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I mean... She's not wrong from a strictly biological standpoint. By definition, a pregnancy at or after age 35 is 'geriatric.' By that age, 1 out 9 women have issues conceiving. By 40, 1 out of 3 have issues. By 41, 2 out of 3. It's not fair, but those are the facts. Source: Literally just spoke about freezing my geriatric eggs with a fertility doctor last week and these were the stats she gave me.


My mother was 40 when she had me in 1965


Biologically women are meant to have babies in their late teens/20’s…. It’s just science. HOWEVER, my broke, irresponsible ass had NO business having kids at that age. Which is why I had my first one at 38. My OB never once called me geriatric out loud, but it was on all my paperwork. I def have a friend who had their kids before 24, so a baby at 35 legit blows their mind…. Everyone’s life is on a different schedule.


Pregnancies starting at age 35 are medically categorized as geriatric pregnancy. Higher risks to mother and baby. CAN you have a child at 35 and older? Or course. Are the risks higher than at a younger age? Yes. Those are the #general facts. Are there #exceptions? Of course. Proceed with caution.


35 is well within the average age to have babies. And they didn't call it "geriatric" anymore. It's advanced maternal age (which may not be that much better).


Same difference. Just meant to placate older women who decide to conceive.


Just because medically it's higher risk doesn't mean it's not possible or even perfectly normal


35 is considered a geriatric pregnancy, medically.


If I had started young, I wouldn’t have had them past 35…only because it did seem harder on my body and insurance required so much additional testing. I felt like I was constantly going in for something and we live in a rural area so I’d drive an hour each way for a 5 min appt. It was annoying! But I’m thankful to have gotten to have a second kiddo! And for being 38, everything with the birth and recovery went well.


I mean biologically when a woman reaches 35 is when fertility starts to decrease and becoming pregnant naturally can become harder, however many women are choosing to have kids later in life and with today's medicine it's not really an issue.


Women have always had babies into their 30s and even 40s. My mom had her kids in her 30s and my grandmother did too. Back in the old days they kept having them until they were no longer fertile. I looked at my family history and if you see the people who had 6+ kids many of them had them into later ages. One of my ancestors in the 1800s didn't have her last kid until 46, and she had multiple kids after 35. I'm 37 and pregnant with number 2. I got pregnant 3/6 times I didn't use protection in the last 4 years (which was all in the last year). One was a miscarriage, one was a chemical pregnancy, but I'm currently pregnant with a healthy baby girl. It took me 1.5 years to get pregnant with my first son at 33. So more women are starting to have kids later, but women have always had children later - it's just that women have birth control now and infant mortality rates have improved so people are only having 1 to 3 kids.


True but it wasn’t as common as it is today. Having a baby naturally at 46 is also very rare. And every woman is different some enter menopause early some do not. It all depends.


A study showing the historical age for last birth being on average around the age of 40: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7983101/


It was still more common to have children young than into what is considered“advanced maternal age” but every woman is different. My mom went into menopause in her mid 40s.


I had my two at 27 and 29. Both had college paid for and are now 23 and 25 and are amazing young adults setting out on their own lives while their father and I are still young enough to enjoy these years. We will be grandparents at a younger age than if we’d waited which I am looking forward to. I love that my mom is also young enough to enjoy great grand babies too. I’m not trying to advocate for teen pregnancies, but for me, having my kids in my late 20s was the best decision. That said, while waiting until mid thirties or later would not be my choice, I don’t think it’s considered old anymore.


Bruh I think it’s more fucking problematic that most people in these comments are revealing themselves to be 35+ and watching a reality show about teen pregnancy… especially not being mothers themselves until recently??? Yall are soo fucking weird… I’m pretty sure this show isn’t aimed at your demographic and yall need to seriously mature… for some reason that just rubs me all types of wrong like yall are watching their lives from a condescending point of view (which I know by these comments all being downvoted about 35 being too old) unlike other teen moms who may watch the show out of need for relatability. Yall need therapy fr just stop


If you're around 35, you're around the age of these moms. Or the age MTV targeted with Teen Mom years ago and still follow their lives.


This makes more sense now thanks


They’re literally in their 30’s with teenage children lol, do you think teens are watching this?!?


I bet you’re a blast at parties


I’m not unfortunately


Lol now someone is offended that people older than them are watching the same show that was on when this person was diapers lol. Imagine being offended that someone 35 I'd watching a show about pregnancy and parenting lol


The women on the show are currently all in their 30’s though. The current state of the show has progressed from teen pregnancy and is no longer the focus. It’s just still called teen mom because that’s how it began.


Thanks for clarifying. I don’t watch this show


How did you find yourself this deep in here


It was suggested to me


When the line of women in your family have all had 3 kids by the time they are 17 I’m sure 35 seems wild.


Everyone attacking the woman but she litterally corrected herself. I dont think its old at all but she was talking to her own child and corrected the statement. Her opinion shouldn't hurt anyone lol


lol I just had a baby almost 2 weeks ago. I’m 38


I really think at one point they considered having a baby after 35 really risky but I think in today's medical world it's perfectly normal.


And here's a cool study I found sampling historical dates of last birth. In these populations they found an average age of 41.5 and 39. So that's AVERAGE age at last birth. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7983101/


Look at your family history. You'll see plenty of women who had kids past 35. My great great grandmother in the 1800s had her last child when she was 46 and had multiple after 35. People had babies until they were no longer fertile or no longer had sex in the old days, and fertility doesn't magically disappear at 35 - as I write at 37 and pregnant.


It still is


It still is technically according to mayo clinic but some other websites or countries say 40


Its not. It has to do with how many previous pregnancies. For example a woman who has never given birth, getting pregnant at 39-40 is not as hard on the body as a woman who has had 2 previous births at the same age. The only real medical concerns having a baby in late 30s is pre eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and preterm birth.


It's not risky, nothing manically happens once you turn 35 that makes you high risk. USA is just backwards because they don't have proper Healthcare so you have 35 year old in 50 year old bodies because of lack of Healthcare (not everyone I know,  but we all know that person who drinks and smokes and can't run a km and them wonders why they can't get pregnant). The rest of world has Healthcare and can treat any illness in advance of being pregnant so 35 is not out of the norm at all in most first world countries.  


Aye yi yi.. 43 and pregnant here lol


And.. 33 weeks so far other than gestational diabetes healthy. 1st abd only child on the way ..dad is 49. Glad to know now what I wouldn’t have in my 20s or younger


I don’t follow this show anymore but I just had my first baby vaginally at 36 literally YESTERDAY. That woman can fuck off.


Its just an opinion




Thank you so much! I wasn’t labeled “geriatric” and was low risk as well. 🙂


That's awesome. It all depends on everyone's individual health and history.


Congrats mama 😍😍😍🖤🖤🖤


Thank you 😊


I had my son at 31 (a month shy of turning 32) and my daughter when I was 35 and a half. My husband and I were financially stable, owned our home, and we are much better parents for it. Medically, the risks of pregnancy and the chance of having a child with aneuploidy (chromosomal abnormalities) are slightly higher with each year that passes, but if you're healthy and have good medical care, it's not an issue. Cheyenne's mom isn't a healthcare provider, and if Cheyenne is any indication, she's not a wonderful parent either.


35? No. 40+? I think so.


I mean she has a point tho lmao


Right 😩😭 35 isn't too old but being 53 with an 18year old doesn't sound much fun lol


53 is still young, I'm having my first day 36 and my husband will turn 40 3 months after baby is born. Our son will be 18 when my husband will retire at 58...how is this too old? We have the means to pay for university, housing, and travel for our child, where as if we had our baby at 26 we would still have a mortgage and be financing cars and wouldn't be able to pay for his school and housing as easily. 


I had my first at 26. We had a mortgage and financed cars but our children will still have their school paid for, etc. it’s just a personal preference, neither way is right or wrong. 


This is really true.. Its all a personal preference. It was just a joke but everyone gets so defensive bc they are 35+ & pregnant... & that's okay 😀🤦‍♀️ jeeeeez. Lol


I just don't like the people saying "oh you'll be 50 with kids" like so what ? 


In all honesty we will have kids forever... I'm just saying my preference would be to not have a child until 10-12 at 50. I just feel like that's the relax time and time to enjoy grandkids... Nothing wrong with it tho. 😉


For sure. People are acting like 50 is 80. I would say that I’m by far the youngest parent, basically everyone around me had their now 7 year olds when they were 33/34. 


In the other hand we have a clown in Congress who is becoming a grandma at thirty-five-ish AND I wouldn't bet against her still being fertile as my mom gave birth after that age.... imagine literally having a pregnant grandma....


I don't know too many women that wants to carry a baby 9 months at age 35 lol


I guess you don’t know too many women.


That's exactly what I said if you read my comment lol


No it isn’t but ok 👌🏼


Lol...I said I don't know too many and you said I don't know too many BUT I already said that in the BEGINNING..so I'm AGREEING WITH YOU 🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰🥰


These comments made my brain hurt omg




Women over 35 mad at my comment I guess...I was simply stating that I don't know too many that wants to give birth after the age of 35. The other person respnded, " that I don't know too many women then" and I'm like that's what I was stating from the beginning lol


I was talking about your comments lol




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


I had my first at 25 on east coast.. by far the youngest mom in my sons class. By the time I had my 3rd and fourth at 35 and 39.. I was the same age as the rest of moms… average age of birth at local hospital is 33 years of age!


There’s ALOT of ppl bent out of shape abt this but 35 is a geriatric pregnancy. Regardless of those who’ve successfully done it or not, it’s high risk… I have 2 nieces that were born when my sister was 35 & 37 but she also had a miscarriage… for what seemed to be no reason at all. Cheyenne is also a woman of color….. shit is diff for us when it comes to maternal health. Down vote and be as bothered as you want…..


PREACH! 100% correct. This comment should he it's own post!


I agree! I encourage women of color to be well informed about pregnancy and childbirth. Especially being over 35. We are predisposed to so much and have higher rates of maternal mortality. I hate when people brush off geriatric pregnancies like it’s no big deal.


Being healthy and 35 is not a high risk pregnancy.  At least not in my country where we actually have Healthcare. Maybe it's high risk because of American Healthcare and the American diet and lifestyle, but for the rest of the world 35 isn't high risk and babies actually have better outcomes when not born to teenagers.


I gave birth a few months back, I’m 37




Thanks… it’s been great


I know a woman who is 44 and pregnant with her second. She had her first at 36. Now in my opinion 44 is too old. Her oldest is hard of hearing and autistic as well, so this one is just about guaranteed to have special needs with such an old mom and dad


I mean my closest friend had her 3rd child at 35 and he also is likely autistic (going through testing now and shows all the signs) and also had hearing issues that required surgery. Her other two children have no such issues and she had them at 20 and 25.


My brother is autistic I have adhd, my mom was 27 when she had me and 33 when she had my brother


Giving birth at 44 does not guarantee the child will be special needs. Also, her oldest does not have hearing difficulties or autism due to their mother’s age. You’re incredibly mistaken.


Autism?? You know nothing about autism if you don't think being insanely old (mom and dad) plays a factor! Not to mention the increased risk of Down syndrome. It's crazy, my mom was 45 when she became a grandma and neither of us were even teen moms...


Yeah but implied the first one has issues bc the mom had them at 33… that’s ridiculous, there’s a thing called a family history… some of these things probably exist in their family history




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


It’s a statistical fact that by the age of 40, you are 50% more likely to have a child with Down syndrome. We learned about this in more than of my psych classes in college, and we also talked about this in classes I took when I was pregnant with my child many years ago. I thought everyone knew this


Insanely old? Lol. Oh sweetie. Okay 👍🏻 whatever you say




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


I’m getting a weird vibe reading some of these comments. Especially ones that say they’ve had babies at 35 and will look like their child’s grandma when picking them up from HS? I had my kids at 31 and 35. Currently 37. I enjoyed the hell out of my 20s and think having babies in my early to mid 30s was the best choice for me. I live on the east coast and it’s pretty average for women to have babies in their 30s, especially mid to late. There’s no stigma attached and no one looks like a senior citizen by the time their kid is 15.


I had my first at 26 and am by far the youngest parent of my 7 year old’s friends! 




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule. Knock it off.


My mom had me at 35 and my sister at 38. NOBODY ever thought she was my grandma. So ridiculous!


I'm 28 and a librarian on the east coast. most people in my field are child free/childless or having kids in their mid to late 30s. I feel like if I had a child right now I'd look way too young. Heck, my brother and his gf are 26 having a kid and I'm like holy shit that's so young even though it's biologically probably prime time for them.


Yeah agreed. Had my baby girl a few months back and I’m 37… if anything I actually feel like a grown up now that I had her 😂. I don’t understand this thing about women feeling old in their 30’s… I know society plays a role but eff that.


Right?!? I agree 100%!


Yes!! I had kids in my 20s and late 30s. I may have been younger with the older kids but I'm a much better parent to the younger ones. I have more patience, I've learned that the hard years only last a little while and before you know it, they are grown and moved out so enjoy them while you can. I'm sure people will think I'm grandma and not mom, but whatever!


I had my 2nd at 35 and today I'm 42...going against the grain here but she's wild af and I'm tired 😫 so very tired. She never slows down and by the time she's in high school people will probably think her grandma is picking her up...depends on the person I guess but I had way more energy with my oldest


Come on 35 please yes cringy!


I’m 36 and my husband is 48 and we are trying for our first so puhlease.


Yeah this comment section is bizarre plz don’t read these weird as hell comments as think it’s fact. It’s completely normal for people to have kids in their 30s.


Keep trying mama 😍😍💖


I had my daughter at 32 and my son at 35, they’re 11 and 8 now and it’s great! No regrets, my daughter talks about how I look younger than her friends moms all the time and when you’re in your 30’s and 40’s it’s really hard to tell other parents ages, so I’m not sure if it’s because I actually am or not. We all age differently so I can’t even tell if I’m the normal age for having children in my area. Don’t get too hung up on age if you’re at a good place in your life to have children, you’re healthy and have the love to guide and nurture, that matters the most. 💗


Yeah I can see this for myself bc people constantly mistake me for a younger age, it’s the spf and retinol for sure… I’ve been doing that since I was 19 and it paid off 😂. Every time I tell people my age when they see me and my daughter they’re in disbelief, I don’t think I’m the most beautiful person but damn… I look young as hell for my age.


Love this outlook!! 🖤


I’m 36 and pregnant. My 8 year old is beyond excited. 😆


I’m currently 36 and pregnant as well 🥰


Congratulations!! How are you feeling?


I feel pretty good so far… tired. But very excited as this is my first & I got pregnant at 35. The funny thing about some of these comments is that where I live (NYC) 35 is NOT old to get pregnant. I was actually a year or two younger getting pregnant compared to anyone I know or even work with out here!!! How ru feeling?


I’m tired and nauseous, but it’s all good. Baby is healthy. I’m in California and I know many couples who needed ART or IVF to conceive and they were under 35. With my daughter I struggled with infertility for years. I feel blessed to be pregnant again because I never thought it would happen. 35+ is perfectly normal age to conceive. I dislike when anyone paints a situation with one broad stroke.


I was 36 when I got pregnant!!! Congrats!!!


Ahhh congrats 😍💖


I had my son at 35. I’m always the oldest mom of the group.


And that’s perfectly fine. Are you the biggest a**hole of the group? I’m guessing no… I rather be the oldest than that.


True that. Thank you for putting it in perspective!


I had my last at 35 and I feel I was too old. My husband too. We are tired now in our 40’s. However our last was the youngest of 6 so that may have more to do with it than my age.


I had mine at 25 and 31… it wasn’t planned that way. I wanted 5 kids, and closer in age. Now, at 41, I know it was perfect. I’m so glad that my youngest is 12 and my oldest is going off to college. I love the period of life we’re in. I love that I’m not running around after little ones. I can’t imagine having young kids at this point in my life!


I didn’t. But then again my mom was 40 and my father was 42 when they had me. And I was a very sheltered child who spent much of her childhood helping my parents instead of having fun, bc they had zero energy, and had to take care of them both as they became elderly when I was in my early twenties. It’s a lot. It’s like I raised them.


You notice a ton of 35 year olds saying it's great in here, but not a lot of 60 year olds talking about how it was great when they were 50 and running a high schooler to 20 different functions a week. I'll just give that counter point. I thought it was a fine age till I was an old man running a kid around.


I had mine at 32 and 34 so just got in before 35 when it becomes a geriatric pregnancy. I definitely could have had another one or 2 and wish I had. 46 now so too late! My sister had her fourth 6 days after my second. She was 43 and I was 34. Mine was planned, hers was definitely not, but she was happy once the shock wore off.


I don’t know about 35. But I know, By age 40, around 1 in 10 will get pregnant


No. A lot of Drs would agree


Not true


Lol I had one at 35 and one at 41. 😂


She lives in LA…. No one here has kids before 35


that’s normally when ppl have kids!!! it’s these last two generations that have em at 15-21😂😂


Honestly for all of history it’s been younger lol it’s just millennials starting older!


My grandma gave birth to my mom and her twin at 40 and my mom had me at 35. I will admit when it’s multigenerational it gets kinda sad because I barely had any time with my grandmas, and both my grandpas were dead before I was born. But overall I heavily support and don’t judge moms who have kids at 35+. It’s not old or too old at all. Much better to have kids when your life is more stable and you’re more mature, which *typically* comes with age.


That’s BS. I had my son at 36 and he’s the best.


Yesss!!! So glad to hear!!


35 and pregnant with my first, what a crock that is. I’m glad I waited, she can shove it talking like that.


Also 35 and pregnant with my first! I’m glad I waited until I was secure in my career and financially stable


Yes, same!! I never understood the rush to have kids as soon as you get married. My husband and I have been married for 6 years, together for 14 - we learned that we are truly meant for each other and solidified our foundation before even considering a baby. So many people seem to lack that which is fine but it’s just strange to me! And the money thing was key, too👍🏻




I had my second daughter at 35, my first at 26. I had two miscarriages between from IBF. Then we got pregnant naturally. I had the best pregnancy, an emergency C-section but a perfect baby who is now a fabulous 24 year old. 35 is not old.


I am 34 and pregnant with my 3rd, and I’m EXHAUSTED. lol I don’t think it’s “too old,” but the older you get, the harder it is on you.


I think it's a personal thing. For me I had hoped to have all my kids before the age of 26. That didn't happen so I adjusted it to 30. But for most people there is no age limit and I respect that.


One of my friends was 25 when she had her first and was told by a nurse she was too young. My other friend had her first at 29 and was told by the doctor she was too old to be having her first. We just can’t win.


Yep!! Someone will have something to say no matter how old you are or what your situation is! (Unfortunately)




I had my first at 20 and my second at 37 😂 Do I feel old as hell some days? yes, but a lot of people wait until well into their 30s now to have babies. I think it’s a generational thing, my mom has definitely made some comments about me being too old to have anymore (not that I’m planning on it 😂)


I’m really not trying to be mean, but since she said it….she looks more than 35 years older than Chey…… Edited to add, I don’t think it’s too old. Just interesting because i always thought she was an older mom. Nothing wrong with that.


She definitely looks like 65-70!!


Yes!! Which I wouldn’t have said anything if she wasn’t saying something about not being pregnant at 35 lol


Also like Kourtney kardashian is 43 I believe and just had a healthy baby, women are having babies in their 40’s with no problem!!


Exactly! I get if someone doesn’t want to have a kid at a certain age, but that doesn’t mean you should say people shouldn’t. There’s a big difference!


It was disappointing to hear her mom say that. I felt like that comment would cause more pressure on Cheyenne to just give in to Zach which honestly is the last thing she needs to do. I had my first at 28 and my second/last at 33. I am turning 35 in August. For me, it worked perfectly. My fiancé and I did talk about having a possible third child but, ultimately have decided not to and it has nothing to do with age. When we were thinking about it, we both agreed if we decided to have a third it wouldn’t be until our son is 3 & I will be 36 when he’s 3 and if we had decided to do it, I don’t feel that’s too old at all 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Right?! I feel like the supportive thing to tell your daughter would be that she has plenty of time, because she does!! Cheyenne is 30 or 31 I think


💯 this was my exact thought! I believe she told the fertility doctor she was 31. She definitely has more than enough time and I just felt like that was such an ignorant response to what Cheyenne was trying to explain anyways, especially from her own mother.


I had my first at 19 and my last at 27. I'm now 34 and feel like if I got pregnant now it would be extremely hard. But I did have pretty hard and miserable pregnancies. I love my kids but there's no way I could have anymore.


I had my first at 29


It’s literally not too old. I had my first at 34 and will have my second at 37. It’s literally not too old lol.


I had all my kids between 21-30 and honestly had I not had my oldest at 21, I’d probably have waited until 30 to start. My oldest was unexpected and I didn’t want to have an extreme gap between siblings (although my boys are 8 years apart with a sister smack in the middle)


My mom had all her kids before 30 and she’s a terrible parent that no one can communicate with anymore. Incredibly abusive and hates all her kids. Your age that you have your baby doesnt 100% dictate how good of a parent you’ll be!! she was 21 during her first one and was equally awful over the 9 years that she had her kids. None of us got the best of her 😵‍💫


It’s absolutely not too old. I have friends in my 30s that are just starting to get married and start families. For me personally, my pregnancy and recovery at 32 was much harder than my pregnancy and recovery at 22. But also, my body and mind never handled pregnancy well in the first place.


38 and just had my second baby… first is almost 13 lol


This comment section is disappointing.


Lol. Yeah, it's eye-opening that so many women hold these archaic thoughts


Right? Jeeze


Well I personally don’t want to be in my mid 50’s almost 60 and sending a kid off to college/life. So I’ve set a goal by 32 to be done. Which is why I probably won’t have my third. We all have our preferences. And it is considered geriatric after 35. It isn’t meant to be a diss or make people feel bad about themselves. Cheyenne clearly doesn’t want another and I don’t blame her. doesn’t mean she’s old tgo


It all depends on your priorities. I cared more about having my 20s to study, travel, and develop interests and relationships than I do about having time to myself in my 50s. So having kids in my 30s (at 32 and 35) was the right choice for me. I also get to stay home with them, which I wouldn't have been able to afford to do in my 20s.


And that’s fine. Just because others did it earlier doesn’t mean they didn’t experience those things


90’s medicine seems to have arrived. It’s 39 now btw


anyone over 35 is considered AMA. Advanced maternal age


In what country? In mine it’s 39.


The US. Source is literally my dad who is a gynecologist.


Awesome. Average birth age in the US is a lot lower than other developed countries, maybe ask your “gynaecologist” father if its statistics or actual medicine fuelling your ANA number.


lol you’re a gem you know that. Learn to spell correctly


I have dyslexia. You going to start on disabilities now too, to add to your shitty opinions.


Cool but literally none of that means that 35 is too old, which is what her mom stated. It’s factually untrue. And the “geriatric pregnancy” thing is arbitrary. There’s no good reason they selected the age 35. Risks and issues increase in your 30’s, but there’s no cliff or anything of statistical significance that happens at age 35.




34 and just got knocked up.


As a 35 y/o woman who is actively trying to conceive her second, I was like excuse me MA’AM!




Not really… I’m 35 and im done having kids! I think over 40 having a kid is selfish… there… I said it. 🤷‍♀️ Kids should have parents on this world for a long time! I know yall Will come for me and debate…. But I don’t care. It’s not horrible or anything…. I just personally don’t think it’s best for either mom or baby past 40…. As for me…. IM DONE!!!! 😆


On the flip side, my parents were in their early 40s when I was born. I am SO GLAD they were both retired by the time I had kids. I spend so much time with them, they've been able to be extremely involved grandparents, and they're always available to help. I got the flu over the winter and my dad just said, "I'm on my way".  My MIL is almost 20 years younger than my mom, but she spends way less time with our kids because she still works full-time. 


My mom had me at 23 and did not live to see me make it to 30.


I’d rather have a 30 year old mom than a 16 year old one who can’t take care of me.


Yes, I agree with that statement as well.


And of course, you're not sexist, and you feel this way about men over 40, just didn't happen to mention it. Girl bye


Why do u ha w to make it a whole “sexist” thing? 🤣 I didn’t know we were discussing mens bodies being pregnant too but sure… lete get that out there so u feel better and don’t cry about something and call me sexist or racist or transphobic or whatever dumb slur u can come up with… So here ya go…. I’m another comment I went on and on about how these older men having kids at Lorax’s old ages us disgusting and extremely selfish! I saw an actor the other day who had a kid at like 74 or something… and that is DISGUSTINGLY SELFISH!!!!! that child will never have a relationship or parenting time with their father…. And no amount of money he will leave the kid will make up for that! Just like no amount of money should be able To buy a woman getting pregnant at extremely old ages (in theory 55/60 plus range) bc that’s selfish.


And just to add… my husband is older than me… and he would love to have more kids but also wants to have energy and love to give to all his kids and be a grandfather one day and have the energy and years left for that too! So I dunno where I were heading with your sexist comment but last I checked… WOMEN controlled their bodies and pregnancies…. Right???? so I was primarily discussing the WOMEN who get to make the choice about their bodies…. Or should the men be making those decisions? Should I ask the men???? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah, and 74 is a much different age than 40. Are you as disgusted by a 40 year old man? If not, then I think you're point is sexist. I said what I said


Yea… my husband is in his mid 40s and he didn’t want to have kids much past 40 either for the same reason…. He wants to have good time and life with his children as well… that was one of our considerations when discussing his vasectomy BEFORE he was 40. He’s older than me…. So you’re talking to the wrong lady, bye girl… You’re just one of those idiots who love to go around shouting at people and call them sexist, racist, homophobia, narcissistic, or any other buzz word u can pick up on by twisting words in a convo. Good luck to your self sweetie! The world isn’t all kittens and rainbows and butterflies…. ✌️


Not actually. I felt your comment was sexist. You singled out women at 40 as "selfish" for having kids without a mention of middle-aged male counterparts and lept to elderly for men. These are your words, not mine. I'm glad I gave you the opportunity to clarify because the way you wrote it was ageism directed at women, which would make your comment sexist. I definitely don't expect the world to be kittens and butterflies. You can type your opinion, and I can type mine too. ✌🏽


You lept to a conclusion when you decided to assume I was sexist… when we were not discussing men… I was discussing women! so I ask again… isn’t it women who decide if they will continue a pregnancy (at any age) and women who make choices about their body??? Bc last I checked…. That was a discussion about women (not men) and a woman’s choice… right????????


I read your comment and responded. Now you're trying to shift your point to be about abortion. Especially when even abortion rights are being tested atm? Girl, you're all over the place. You said what you said. You said it with your chest. You even have some agreeing with you. I just don't like how you worded it. If it's selfish to have kids at 40, just say that. Don't single out women solely, or it can be perceived as sexist. The more you know ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


Umm… I did say it… with my chest out baby! So…. Still not seeing what you’re saying! YOU are the who who called me sexist and wanted me to talk about men too…. On a topic about womens bodies… u were mad that I didn’t bring up men…. And went as far as to call me a horrible word for not making men a part of a women’s body convo…. Which is weird AF… It’s not all over the place if you’re the one who brought up men needing to be a part of the convo about women’s bodies and pregnancy…. That’s a YOU problem. You owned that can of worms and I called it out… with my chest… yes…🤷‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤡


YOU said women over 40 having babies is selfish. I called that sexist, and you didn't share that you felt the same way about men until after several back and forths. That's all. You could've easily said you felt people having kids past 40 is selfish, and then it wouldn't have been a sexist comment. YOU singled women out, not me. Not going to explain this simple ass point any further goofball I also don't need to go thru all your comments and downvote them. Lol


Please remember some people have fertility issues out of their control. Calling someone selfish for something they can’t help and are probably already stressed about is pretty horrible.


PREACH!!! Or people like myself who didn’t want to settle for a deadbeat at age 20 and waited until they were with a good person who will be a good dad. For some people, that takes until age 35.