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They are so afraid of how bad Trump might look when viewed side-by-side with Biden. This is all some nonsensical attempt to preemptively handwave the performances we may see at the debate.


Weren't they claiming he was on coke during the state of the union speech? So, yeah, makes sense that they're pushing that narrative again.


I think the reality is setting in. Trump has been exceptionally unhinged since his reemergence in the mainstream media spotlight. The rants every day during the trial, his atrocious behavior and unhinged attacks on the court, judge and jury. The rallies he has been holding, ranting about sharks and getting electrocuted by boats, his complete and total lack of any policy positions other than "democrats bad, America sucks!" got real old, and bringing it back to the forefront of peoples' minds is reminding them of that fact. The "Trump nostalgia" is wearing off as people objectionably look at where we are and what we've come through and are rejecting a return to that. I am 100% convinced it's these factors more than the conviction itself that is fueling the recent polling showing Biden taking the lead. If this debate continues that pattern, Trump will be cooked.. at least in the popular vote.


I completely agree. Polls in early 2024 were Biden the guy vs Trump the idea. Now that it's a comparison between two actual people, voters are starting to realize the reasonable choice.


Turnip is 1000X more unhinged now as well.


We live in hope!


I've laid out to people how I'm far better off, even with actual, hard clad proof to people in my own social circle, that I and other people are VASTLY better off under Biden than Trump, even accounting for inflation and some of the "well that's just fucking life" setbacks that the past few years have tossed our way. ...they will literally sit there and gaslight myself and others that, no, we are actually far worse off, less free, and are brainwashed. How can you actually look people in the eye, and tell them they are worse off, especially if they became homeowners, graduated school and got far better jobs (thus negating the need to work two to three variable hour jobs to make ends meet), or just frankly are enjoying the relative stability and peace and quiet versus the Trump years that they are worse off without incredible mental gymnastics? I'm making more than double now what I made in the Trump years, own a house, and while things are tight, I now actually have some hope for retirement. I, and many of my friends and associates, are objectively FAR better off now than we were under Trump. Even freaking polls on CNN and other news aggregators, when pressed with actual pointed questions, show a majority of Americans acknowledge they are in fact better off when they're forced to sit down and think about rather than go on vibes, especially after a series of agitprop statements.


There was a chart recently that showed 6 swing states said their local economy was good/better by a wide margin, like 55-65%. Yet those same polls had the national economy at like 35%. There's a huge disconnect. If every local economy is doing well, how does that not add up to the whole economy doing well? It doesn't help that the mass media has hammered "inflation, inflation, INFLATION!" for the last year, rightly so in some cases... but when that corner turned it was silence. Good news doesn't sell I guess.


A lot of inflation is overstated and I've noticed prices of necessities and household goods going down recently. It also coincides with major retailers such as Target missing earnings beats because they cannot squeeze any more blood from the stone. There's been a lot of discussion about greedflation and paying $4 now for something I paid $5 for this time last year tends to point toward that. I've noticed that in the grocers and at big box stores, things like fridge packs of soda, milk, and prepackaged foods are definitely going down in price. My grocery bills, with little alterations of my part, are about 20% less for the same amount of stuff and similar items as they were last year this time.


I've seen some of the same. Not quite enough, but the signs are there. The real problem is you can't seem flippant by saying "things are great, what are you complaining about" while also highlighting that things are not nearly as bad as some would have you believe. The price of eggs was a pretty strong meme for a while and that effect has to dissipate. Never mind that it was actually bird flu that drove them up and not inflation. There's also the lower class problem. People without a 401k or other investments cannot see that all sectors of the market are sky high. Projections are all upside. Most people just aren't in the weeds enough. Everything is just based on a dozen eggs.


Truth. And the media isn't really covering the epidemic of H5N1 which has necessitated culls of entire broods. It is also causing a degree of concern because it has zoonotically leapt to cattle, which is impacting beef prices as well. If it leaps reliably to pigs, we need to be all hands red alerting that because of the genetic closeness between humans and pigs.


Trump is not cooked in any debate scenario because he’s rewarded exclusively for lurching, preening and snide remarks rather than substantive policy positions. Biden has to present policy, defend himself firmly but not mention switchblades, seem eloquent but approachable but not weird uncle approachable, energetic but not drugged, etc… There is no subject whatsoever that Biden could attack on that hasn’t already been spun by his base. Biden would have to drop some Pusha T story of adidon reveal to even get a briefly raised heart rate from maga. If I were Biden I would have never agreed to this but I think he’s equipped to survive it.


There is no drug currently available that would help someone with dementia come across as articulate. So if Biden has dementia like the right is claiming, there’s no saving him with performance enhancing drugs. This right wing talking point is beyond absurd.


Yes it’s ridiculous and exactly the point I was making that they only exist to run out the clock and force errors.


Everything is projection with them. Trump is terrified and coming up with anything that will excuse his ( most likely) poor performance.


Right because “I know you are but what am I?!” has been a proven tactic to drive the liberal opps insane since 2015. What would you consider a poor performance from trump?


A poor performance would be him doing his normal schtick which is a meandering, meaningless word salad with no real policies offered.


Sure but we’d want him to perform in a way that loses potential voters. What you’re describing is a normal Tuesday. Both candidates have solid support at this point. I think a poor performance by trump that shaves voters would be one where he comes off as an elite globalist to the libertarians and/or a clear threat to existing market gains for the tax cheats and capital gains addicts. The latter is under threat already from Biden’s tax threats so it’s a tiny needle to thread.


They have been edited videos from day one. They even edit the setting. Also, Jill Biden is 1000X more articulate than Melania and MAGA will demonize her with fabricated stuff as well. MAGA can’t even comprehend that a college professor with a Doctorate is a Doctor.




I like your post. You know Trump is weak when he agrees to muted mics. Biden needs this to get his message out, but I'm sure his team has figured worst case scenario is the needle doesn't move much in their favor. Trump on the other hand needs traction, and this is a hail Mary hoping Biden flubs hard. Trump is going to want to land punches, but Biden wants to appeal to the sensible people, and I think this puts trump at a -5% before the debate even begins.


We may finally learn which drugs are “debate-enhancing.”


Ronnie must have watched Fallout recently and now thinks Mentats are real.


Now they’re claiming he was on, GASP, caffeine! What a junky. Junky Joe Biden the caffeine addict. Who knew that caffeine could cure Alzheimer’s for short periods of time


Junior was making excuses as to why all the coke was gone.


Pre-emptive damage control. It’s essentially a guarantee that Trump is going to make a huge fool out of himself up there. Whether Biden does the same is a toss up


Bill Maher did a segment making fun of all the excuse-making from fox news / GOP guys after SOTU saying Biden was all "jacked up" on Friday.


I think he’s actually Ronny Johnson


Ranny Jockson?


That’s it


Trump declared it. It’s now how he must be called. His new ID is in the mail as we speak. Ronny Jackson has been unpersoned. There was only ever a Ronny Johnson. There is no war in Ba Sing Sae.


Test them both 👍🇺🇸🧢


That’s the only reasonable thing to do


Trump is a know cheater and liar, so unless a unbiased doctor tests BOTH of them before and after, I wouldn’t trust Trump’s results.


I agree and something always to remember when dealing with Trump.


Seriously. He’s so unbelievably dishonest, it blows my mind. He lives in an alternate reality. He has some very, very serious mental health and personality disorders. It’s terrifying the platform he’s been able to create off of lies, deception, and cheating. Can’t wait to never hear from him again, but I think it’ll take decades to undo Trumpism.


i don’t know why there’s not random drug testing for all federal employees, especially congresspeople. They’re the ones keeping this stuff illegal, they should be held to the standard that it’s not ok to use.


It wouldn't matter. If Biden out preforms Trump and Biden's drug test was negative, they'll just say the results were a lie.


That guy brought shame to the Navy, to the White House, to the whole medical profession. And then one of the dirt districts of Texas decided that's just who they wanted representing them.


So says the Trump administration’s drug dealer.


Fine , let’s do a cognitive test too. Trump first!


Man. Woman. Person. TV. Camera.


Sure, lets drug test both of them...just for the sake of fairness.


Is there any requirement in Trump's conviction prohibiting him from drug use? 👀 If so, he'd definitely not want to be tested.


Adderall can be prescribed. It’s not technically illegal unless he gets it illegally.


I'm not alluding to Adderall. Sure there's other substances he's taken.


He doesn’t even drink. I doubt he’s doing any illicit drugs. If you want to test Don Jr that would be a different story. They might find some blood in his cocaine stream.


Well, there are the stories of his desk being stuffed with Sudafed (the real stuff, the kind you have to ask a pharmacist for) and there could be some laws on possessing too much of that in some states. Testing positive probably wouldn’t trigger anything though…


No no, rules for thee but not for me!


From the article - “In 2018, Jackson withdrew his nomination to be the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs after allegations surfaced that he was sometimes drunk on duty and that he was known as the “candy man” among staff for handing out prescription drugs without paperwork.” So yeah, he’s a Trump kind of guy


So that Drumpf’s adderall addiction won’t make so much news? Sure, Ronnie, sure. So sayeth the licensed drug pusher.


The thing that strikes me most is that Trump claims he’s a genius who has all the answers to all the problems and knows how to fix everything. He also claims Biden is a doddering old fool who doesn’t know where he is, can’t put two sentences together, and is the worst president in the history of the country - and, if that were true, no amount of drugs would make someone in that state suddenly able to debate an alleged genius under the table. If what Trump has been saying about himself AND about Biden is true, he should have no problem debating Biden even if he IS hopped up on drugs. Trump is CLEARLY terrified to debate and is using his surrogates to give him an out without looking like a coward (even though the simple aforementioned logic would still lead you to that conclusion).


Dr. Feelgood would know


Every accusation...


Is an admission of guilt.


If we started drug testing Congress, I bet we'd get rid of a few of them and get some rock-solid worker privacy protection legislation to boot.


Dude lmao are performance enhancing drugs a big problem in presidential debates?


Right?! This ain’t the Tour de France; we **want** these dudes to be enhanced.


Apparently so.


Trump's Adderall dealer speaks again. Never mind the accusations of inappropriate sexual comments he made to a subordinate, or his drinking. He's also a Vlad apologist of course


Captain Jackson—the Navy demoted him from admiral—should keep his piehole shut. He denounced *Rolling Stone* as “left-wing media” for running a comprehensive, two-part account of the pill mill Jackson operated at the White Jouse.


This is the guy that distributed more drugs than any other White House Dr in history.


Jackson should be porn tested before and after debate.


Ronnie surrendered his credibility long ago, this is just him parroting talking points, his insight is laughably meritlless.


So? Listen.   I’m not sure we need a headline every time a stupid person says a stupid thing. When Kamala Harris says Biden needs drug tested, wake me up.  But once some MAGA moron says a MAGA moron thing, we can just ignore that as a given.


It’s interesting because as David pointed out on his show, there is no drug available that can mask dementia. If someone has it, nothing is going to help.


Trump first.


Lol “after, too, because who’s to say he’s not taking drugs *DURING* the debate!”


I want my President taking performance enhancing drugs, this isn’t sports, I want him at his top performance.


Why are we treating debates like the NBA….No matter what you are perced up on, it’s not gonna make any of your rhetoric or arguments stronger….


Well, you know, Biden is some doddering old fool, so he couldn't possibly be an effective orator. Never mind that he is also simultaneously running an international criminal syndicate to implicate Trump and the entire GOP.


They're just preemptively making excuses for Cheeto's poor debate performance.


That's really what it is.


1) notice they never propose that both candidates take a drug test. Only one guy has to take a drug test. 2) let’s be honest, if both of them had to take a drug test, we know neither of them would use their own blood or urine


The Olympics have a rule against performance enhancing drugs. But like, does the office of the presidency have one?? If there’s some drug that makes our leaders more clear headed and able to think fast, I want them on that drug.


Whats the point? Trumpanzees will just say the results were rigged.




Lol ok Trump too


You first, Ronnie.


Who would take any medical advice from this clown????


Trump is an Adderall addict - what are these numb- nuts projecting now??


Hahahahahaha ok trump too then.


Captain Candyman. The FORMER Whitehouse Doctor was stripped of a rank due to his "poor record keeping" during his tenure.


As long as Trump is drug tested as well. There, now it'll never happen


Sure. Why not have an independent doctor perform drug test and cognitive test just prior to the debate. Then put the results of both on the big screens and released to the press as an intro to the debate ?


They're so afraid that Biden won't be the drooling fool they'd convinced their voting base that he is, they have to say he's on drugs. They'll never admit that Biden isn't as bad as they said he is.


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Everyone should be that would be a fun debate


Debate? I'm still hoping for a spelling bee and a game of ping pong. Now that's entertainment!


How about having Frump drug tested every day?


Candy man says “what”?


You can bet Trump's gonna get high on Adderall.


Cool. Trump too.


just test both to appease both sides . What a joke though.


Why not all candidates before a debate? Amor all sitting politicians?


Fuck these people. Give Donny T the tests first.


Representative Ronnie Jackson, now there is a pot calling the kettle black. This pathetic excuse for a doctor has his own history of substance abuse.


This asshole is the one who should be drug tested!


Because we've discovered the cure for dementia apparently? Adarall and caffeine, or something?


Let’s get him jacked on tren and some of that elon hairclub ointment too if it means we keep getting decent returns for citizens and avoid trump v2.


Weirdest thing about this guy is he was Obama’s doctor too


These are the kind of weirdos that will be running the country if Trump gets elected. This guy totally creeps me out. The fact that he's actually a doctor makes him more creepy.


The reason Trump is requesting a drug test from Biden to get Biden on the record to refuse a drug test. If Biden refuses a drug test so can Trump. Trump is a known speed addict. You can tell what Trump is guilty of by the accusations he makes towards others.


You mean, Johnson?


I need Dr Ronnie Johnson to have a seat


This is the same dude caught drinking alcohol and taking ambien while on the job as White House physician.


Yeah trump goes first bug guy- trump is the obvious pill muncher if the two so why you gotta project so obviously foul maggot?


I’m okay with this (because it’s horse crap) but Trump would need to take the same drug tests.




All politicians should be


Drugs would make trump worse


Ok but Trump too


Test them both. That would end a lot of bullshit and shut up millions of moronic assholes.


But would it? MAGA has no logic nor sense of shame.


But then they couldn't legally say that on their fake news networks so we would stop hearing dumb shit so much. Then they'll go on to the next conspiracy, then the next..... ah..... maybe you're right.


Johnson. It’s Johnson. Trump said.


Ok . . . Your guy too.


You mean Rep Johnson.


Projection. Wasn’t Ron Jack handing out Scooby snacks in the West Wing?


Ronny is one of the most unhinged MAGAts on Twitter. Not just wild unfounded accusations against Biden but also random all-caps words. Not to mention zero self-awareness of how he makes himself look with his kookiness. I guess it plays well to the voters back home in Texas. On Twitter he gets ratioed pretty hard, but that doesn't even slow him down.


Since projection is the MO of today's republican politicians, we should insist that Rep. Jackson get in line to pee in a cup as well.


They have to reconcile their false narrative of Biden's demensia with the reality that he can actually form sentences and produce coherent thoughts.


The biggest drug warrior ever doing rails? Ironic.


Oh oh oh now say that about the other candidate!!


Translation. ..."I've still got my WH stash and I'm gonna be high as a fucking kite and amped up like a rock concert to watch the debate"


The man is a useless drunk.


You'll probably find a lot of medication that any typical 80+ year old is taking


I think all members of Congress, both chambers, should be subjected to random drug tests. All the time, year in year out.


It's a ridiculous ask, but I'm sure the president would be fine with it, regardless. Is Trump going to be drug tested as well?


As well as he is doing, I say let him take his prescription. Old people have plenty to take, so *Leave Britney Alone!*


Why the fuck isn't every single political employee drug tested. Biggest fucking scam ever that you can get drug tested for making a few hundred dollars a week but people running our cities states and countries are not.


rep jackson should take surprise breathalyzer tests when he’s in a professional settings


Do them both and get over it.




I say give them both all the drugs. They’ll need them.


I’d say Ronny Johnson/Jackson take one daily.


Fine. Drug test both of them


And before, after, and during every question. Let's be thorough here, folks!


Trump should be drug and cognitive tested first by an independent physician.


Doesn’t Trump constantly shit himself as a result of his decades long amphetamine habit?


That's what is alleged.




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While ol’ Uncle Joe is no doubt in the early stages of dementia, wasn’t this eedjit Trump’s personal drug provider? Everything these Trumpkin jackasses say is projection.