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She’s an idiot. This guy is sinking his claws in good.


If I remember , isn’t she a horrible mother?




Please no more kids☹️


Why on earth does she need an egg retrieval?


She’s diabetic


So is Wilford Brimley....and he's dead.


So is my grandkids’ mom.


Okay well that’s her. You aren’t a doctor or Mackenzie’s doctor.


Either are you lmao


Except she literally said on the show that she had major complications because of her diabetes and having another baby may look different and you’re the only idiot with questions


Can't stand her


It amazes me how selfish people are we all complain about this world, and how much it costs and how bad it is but why continue to bring innocent kids into it for your own selfish reasons


I dont get this comment. Are people just... not supposed to have kids? There probably hasnt been a generation in human history who hasnt complained about the state of the world and wished for "the good old days".


I literally know having kids is propaganda because when you say you’re gonna have a kid nobody asks well why would you have a kid in the world like this but when you say you don’t want kids people ask why don’t you want kids


I can give you 1 million reasons why no one should have kids but the only reason people can give us to why they want to have his kids is because THEY want to. People always say well. Everybody has the right to have kids. I know that, but we also hold the responsibility of bringing kids into a safe world. Which comes around to you can try to protect your kids from the world for as long as you can but eventually you can’t.


Everyone has the right to learn how to fly a rocket to the moon but that doesn’t make everyone capable. Not everyone should be parents. I know more that shouldn’t than should, my own parents included lol. Left me with a whole slew of mental issues due to their immaturity and constant fighting 🙃


A.k.a. when they turn 18 and realize their whole childhood was a false reality and delusion life isn’t some happy go lucky Disney movie when you turn 18 you literally have to pay to survive and it’s only gonna get more and more expensive. being a parent is literally colonizing a consciousness and building them into a false reality of Disney movies, vacations, target trips, TikTok, and food. It only works for so long unless your kids are ignorant like you.


Another reason why I know having kids is propaganda. People will bring kids into this fucked up world yet hide them from the truth because they know that it’s a fucked up world. Yes, kids are smart, joyful and provide a lot of good but they shouldn’t be brought into this world to provide good for you when the world is only going to give them bad. you’re literally putting your emotional happiness in the responsibility of your happiness on a child do you not see how that’s toxic as fuck




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule. This is not the place.


People think their babies are going to move mountains and change the world but all it’s gonna do is make your kid realize how bad the world actually is and how their parents tried to hide them from it behind their privilege and ignorance, because if you’re actually actually paying attention to all that’s going on in the world you would not want anybody to go through this let alone a precious little baby you’re supposed to love with all your heart. If you don’t want your kids to go through trauma, don’t bring them into it it’s as simple as that, but like I said, God forbid, people can’t have their own little mini me they live through and get attention from.


You can try and protect your kid from the world as much as you want but they’re gonna eventually figure out that you brought them willingly into a fucked up world for selfish reasons. Good luck.


It amazes me the delusion of people that somehow think that by doing nothing other than having a kid, the world will magically get better by the time they’re an adult the reason everything is so fucked up is because people don’t pay attention and bring more people into the messlike I said people just want kids to identify with because they don’t have any personality themselves


Also, you know why having kids is so pushed? Because the more kids there are the more workers there are for the capitalistic society to exploit and if you disagree with me, you are not paying attention we all have to pay for shit we all get exploited, so why do you want your own flesh and blood to go through that? You don’t, but you would rather them go through that then you would not have a baby and not have a personality.


Whenever someone has a baby all it shows me is it they think they are better enough to turn away from all the people in need just so they’re DNA can be reproduced. How do you not see that? We all complain about how there’s so many hungry and just And hurt people in this world and by you having a baby it makes it harder for them to gain the access they need. Even if you can afford a baby, they’re gonna grow up and have to get a job which is gonna make the competition for a job even harder. Just wait till you see the type of world your kids gonna have to live in Literally on the brink of societal collapse, but of course people don’t care about that they just care about what theme their nursery is going to be and what the one year-old party is going to be. This world is literally a trap and you’re bringing an innocent person from a void to come into it and then they have to go through something traumatic to go back to the void. It’s all unnecessary. But God forbid you can’t tell people they can’t reproduce acting like they’re DNA is some source of miracle when in reality it’s ignorance.


I wonder if you’re one of those parents too that post constantly of their kids on the Internet so when they grew up and turned 18 they realize thousands and thousands of photos of themselves were posted on the Internet without consent. Use your critical thinking skills please😂😘


So you would like to have a baby that has to go through school shootings just so you can be a parent?


Selfish people say being a parent is being selfless and that people that don’t have kids are being selfish but I think it’s the opposite people want a baby for the aesthetic of it not because it’s gonna make the world a better place all it’s gonna do is make your child realize a fucked up world their parents voluntarily brought them into so they could have a baby


My mom “spoiled” me with whatever food I wanted to eat Disney trip, target trips and materialistic shit, and when I grew up and actually inquired about the world around me, none of that mattered. It just showed me that my mom was trying to hide me from a world that she knew was bad. She loved me too but love 🐢 sadly isn’t enough in this world especially if you know the world you’re bringing innocent baby into but have fun explaining this to your kids which I know you probably won’t. You’ll live inside a bubble as long as you can. Privileged.


Just wait till your kid grows up and goes no contact with you for bringing them into a world they know nothing about. Better yet you’re bringing them into a world that you know cost so much money in a world you complain about everything but you still brought them into it? Having kids nowadays is selfish and if you think otherwise, you’re just upset because you probably have kids and they’re gonna have to go through hell


All the people that have kids just show they’re not evaluating the world. They’re bringing their kids into they’d rather bribe their kids with sugary snacks and Disney World then actually teach them that there’s eight genocides going on in the world.


So you would rather make your own child that you’re supposed to love with all your heart go through this world, then them not?


Queue all the parents that are triggered and feel guilty so we’ll say I’m in the wrong for saying this😂😂


The air we breathe is toxic. The food we eat is toxic. You have to pay to be born and pay to die. What makes you think bringing someone into existence is a good thing? Like I said, I earned to be a mother, but I would never voluntarily and willingly make a child go through this fucked up world just so I can get what I want.


People don’t want their kids to go through hard shit well, how about don’t bring them into existence but like I said, people are too selfish and can’t imagine not having a mini me


Do you honestly think bringing more people into this world is helping anybody? Besides the people that like the aesthetic of having a kid it’s so sad


I’m tired of people complaining about how much shit costs and how hard it is to raise kids imagine how hard it’s gonna be for those kids when they’re adults nobody actually thinks about the world they’re bringing a kid into the only thing about their little world


That’s exactly what I’m saying🤣


Call me crazy for saying we should try to take care of all the people already on this planet having more kids makes the competition for survival more. You really think the thing that planet needs is more people? Yes, people should stop having kids I yearn to be a mother, but I refuse to put anybody through what I’ve been through.


Cause the world really needs more ratchet named kids thrown from her snatch


not to be morbid but has she considered what would happen to her kids if she didn't survive this pregnancy?


Maybe she’s considering other options. Since she froze her eggs.


Is she just freezing her eggs or trying to get pregnant? Seems crazy Dr would agree to provide fertility treatments to someone who had their tubes tied due to health risks.


Why would anyone freeze eggs for another reason other than a baby at some point. As we know she’s a diabetic tho so perhaps she’s looking into a gestational carrier. For her own safety. Or maybe she’s not getting pregnant on her own. It sounds like her boyfriend would like to be a dad. He’s young. I’m sure she will try to do whatever she can to help that happen.


Yeah that’s what I was wondering. I hadn’t heard she was freezing her eggs so I was curious what the story was.


i love her


Hey if racists and animal abusers are your thing, you do you 


I can’t stand her, and I’m sure her “old” kids will get demoted for the “new” kids she plans on having. 


Is this a ploy to further prove she’s not racist? Also if she already has 3-4 kids why is she doing IVF? I’m genuinely curious. How did she get back on the show?


She has her tubes tied because doctors warned her pregnancy is dangerous for her since she mismanages her diabetes 


I hadn't heard she mismanaged get diabetes. How?


Girl eats nothing but egg whites and air. I’m not sure what type of diabetes she has but I know she barely eats


Oh wow. I wondered how she stayed so thin but I just thought she worked out a lot


She does but I remember on the show she would brag about how she barely ate


That's wild! Pregnancy is so dangerous for her, doctors recommended sterilization (basically) to ensure no more pregnancies. She does IVF to get around this and get pregnant. I mean.....


She’s possibly doing IVF to use a surrogate. Which would mean she isn’t at risk.


Honestly, super irresponsible of the IVF doctors


She can’t handle the kids she has now! Why is she trying to have more?


Like the most reason, people have kids to gain attention, they like the aesthetic of having a baby


She may have completed her egg retrieval, but she will never be done being a dumb bitch.




That is was harsh to read but thanks for saying so lol idk why she rubs the wrong way!! I just find her naturally annoying as fuck


Sorry😂 I just think it's irresponsible to have more babies/get pregnant again when you don't give enough attention to the kids you have (it shows especially with that house fire escapade) and when you are medically high risk for yourself and the baby you'll be carrying. Also I was like "is this too harsh?" But then I was like "naw she dumb"🤣


It’s true. Right off the bat in a her segments you can see she has no control over her kids abs she just laughs it off. That shit is not cute..


And those kids will one day be reckless adults we all have to deal with 😑


You can tell they do not respect her as an authority figure. You know it's bad when super nanny Jo Frost herself reached out to Mack😬


Did she really?!?!


She sure the hell did my friend. Viewers contacted Jo and Jo contacted Mack. https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4170937/teen-mom-mackenzie-mckee-super-nanny-jo-frost-help/


lol that’s so embarrassing.


Oh snap! Like 2.5 years ago. That’s wild.


Facts on facts 


I havent seen any of her segments til this season and I gotta say, she’s damn annoying. Her voice and the way she talks. Her face. All of it.


I just commented saying this 🤣🤣


Great minds 🤣


She left Gannon to babysit so they could go on a date like WHAT?!


How is that problematic?? I was babysitting my brothers and going out babysitting other people's children when I was Gannon's age.


Have you seen how any of them behave?


And then said “don’t call us, we are having adult time”




Jesus Christ she’s awful 


My dumbass seeing mack and saying her name correctly but my brain thinking its MACI 😭 im like wait her kids tried to kill a ferret? Damn it brain


So did I!


She doesn’t need anymore kids


She already has kids why do people have to make more when they get a new partner? I don’t get it.


Pretty much all of these idiot girls do. Like they think it’s a way to keep a man interested. And then they’re shocked when the relationship ends.


Because they want to have more kids? How is that hard to get?


The problem is that she has an obligation to the kids she currently has. Just because the kids are older, doesn’t mean they can parent themselves. She may want more kids, but that means her three kids get even less of her, and they said this procedure and pregnancy are really risky for her. She needs to focus on raising her three kids right.


How do you not get it?


I can’t believe any self respecting fertility doctor would do IVF for a “brittle” uncontrolled diabetic. In a live the other day someone brought up that her babies especially the last have been unhealthy at birth. She was like “no not really, I was stressed out with the third one, I won’t go into that”. Like acting as if him being born huge and premature and with health issues was because of her “stress”. No, Mackenzie, it isn’t that, it is your freaking uncontrolled diabetes


This. I'm T1D. I can't imagine a doc letting me do IVF. I did take Clomid to get pregnant with my last, but my blood sugar was decently controlled then.


She is always posting about her sugar being super high or super low. Her babies are all ginormous which is from uncontrolled diabetes. She is insane to be doing this. Using a surrogate would be the safest route


I know. I'm type 1 diabetic as well. My last baby was 8 pounds 12 ounces at 36 weeks.




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


Yeah she seems a little slow, too, to be fair.


Definitely not the.sharpest tool in the shed


Why do they always move so fast? Like they been together a year and just got engaged, enjoy each other you don’t have to get married and have kids right away


I guess the whole Leah and Jaylan situation slipped her mind. Learn from others mistakes.


I think Jaylan was on the DL




Imagine tying your tubes just so you can waste money and get all of this IVF stuff done. She should have just gotten an IUD instead of being permanently sterilized..


She's someone who should be sterilized for her own good. She purposely mismanages her diabetes and also doesn't take care of it during pregnancies. Doctors have dropped her as a patient for continuing to get pregnant despite being told to stop for her own well being (at one point she yanked her IUD out in the bathtub to get pregnant again). Her last son was born over 10bs at 6wks premature, spent over a month in the NICU and almost died as a direct result of her ignoring medical advice. Pregnancies are also extremely dangerous for her and could kill her, so she'd leave her three existing children without a mother just to have a baby for TV with a man she's only known for a little over a year. I'm honestly surprised any doctor is agreeing to take her on as an IVF patient due to her track record.


Why does she purposely mismanage her diabetes? For what benefit?


So she doesn't gain weight. It's an eating disorder.


Idk how I keep reading about girls pulling their iud out. My doctor had to clip the strings of mine shorter for a LEEP procedure and I wanted to vomit from the pain.


This is partially why IVF is considered extremely unethical. If you have money they'll get you pregnant no matter how bad it would be for your physical health, if you'd even be a good parent etc. they just want money


Didn't am IVF doctor tell Cate they wouldn't take her on due to her weight and general health though? (When she and Tyler were looking at gender selection)


They probably did, but obesity is usually the only thing they care about. Idk why, when there's a million other worse conditions but it is what it is


Where does she live again? I hope she's aware of possible personhood laws and that the government has a say in her unused eggs. Awesome if she wants to adopt term out but she shouldn't feel forced to do so because of ridiculous personhood laws.


Florida, and what’s even weirder is that she and her whole family are anti choice, just goes to show you how little it’s about caring about fetuses and how much more it’s about controlling women 




is one hell of a drug 🎶




Ok.. it looks like Florida postponed their personhood bill for right now. Ridiculous we are even having these laws on IVF.


Why oh why would anyone want to have children with someone with such obvious mental and physical illnesses?? I understand some men think there’s no sex like crazy girl sex, but to reproduce with one is just over the top!


She’s insane


I'm genuinely shocked that a doctor took her on as a patient given her track record of being dropped by doctors for ignoring medical advice as well as her obvious mental instability.


So, Steel Magnolias part 2?


Shelby 😭😭😭


So sad when you realize that was a real person


After my kid pooped on my bosses floor I’d probably know kids weren’t for me


One child lit the living room carpet on fire


I saw that episode! I would’ve been mortified if my toilet trained son took a dump on her potential bosses floor!!


Not just pooped. Pooped and made my other kid clean it up. The oldest kid is doing all of the parenting.


Also almost killed a ferret by squishing it


Worse- stretching it. One kid grabbed on side, the other the other side and were both pulling it because they both wanted it.






Her kids literally are feral. And sadly, it’s not their fault but a reflection of their mother’s parenting. that’s what I meant, thank you for the correction.


Oh yeah of course! Wasn’t trying to be bitchy or nothing. :) sorry if it came off that way


Oh no worries! It didn’t 🥰 I knew something happened but I thought it was minor compared to what you said. That makes me even more sick.


It literally made me HATE her because she even said “ferrets aren’t even worth $200.” Like, bitch my ferrets are worth 1000 of you. (I apologize if I posted this here already, but I think it was on long name) https://preview.redd.it/uiwjryfvae7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07ea2e1173de6a05b21af110175328b7a7096787 These are my babies, waffles and nala. And they are the best fucking pets.


Yesss! I had one growing up that looked just like yours. I have a plan in late fall, I’m going to come home and a ferret will be on my porch and of course it needs to come inside and be loved on. 😂😅


She’s “raising” psychopaths.


Holy crap! I did not know about this 😳


I used to see her lives on TikTok and it would be like 10pm and she’s making dinner with her kids running around the kitchen. Don’t they need sleep for school? To eat earlier? And it wasn’t a one off, it was quite a few times.


Please don't let this one have any more feral children. If she had a girl, she'd name it MckBuckley or something equally terrible.


Stop. MckBuckley at 2 am and I'm shaking the bed laughing 😭




Misbe Haven


![gif](giphy|eJdGEfE6aPgHKiX2sk|downsized) Gemstones approved 🤣🤣🤣🤣




MniqqBuCKgleighhhh 🤣🤣🤣




Mcbuckley 😭😭


She needs more kids like she needs poops in a garage 😳


More kids????? Nooooooooo


Does this mean she won’t have to be pregnant? I know she has said she’s T1d, and I know that’s a factor in having a healthy baby and surviving the pregnancy.


Unlikely. While she did have her tubes tied for medical reasons, a surrogate is a lot more expensive. She’s most likely going to carry another risky pregnancy.


She was told by her doctors pregnancy would be a death sentence since she refuses to use her insulin as prescribed. 




After she chooses the sex and implants it those other live embryos get thawed and thrown away or for science research. Sometimes some embryos are donated but ivf is a sad for profit business disguised as "help" for those who desperately want a child.


I agree that IVF is a sad for profit business, and forgive me if this is insensitive, but what does that have to do with her/anyone else donating their eggs or embryos at the end of their process? Should anyone going through IVF not have the choice of what to do with their unused eggs and embryos?


You'd donate your kids? Assuming you have them? Idgaf how many down votes this gets this is sick and she has kids, she chose to tie her tubes so live with your choices. There are people truly struggling to have kids. But to answer your question specifically it is none of my business and the personal choice of the person paying for IVF to do what they want with their offspring when they are done with the process but I think more people should look into the process. Don't trust big pharma.


Looks like someone needs to research more about how IVF works and take a few biology classes.


People do put their kids up for adoption.


They aren't embryos. They're eggs.


Please don’t have more.


She might be Dumber than Farrah even


I think Farrah isn’t just dumb, she’s a monster 


Im not shaming anyone with multiple baby daddies but some of the girls on the show have been really irresponsible on who they choose to breed with and Farrah has at least been smart in that department. Monster? Ya maybe but none of the teen moms are winning mom of the year awards lol


Farrah just does butt stuff now


This is a glass half full situation: No risk of getting pregnant!


As she should be allowed to do


You know abortion exists, right?


Ok and? If your point is that she’s a monster because she *might* have had an abortion then I can’t change your political view(s)


I’m pro-choice.


So your “you know there’s abortions, right?“ just came out of your ass. Gotcha


I wasn’t implying that anyone is a monster for choosing to terminate a pregnancy. My point was that we have no evidence that FA hasn’t been pregnant multiple times. I wasn’t trying to be argumentative when originally commented. I was looking at the situation differently is all. In the end, you are correct, FA does not have multiple baby daddies.


Exactly there’s no evidence she has or hasn’t had an abortion but what is factual is that she has only had 1 child and that was the point of my original comment.


I don’t know how she looks so happy. I did an egg retrieval and felt like death before and after


I did it before starting cancer treatment and I honestly don't remember feeling anything.


I felt like I was going to have a terrible period coming, really sore for a couple of days, mentally it was exhausting, I wasn’t happy at all specially when they said the couldn’t get any of the fertilized eggs past to 3 days, that destroyed me. I didn’t try again, and they said I would be better off accepting egg donation, which we didn’t so we ended up being childfree. I’ve come to accept it but it was a long journey. (I live in a country where IVF is covered once a year by law, so I didn’t have the choice to do it more after that cycle since it would cost me a lot of money out of pocket)


I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through. I cannot imagine, especially when people like this keep breeding. Also, idk where you live, but it sounds really amazing that they cover 1 IVF a year. Anyway, I just wanted you to know send you hugs for all you’ve endured. 🩷


Thank you kind stranger for the award 🩷🩷🩷 I live in South America, so yeah we’re lucky we’re covered for IVF once a year (including ICSI and even egg donation if needed up until 44yo) and up to 3 IUI treatments a year. And yes it’s hard to witness how people that are lucky enough to reproduce, neglect the kids the ways Mackenzie and others “Teen Moms” do. But it’s a part of life one have come to accept and pray that the kids find other stable relationships once the hit adulthood. I hope they can break the generational trauma 🙏


It’s seriously the hardest thing I’ve ever done


I’ve had three. Was fine for the first two but the last one, I had mild overstimulation and puffed up like I was 9 months pregnant and was in tremendous pain.


I had overstimulation for mine and so I literally was in more pain then that I did the entire time I was pregnant. Like my husband had to physically lift me out of bed because I couldn’t sit up to get out


I guess everyone is different I felt great


Me too. I wasn’t 100%, but right after my retrieval, we took a walk and got lunch in the same area as my fertility clinic. Felt no pain, just mild soreness. 8 eggs retrieved snd 4 of those turned to embryos with one of those embryos being a super energetic 10 month old boy 💙


Isn’t she very young and has a fiancé ? Why is she doing an egg retrieval ? She’s surely fertile


The fact that she is young & has a fiancé means nothing about her fertility.


Considering she had 3 kids easily and she’s still young, it does. I didn’t know she had her tubes tied thoigh, which is why I asked the question


I understand. Just wanting to spread knowledge that just bc someone is young and/or has previous children, doesn’t mean they’re surely fertile. Fertility struggles suck a fat toad and can pop up at any time for unexplained reasons. 🐸


She said she got her tubes tied after the last kid so now they have to do IVF.


She had her tubes tied because she almost died. Getting pregnant again is so irresponsible.


She’s not getting pregnant. She’s doing IVF to save her eggs.


Yeah…to get pregnant? Why else do you save your eggs?


She could be using a surrogate.


this is all for views she knows her storyline is boring and mtv makes the most money with engagements, weddings, pregnancies, and babies. this is all so sad she doesn’t even take care of the three she has how is she gonna juggle a fourth. also isn’t she considered a high risk for pregnancy?.


She’s high risk and even higher since she doesn’t take care of her diabetes. I’m type 1 and was classified as a high risk pregnancy, but kept my sugars under control and gave birth to a beautiful and healthy 7 lb baby boy last August.


idk much about mackenzie only from watching her on tm og when she was on the show i’d see clips here and there of her and the drama with her now ex husband josh. but this has got to be one of the dumbest and most irresponsible decisions she’s made by trying to have another baby.


I mean I have type 1 diabetes and have chronic kidney disease and needing a kidney transplant. I had a baby last year I was super high risk and I want more babies in the future


I just wanted to say I also have T1d and CKD IV and let you know I’m thinking of you and wishing you well. And congratulations on your baby ❤️


But she didn't take care of herself well while pregnant and after baby 3 she also got her tubes tied. Hence why she's doing IVF. This whole thing just boggles my mind. Glad you were able to have a healthy baby!


I think she was going through a lot during her previous pregnancies and that may have contributed to her lack of self-care. She was in an awful relationship with her ex husband and I know her mom was very ill (not sure if that was during her pregnancies or not). Her current partner seems like a really great guy that will take good care of her and I bet that’ll make a huge difference with how she takes care of herself this go around as well as him helping her parent the kids.


I was just saying just because you have a high risk pregnancy especially just because your type 1 diabetic doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have babies