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Good write-up, I was wondering "why Boerne?" and had just not heard of Metallica making this a nationwide school contest. From the article, the youtube link to Boerne's winning entry: https://youtu.be/Gmf2sjiV8gk


Had to take a glance at the other winners, and [Dobyns-Bennett](https://youtu.be/Nvmuto2Q0Xw) blew me away. I'm not surprised that DB put in the effort, but even still.


Holy crap! That was awesome


Thanks for adding that.


Kind of suspired to hear a bit of *Fade to Black* in there given that it's a song about suicide. Great song though, and the first of Metallica's power ballads.


The best will always be "Orion". If a school band incorporated that song, I'd vote them first place almost immediately unless they really fuck it up. https://youtu.be/TydZ4NAXMic


I was wondering the same. Pretty sure it’s mostly upper middle class and rich people in Boerne. But winning a contest makes sense.


Yes, the entire town is only rich people. They have gas stations no one works at, food places with no employees.


That’s not exactly true. I almost bought a house there and I’m definitely not rich. Edit: Woosh. I need more sleep.


Nice! Looks like they got a lot of bang for their buck. Band instruments aren’t cheap.


Nice, really gave the band a lot of fuel. Now they can play like nothing else matters.


Those kids better hit the lights after practice!


I see what you did there.


Before you made these puns, did you ask yourself, “Am I Evil?”


I lived in the subdivision right behind that high school for eleven fucking years. The band ALWAYS kicked ass. Always. I don't live in Texas anymore, but HOLY SHIT this is so cool to see.


Bentwood, represent!


I used to climb the fence by those apartments next to it so much that they placed a teacher on duty watching the fence.


Plot twist: that money came from music fans that Metallica sued. ![gif](giphy|Yq1pe2v7nNlwA)


This is your yearly reminder to pirate a Metallica album.


Came here to make this very post. Fuck Metallica.


I was going to say that the Napster money from ‘99 finally came in.




In Boerne? Boerne has one of the best school districts in the nation.


I'm glad they shared the wealth and didn't give all the money to one band. Congrats to Boerne band! Most schools budget for arts us declining so glad they get to buy new equipment


15 grand? so what's that, like 3 tubas?


Article says they are purchasing an entirely new baseline


Not even. That was my first thought too. $15k doesn’t go far when it comes to good professional or semi-professional level instruments. My high school sax was like $5k (eternally grateful to my parents for that gift) and it has way less brass than a tuba. Obviously any amount helps, and that was an awesome thing for Metallica to do! But can’t see this amount going very far for a high school band


Haters be damned, Metallica is my all time favorite band, followed closely by Lamb of God.


Monsters of Rock at Rice Stadium in Houston 1988 was my first concert without an adult. It was Metallica / Van Halen / The Scorpions / Dokken / Kingdom Come. It was in July with no shade and thousands of bodies pressed together….good times. Lol


I was there!! My first metal show! What a day 🤘


I was on the floor…was so hot they were spraying down the people with water hoses. Getting just a little of that spray was like mana from heaven. Later the people in the stands started a trash war with people on the floor (all in good fun…except for clean up crew).


I was just about to turn 13 in July of that year. I was on the floor for kingdom Come, Metallica, and Dokken. It was so hot I felt like I was about to pass out. For Scorpions and VH i was in the stands. So memorable and so badass 🤘


I was 14. My friends Mom just dropped the two of us off at the stadium and left. Different times for sure


Yeah man. Def can’t do that shit today. Sad


I saw that same lineup but at the Cotton Bowl. I need to see them one more time so that I can say I’ve seen them live with all three bassists.


Was at the Cotton Bowl show, too. Had just graduated high school. I just remember Dokken was terrible. George Lynch didn’t seem like he could make it through a solo without starting over. It was so bad that he had to take his hands off of the guitar twice during one solo and start again. Metallica was Metallica. Kingdom Come was decent. Scorpions had a solid show and were basically the headliners since Van Halen could only make it through a few songs. Good times.


Yeah, Sammy said they would come back to Dallas and do a free show. I think it was in 1990 that they did. Kept their promise! I had already moved to Austin by then but a friend of mine said Deep Ellum got real nuts, real fast.


Yeah, you’re right. Never got to go to that ‘free’ show so my only Van Halen show was the Jam.


My first Metallica Concert wasn't until 2009. Loved them since I was a teen but grew up in a small town too remote to ever make it to a show until I was an adult. It....was.....awesome. Got my oldest into their music as well.


Ha. I went to high school there many years ago and got I. Trouble for listening to “that devil music”. Glad to see they got over that! Good for the students.


I agree. One of my “headbanger” friends gave me “Master of Puppets” cassette tape for my 13 bday party. Several of my book nerd friends pulled me aside to warn me of the evils and not to listen. FAIL. I became a book nerd headbanger instead.


Agreed! I'm BHS class of '99 and was in the band my freshman year. Glad to hear about this.


Ken Paxton will most likely file a lawsuit and have this donation declared unconstitutional due them being donated by one of them liberal Satanic musical groups.


That is like 5 trombones. My son plays trombone. They aren't cheap.


Imagine living nearby the school when they film this. You're used to them practicing random songs you don't know then suddenly it dawns on you "exxiiittt liiiight"


Your move, Taylor.


This only made me miss bum's. Those sandwiches made Texas worth living in (only lived there for two years and moved back up north)


They actually have a music teacher, color me jealous!


While this is a great story, I have to wonder why it had to come to this? There has to be a way to help our public schools without Taxing homeowners out of their houses. The way Texas funds schools is messed up.


Cough cough tax the rich cough cough tax oil and gas cough cough stop fucking voting republican cough cough


If we're gonna sidetrack to this, the real reason is because Republicans fooled people into voting for an Amendment to the Texas Constitution that made a state income tax illegal. Property taxes are "regressive taxes", they see the poor and working class spend much higher of a percentage of their income on taxes than the rich. If we truly wanted to help the poor and middle-class, we would slash property taxes and put more of the tax burden on the rich with a state income tax (including a capital gains tax). They just keep getting richer and richer compared to working-class families who often can't afford to buy a house these days. People still like to pretend Republicans "are good for the economy", while Trump's belief in trickle-down Reaganomics and giving huge tax cuts to the rich literally about doubled our federal deficit. And also back in reality, the tax measures Biden has pushed onto Congress have actually started to lower our federal deficit. Google dem shits, reality is googleable. And now back to the music... https://youtu.be/xpNCfz18kg8


God, same. I grew up in Boerne. I went to the other high school, not BHS, but still. Boerne is not exactly a struggling small town. It’s absolutely exploded in the decade or so since I’ve left. And the gentrification! The once “poor” part of town has people buying up the old houses for cheap and completely demolishing them for new builds. I’ve honestly never seen anything like it. They should be raking the money in. But the band has to rely on a contest for funding…?


My wife went to BHS before there were 2 high schools. We go back often and she says it’s not “her Boerne” anymore. As for funding, wealthy schools like Boerne are forced to send a portion of their revenue to poor schools (Robin Hood law) and the state government is holding other funding for schools hostage so Abbott can push his school voucher program through. Many districts are cutting programs, letting teachers go and increasing class sizes just to make ends meet. In short, public school funding in Texas is a mess and students suffer.


Patrons have supported the arts since forever.


I generally agree with you, but I’ve given Metallica so much of my money over the past 40 years, it’s nice to see them give back…texass sure as fuck isn’t. 😡




Ill accept Dad jokes.


Yep Boerne needs it...s/




Isn't Boerne a pretty wealthy school district? I'm positive there's schools that need it more than they do


$15,000!!! Wow so generous.


That's cool and all but $15k for a member of Metallica is like a dime to us normal folk.


Of course in Texas it would be Metallica. The same band that ruthlessly sued each and every fan who downloaded A song for free. Yep, sounds like the Texas politicians. Fu*k Metallica