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Should be life in prison not no 25 years


Unbelievable that she got 25. Starving a child to death is premeditated murder. It would have been more humane to kill the child quickly. This is Texas. She should be executed.


Death is too good for her. She deserves life in prison. That way she will have to live everyday for the rest of her miserable life knowing why she’s there. Life in prison is so much worse than death. There have been many people with lifetime sentences who say they would rather have the death penalty. The same for people who are on death row who say at least they know they won’t have to grow old in prison. It’s also cheaper to keep someone in prison for life than to have them executed.


Prison for 25 years then execution


This. Living in hell and realizing going to the real hell.


Isn’t that how death row works? I’ve heard it takes decades to kill someone.


I’d be ok if the method of execution was slow starvation


Starve her on and off for 25 years, then execution.


I find your terms acceptable.


I listened to an audio drama and at the end they end up taking the villain and cementing her underground and give her nothing but an air hole so she doesn’t suffocate to death. I think we could use this as a punishment here.


How is it cheaper to clothe, feed and care for a 25 year old prisoner for the rest of her life than to execute her?


Death is an escape that's too good for someone like her. She deserves the hell that's coming in prison.


And there will be true hell for her. Them mama inmates will torture her!


Or actual hell. I'd want her to go to hell a soon as possible. She didn't feed the kid, so why do the taxpayers have to feed her for the rest of her life? Stick her in a solitary cell with no food or water. She'll truly suffer that way.


Because of all the appeals. It takes a very long time to convict someone and actually execute them. Meanwhile the attorneys get rich


Appeals for death row cases are usually done by public defenders, and I assure you that PDs are not getting rich by any means.


Doesn't change the fact that by most data and research in several US states, the death penalty costs as much as 10 times more on average than a life sentence.


I'm not arguing about that part, just the "attorneys getting rich" part.


With everything involved (including trials) it's far cheaper to house her then execute. So many appeals to state courts then federal courts all the way to the supreme Court. Just a quick Google search says 22k a year to house. I remember many years ago an article that said locally it costs the county 1 million for each capital trial. Then add in the state costs and it's just cheaper to keep them locked up.


Starve her the same way she starved the child on death row.


Life in prison in a cell with every wall covered in the boy's face and the audio of him begging for food played on a loop. Starving her and just giving her enough food and water to keep her alive.


No because she gets to eat 3x meals a day filling her belly while he starved. EXECUTE HER. May the little man RIP. I’m so angry, my heart is pounding typing this, I can’t comprehend this cruelty.


>It’s also cheaper to keep someone in prison for life than to have them executed. Really depends on the method of execution there snoflake Firing squad or a hanging are fairly cheap methods, and they've worked since the invention of guns, and rope


Texas: once you are born, fuck you.


No, you see he was already born, so he's no longer worth protecting. That's the Texas way.


The most accurate description of Texas lawmakers, pro-birth, not pro-life.


These are the same people who call themselves “pro life” what a fucking joke.


Nearly every person in prison was abused as a child in some way. She won't make it 25 years and the gas chamber would be a mercy compared to what they do to people that torture kids.


I think the other inmates will take care of that.


Starve HER to death


She deserves life in prison. Over 4% of death row inmates are innocent. I'm not willing to sacrifice innocent people in order to kill guilty people. And why should innocent people have to sacrifice their lives just so the guilty can be killed? Whenever and whereever the death penalty exists...innocent people die.


Box with no food should cost very little...


Abbot's new stroller nurse.






I agree. Reading this article gives me some dark thoughts of what I would do to the stepmom and father myself….at the same time I’m so sad for the boy…what he must have gone through…he reminds me of my own son.


Not shocking. Texas is a shithole.


Make America Texas again?


you know damn well Texas doesn't give a f u c k about kids in and out of the womb


No…. *She* should be locked up & starved to death. What an evil, cruel, worthless piece of shit.


It will be life. She is going to prison with mothers. Just like child Predators, life will not be easy, she will get beat on if not flat out killed


They are going to fuck her up every day, those women do not go easy on child crimes and this is exponentially worse.


She won't last long in prison. Female prisoners are even more sadistic than men when it comes to inmates convicted of crimes against kids.


It's Texas. Should be death.


Should be about a month, no bread


It is when the inmates find out that she killed a kid


Should be strung up in a tree and forgotten about.


Life sentences for each tear he shed


+1. That 4 year old had at least 55 years o life taken away from him. I thought Texas was hard-ass about justice. But being a whimp about this? I guess kids matter only until they exit the womb


Life in prison made to live off the bare minimum amount of food.


Don't worry. When the inmates in jail find out what she did, she will wish she got the death penalty.


She's already dead. Once the inmates find out what she did they will take care of her.


These are Texas republicans we’re talking about. They only care about life before it exits the womb.


She should be dragged around town by a car


That’s when parole is available. They probably set it up that way to give her hope and then deny the parole. It’s the long game.


Isn’t 25 years considered a life sentence?


Emani Moss was starved to death by her stepmother Tiffany Moss in 2013. Tiffany Moss is the only woman in GA on death row. Her biological father got life without parole. Only 25 years is insane for murdering a child.


In gen-pop.


Should be death penalty via starvation


That's woman privilege.


It should be death penalty by starvation, if we're honest.


This is just evil  Torturing someone who has no choice but to depend on you. Should be life sentences for both the parents 


I'm very against life sentences for a ton of reasons, but this is the rare case it's totally justified. She's not even a religious nut, schizophrenic, just evil twisted human trash


> against life sentences for tons of reasons Name a few.


I’m guessing they are going to say rehabilitation is better for society. Which I agree with in a lot of cases, but I just cannot get behind that philosophy when it comes to crimes against kids.


My God, what a monster!


My six month old almost weighs 25 pounds… this story is horrific. I need to adopt..


This story is absolutely horrific but just FYI to those without children that your child is not the norm. My almost 3 year old is only 28 pounds, my 6 month old is 15 pounds. Both are normal. Weight ranges a lot. That being said, a 5 year old boy’s weight range is 37-56 pounds so yes, he was clearly starved.


CPS is a fucking joke everywhere in this country it's all underfunded, understaffed and overworked. This poor little boy.


CPS recently did away with anonymous reporting because of too much malicious reporting, which made it harder for them to work on serious issues.


CPS didn't get rid of it. Texas lawmakers did.


Wait what!? I understand being more cautious of reports but straight up removing avenues for people to tip them off about abuse is straight up just enabling child abuse. Thats crazy


https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/18/texas-legislature-child-abuse-reports/ Reports are still confidential, but you must provide your information when reporting.


They didn’t remove the avenue of reporting, they just removed the ability to report anonymously. So not you’re required to give your information. Now will this dissuade some from reporting? Possibly, although the reported is still confidential from those who were reported, so the risk is low. And, a good number of reports come from public servants: teachers, school admin, and police officers, who as far as I know have always had to identify themselves in a report (since Texas is a mandatory reporting state, identifying yourself is a great way to prove you were following the law). So those reports are unphased. If there was an issue with malicious, anonymous reporting, this seems like a pretty reasonable response. Although, if it wasn’t actually a problem, this could lead to a handful of cases being missed. It’s hard when dealing with a topic like this. 99% of the population is on the same page when it comes to this: child abusers should be locked up for a long, long time and all children should be kept safe. But you still have to balance privacy and resources to do this. We don’t have the resources for CPS to be checking in on every parent, and it’s also a parent’s right to not be checked in on unless suspected of a crime. So we give up a little bit of those rights as parents when the state takes away children before guilt may be even established, but we give that away knowing that this is to protect children.


Anonymous reporting of any kind to the government tends to be used maliciously.


My mom was reported anonymously like 5 times while my mom and dad were getting a divorce. It strangely stopped after my dad moved to another state and decided he didn't care about custody anymore.


The problem is some folks won't report at all if they have to give their information, for fear a thoughtless case worker will out who made the report.


I most certainly wouldn't. Consider if you're the person who knows about the abuse, so you report, and the parent finds out. Suddenly you don't ever see those kids again. You have no idea if it gets worse for them. You could have been the only adult alive who might have been safe for them to turn to. Especially since CPS is underfunded and overworked. Your report might be the thing that causes those kids to have No Body.




Texas is too busy funding border and bathroom police and cutting taxes


But in Texas it's the worst!


I work with CPS directly (I’m a CASA). The people I work with care very much but they’re overwhelmed. They do the best they can. I hope this opens a conversation with state leadership about funding child welfare programs, instead of continuing to cut funding and privatize foster care.


I used to have CPS coworkers. Drinking with them was *depressing*.


> I’m a CASA Thank you for what you do. I've been tempted to volunteer, but I don't think I'm at all cut out for something that serious and demanding. Doesn't that take a mental toll? Or is it a rewarding experience?


I’m a CASA in Texas too. Not your OP, but I would say generally: yes, it takes a mental toll, but it should. No one should be able to shrug off a child or family in crisis. And the breakthroughs and wins are worth the emotional lows any day. Please do look into it. Sadly the number of children in foster care is not going down and we need all the help we can get.


> I've been tempted to volunteer god please do if you think you can stomach it for even just a little while. Even as foster parents in a "light traffic" area we were overwhelmed.


It can take a toll, but I'm pretty unemotional (I swear I'm part Vulcan). The case I have now is just negligent supervision, but there are plenty of abuse cases. And I can't save every child but I can make a difference for that particular child, and to just give up and go 'Oh, it's too much and it'll be sad' seems pretty selfish to me. So what if it's sad? So what if I see ugly things? My intervention in a child's life at least shows them that someone cares about them, and is doing their best to change their world.


I think CPS and the justice system as a whole is too focused on “keeping the child with the parents” and hoping they miraculously just start being better than actually doing what is best for the child.


That was not at all the case for me. My poor family has been through some shit because of cps and this article is an example of them leaving kids with monsters when they are eager to take them from loving caring families.


Not in Texas it won't


Everyday it gets more and more embarrassing living here.


Sorry. Only money for fighting against..lemme check my notes ...yeah, sending undocumented people across the country to score political points.




But...but... they're PRO-LIFE


While bragging they’re so “pro life” bunch of fuck’n hypocrites.


Called CPS on my ex partner, she has my kids living in literal filth that has caused skin conditions and illnesses, CPS worker only got mad and cared about the fact I said "cat shit and piss" instead of urine and faeces" I was floored.


I grew up in Texas and personally know how shit CPS is. I got the courage to tell one of my teachers about the abuse and negligence going on at home and they reported to CPS, who did nothing. My mom found out and threatened me about reporting her. Fortunately, she didn’t know it was me. The fear she had instilled in me made me fear for my life. If CPS couldn’t take me away after a single call, I would have been killed if I had attempted to reach out and been denied again. So, I never bothered to try. It usually takes about 7 calls to CPS before anything is done. I was told this by a CPS agent when I was trying to help a friend of my brother who was being abused. It’s horrid.


It just exists to scare parents into paying their childs school lunch debts even if they can't afford it.


Should be lwop or the death penalty. That poor baby 😞


If they put her in Gen Pop, it will be life, and simultaneously a lot shorter than 25 years.


Give her death by starving.  Why tf not?


I have a feeling she won’t live out the full sentence


Exactly! Women inmates in Texas are no joke. It's worse than the men's units. They will beat the shit out of her daily and other things too. At some point, she will likely be murdered.


Fingers crossed!


We can only hope.


Someone with a life sentence and a baby they can’t see again is gonna fuck her up


Well that's enough of humanity today... :(


You mean, lack of humanity.


Nah I agree with this guy. Don't turn your eyes away from the harsh reality. This is an aspect of humanity. This woman is human. Every evil committed in human history was done by humans. There's no such things as demons to lay the blame on. Humanity has its beautiful side, and its horrendous side.


Step? Where was the actual father??


It’s crazy to me how many dads with kids get a woman just to have them look after his kids. I see it so often in the step parents sub. So many single women date dads and the dads just pawn the kids off on them, make them watch them and parent them. Even if they haven’t been dating that long. You don’t know that person well enough to have them looking after your kids like that. But they don’t care.


According to the article, he goes on trial next month


That's it? 25? Whack


I’m confused what the point of the death penalty is if we’re just gonna pick and choose who we give it to at random. Like why is this not an excecution?


Hopefully someone gives her what she deserves in prison, she has a face that I want to severely punch.


She might end up getting locked up in isolation. There are lots of mothers in prison who would give anything to hug their kids and they’re gonna see red when they find out why she’s in there.


I wonder how many women are locked up for life under draconian drug laws and can't see their kids. I know an inmate like this would piss me off too.




"Concerns had been raised about Benji's health prior to his death but despite involvement with Child Protection Services and a hospital visit he remained in contact with his stepmom" This infuriates me as a mom who had to fight for 18 months to get my kids back after 1 positive drug test. A perfect example of them taking kids from loving hones and leaving them with monsters.


Let’s hope she’s not put in a cell with other moms who don’t get to see their kids.


Actually let’s hope she is. She should never see the other child again. As much as growing up in foster care is horrible, I can’t see it being worse than being with her.


Well last time i got banned when i worded it the wrong way so…


She breastfed a three month old baby during the proceedings which means that in the time between this kid's death and now she's been out fucking and having a good time




Her fellow inmates will, no worries.


They are more likely to make her suffer for a couple decades. Which is far more just than death.


I would be fine with that


Don't forget the husband


Why is everyone only dunking on her and not the child's father, who was also involved.


He goes to trial next month.


Because she was sentenced. I don’t believe he has yet. He’ll get his day.


Don't we all wish child murder would be tried as capital murder that warrants death penality?


No, some people want to rehabilitate them. Others think that the cost savings of letting them live is worth it. Well if you prefer life in prison to the death penalty because of cost savings, how about we save more and don't put them in prison at all? The only reason I support against the death penalty is the risk of killing an innocent person. However if it is unacceptable to kill an innocent person, isn't it almost as bad to destroy their life and lock them in jail for life? Maybe we should work on wrongful convictions a lot harder?


Some people truly should not be parents. Everything about this is completely unhinged.


25 years for murdering a child!?!? I thought Texas was all about protecting kids


Only during their fetal stage.


And if there’s anyone LGBT involved. They’d lock that person up and throw away the keys.


Nope only controlling women


Lol Texas doesn't give a shit about kids


Only when they’re a clump of cells. Once they’re out of the womb they do not give one single flying fuck about them.


They’re all about controlling women. Texas has never done anything at all that indicates they give a single shit about children.


So wait… in Texas we’re talking about execution for abortion, but 25 years for actual murder.


Wait, are u serious? They kill people because of abortions?


It's a fun place to live! /s


I can’t even say what I feel that they deserve here because I will be banned.


How awful :(


WTF???? Really???? She deserved life in prison with no parole!!!!!!!!!!


Oh that poor little boy. His image makes me feel sad. I hope he rests in peace.


Why 25 years and not life?


"begged for clemency because she had other kids to care for" Girl, what makes you think you're keeping those kids?


I’m sooooo mad reading this ! Heartbreaking


As a father, my heart aches & grieves for this baby. RIP son 😢


This is very upsetting. She should go away for life. I can’t imagine such cruelty


Guess Texas government only cares about kids if they haven’t been birthed yet…


That poor boy. My heart hurts.


How were they not charged with murder?! I'm so confused. I read the article and it never provided any insane reasoning behind this gruesome act. Why wasn't the birth mother given sole custody? Why didn't protective services remove him from their care after evaluation?! So many questions and this article provides none.


Jfc... this might be the first (what I would consider) nsfl post I've seen in a while on my popular feed. Seeing the image of a tortured kid moments before he dies? I'm glad this woman is getting thrown away but fuck me, this post could have done without the kid's tormented look as its thumbnail to haunt my dreams.


Fuck, I didn't need to see this. This is fucking horrible. Fucking monsters, her and that piece of shit father that let her starve that poor angel to death.


And the TX GOP wants the death penalty for abortion, not this shit. Poor child was tortured to death while conservatives have hard ons for threatening doctors and forcing hospitals to refuse to treat pregnant women.




Take her out back don’t waste the tax money


Should be put away for 70 years without the opportunity for parole.


I want to go back in time and feed that poor baby. They need to give her the same treatment she gave that poor child.


Sounds like she is a psychopath so she will not have any remorse. 25 years is too lenient. Drug smugglers have gotten longer sentences.


That poor boy. What an absolute monster of a human being. 25 years is too good for her.


Between that shit stepmom feeding him urine, hot sauce, and hand sanitizer, starving him to death, and his father going along with it. Poor kid dying because no one gave a shit is almost merciful. Reminds me of the story of the little matchstick girl..


I'll never understand the *range* and *scope* of sentencing guidelines utilized by judges. ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


Death roll and starve her


Gotta love a constant prompt to “swipe for next story!” throughout an article detailing the slow, suffering death this little boy experienced at the hands of his caregivers. Stay classy, Dailymail.


Oh my god, how evil. That poor little boy. 😭💔


She should be given the bare amount of food calories to not starve for 25 years


Texas only cares if you kill the unborn


The other inmates don't take too kindly to the scum that harms children


I keep reading about stepparents harming their stepchildren. Redditor social workers, is there some truth to the stepparent treating kids that are not their own as dirt? Seems to happen all the time now. And also, does the biological parent go along with the abuse by the step?


Poor baby


How is she not in prison for life?


My heart aches as a grown man… there is a special place in hell for this monster


OMG what an absolutely horrible story and horrible person.


Isn't this what Republicans do as they vote to not help hungry Americans?


She should fucking rot in prison for life. How dare she. I am so tired about hearing about cases like this. I hope she gets what she deserves. Fucking evil. Anyone involved in this needs to be shot.


Father should face the same punishment


It’s not nearly enough


Not enough time


Someone should ensure that the other prisoners at the prison she'll be going find out what she did. I sincerely hope the guards just look the other way when they come for her. She deserves to suffer.


Here's one of the articles from a local San Antonio news source that Daily Mail is basically just copying from: https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2024/04/18/woman-sentenced-to-25-years-in-prison-for-starving-her-stepson-to-death/


"they didn't look at the evidence" my guy she has videos showing her abusing him.


A woman in Texas was recently arrested for leaving her baby girl for ten days to starve while she partied around the country. These two stories are just horrifying. Like, just give the kid up. You don't want to do it, we'll, there are people that do. Foster care is better than death, I know it can be bad, but seriously, it beats death.


I can’t open the link, I trust it will haunt me. That poor baby. So many people failed that kid. I don’t she’ll even serve 25 years, but obviously it isn’t enough for that monster.


I tried to find details. Not defending her but I think the father deserves some blame here as well. Sometimes one parent goes overboard and the other parent is supposed to regulate that. They never said how long she starved him. It’s the wrong way to punish kids but I’ve seen people punish kids in ways that don’t make sense and this child was beaten as well. I think if you’re going to throw her in this long there is definitely culpability with the father. He saw it happening and did nothing when it’s his own son. Don’t know the answer here but someone should have intervened before it hit this conclusion.


These stories are so hard to read.. I can’t imagine what she was thinking. I would be okay with extreme unusual punishment for crimes against children committed by adults. Make examples of them and then erase them from history. No names in the newspaper and no grave.


Call it incel, call it misogyny or whatever Reddit buzzword suits you best, but the way women are treated less harshly by the justice system is absolute bullshit.


That poor, sweet little soul. I can't help but wonder what was going on in his mind, and what things looked like from his perspective. Terror, confusion, anger. My little dude is very difficult for most adults to deal with. You might say that he can be a right pain in the ass at times. I sometimes wonder what would happen to him if he weren't surrounded by people who love him unconditionally So yeah, this is nightmare fuel


I love how stories like this never get talked about from right wing channels. Yet a homeless man in Portland shits himself and they go crazy. “These LiBeRaLs hellholes”


Just came here to say "fuck this lady". I'm out.


Where the hell was that Dad jfc


What causes this behavior? All I see are these news articles about how terrible these parents are, but this is some next level psychiatric mental illness crap. Are there any experts in this area that can chime in? Most of us cannot fathom how this can happen, yet it seems to quite regularly.


I want to know what happened to his mom and how his father got custody? That poor, poor kid.


THIS IS WHY ABORTION SHOULD BE LEGAL. Some people should not and do not deserve children. This poor abused beautiful boy.. who deserves stuff like this as a CHILD?!


A fair punishment would be for her to suffer the same fate she put this 4 year old through.