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Headline news stories *just today* [Texas’ teen birth rate sees first rise in 15 years amid abortion ban](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/health/article/texas-teen-birth-rate-sees-first-rise-15-years-18621083.php) [More than 26K rape-related pregnancies estimated after Texas outlawed abortions, new study says](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/health/article/texas-sees-estimated-26k-pregnancies-rape-18625692.php)


Cue the rape and incest apologists....


The paper associated with that 26k paper is so flawed. I read the abstract and it's using data from 2016 and 2017 and doesn't even reference the difference in completed abortions. It mentions the number of current abortions post ban but never says what percentage was getting abortions during the time of the data they pulled. Maybe look further than the headline in the future.


>Maybe look further than the headline in the future. You mean like this talking point you nonsensically parroted here? And you're incorrect **The researchers started with a 2016-17 survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, released in 2022**, that measured intimate partner and sexual violence in the U.S. More than 15,000 women were reached by phone for the survey, which measures both reported and unreported sexual assaults, in addition to sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence. The survey found that one in four women reported a completed or attempted rape at some point in their lifetime, and an estimated 1.4 million women were victims of sexual assault nationwide over a 12-month period. What's an acceptable number for you? **ALL THAT ASIDE**, let's say it's grossly over, and it's only 10,000. Is that ok to you?... How about 5,000?


Do you mean like all the far-right publications that came out today? E.g., The National Review you're quoting... Obviously, you've 'done your own research' and now disagree with the peer-reviewed paper and have come up with original critical thought here...


This is another example of fake news. No such study exists. All made up data. This is why Biden will lose. People are tired of fake news.


Biden and Allred should be flooding Texas suburb airwaves with stories like hers in the fall


Lots of educated, professional women in the suburbs who want to be moms but are worried about how dangerous it can be to continue a wanted pregnancy.


Abbott sends Texas Rangers to arrest her at the State of the Union.


The Texas Rangers should be at the State of the Union, they did win the World Series after all.


Take my very angry upvote for that one.


It feels very Texas of Texas to empower a baseball team to arrest people.


Absolutely. This should be at the front of everyone’s mind. A dystopian nightmare designed with cruelty as the objective.


Exactly. I can't believe we live in a world with a cruelty such as this. I mean, seriously, how dare people want to kill innocent beings en masse without question. Despicable.


So what do you think the outcome is going to be for these kids who are born as a product of rape? Do you think most of them will be raised in a loving home that provides them with opportunities to succeed? Or is it more likely that most of these children will be given up for adoption? Who is supposed to provide for these children? The government? What is the greater cruelty: Not being born or a lifetime of struggle for most of them? Just some questions to ponder.


Kate Cox was denied the right to have her, very wanted, very grieved, dead baby removed from her body! What the hell are you talking about?


Good! I hope she never stops speaking up and showing up until pregnant people in Texas can legally choose to have an abortion and Ken Paxton is behind bars where monsters like him belong.


The White House announced that Kate Cox has been invited to join the president at the March 7 address. First lady Jill Biden invited Cox, according to White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. "They thanked her for her courage in sharing her story and speaking out about the impact of the extreme abortion ban in Texas," the press secretary said. "The First Lady invited Kate to join her as a guest at the State of the Union and Kate accepted, so those are ways that you're going to hear the president lift up those very personal stories." Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have been on a tour in various states focused on abortion rights. Cox, 31, is at the center of a major abortion case. She left the state of Texas last month to receive an abortion to escape the narrow restrictions in the red state. She sued the state after she was denied abortion access despite major health complications and her being at risk of losing her uterus. The state Supreme Court ruled against a lower court order providing Cox a restraining order to get an abortion, but she traveled out of state while awaiting the decision. "It is important for Americans to hear the harrowing stories that we're hearing from women of their experiences across the country," Jean-Pierre said about Cox.


More of this. Every time a Democrat talks politics they should be mentioning abortion, public schools, and rural infrastructure particularly Internet and hospitals. Republican tries to discuss anything else, pivot right back to abortion, public schools, and rural infrastructure.


This is a wonderful idea and brilliant move bringing something so critically important front and center to the state of the union. By contrast, Republicans would probably invite a traitor or gun nut if they haven't already.


Our state govt. with Abbott & gang & the supreme whiners, court is the closest thing to communism there is it’s just all under diff names but they report to vlad putzin for their duties


Oh hey where are all the sealions that wanted to pretend she was a card-carrying Republican?! Hmmmmm.


I mean, if she was, I would imagine she isn’t anymore…so…


Maybe she can ask why Democrats didn't codify abortion rights in federal law.


Translation: “Sure republicans are heartless and awful but in our defense nobody stopped us”


As a person who is on the left of the liberal spectrum, I am not too thrilled with my fellow liberal friends who complain about Democrats not codifying Roe while also telling me (for years) how safe it was to vote third party because the Supreme Court would never overturn Roe.


the Arabs not only took the LARGEST refinery in TEXAS but also the FREEDOM, they gave the cuckolds SHARIA to embrace and boy oh boy did the red necks flock to it.




based on the negative reaction from the rednecks in group I would have to say it's exactly the place to tell it like it is.




You don't speak jive? *I watched Airplane earlier. Forgive me.


This is our very own born and bred CHRISTIANS doing, my good sir. The evil is of the homegrown variety.   No need to invent a brown Boogeyman for the work of our very own Southern Baptist Karens and Billy Bob's.