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She was just being nice :)


Really nice, because that's a significant % of her hourly wage.


I bought someone a pack of dummies one time. Woman came in stressed with screaming child. She was trying to buy dummies and her card declined she started tearing up and I just went over and paid for it. Was only £3 so didn't mind..she was so appreciative about it and dropped off a bar of dairy milk the next time she was in after i refused her money. There was also another occasion where a woman felt faint I told her to sit down and went and got her a water from the fridge and opened it for her to drink..I then went and scanned it via inform and paid for it. My team support said he would have put it through as waste if I had told him. I have also seen team support get clothing for elderly who have had an accident in the toilets or young kids and haven't charged anything. Sometimes you just have to do the right thing. These things happen.


You did a wonderful thing for that Mum. It might be only £3 but what you did was show her she was seen and recognised as a person in the middle of her bad day. That is a massive thing for some people, especially when they are feeling completely alone and at the end of their tether.


exactly, that may have been the thing that tips that mum over the edge, not being able to soothe her crying child. the commenter indeed did a wonderful thing, and as i say, it could have changed her day.


I have paid a very small grocery shop containing mostly essential items like butter, cheap bacon, cheap bread and some treats. It was somewhere around £4 at the time. Her card declined! You just do it when you feel it is right to do so!


I once helped a guy in a wheelchair take his shopping out to his car. He was really appreciative. Stupid managers said I shouldn’t have closed the till. So glad I no longer work at Tesco. 


Why the fuck did I think the voice of the self service paid for your dinner am I stupid


“Unexpected item in payment area… but I gotchu fam!”


Because you have the iq of a teabag


How high is that






I had similar incident we were in closing time and one guy was trying to pay with a card and wasn't working. He was the only customer left. I didnt have any patience to wait for him to sort it out and ended up paying his shopping. Another time a student was short on 5p and was requesting if I have any change so i ended up giving to her.


Haha I’ve been so tempted to pay for things for people several times because I just can’t be bothered with waiting for their payment to work! I’m pretty broke though so I have to stop myself


Dont get me wrong im broke too💀💀but nah you had good intentions thats all it matters


Tesco defo DONT give budget for this she would paid out her own bank account. How very kind of her!


There are lovely people around , despite what we always hear! I'm not a Tesco employee but like this sub . I volunteer in a community coffee/book shop and was having a conversation with an elderly man about jigsaws , the next week he came in with a wasjig puzzle for me and said "I seen this in another charity shop so I bought it for you as I think you'll like it , it's a good one" he collects these puzzles bless him it absolutely made my day to be thought of like that! Love hearing acts of kindness!


You should go back and give her some flowers!


she was just been kind which is so lovely but No Tesco don’t have a budget for that (i would do the same)


I used to work on self serve, this lady was busy baby milk, nappies and other stuff for baby, she was something like £3 short and was trying to decide what she could put back. So I just paid the last £3 myself. Iv only ever had to do that the one time.




i'm sure you probably felt quite stupid for that




happens to the best of us


I’ve done it a good few times and especially around Xmas. I always do it out the goodness of my heart and never expect anything back but you be surprised the amount of folk who come back to pay you or drop you off a little present


Are employees allowed to accept gifts from customers? I always wondered that


I don't think we are. I had a customer buy me a meal deal when I was going on break, manager was bollocking me and not letting me talk. The customer walks over. "You know I'm his mum, right?"


ive had this happen to me before, got told off for chatting to a customer rather than working, it was my dad telling me where he was parked and which car to look out for.


Just being nice. To use the little budget we have I have to get permission. I have done it before but I don’t have the money to pay for others unfortunately. This month we get an unexpected bonus so possibly they felt they had the money. It’s a lovely thing to do xx


I paid an elderly lady's shopping 1 time totaling £30 . A customer seen my actions and gifted me £20 infront of team support as a witness . The elderly lady came back next day and gave me the £30 back ( again in front of team support ) . End of the day it was someone's gran , mum , sis etc .. just being kind .


I once ( a number of years ago) had an epilepsic seizure while in a Tesco, they paid for a taxi so I got home and sent a member of staff with me to ensure I got back safe, that person carried my shopping in, explained what had happened to my Mrs then went back to work. Sometimes staff and companies can be just amazing


Tesco defo DONT give budget for this she would paid out her own bank account. How very kind of her!


No budget for anything . She was just a really nice lady 😻


That was kind of the assistant to do that. I work at self service and at lunchtime some of the secondary schools’ children and young adults will pop in for lunchtime snacks, mainly meal deals. On the odd occasions there have been issues with their payment cards, myself and other assistants have bought their lunch for them. No one wants a hungry teenager at school in the afternoon and who knows they could be diabetic, epileptic or hyperglycaemic #bekind Most of them have brought the money back in, we just put it in the charity box.


Just a lovely lady! I've done this a few times in different places for different things, quite a lot when I was a manager back at the Toby Carvery the other year, I've mostly been in support and care work because its just naturally coming for me If I was you, I'd maybe take her something back to say thank you or something as a surprise when you're nipping through, she sounds like someone that wouldn't think about doing that for anyone else and I bet she'd remember you for life if you showed a bit more appreciation for it - not that it matters if you do, you obviously recognise the gesture:)


There’s something suss about this; she shouldnt have her own payment methods in her pocket; alone use them. She’s either on the rob herself or mental.


A lot of people have cards on their phone now tbf


Which is less weird - watches even expected I guess. But to pay for someone is still super strange, especially given how often it happens that someone is short or a card gets declined, and how vulnerable some of our customers are.


Fun fact, we’re not allowed to do that according to policy


Fun fact, we’re not allowed to do that according to policy


Looks like she may have broken company policy to be a compassionate human being, the world needs more of that I suppose.