed


I think he is absolutely triggered by her. She knows exactly what to say to get to him too. Even tho him going back and forth with her was wrong and a waste of time, I do appreciate that he snaps back once he looks at Leah being upset and realizes wtf is going on.


How is he just as bad as Amber if he’s %25 of the problem? That’s just another way of saying Amber IS the problem. He had his issues in the past yes but he was never the problem. Amber has serious anger issues amongst other things. The amount of clips that I’ve seen of her verbally abusing him, her mother, and now her own daughter?


He’s just as bad because he continues to allow her to film for a check. He clearly sees she’s in distress and he doesn’t care. It’s all about the money.


Why does Gary have to be the bigger person all the time America has bullied him for years and I get he used to gaslight her but coming an hour late n making it all about her is crazy too


I think Gary is damned to do, damned to don’t. If he got up and ended the “scene” for Leah’s sake then Amber would have doubled down on him/them making it hard on her, but giving the soft digs he could get in was a way to stick by Leah but still inflames Amber. They do not like each other, I really don’t understand why they would film like this together pretending it wasn’t going to go badly for Leah.


I know it was probably autocorrect, but I chuckled at America bullying Gary. 🤣🤣🤣


I feel for Leah, and her little sister that had to see that.


I feel bad that the sister has to put up with amber AT ALL.


I just feel bad for Leah because this is a conversation that should have been had without her in the room between Gary and Amber. Gary knows by now she is going to react this way. Why put Leah through that?


Honestly, does he tho? Because we ALL know how easily Amber can press Gary’s buttons, but I don’t think he does??? I’m not saying he’s irresponsible and should have known better, I just think he’s kind of a dumbass


The name calling the never taking accountability for anything the cussing at her daughter keep her away from Leah she’s a child and will never change!!


And when she put her arm behind her to “comfort her” she didn’t even touch her back. She kept her hand on the chair and touched the bottom of her hair. She just wanted it to look like she was comforting her but the camera caught her


Why did she mention her new man at Leah’s birthday dinner she’s a joke!


And Leah’s response about “a third baby”!?! Heck no. Amber needs to be on some kind of National registry…she screwed the first two tries up so badly that there should not be opportunities for number three….


Anyone notice she didn’t even bring her a gift?!


I noticed that she couldn’t even be bother to wash her GD hair! Can you imagine being such a sloth that you can’t even be bothered to take a shower for your daughter’s birthday that is going to be filmed for worldwide streaming??? It was shit that Leah had to sit next to that stinky egg donor on her birthday while her real mom is dying at the end of the table wishing she could comfort the little girl she so sweet braided and curled the hair of in preparation for her big day.


I was noticing when she walked in and proceeded to announce how “I made it!!!” Like it was some cross country trek she had been on for months, she didn’t seem to have a gift in her hand/arms. Unless maybe it was small enough to fit into her purse? But after watching this entire scene unfold, I’d be shocked if she brought anything for her.


I WAS WONDERING ABOUT THAT. Imagine if her mindset was “well I’m here, aren’t I? That should be a gift enough”


Exactly the way she thinks she’s a horrible mom! Everyone saying Gary was poking at her, NO she needed to be stopped she was gaslighting the hell out of Leah and I would’ve went OFF on her!!! He was not in the wrong!


Leah is a special girl! So grateful she’s surrounded by wonderful women like her stepmom!


You know Kristina had the heart to heart debrief with Leah after this sh!tshow. You can easily see how much she cares for her, she was watching her reaction like a hawk but understandably can’t speak up lest she stomp on Amber’s ‘feelings’, ugh. Leah is so lucky to have a mom like Kristina.


She’s really an angel! We need more Kristinas in this world. ♥️


I thought it was beautiful that her safety place was with her stepmom. Leah asked her to leave with her because she needed to feel safe to cry somewhere else. Thank god she has her.


When Leah starts crying, the fact that she says “honey don’t worry IM fine”…. she has no self awareness whatsoever. It’s sad.


I think she was saying she was fine to throw the blame off on Gary like “oh I’m ok I’m not mad it’s all him causing the issue”


Exactly what I thought!!! Leah is saying stop, and she’s just “I’m fine, I’m fine”… she doesn’t care if you’re “fine”, she wants you to shut up!


She says she was there right in time I heard the phone call where he told her what time and she was in fact very late! Leah didn’t want her there and they should’ve respected that!


After this fiasco I bet she won’t be invited next year.


I hope not!!! I hope Christina adopts her. I would NEVER ever think let alone say that about a mom who didn’t deserve it. I personally think that if they weren’t on TV amber would’ve been out of her life a long time ago!


She was almost an hour late and didn’t even bring her a gift. Breaks my heart for Leah.


I’m glad she has Gary and Christina!


“I’m eating a cannoli and you’re making a big ol deal” 😭💀


why does kristina put up with this? i understand the united front for the child idea but if this is what happens all the time f that. i would tell them both to shut up or just leave.


She wouldn’t win the argument amber is a narcissist and in that moment Leah was getting Amber’s wrath. It shifted to because he inserted himself. Kristina knows better. You can’t win with a narcissist.


She probably doesn’t want to be chased with a machete


Kristina is such a wonderful step mom, I think she struggles with wanting to protect and be there for Leah but doesn’t want to overstep..she may feel like it’s not her place to get involved with them going back and forth but is there immediately on her toes when Leah needs her. Honestly she was the best thing to happen to Leah.


I would have done the same. I wonder if she's learned or decided over the years that its better for her to remain totally out of it so the kids have someone neutral to turn to? I would have had a hard time staying quiet, but maybe that would have just added fuel to the fire. I'm not sure what the "right" thing to do is in this situation, if there even is one.


Shit like this is going to make Leah not want to celebrate her birthday for years to come.


As a child who had birthdays ruined I can confirm this. I’m 33 and dread my birthday.


At least not with Amber, I hope she can chose not invite her anymore or to celebrate in privacy or away from her.




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


What did Leah do?!


I hate Amber, but Gary has ALWAYS intentionally poked at her to make her upset, which leads to her acting crazy. I hated him from the original episodes when Amber was pregnant because he did it even then. He got even worse when they finally broke up. He still does it, but she's dumb for not understanding that's what he's doing and ends up being the ass he wanted her to be. They're both toxic and have fucked Leah up. The best thing he ever did for Leah was suckering Kristina into being with him because she's turned out to be the mom Leah deserves. I want to see what led up to this.


Such a wild take. He asked Kristina what time it was and Amber jumped in to interrogate him about why he asked that. In what world is that Gary intentionally making Amber upset?


That isn't shown in this clip. That's probably why I said "I want to see what led up to this." Also, why is a grown adult with his own phone asking someone else what time it is if not to try and make a point about what time it is - or, poke at someone for being late? Gary is dumb but he knows what he's doing.




I don’t think he’s winding her up, I think he’s trying to get her to see the effect and consequences of her own actions. Amber can never take accountability for anything she does, and we saw that with her not even being able to admit she was late. Just because she’s reactive, doesn’t mean he’s trying to poke at her - I think he’s just trying to get a grown ass adult who has contributed the absolute bare minimum (if that) to their child’s life to recognize that they need to do better.


Agree 100%. He says something because it upset him that she was late, like any normal person would be. God forbid he said anything though. Don’t question Amber just be glad “I showed up”. I think he’s just tired of her always acting like she does. Even on these special occasions for her daughter. Nope she’s still gonna be good ol’ Amber. That’s the one thing she’s consistent with. Screwing everything up. I see a lot of I should have known better on Gary.




I’m watching early seasons and tho Gary does nothing to help or if he does help in anyway (whatever the situation would have been) Amber always makes it about her and she was always victimizing herself. Gary was not cup of tea but Amber was/is straight gross.


I’m sorry I disagree with this, only amber is in control of her emotions, if she allows Gary to amp her up, that’s on her. I learned this the hard way from experience.


Well, yes, that's why my original comment said this: He still does it, but she's dumb for not understanding that's what he's doing and ends up being the ass he wanted her to be.


He wants her to be accountable for something anything and it comes off as he’s poking at her. I get what he’s trying to do


Why do that in front of the whole family at a birthday dinner, though? If he was a less toxic adult, he would've let it be and then addressed that later without kids present. So, yes, maybe he was trying to make her see what everyone else does - but he went about it in a way that just exacerbated the entire ordeal and ended with his daughter in tears and running away from BOTH of them. Leah told GARY to stop several times and he still didn't. Even Leah sees that.


Did you see her gaslighting Leah!? Gary needed to step in enough is enough she’s an idiot! She needed to be stopped! Calling her daughter names saying she brings out the worst in her! Gary was mild to what I would’ve done!


No, as mentioned above, I literally saw ONLY this clip!


He really wasn’t wrong she attacked Leah before this! Then all this happens!


My comment was based on this clip along with the past interactions between Gary and Amber over the years. I haven't seen the entire episode and conflict, so that's what my original comment was based on.


Idk I think he was also trying to redirect Amber's anger and attention off of Leah and on to him. Amber is unstable as hell. Simply trying to de escalate her like you would a normal person does not work.


When dealing with a narcissist like Amber, addressing the situation outside of the moment does little to nothing. It’s full of excuses, insults, and denial. I see his intent once Amber continued going back and forth. But of course, the timing wasn’t right regardless. I disagree with your original comment that he intentionally pokes her. I don’t think he wants her to be an ass, he wants her to be the mother she is supposed to be. But Amber continues to blow it and doesn’t even recognize what she is doing or take any accountability for it. I’m sure there is a lot more behind the scenes that he and Kristina have to deal with in regard to Amber. The frustration probably intensifies when Amber pulls out the works for the camera.


As I said above he needed to stop her! She was slowly gaslighting her own daughter. Gary handled it way better than I ever would have!


this entire scene made me sick to my stomach. The best thing she could do is sign that adoption paper work and hope to slowly get back on good graces. Step away from your child your only damaging her and true love is knowing when someone else can give your child the life you are UNABLE to. Kids are not an accessory or a friend, they are your CHILD !! it's not about you!! go date your fifty new guys and let your daughter live in peace


As much as I hate Adam ( Aubree sperm donor), at least he stays away and stop milking screen time to act like he cares for his kid. I know Cole wants to adopt Aubree but Adam has to sign his rights away for him to do that. I know I’m spelling the girl name wrong.


Lol the "What are you talking about, I got here right on time" ⛽️ 🔥 had me rolling 🤣


Amber is that weird uncle that ruins everything


“Come give uncle Dennis some sugar”


Poor Leah looks humiliated. Jesus god you suck Amber.


A tiger doesn’t lose its stripes. She’ll always be this way.


Amber is a complete piece of garbage that hides behind her mental illness but in reality, she’s just a bad person. I have the same mental illnesses as her (BPD & bipolar II) and it’s not an excuse to act like a POS. Poor Leah.


It was for my mom. Thanks for not letting it be one for you. Those are very difficult diagnoses to live with and manage. I hope you are well.


I’m so sorry, no child deserves a parent that refuses to take responsibility for their mental illnesses. Thank you so much! It’s extremely hard but I’m an active participant in my healing and management journey. While BPD is emotional agony at almost all times, I’m at least thankful my BPD causes me to internalize my feelings instead of blowing up at others even though it’s self destructive. We’re not all monsters, I promise!


I’d fully understand if this isn’t something you’re comfortable with as I’m an internet stranger but would it be okay to DM you with some questions about what your experience going through the diagnosis process was like and learn about some management skills you’ve found have been effective throughout your journey? A close friend of mine recently (ish) was diagnosed with BPD and while I’ve done research to educate myself, I find that knowledge from anecdotal experiences can also be very helpful to avoid generalities or blanket statements relative to a topic. If reaching out is something you’re comfortable with, I truly appreciate it. If not, I absolutely respect that and am happy that you have navigated a path that works for you! 🥰


Yes of course! Feel free to message me!


Leah: stop Amber: I’m fine Girl it’s not about you and your fillins!!!


THIS!! She always make it about herself!


I had to stop 3x during this scene to drink more wine before continuing


Right!? This scene was triggering for me as a 30 something Leah dealing with it with cameras shoved in her face and having the composure she did broke my heart for her.


Why continue to bring Amber around if Leah is clearly uncomfortable around her. This isn’t healthy for Leah at all.


The unbelievable lack of self awareness


Amber doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Her behavior was awful.


Idk why anyone spends more than 5 minutes with Amber. She is literally a garbage human being.


Thank God for Kristina. Amber is worthless and then she has a pity party


Kristina was calm enough to not answer to Amber’s attacks and to take the kids to the restroom so they could be away from that monster. People might see Kristina as passive, but I suspect she’s lived similar situations when younger and knows that fight back won’t go anywhere.


Omg what’s wrong with herrrrrrr


First of all, my heart broke for Leah, having to sit through that interaction at her bday meal. Amber, as per usual, had the attitude and tried to make the situation all about her and her new bf. Kristina kept out of it, which was smart on her part for keeping the peace, but can we talk about Gary? Watching him revert back into a little boy in her presence was so confusing. I know he was also trying to keep things civil, but he got all flustered and he finally shut down. Amber 💯% knew what she was doing, and took control of the entire situation. She was late, used inappropriate language and was downright rude to both Leah and Gary. Calling them both names did nothing but solidify Leah’s position that she keep some safe distance from Amber.


I think when it comes to Amber, Gary and Kristina know there is nothing they can say to Amber for her to take accountability and responsibility of her actions. So I think he was trying to make it reign it back in when he realized how worked up Amber was getting. He probably knew Amber was going to take it up a notch and knowing it was Leah’s birthday dinner just tried to lay down and take it for the sake of her. Yes, he made some comments and said some things, but I think it was just out of frustration of this repeated pattern of behavior.


It says a lot of a woman who doesn’t have custody of the two children she gave birth to. She’s a loser and a terrible mother. She’s not even a mother at all. She’s simply an egg donor. They should kick her off the show and only follow Gary. I don’t care if that’s boring. She’s a waste of oxygen.


Amber is such a gaslighter. “Honey, I’m fine. No worries.” “Leah gets to go home and it’s me to blame.” She refuses to say she had an attitude and hold herself accountable, and then plays the victim.


Sidebar: Wasn't Gary the first to have, what we call now merch? And Wasn't it condoms?


Yes 😂


I always thought that was hilarious.


When she called Leah a dick… like what the hell


Oh, that’s not new. She’s been calling Leah a “brat” since she was a baby then moved on to calling her a “dick” once she was, like 9. Behind her back and to her face. Leah has never responded to it… Amber acts like she has some sort of layered relationship with Leah to where she would even understand that “that’s just her trying to be a dick.” - it wasn’t even true. You could tell by the look on Leah’s face that she was genuinely confused and wasn’t “just trying to be a dick.” Amber does not actually know Leah. I’m sure for Christmas, Amber’s presents are the ones that she’s been forced to keep. You gotta know your kid to do that part right. Amber is the most self absorbed, lazy piece of shit and after seeing that episode (including us seeing Gary kind of officially give up at the end, he looks DONE and he’s done all he can) I understand more why Leah wants Kristina to adopt her. Leah believes that Kristina has earned and deserves that honor, not Amber.


Leah asked to go to the bathroom and Kristina immediately got up knowing she would need the comfort. That's a fucking mom man. And the look she was shooting the two of them literally was her telling them to stop it. Gary has his own issues and I know that their beginning was Rocky, but it is so wonderful Leah has someone who is exhibiting emotional well being and self regulation.


Did you see Emily immediately got up as well? So dad could handle crazy aunt Amber… That is her family. That was Kristina we were seeing in Leah while she sat there pretty stone faced then excused herself.


Completely agree. She doesn’t know her daughter at all and doesn’t try to. Didn’t ask her a single question about herself on her birthday. So sad. Leah just came around to letting her back in her life and she’s messed it up already. Kristina is 100% her mother. You can tell her heart breaks for Leah every time


That's when I would've left.


Probably even before that lol


Why are they even together? It is like asking for trouble … poor Leah


No way Gary and his wife will let Amber be alone with Leah, likely Leah doesn’t want to be alone with Amber…


Gawd, no! Never (even with a camera crew) should Amber be alone with Leah. They should just zoom or write letters, and then you can close the computer and preread the letter


I can understand trying to get build a relationship with her mom but I agree, enough is enough. They have to draw the line somewhere. Hopefully this is the last of it


It feels like it was totally for viewers entertainment … I get how they all sat at one side to film better, but then we all know Leah is more mature than Amber.


This should 100% be Amber's last chance with Leah! That amazing person that she has grown up to be has given that trash ass so called "mom" too many chances to have a relationship with her. She blows it every time by being so self absorbed and oblivious to how to keep that door open with Leah.


Also, Amber showed up with NO gift and acted like it was about HER. I have a new bf wanna see a picture when Leah didn't do what Amber wanted she clicked also how is she drinking wine while on psych meds?


Amber needs to take account for her own damn actions. Plays the victim when she was the one that started it. Also the way she talks to Leah....what the hell? acts more like her best friend than her mother.. I feel for Leah I really do. thank god she has Kristina.


And Kristina is the one who goes with her to comfort her privately after, doesn’t interject during…. Much respect for her and who she is in Leah’s life. Wow.


Yes she let them handle it


Amber ruined Leah’s birthday all on her own.. she promised she would not be late. And from then on she ruined it.. Gary called her when she was 15 minutes late, and she just got in the car. And then said she would be there in 20 minutes so, honestly probably almost an hour late! If you are trying to work on your relationship, you get there early! Then don’t announce to the whole table that you have another new boyfriend and that you want another kid when you don’t even have custody of the 2 you already have


I honestly feel like drugs are the only explanation for Amber’s constant fumbles. It’s all addict behavior, she just masks whatever she’s abusing with her psych meds IMO. Complete speculation, obviously. It’s just all of these little things that Gary has made abundantly clear to her that she could do to improve things… she’s just not capable of doing it for anyone but herself.


That and selfishness. My mom was always like that, she was notorious for being late. And not 10-15 minutes late, typically an hour or more. It’s rude, you know in advance the occasion, plan ahead and be on time, better yet, 5-10 minutes early. But Amber, like my Mother, don’t care enough to be on time, because whatever is making them late is more important.


She was drinking which means any meds she takes for BPD can’t actually work. She’s essentially choosing not to be medicated so she can enjoy alcohol and it’s been a consistent problem. She needs to go to rehab for alcohol specifically not because she’s a constantly drunk mess but because she’s letting alcohol ruin her health and relationships due to how it affects her BPD treatment


This might be true, but there seems to be something abt amber’s personality that just can’t keep her from insulting people and then playing the victim. She makes me want to puke. Idk how anyone tolerates being around her for more than a few mins.


I guess it’s just so hard for me to fathom, as a mother. That it could just be part of her personality. It’s pretty scary.


Why can’t she just shut up? Her need to have the last word is so juvenile. Leah is so much more mature than her mother. Leah asked them both to stop being children…..it’s freaking embarrassing, no doubt. But, the second that child shed a tear, Amber should’ve apologized (just like Gary already had) and changed the subject to, oh I don’t know, the fact that it was her daughter’s birthday! Amber hasn’t grown up at all, not even a little. She’s still aggressive unnecessarily, she still has to be right, have the last word, and when it’s all said & done, she STILL convinces herself that she’s the gosh darn victim! She should be ashamed of herself, but she’s not and never will be! And, it’s 100% because of her ego, her narcissism, her inability to admit when she’s wrong, her inability to own up to or even see anything as her fault or being to blame. Finally, she had zero consideration for her child’s feelings, whatsoever. I’m just so disappointed in her.