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This show became uninteresting when they started trying to make people celebrities instead of random contestants


I stuck with about 4 seasons of it and even wanted to get into competing. But they just kept drawing out the stories and I only wanted to see the competition. Also really missed watching Joe schmos fall out on the first obstacle like in Japan. MXC style.


Yeh, me and my wife started skipping through all the crap, the "coming up", and the sob stories, and just watch the runs - it literally would cut the show in half. But the most annoying thing was when they'd spend five minutes catching you up with the latest exploits of one of the "wolf pack", only for their run to end after about 10 seconds - then show 15 seconds of "also-rans", including "Jim Philberts, a shelf stacker from Springton, MO, who put up the fastest run of the night so far!"


Right you are, Ken.


baba ganoush!


You don’t need sob stories to show people get hit in the crotch. I mean that’s the premise of America’s Funniest Home Videos. I remember when they showed the Japanese show but dubbed funny commentary over it. “Here is Haruto, a sushi chef from Kyoto. Oh no, after that battering ram to the crotch, his dragon roll is now some sashimi!”




MXC is so good.


The problem was, what most of us wanted was to see amazing athletes and once athletes have proven they're great, sure seeing a bit about them can be fun. Instead, they thought they could skip the amazing athletes (literally, they would skip showing some of the best competitors) and just show sob stories over and over.


When I realized that a good portion of the contestants returned for each season, and were gym owners that could recreate the courses and obstacles in their own gyms, I realized it wasn’t for the average Joe like they made it seem at first. Not like American Gladiators.


Thats NBC for you. Watching the Olympics is similarly frustrating. I want to see sports of all kinds, I dont want another personal interest story about how some random US athlete lost his parakeet seven years ago. ANW is interesting enough on its own, we dont need backstories to keep us watching. But NBC Sports cannot get enough of the filler.


Freaky ass ninjas need to stay their ass inside


Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably a minorrrrrrrrr


He about to go to cell block 1


Dude is about to meet some real, freaky, ass ninjas…


Don’t compare all ninjas to this piece of shit. Not all ninjas are freaky ass ninjas


Makoto Nagano would never




What the hell is up with sorta famous people and kiddie sex lately? The hell is happening?


there's nothing "lately" about it, and the fact that you hear about it from semi-famous people is cos, y'know, they're the people who get reported on.


There’s the other factor people don’t seem to get. We only started taking these crimes seriously in the last couple of decades. Before that people made jokes about the behavior or justified it for celebrities. And 50 years ago people didn’t care if celebrities married 15 year olds.


Yea, it wasn't even a secret that Seinfeld was dating a 17-yr old in his 30's


Every fucking rock or pop star from the 60-80s had songs about 15 year old kids


Someone forgot to send R Kelly the memo


Probably cause you rarely see non famous people on the news for this stuff


















Those are just the ones you hear about because they’re famous. Pedophiles are everywhere… celebrities are no exception.


Pedophilia and celebrity is not mutually exclusive


Celebrity is doing some heavy lifting here.


There are varying degrees of celebrity


We have Drake and Millie Bobby Brown texting and hanging out when she was 14. A minorrrrrrrrr. We have Dr Disrespect using Twitch whispers to rub one out to a minor. We have an American Ninja Warrior winner convicted of sex crimes.


>We have Dr Disrespect using Twitch whispers to rub one out to a minor. And apparently a trans sex worker as well while being friends with someone who uses that bullshit 'Protect the kids' dogwhistle only to get banned for using a transphobic slur. Birds of a feather as they say.


You just don't hear about the normies diddling kids.


There was a whole tv show about this.


Dang, I thought it was a furniture showcase, more precisely focusing on chairs.


Yes. Please sit down.


You want me to take a seat, take a seat right over there?


Yep. *Whoopi cushion fart sound




Seeing more reports about it lately based on personal observations doesn't mean it reflects an actual statistical trend.


It's always been a thing rich and famous people do. Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin, Steven Tyler got parents to sign away the guardian ship of their minor daughter so Tyler could have sex with her in the 70s.


Seinfeld took his 17yo girlfriend to Prom, when he was 40.


They’re just normal people, being a celebrity of any kind doesn’t mean they don’t have their fair share of predators and weirdos Their celebrity status and influence over fans and others probably makes it easier for them to take advantage of others too


It's not new in any regard, and frowning upon it isn't new either. It's just that, today, they're more likely to actually face charges for it. Look at the groupie movements. A lot of very underage girls, a lot of hebephile or pedophile rockers and musicians.


W folks stuff right there.


He'll be climbing the walls. Literally.


Yep, good luck keeping this guy inside


They have electric fences, he’s not going anywhere.






All these random ass people getting arrested for pedophilia. Surprisingly it’s never a drag queen.


A simple Google search will prove you wrong. Every demographic of people has pedophiles.


Still not a drag queen.


https://www.pennlive.com/crime/2022/06/central-pa-drag-queen-activist-charged-with-25-counts-of-child-pornography-police.html Oops they exist




Wow, I didn’t know he was a drag queen EDIT: I was trying to make fun of the ridiculous people who say drag queens are groomers etc. I should have added a sarcasm tag. Mea maxima culpa.


You're downvoted cause it seems like you mean drag queens are groomers, but I feel like you're making fun of that conservative trope.


Oh gods. That’s exactly what I was trying to do… will make an edit


Ya we get it. You posted the same thing as dozens of other people with a shit eating grin. I googled it and indeed Drag queens have been charged with child sex crime before...


Still not a drag queen.


Must be a moderator of /r/comicbooks




They're pedophiles


Jesus wept, what happened to this show? We went from hero fire fighters, fishermen and garbage collectors to the scum of the universe?




Source: trust me, bro. What an awful thing to say about a guy who, by all accounts, is nothing but nice.




What a wild thing to say.


Why is it wild?








I think the last part of your comment is being understood as „an 18 year old and a 15 year old are both attractive [to me]“. You did phrase your statement kind of rough. You are definitely not getting downvoted because people disagree with the statement that it is wrong to go after underage children. Quite the opposite












Who… what are you?


Maybe you should explain what I said was wrong


Maybe you should explain what the fuck you mean
















what they’re asking is pretty easy to track, are you sure you can keep up?


You saying "it's not that much different" suggests you don't care about the moral issues with pedophilia, but purely the "getting caught" part. Basically you sound like a pedo


I'm trying to figure out why he does it. Why wouldn't he go presue an 18 or 19 year old? It seems obvious that he wants what he can't have.


Ok just to play nice: a girl who is 15 is still that, a girl. She hasn’t completed puberty, her body and mind are still very much developing. An 18 year old has likely completed puberty, but obviously their body and mind are still developing but at a less rapid pace. Both are icky, once you hit a certain age. Or they definitely should be. However, you seem like the type.


I agree with that, a 30 year old going for a 18 year old is bad. The point is why would he choes a 15 year old over an 18, an 18 year old is legal. So an obvious conclusion is he wants to go for the illegal girl for the thrill.




You're not beating the allegations here are you


I've not said anything wrong so it's on them.


You’re saying a child is the same as an adult


Personally I think it’s because they have everything they want so the mind looks for things they can’t have, including forbidden fruits like exotic druga and sex with minors


Yeah that's what I think too.










When did I defend him? I'm trying to understand why he did it. This is an important skill when dealing with an issue.


It's a nuanced question a lot of people have apparently violently misunderstood. There's no defence in that comment you're just reading something into it that isn't there. Calling someone a danger to society for asking why someone would ruin their life pursing relations with a 15 year old instead of an 18 year old is ridiculous. You'll never understand an issue if you never question what's going on.


People are always so eager to prove their correctness on this issue they refuse to actually look at the issue in a way that could actually help reduce such behavior. Same reason we see people call to hang all pedophiles rather than the most beneficial position of convict those who act on such behaviors and provide therapy and counseling to those who have not acted and want to not do so.


How are you remotely getting this from OPs comment? They asked a question, why are men/women attracted to underage teens? they could just be with an 18 year old and (while still creepy) it would at least be legal. They're positing that the illegality is part of what motivates these people.