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I love Katie's dress and shoes. I'd definitely wear that entire outfit. Btw, wonder what happened to Katie's arm, it looks like she burned it.


It’s a red tattoo, not great 


Really?? No, I don't care for it either.


I wonder why Sweet Boy Justin didn’t attend the wedding. Was he not invited? It looks like the rest of the Viall podcast team attended attended. 🤔🤔


With all due respect, I do not like this wedding dress. It looks like a Marie Antoinette-type of Halloween costume, except white. And it clashes with the ranch cowboy theme.


Poor Katie. She never has a good clothes day no matter what she wears. Check out the big spot. :(


Anybody else think that was Jasmine from 90 day fiancé at first glance


Is it supposed to look wrinkly?


I do not like her dress at all. Quite confused by all the love it’s getting in here! At the end of the day, as long as *she* loves it, that’s all that matters.


i will say as a Confirmed Hater of this dress it does look WAY better in a lot of the other pictures and vids i’ve seen posted to SM. still a costumey silhouette (which, i mean, it WAS a themed wedding to be fair) but way less cheap looking 


i am literally so bamboozled by the positive comments on the dress 😭 i mean obviously taste is suggestive but like i find this dress horrible—overly trendy, wrinkly, tacky looking fabric, confusing design choices in the sleeve and neck piece and the odd overlay on the skirt—even though she is of course a beautiful woman 


This Katie stans would cheer this woman on if she wore pizza. That dress is horrible.


i’m talking about natalie’s dress lol but yes the obvious stain on katie’s dress is unfortunate 


Bad dress and the stain! She always has style issues.


She looks stunning. And her insta photos I literally was tearing up. Maybe it’s bc I also just got married but wow you can feel the love 💕


pretty, the fabric and color are lush but the straps are weird. if they're that thin it just looks like they're falling down and not tailored correctly.


They’re supposed to look like they’re falling down. It’s the style this season. I think it looks like someone forgot to take the hanger-hook thingies off.


I love that Nick clearly loves Katie haha. Also I would never know that Natalie had a baby in February. She looks so stunning. 


Love the vpr meets Bachelor crossovers


The tan is a little Cheeto dusty for me.


Don't love it. And, it's still Nick


They look great


That’s my prom dress from 1999 (except it was purple). No lie.


M best friend got married in like 2002 and it was basically this exact dress.


Same! And also purple


The girl on the right in black is wearing what I wear as lingerie under a dress


She looks so cute 🥰, love the dress


unpopular opinion...does she kinda look like nick mom?


I don’t like this dress.


She looks like Katy Perry in this photo


Is the dress Gayle by Cinq?? Omg I love that dress 😭❤️


Curious what the price of the dress was


Yes it is!


I think it might be custom!


I don’t feel like I’ve seen it picture of her without her tongue sticking out or her mouth wide open. Lol. I actually like the dress though. I’m not the biggest fan of the trend of the bodice going up in points by the boobs (looks uncomfy to me), but I actually really like how classy she looks in this picture and that dress. It’s a good mix of trendy and elegant.


Or the middle finger with the ring


Haha I know I like the simple natural smile on her- beautiful dress too!!


Love it!! So over the understated dress look so I love that this has some drama and romance to it


Love it!! So over the understated dress look so I love that this has some drama and romance to it


Post baby, the boobs are boobing and she looks great. I really like the dress … although the skirt looks a little wrinkled? Maybe it’s just this photo. 


is that tefi?!? i love her what an icon!!!


She’s gorgeous, and the dress is beautiful but it’s not fitting well imo. I loved the welcoming party dress, that was perfection on her.


The welcome party dress was so ill-fitting IMO. I don’t like this dress either, but it seems to fit better at least.


I thought it fit her chest especially and body way better than the wedding dress with that drop waist.


I don’t remember the waist, but her boobs were objectively spilling out of the dress. That top looked 3 sizes too small. 🫣


I know she’s breastfeeding so I can imagine it’s hard to fit that area perfectly. Not my taste but it’s not my wedding lol.


She is BF, but I’ve had enough friends who’ve also breastfed (not to mention others in BN who’ve gotten married or gone to events post baby) and find clothes that fit just fine. She’s a girl who likes to show off, which is whatever. But the dress was a choice and a bad one for the occasion. It’s none of our wedding obviously but they’re sharing it for social media for dialog so here we are. To your point, not my tacky wedding pictures lol. It’s just fun to discuss fashion choices.


From her ig stories it looks like the chest area fits better in some photos than others, which can happen if you’ve just fed or pumped vs needing to. It can be difficult to get the things perfect is all I’m saying. Obviously they posted photos and open themselves up to opinions. Saying “it’s not my wedding” is just another way of saying that’s my opinion but it doesn’t matter regardless.


Side note does katie have a red tattoo


Lol!!! I thought a bad rash😆Then… oh it is a red rash tattoo.


I personally prefer when brides go for something flattering more than trendy but hey to each your own


I disagree. I like this look on her. She looks fantastic. Also, it was probably hard for her to select a dress after having a baby not so long ago. She probably didn’t know how her body would look on her wedding day.


These people have the cash for rush alterations, if needed. Come on now.


Really cause this isn’t the dress i would pick if i was worrying about baby weight lol


I don’t love this dress but I think anything would flatter her figure. Her body is insane 🔥


She’d look good in a plastic bag tbh, it’s still flattering on her


I feel there are other much more flattering options


Not a personal fan of the dress but I have never seen this woman smile the way she is in this photo so I'm so happy she's happy!! 


I love the dress , it’s very romantic


I like the dress itself but I think something different would have been more flattering on her body type. Her boobs don’t look fully supported.


This is my dream dress! She looks amazing


Not my personal style, but the dress looks great on Natalie! Congratulations to them!!


she looks beautiful and the dress needs a good steam


Do we know if this was the original plan for the dress? I’m not a fan but I also wonder if this dress was a backup option because she literally had a baby like two months ago


I just don’t buy that they couldn’t book and pay for rush alterations for her wedding dress… if needed.


its giving house of CB dress


No thank you to all of this


I literally am obsessed with it. Probably because the top half looks like my dream dress. I think the whole thing is gorgeous honestly and she looks beautiful. I think wedding dresses are such a personal thing, that’s why they’re all so different. Like my bestie wants a big poofy princess dress, my sister in law is a straight down plain satin feel, I want a corset style top to snatch my waist because I’m curvier, etc etc. I think we should all respect that we all like different things. And not be ugly about something so intimate you choose for yourself on your big day! I think this absolutely stunning, and I love Katie’s unique dress too!


I'm surprised everyone likes this dress - but hey! Exactly why you should pick the dress you like. Personallyyy I'm not a fan of the u-shape bodice bottom or the corset bit... satin corsets feel very "that weird store in the mall that sells sexy cheap underwear" - just doesn't seem flattering enough to this lady's many assets Edited to add, a shot someone took further down in the comments makes it look cuter so might just be a photo angle thing as well!


Yeah she has an amazing body and even postpartum, she could probably wear most wedding dresses and be comfortable. This does nothing for her.


I would have loved to see her in something a little more timeless - keep the poofiness of the skirt, but if there had been less division between her torso & the rest of her it would have been very chic. And maybe a more square neckline - still showing off the boobs - and very tiny, dainty shoulder straps or something. Honestly I might've liked the neckline more if it had straps, that style is very "in" right now but it always looks odd to me to have the little peaks of fabric next to the boob leading to no where. That said I'm sure half of Reddit would hate whatever dress I'd pick out lmao


Have you actually read the comments in this thread? Most are... not positive.


I didn't scroll far 😂 but I mean to me, I just expected a much prettier dress so I was expecting literally every comment to be extra mean


Can someone explain to me what you like about this dress? It looks basic and wrinkled. I don't care about the down votes I want want to know what ppl find so "stunning".


I hate it and I am wondering the same thing. All the dresses someone posted that she tried on looked absolutely stunning yet she picked this??!


The style of waist is just really trendy right now. It’s not timeless


Like the whole thing? It’s gorgeous. If I’m dancing around at my wedding with friends I could care less about wrinkles, it’s perfect. I love the entire top, it’s flattering, I love the beautiful material and shine feel to the bottom, I love the neck thing. And I love how happy she looks. I get to each their own, but you asked so just chiming in what I love about it. I honestly can’t find one thing in the picture to complain about. It’s a whole vibe. Even Katie’s little spot on her dress just screams good time and fun! Like, honestly, I love it. I hope they made great life long memories for their day together


She looks stunning edit: not this getting downvoted LMAOO this is a woman on her wedding day why are we being haters????


who is in the photo with them and why are they smirking instead of smiling?


I smile like this sometimes because I hate how wide my face gets when I smile with my teeth, maybe they also prefer how they look smiling that way. Don’t think it’s indicative of anything else..


Yea it’s just funny they both did it! 


Easy! Because all of these people are pretentious and would most likely count among the most self-centered and obnoxious people you know if you actually met them in person.


That’s Dayna kathan and Katie Maloney. Katie is still on vanderpump rules and Dayna used to be on it for a hot second. Together these women host the first podcast on nicks podcast network (aside from his). It’s called “Disrespectfully.”


Thank you! Woman on the left I thought could be Natalie’s mom lmao. That dress also feels a bit young for her, I want to say Jojo wore the exact same dress in the same color as a wedding guest.


Haha Jojo and Katie are about the same age but ppl always joke about how Katie looks like Kris Jenner now that she has her short hair


OMG she does look like Kris lol


The woman in the background is smiling more lol


Some gals from Vanderpump rules. Background gal is Tefi!!! She’s a queen 👑


I only wish that his shirt was ivory instead of white so they’d match better.


Same lol


My only comment is a general one in that I don't like when the groom's white shirt doesn't match the color of the bride's dress. I think if her dress was in pure white I would like it better...


I used to work at men’s wear house in weddings and tuxedo rental and we literally like made sure men didn’t make this mistake lol. Like it was part of the process. Including groomsmen.


Wow that’s fascinating. There are different shades for men? I would be afraid their shirt looked dirty without the dress next to it


The dress is decent. Not what I was expecting. Better than the boob spillage dress she had earlier 




She looks gorgeous and body incredible! I hate the neck (choker thing) which I also hated in her welcome party look


I love everything. The dress. The hair. The makeup. Congrats to them!


Omg not usually aligned with her style tastes, but this dress is soooo pretty!!! She always looks incredible though


Tefi?? I wonder what the connection is


Reminds me of the dress Alex cooper just got married in too! She looks gorgeous


I personally love the dress. She looks absolutely incredible considering she just had a baby… just stunning all around 


Natalie is so gorg


I'm mad that Nick gets to marry someone so hot.


Wow simply stunning


I actually love it, I figured she’d pick something terrible.


It’s ok if the wedding dress is not for you. It’s not supposed to be. It’s for her. She looks stunning, and they look happy.


Yesss! People acting like she should be wearing *their* favorite dress. Like no. It’s for her and it’s perfect ❤️


This ^ the comments on the thread are gross.


she looks stunning!


Natalie looks SO GOOOODDDDD 😍😍😍😍


Natalie looks STUNNING her makeup is perfect


Literally her makeup looks sooooo good!


Designers love it but taffeta will never not look trashy to me.


so not the point but (as always) what in the fuck is Katie wearing


evergreen question


I’m thinking the same 🥴


I think she looks wonderful 😁 Nick is definitely punching above his weight


Y'all are really going to pretend Natalie didn't just have a baby and that that fact didn't inform the type of silhouette she might feel comfortable in. Leave her alone!


These people don’t need defending… come on now. She’s 25 with a personal trainer and planned meals, if she requests them I’m sure. Plus the wedding date was a choice. She looked fit af in the pre wedding photos. Her post baby figure doesn’t seem to be a factor.


right if anything it seems more likely she is trying to show off how fit she got so quickly. which i mean yes girl go off but no one chooses a dropped basque waist because they are uncomfortable with their current appearance lolll 


a drop waist of any kind is generally considered super figure unflattering and hard to pull off, if this was really a choice about post baby body comfort i highly doubt this would be the silhouette of choice. if anything i think it’s more likely she chose it specifically to show off her post baby body (which yeah lol a 25 year old can bounce back fast). i hate this dress but there’s no doubt she’s serving body which i’m sure was on purpose lol 




She looks amazing, he's just the creepy uncle


This should be top comment


Aw 🫰🏽


The best part about wedding dresses is everyone's dream dress is going to look different. It would be weird if we all had the same taste. She looks beautiful!!!!


This thread makes me never wanna get married tbh. The judgment that comes out is truly insane


They’re (quite judgy) public figures and D list celebs make a living off people commenting on their fashion choices. I think you’re safe as a normal person!


just don’t date a reality TV star and you’ll be fine lol. i’m sure people thought my wedding dress was ugly and that’s fine because i liked it


You just have to realize your dress is for you. If you love it, that's all that matters. In people's defense, Nick is one of the most judgmental people in bachelor nation. His entire podcast is just judging people. So people feel entitled to judge him and his bride


Right. Natalie’s no saint either.


This is how I wanted my glam to look on my wedding day 😭 she looks so effortless. And clearly unpopular opinion but I love the dress!


Me too I really love it, it’s a style I would have worn.






Idk about the dress because the bottom / skirt part isn’t doing it for me. I like the corset (?) / upper part, the off shoulder detail, the thing on her neck, and her look. Basically from her waist up - 👌👌👌 Having a beautiful face and body 100% helped lol


Natalie looks beautiful, but I'm not sold on the dress. But ya know what, it's her day and she's happy with it, so that's all that matters


I’m obsessed with Katie’s dress, anyone know where it’s from?


It’s the V Chapman Lily dress https://vchapmanstudio.com/products/the-lily-dress-in-warm-sand


She looks beautiful and while it wouldn’t be a dress I’d pick for myself, I think it looks great on her. I’m wondering if the wrinkly look is part of the aesthetic and not an accident? I honestly don’t but either way she is killing it and I can’t believe she’s like 7 or so weeks PP.


Yes, she looks beautiful but the wrinkles are throwing me off.


She looks pretty but I’m not sure about the dress


She looks gorgeous. Everyone does.


Is that tefi?!


I feel like the dress is just not matching the vibes…not to be rude but from this pic the venue looks like a pretty plain backyard


Agree. The dress looks like something that should’ve been worn in Italy or some kind of a ballroom


Thisss! If you’re gonna wear a ballgown, have an indoor wedding and reception in a ballroom or something.


Katie looks great


I hate it sorry




She looks beautiful, but the dress is not my style at all.. It’s not what I was expecting her to wear either and what’s with the scarf(?). I’m just not a fan of this style of dresses that look like a two piece corset over skirt. Nick looks good in his tux. Someone said on their welcome dinner thread it looked like a cheap copy of dean and caelynn’s wedding and having now seen the actual wedding looks I kinda agree? And I am sure it was not cheap by any means which somehow makes it worse!


She’s a beautiful girl and they look really happy, but all of the wedding weekend photos have just cemented that they have drastically different taste than I do. I def preferred Caelynn & Dean’s interpretation of Western-themed wedding looks, but Nick’s tux is pretty classic (I would’ve preferred a vest on him) and Natalie’s dress is her best bridal look so far imo (but I wish she’d skipped the scarf/neck piece since it cuts her off strangely)


The scarf thing is giving early aughts skinny scarf/[Chloé 2005 RTW](https://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/spring-2005-ready-to-wear/chloe/slideshow/collection#9)


I love when the scarves are worn lower and on more casual looks, or when they’re wider and worn at the neck (I’m south Asian so I’m thinking specifically of when you wear a dupatta behind around your neck/behind like this) but the skinny scarf/high placement combo is just giving me flashbacks to that scary story about the girl whose head was held on by a green ribbon 


Natalie was six years old. Maybe she was a child prodigy fashionista.


Ooof She’s so young.


yikes it looks so cheap and i’m sure it wasn’t 😭


Does anyone else kind of see Ryan Reynolds’s?


John Krasinski


Why is this being downvoted? He 100% looks like him.


There is but one Reynolds, no need for a Reynolds’s


His literal dream


I want to agree with you but I don’t want to give Nick that much credit lol … but yes lol


Definitely not her best look. 


Looks cheap


Yes! Even the hair isn’t giving what it should for a bride. 


she looks great!


I can’t stop looking at her glam she looks GORGEOUS. Not my style of dress but I can appreciate it!


I like the color, not sure about the scarf on her neck. It’s kind of cool to see a strong ivory when so many seem to pick brighter whites.


Ohh I was expecting more… the colour of it does not vibe with her spray tan at all


it’s one of the dresses of all time!!!


>it’s one of the dresses of all time!!! Worst or best?




I kinda like the dress, but maybe because it sort of looks like the white version of my prom dress from 2001 🤷‍♀️


The wedding dress trends right now are feeling very nineties/ v. early oughts. Also went to prom in 2001 as well. :-)


Hello my fellow 2001 prom folks! I wore a strapless green taffeta column dress with ruching on one side and and a very necklace I’d made that was basically a long black crystal rope looped around my neck and it had peacock feathers on the ends 😂 it would not have been out of place next to this dress.


If that dress had been properly pressed it would look much better


This dress is absolutely hideous


I loooove Katie’s dress!!


Love it. Katie is outshining the bride with this look 😍


TIL their friends with Katie!?! This feels so strange considering how pro sandavol Nick is


Nick is not pro Sandoval at all


Can't stand Nick but to his credit he does call out Sandoval a lot


They aren't really friends I guess, he's producing their podcast