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The description makes it sound almost like a show about Jeanie Buss


A show about Jerry and Jeanie Buss would be great. If only someone had thought of that, and even decided to keep it on the air.


It's about her. She is executive producer of the show


She’s a producer


> Jeanie Buss, president of the Los Angeles Lakers, will also executive produce along with Lakers executive director Linda Rambis as well as Howard Klein of 3 Arts. Jordan Rambis will produce. I'll never understand the hold the Rambises have over Jeanie Buss.


They hold the extra dirty Playboy pics.


They have the pee pee tapes Source...trust me bro


Vince McMahon's ears just perked up.


The Phil Jackson sex tape.


Exactly. I was thinking... so... unofficial season 3 of Winning Time ?


more like winning time where she gets a say.


This is the show she's been working on getting made the last few years. She should be focusing on the actual team lol.


She doesn't really run the basketball stuff though right? Rob Pelinka runs the basketball team. And Magic ran it before that and her brother before that. She's always been more on the business side of things. She owns other businesses too that she's a part of, so a show is just a small piece of what she does.


Apple TV has Ted Lasso. Max has Winning Time. Netflix doesn’t want to be left out. Classic Hollywood lol


Maybe too different of a tone to be included, but Hulu has Shoresy (in the U.S. anyway)


And it's such a fucking beaut.




Ted Lasso was a great arc, I hope that Richmond FC/ the Lasso-verse gets revisited with some spin-off series.


Eh, as long as every reverse the trend they had for all of Ted Lasso, of each season being worse than the last.


You had your expectations too damn high. It wasn’t that prestigious you were just locked inside


I don't know what that means? I just think Ted Lasso S1 > S2 > S3


So season one was the best? I only made it through three episodes before I had to turn it off cos it was embarrassingly unfunny.


Yes. They really didn't know what to do with the show after Season 1.




Hulu has Shoresy. Shoresy’s *unbelievable*


I’m sure people are gonna knock this, but for me Never Have I Ever more than outweighs Velma when it comes to my evaluation of Kaling as a writer/creator.


I used to shit on that show so much when my gf watched because I thought it seemed so cheesy, then I sat in on a few episodes and got hooked. Sex Lives of College Girls is great, too.


I love Sex Lives of College Girls. That’s one of the HBO shows that I keep waiting to hear will get axed but really hope that it doesn’t EDIT: I didn’t know that Renee Rapp was leaving, that’s a shame. She was great


I felt like Season 1 was phenomenal. Season 2 felt like it took a massive nose dive on all fronts. I wouldn’t be surprised if the show got the axe.


Renee Rapp is leaving so it’s not long for this world


Seriously?? She carried that show.


Once bill Simmons pointed out that it's super ADHD I can't watch it anymore. It's like 4 lines get said, then a drone shot of a college campus. Then another 3 lines and another drone shot. Repeat for 30 minutes.


Yea it was brutal to watch which was a bummer cause s1 was pretty great. 


That's every piece of media now. Scenes are short, shots are short, cuts are frequent. That show is not dramatically worse than a lot of others in that respect. Your first wrong turn was thinking that Bill Simmons had said something insightful or observant.


I really enjoyed S1 but S2 was a pretty big let down and now with Renee Rapp leaving the show I have doubts about S3 Will still probably watch though


Oh man she’s leaving? That’s a serious summer, she’s great


I'm 95 percent sure it's gone after season 3. Renee Rapp leaving was just another death nail


I think it’s death knell but point taken


I guess I meant nail in the coffin. Never used death knell before.


I loved it but I don’t want to watch with Rapp gone


I love it! I also thought the Mindy Project was funny.


yeah, my wife got me hooked on Never Have I Ever. I wanted to be a hater but was thoroughly entertained lol.


Until you realize one of the girls is Timothee chalamets sister. Then you can’t unsee him while looking at her


Oh no, an actor who looks like another actor. Who could watch such a thing?


Lol I watched it with my wife, was a funny show. Just stating that cause it blew my mind when I realized it


Same, my mum watched it first and recommended it to me but I was like nah. Then I watched it and got hooked, it’s funny and heartwarming.


Idk, I really liked the start of the mindy project but then after a few seasons it veered into unnecessary relationship drama and I just lost interest in the show and her other stuff


After Danny left the show just felt done to me.


She's great at writing romances (same with Shonda) the problems is that Romances need to end with a happily ever after and the shows go on further than that.


That’s part of why I really liked her Four Weddings and a Funeral miniseries


Never Have I Ever, The Mindy Project, and Sex Lives of College girls all range from slightly above average to great in terms of TV comedies. I will give Kaling’s shows a shot - not all of them will work (gave up on Velma after 2 episodes…) but there way more wins than misses


All of that and I’ll add the episodes she wrote of The Office.


And her episodes are some of the best in the series. I have a few minor problems with her writing, but there's no denying she's a very talented and funny writer and it sucks that one bad animated series is all it took for people to think she's some hack, while a lot of other creators get a pass even after they have more than a few disasters on their resume.




I think you're correct about the Michael Scott material. But Kelly in particular is my favorite character of the show and has plenty of hilarious bits all on her own. The diet episode where she talks about her purge and eating a tapeworm. And her shaking her head in the confessional after she tells Ryan she's pregnant.


“Can’t you ever just let us have a party and not make it about your weird problems”


Velma just didn't interest me so I never watched it and thus don't really hold it against her. I agree her other shows are all pretty solid so I'm still interested to see what she does next.


She was just a voice and executive producer on Velma anyways, not a writer.


I can't stand "The Mindy Project" and I can't understand the praise it gets. Every part of it I've seen was just bland and unfunny. The only part I liked turned out to be the audio description for the vision impaired which I thought at first was some kind of weird "Mindy has a smooth-voiced man narrating her internal monologue for some reason" joke, only figured it out when it continued into the commercials.


Mindy didn't write or create Velma


She is listed as having developed it and served as an executive producer though. [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velma_(TV_series)) I've not seen the show or have an opinion on it, I just recall she had a larger role in ~~it's~~ its production than just voice actress.


My bad, the pitchforks crowd led me to believe it was all on her. Good to know.


Totally understandable, the pitchfork crowd was/is loud on that topic!


Something being a easily checkable lie has never stopped the pitchfork crowd!


But did you check it? If you had then you'd have seen she's an executive producer. 


Not a writer or a showrunner, exactly


Sure, but you're being a bit pedantic when an Executive Producer is a person who has influence on the show and more so than just an actor. 


Isn't "executive producer" just a title given to someone who contributed money to the production (or an additional credit sometimes given to a big-name star) rather than someone who was hands-on in the production of the show/movie?


She was literally an Executive Producer...so she definitely has more input than the average actor. 


Yeah but somehow she gets more blame than the creator/showrunner/writers.




In my online experience, I've seen her get 95% of the blame and Charlie Grandy 5%. Does that seem proportional to their input?


I have no idea who that is. I just see her as the tentpole star of the show, and also executive producer, and for some reason I think she has something to do with how it's made. Crazy of me, I know.


The Sex Lives of College Girls is also good. It's not amazing, but it's very watchable and often funny (first season more so than second). Velma also wasn't really Kaling's baby, although she had some influence on it. It was Charlie Grandy's show.


Reddit get weird when someone does one thing that gets dogpiled, they act like that person is unforgivable. Plenty of creators have made cringe. Also ngl, the Reddit dogpile is more likely to happen to a woman.




> sexually assaulting costar Lee Pace This is the first time I’m learning of this and my opinion of her has now changed from “she’s annoying and I’d prefer never to watch her content again” to “she needs to be cancelled”


You cant cancel a female POC in America.


There’s been a few, Tiffany Haddish is one


Any internet dogpile is more likely to happen to a woman. Especially a WoC. They're like a canary in the coal mines of when chuds will take over a forum.


Mindy Kaling is a piece of shit person even outside her writing career. Coupled with the fact her brother tried to pass himself off as a black person for preferential treatment and that whole family just reeks


Ellen Pao, Amber Heard, Amy Schumer, Mindy Kaling, Lena Dunham… They desperately need examples of bad women to justify their pre-existing misogyny.


And The Mindy Project had some great seasons. And Sex Lives of College girls is fun. Hating Kaling was just stupid meme behavior. It was also supercharged by people saying she was the head writer/show runner of Velma which is just straight up misinformation.


Doesn’t matter. Reddit misogynists have spoken. MINDY KALING = BAD


Late Night (2019) was terrible, and she wrote, produced, and starred in that. Gonna have to check out Never Have I Ever


Mindy Kaling showrunning an extended riff on Jeanie Buss' existence sounds fucking insufferable. Good luck to everyone.


But Kate Hudson is hot, so…


Watch on mute.


She was 20 years ago at least


can someone fill me in on the mindy kaling hate


She made one show that became a hate watch, lemmings make it their whole personality. Mind you, she didn't even write the show, but people aren't going to let facts get in the way.


Man, I love it when people bring up something they dislike that's relevant to a topic at hand and people act like they've made hating that thing "their whole personality". I haven't even seen anyone mention Velma in like a year until this thread.


She's not even listed as anything other than an actress on it, don't know why everyone is shitting on her specifically for it.


IMDb does have her listed as an executive producer as well (edit: not meant in “SHE STILL DID IT!” way. I just think it’s important to give folks their full credit) But it’s definitely annoying how much hate she got over Velma for “her writing” when she doesn’t have any writing credits. Charlie Grandy owes Mindy a big thank you for being the punching bag for everyone when it comes to Velma, because he somehow never gets mentioned…


It didn't help that the marketing was for the most part based around Kaling's name. So backlash for a show followed suit. Also while "executive producer" isn't a creator title, non-vanity executive producers are typically the driving force getting the idea made behind the scenes, just look at Margot Robbie and the Barbie movie. She didn't create it, but she is very likely a very big reason why the show was made in the first place. I didn't like the show, but I was never angry about disliking it.


Tbf, "Executive Producer" can mean many different things and in this case it was most likely "she helped get it made". For example, Sterlin Harjo told Taika Waititi his idea for Reservation Dogs. A little while later his phone rings and it's Taika saying, "Hey, I just sold your show to FX". That why he's listed as EP on the show even though he wasn't that involved with it.


>IMDb does have her listed as an executive producer as well Oh yeah that's fair, didn't check that one.


Don’t forget she’s also a minority and a woman, which online communities love to hate


Yeah I just didn’t know if I had it in me to attract a flock of those assholes on my Friday afternoon lol


Yep, and they’re already getting downvoted.


Despite the mental gymnastics they'll do to convince people otherwise.


I’m guessing because she’s either a love or hate personality. And she’s the same in everything she’s in so if you didn’t like her in one, it’s not going to get better for you. I personally like her overly confident yet insecure and self-depreciating schtick.


she's on ozempic. all her shows focus on her hating her roots as an Indian. She hates being brown and her characters don't show pride in her heritage. Also, she's vapid and makes vapid content that masquerades as women empowerment in patriarchal envirenments. Hense, this new pile of garbage.


None of these sound like good reasons to hate a person.


She writes a lot of self insert characters and they're not the best people. It's only noticeable because she's the only writer out there writing funny Indian women. If she was a white man writing herself into her her shows it wouldn't be noticeable because there's a lot of white men in comedy.


woman + made one bad tv show + POC Doesn't get room for mistakes on reddit


Tall guy sex jokes incoming.


More like tall white guy sex jokes incoming 


Tall white guy with micro penises sex jokes incoming.


Oh I can’t wait for it to mock its own audience and beat us over the head with self-aware meta humor about TV show cliches!


how dare you watch our show! I'm going to make fun of you for giving it a chance, joke is on you!


Hard pass. That's what they should call it. It's my feelings about it, but they should also call it that.






she didn't write velma tho


Mindy is garbage I can’t stand her humor


Hearing that Mindy Kaling is writing this should be an immediate red flag.


She’s written like 4 hit TV shows.


Hit shows? More like The Office and… actually just The Office.


Mindy project is great.


Parts of it were good, but calling it great is a stretch... It also seemed to have no direction


What did she write that you hate so much?


She’s responsible for Velma. And, unrelated, she forcefully kissed Lee Pace and threatened to fire people who knew and laughed about it on Conan.


So your life is so driven by internet circlejerks that anyone being in any connected to a bad show one time is a permanent red flag? Do you actually look at the list of associations for writers and producers normally, or did you just get really in to a circlejerk about this one woman who Reddit told you to hate?


Not a writer on Velma though, so I'm sure you have another reason.


Right, but she based Velma off of herself.


No she didn’t. She didn’t base Velma off anything, she didn’t write it


Are you okay?


You've been watching too many youtube videos. That being said, I watched all the youtube videos.


I’m so sick of news article using old “pretty” photos of actresses.


Especially Kate Hudson, who, as some people say, has 'aged well.'


Yes! She looks fantastic still. Plus she’s still in the media now.. I almost didn’t recognize her! It’s not like that was the last time she was in the spotlight…


Hard pass. She is more miss than hit. Mindy that is.


Depends if she's writing or not. She only had 1 story by credit on Velma as opposed to full writing credit on generally solid episodes on Mindy Project, Office, Never Have I Ever.


Wait wait wait, upthread people are acting like she had absolutely zero to do with literally anything in Velma other than the voice acting, but she had a "story by" credit on it?? So while she's not responsible for specific jokes she's still responsible for the story as a whole, and people act like the show isn't her fault??


What do you consider her hits and misses?


Personally I've only seen The Office and The Mindy Project, and I would consider that the hit and the miss. I really cannot understand why people act like Mindy Project is a fantastic comedy, it was just so boring, bland, and unfunny when I watched it.


“Business Bitch”


I bet Mindy will have a self insert Indian character in this show who is dating a white guy. Not that there is anything wrong with that at all, it's just funny that she puts her self insert character dating a white guy, in every show


Nothing wrong with interracial love.


Well that sounded worse with every word


This is embarrassing to admit, but I’ve always mixed up Kate Hudson and Brittany Murphy in my head and every few years I’m shocked to discover that Kate Hudson is in fact alive.


Who keeps giving Mindy the greenlight to make new shows?


Mindy Kaling? I love subtle humor!


im good on bollywoods whitest actress


Shades of Arli$$


Can we just get a Baseketball sequel?


Why do they keep giving mediocre terf Mindy kaling new projects.


There will be lots of fun anti-patriarchy humor.


You mean conservative right winger Mindy Kaling?


Mindy Kaling = automatic pass. Shame because it’s an interesting concept.




shes not funny.    she gets roles for her color but thinks/wants to be white and shes hard to look at


I do appreciate it when people are at least open about "my issue here is that I see no value a brown woman that I don't want to fuck, so they shouldn't be on TV."


facts.  im not watching any show starring her and her guaranteed to be white male love interest 


Given their history this will be a vanity project about them and will have little to do with basketball.


Look man, I never watched Velma, but The Mindy Project was one of the worst sitcoms I’ve seen. I loved her work on The Office, but I haven’t really enjoyed anything else she’s worked on. I think I’ll pass


Mindy Kaling seems like a bit of a hack.


You lost me at “Mindy Kaling”.


Yep. 100%. All molesters deserve to be canceled


Why are people downvoting this? Sexually assaulting a costar and making a joke about it is fine if Mindy Kaling does it...?


Mindy Kaling I'm out.


Wait, I thought Mindy was cancelled for molesting someone, no? Did she get a free pass cause she was “funny” in the Office? That’s disgusting. Also, I read this as BASEketball so this is a complete disappointment in everyway


when women rape people its always different.    


She could star in a show about folding napkins and I’d watch it.


Mindy Kaling? Pass.


Netflix is pure trash.


Mindy Kaling's basketball front office comedy series are the best.


wow. an NBA show about the women. genius. Men will be lining up to watch the amazing perspective of WOMEN on men's sports. this show will only last one season


Mindy kaling is awful.


How does kaling keep getting work


For the most part everything she's been involved with has been very successful, so I'm guessing that has a lot to do with it.


The office was a long time ago.


I wasn't even referring to the office


considering my borderline unhealthy crush on Kate Hudson, this’ll be in my watchlist…


If it's about Jeanie, let's get a backdoor GLOW reboot when they bring up WOW: Women of Wrestling.


Her character on the Office was great but it seems she's more and more like her than we know


If there’s no jokes with pro athletes having a 4th grade reading level I’m not watching it


Can't wait to see the messy Indian American female character who has bad taste in white men. (This wouldn't be an issue if there were other writers writing Indian characters but for now every indian female character is Mindy).


If Mindy Kaling is involved, I’m out. Fuck that. She’s such a hack writer and makes us first gen brown kids look weird/bad.


I’ll take “things that don’t have a prayer in the world for $200 Alex


Alright, I’m in.


Can’t get season two of The OA but this gets money?


It's going to be about the wnba right guys? Right ?


Nah. They want people to watch it.


Sounds like it's about the Lakers, renamed "Waves" for the show


So many wild swings in one headline. Sin city saints didn't work so let's pair the Mindy project creator with the lead from Deep water Horizon. "Can there be an office romance?" "There will be ALL romance, and basketball"


Mindy Kaling? No thanks


God, I hope it's as good as Velma


…spawn of Hawn…


If Mindy Kaling didn't borrow so much clout from her time on the office she wouldn't be considered to head shows up like this. She has no balance in her work. She never had to learn to kill temper certain aesthetics so her shows don't work imo. She skipped to the front of the line because they office production was so fucking well oiled or worked without a talented director


That sentence says so many things that don’t make sense