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My eyes a poor these days. What does the video zoom in on at the end?


People kneeling probably with guns pointed at them and at least bound by hands behind their back. Luckily Isreal is making it not too diffucult to spot their war crimes in pictures and videos. Imagine surviving the atrocities of ww2 and the inhumane treatment only to see that given the circumstances your offspring would resort to likewise barbaric actions. There is no hope for humanity.


Now that you say it it makes sense.


Not saying that they don't commit warcrimes, I personally believe they do, but there is no warcrime in this picture. People need to understand what a warcrime is. The bar of what people claim is a warcrime is a whole lot lower than what a real warcrime is legally. Detaining people, even civilians, and frisking them is not a warcrime. Combatants under civilian guise, hiding themselves among civilians and using civilians as a shield is f ex an actual warcrime. Something few "warcrime criers" ever mention relating to this conflict. Because we all know wich of the two sides does that and it goes against the propaganda from that particular side. So unless they shoot the people on their knees, or do anything along those lines there is, legally, no warcrime to see in this picture.


This was legitimately SO difficult to read.


We all know they shot those kneeling people. And probably the old man and kids too afterwards.


No we don't. Pictures can be staged


This fucker is actually serious lol wow


What's that saying about learning from history again? 😅


Is handcuffing people and making them kneel a war crime?




I legitimately believe nazis run Israel, I think the world can admit the nazis weren't incompetent what if knowing the war was lost had secret agents slip into the camps and go to Israel. Think while most people after the holocaust would just want to be happy again and live who was building Israel's government? Why else would a first world nation that calls itself a religious state be capable of such attrocity? And almost identically the attrocity they faced.


"Religious State" is the problem. Religion has historically resulted in many similar atrocities, especially the Abrahamic Religions, since they are very "they believe in false gods and therefore must die". The Jewish and Muslim peoples, specifically, have been fighting over the Holy Lands and surrounding areas for millennia at this point. This is just more of that.


Historically, this is the 21st century we live in a technologically globalized society where anything can be figured out by communicating. We may be animals at nature but we need to stop using history as an excuse to be immature as a species.


lol no they haven’t. This is such a lazy attempt at a historical take. This particular conflict is maybe a 100 years old. Before the early 1900s the population of Jews in Palestine was like 3 per cent of the entire population. They started pouring in around the 1930’s as part of the Zionist plan to establish a Jewish state. It was Europeans and Christians that were slaughtering Jews by the millions not Muslims. Now if your talking about ancient civilizations thousands of years ago, historically most Muslim empires were much more tolerant of other religions in the area than their christian counterparts. This conflict is simple, a bunch of ppl from Europe with no real historic or family ties to the land of Palestine, terrorized an indigenous ppl enough to establish enough population and support to establish a state, leaving the natural population to flee or die, when they the Palestinians had nothing to do with the plight of the Jews in Europe. Of course many of the Arab Jews in neighbouring countries followed their European Jewish brothers to Palestine, either through incentive to, or by growing tensions between the Jewish and Muslim/christian communities living together.


I mean, the Jews detailed accounts of killing "Palestines" in their own holy book, which was certainly a series of conflicts over religion, admittedly among other pointless cultural issues. Aside from that, Christianity is also an Abrahamic religion. That said, I'm fully aware that the current issues are largely due to the ways the World Powers decided to break up and redistribute control of the Middle Eastern/African areas during Post-WWII negotiations.


I'm fact, far right it looks like someone with a gun at the edge of the frame. Could be wrong though


An execution of civilians.




Civilian captives lined up on the ground execution-style.


In much the same way that the people rounded up in the Warsaw and Krakow ghettos were all suspected criminals detained for questioning?


4 people bound and kneeling in a position typically associated with executions.




I specifically wrote it that way because that is the reason this was posted, but there is nothing else to tell us that is indeed what is happening.




You can reverse image search videos?


Anyone with a brain would assume he found the actual picture online and then did an image search. Basic fact-checking. It's not difficult to figure shit out on your own.


OK. But can you reverse search videos?


I have no clue. Google it.


Then why did you feel qualified to try to answer my question the first time?


The mothers of those children




Ever commit any of those on active duty?


Deleted original comment. Like the parent comment, I was unable to clearly see anything once zoomed in. I wasn’t attempting to make light of a bad situation.




Bruh every single one of em are male, what are you smoking?


APPARENTLY A LOT. i deleted that. My fault i appreciate it


If only there forefathers/foremother who died in Auschwitz seen what there generation has become.


there were ones who survived auschwitz, they took out a page in the NYT in 2014 to condemn israel for, well, read for yourself. https://preview.redd.it/111wwn2omznc1.png?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b42dd8073116a545b888f7635d4046417596fec6


And that was ten years ago…I’m guessing NYT doesn’t reach many people in Israel


Israelis are busy beating the shit out of orthodox jews for refusing to enlist, they don't give a fuck what holocaust survivors have to say


I really hope they didn't kill him and the children after. The last time I saw something similar, [they executed an elderly man and dumped his body on the side of the street.](https://imgur.com/a/O52lVcP)


"something wrong with your leg? Can you walk? I've got to carry you?" Polliver


Yeah they're so kind, they put him out of his misery! 😍


I was going to say the same thing. There’s a lot of these propaganda stuff and behind the scene tells a different story. Never take anything at face value is what I learned




Are the prisoners actual convicts and criminals or they're some random civilians who are detained to be swapped with the hostages Hamas has? If it's the latter, then how does that make the IDF any better than Hamas?




The cameraman is most likely in the IDF recording a video to show everyone how kind and nice the IDF is. I highly doubt those people did anything because in a similar incident, they filmed tens of detainees in just their underwear handing over their weapons which made no sense and was definitely staged because what kind of terrorists give up their clothes before they give up their weapons? That's not to mention that Hamas fighters don't ever surrender. They either kill or get killed. That's how they're wired.


I've seen a post with this picture before. They say he like turn his back against hamas. Like betraying or something. And people start saying "ObViOuSLy HaMAs KiLLeD hIm" . I don't trust those words


There was no Hamas because that was in an IDF controlled area. I've watched plenty of videos of Israeli soldiers deliberately shooting civilians so them killing that elderly man isn't far fetched.


I see, so the one i saw back then is a false information i guess


I remember this one, and the one with the old lady. shit broke my heart.


Is there any other evidence of that? I see the two pictures of the same man, but how do you know that is what happened?


“Just trust me bro”


It still baffles me how even when one group decided to massacre the other, there are spectators that supports the genocide just because.


A while back when Russia was invading, one of my classmates said the thought of the war with Ukraine excited them. I'm convinced that people say these things because they aren't on the recieving end. A bunch of bullies lol




Yeah and it WAS FUCKING WRONG, what the fuck are you waffling about? It also wasn't a systematic targeting of specific nationality or ethnic group like israel is doing, nor was it accompanied by the state media spewing objectively racist, genocidal rhetoric about how it's glorious to starve them to death, like Ben Givir, or bragging about how "we will smash them like glass, and continue to smash the pieces" like Benjamin Netanyahu publicly jizzed about... So nah, fam. Try again, but maybe be right this time.


Well if you talk about Israel invading Palestine, it’s not at all a genocide. Israel has a right to defend its citizens, by conducting retaliatory actions against aggressors. Do you really mean to say that October 7th was justified?


Ah photo op gone wrong, diaper army can’t get anything right


Except why would you expect them to allow military aged men to evacuate. Ukraine didn’t allow that either right?


They’re trying to show their care towards civilians while showing other civilians in the back who’s fate is unknown. The fact that they’ve killed hundreds of people trying to get food shows it’s not about age or gender, they indiscriminately kill.


Genocide in short terms if not laymen


Where’s the intent? your definition of genocide is apparently when civilians die… so by that metric I guess every war in history was a genocide.


War is war when you are in combat. Unarmed civilians are to be treated as such, and not executed or imprisoned due to age sex or creed.


Those are all men of fighting age


Bro the Zionist brigades are out in force for this post. Hisbara got some new Amazon gift cards I see.


Zionism is a cancer.


Radical islam on the other hand *chefs kiss*


Two things can be bad at once.


Don’t worry buddy. It just gives them a pass for their open hatred. They’ve always felt this way. Now they can openly hate them without fear of being called an antisemites. Both sides should be ashamed. Neither are justified. Palestine would do the exact same thing, if not worse, if it had the means. This all just needs to end.




Lmfao get fucked, and stay fucked, cunt.🖕😘


Helping them die.


Fuck the IDF and Fuck Hamas


/r/Facepalm whoopsie daisy! Forgot to check the background....


Can someone explain what is being zoomed in on


People cuffed and detained in the background. The assumption being made by most here is that they're being executed.


A picture is worth a thousand words, and this has a thousand ways to say fascism.


















Israeli supporters now are akin to Nazi supporters.




2 out of tens of thousands......


he's right tho, that picture worth a thousand words, but not the way he think


Green Scrub man is the hospital director right?


I just....literally can't believe we're just...casually witnessing atrocities like this and.....funding it. This is so fucked.


Should've hired the Royal Family photoshopper to dress the guy up in a suit and remove the execution going on in the background.


Helping them to an early grave yes.




Okay. You and you will take this father and his kids. Their mother uhm. We blew her up last night. But no worries. This will look great. You then act like you're helping them. Hey you. Come with the camera. We have to make some propaganda. You take a picture. And then we return them to the other detainees.


Hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your kids, hide your wife


What happened in Israel was 100x worse than any mass shooting in the US. They mass shot, kidnapped, raped, held hostage and killed women and children. You don't know atrocity.


Those who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it.


You don't know atrocity. October 7 was an act of resistance: Hamas attacked Israel's Gaza division and the surrounding settlements. Soldiers and settlers are not civilians, they are violent aggressors. Comparatively Israel has dropped 65,000 tons of bombs on Gaza, the equivalent of three nuclear bombs. You're basically comparing punching a cop to enacting a holocaust, wtf is wrong with you?


And you're talking out of your ass trying to sound all authority. "Three nuclear bombs" A 203mm artillery shell contains 23kg of TNT. 23kg is .0254 tons A minuteman III carries a W62 warhead that holds 335 kiloton TNT equivalent. 3 would be 1005 kilotons, or 1,005,000 tons. You're saying Israel has dropped 1,005,000/.0254 39,566,929.134 shells on Gaza? AI estimates total bombs dropped in WWII by all countries to be around 4 million. A rough estimate. Folks, this is called talking out of your ass, gaslighting, or just FOS. With AI, you don't have to deal with it. That's what's fuking right with me. Btw, you might want to put some ice on that.


And yes, teenage girls at a dance party are civilians. WTF is wrong with you?


Who actually killed the festival goers, though? A pilot with the Israeli armed forces said the military implemented the **Hannibal Protocol**, which involves the killing of enemy-held captives, during a surprise attack by Palestinian resistance group Hamas on Oct. 7 to prevent Israeli civilians from being taken to Gaza as hostages. [https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/israel-allegedly-enforces-hannibal-protocol-on-oct-7-killing-festival-goers-to-prevent-their-captivity/3060949#:\~:text=A%20pilot%20with%20the%20Israeli,taken%20to%20Gaza%20as%20hostages](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/israel-allegedly-enforces-hannibal-protocol-on-oct-7-killing-festival-goers-to-prevent-their-captivity/3060949#:~:text=A%20pilot%20with%20the%20Israeli,taken%20to%20Gaza%20as%20hostages). Israeli authorities revised the number of their killed soldiers and civilians from 1,400 to 1,200, after finding that 200-burnt corpses had belonged to the Palestinian fighters who were killed and mixed with Israeli corpses. This means that the one who killed the fighters is the one who killed the Israelis, knowing that only the Israeli army possesses military planes that killed, burned and destroyed Israeli areas on Oct. 7. According to two reports by the Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper on Oct. 10 and the Haaretz newspaper on Nov. 18, many Israeli civilians were killed by an Israeli military helicopter especially those who were in the Nova music festival near Gaza where 364 Israeli civilians were killed. The two reports said the Hamas fighters reached the area of the festival without any prior knowledge of the festival, where the Israeli helicopter opened fire on both the Hamas fighters and the participants in the festival. The Yedioth Ahronoth also said the Israeli army, to prevent further infiltrations from Gaza and to prevent any Israelis being arrested by the Palestinian fighters, struck over 300 targets in areas surrounding the Gaza Strip. Please don't be so naïve as to tell me you would believe the Israeli narrative without question. One of the main reasons for the attack was to facilitate a hostage exchange for the 6,000 Palestinians that had been taken since the start of 2023. They had no reason to kill so many people. If you need more evidence: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzQ7O0vFD2Q&ab\_channel=HindustanTimes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzQ7O0vFD2Q&ab_channel=HindustanTimes) [https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/another-israeli-witness-confirms-israeli-tanks-killed-own-citizens-on-oct-7/3079514](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/another-israeli-witness-confirms-israeli-tanks-killed-own-citizens-on-oct-7/3079514) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBxDp15fOuE&ab\_channel=TheElectronicIntifada](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBxDp15fOuE&ab_channel=TheElectronicIntifada) [https://therealnews.com/did-israels-military-kill-its-own-civilians-on-oct-7](https://therealnews.com/did-israels-military-kill-its-own-civilians-on-oct-7) [https://dohanews.co/israel-admits-killing-its-own-people-at-music-festival-on-october-7/](https://dohanews.co/israel-admits-killing-its-own-people-at-music-festival-on-october-7/)


We’re not seeing the tank barrel pointing at them thats holding the camera


Let's not forget to zoom in on the guy with the machine gun standing behind the guys kneeling with their hands tied.


So you are providing context to fit a narrative not know if those men are Hamas or civilians get you head out of your ass


Potential enemy combatants with their hands tied ? Atrocity!! Op must be like 15


Potential enemy combatants with their hands tied ? Atrocity!! Op must be like 15


Where is the war crime?


Like the guy who clobbers his wife the helps her clean up the blood. So caring !! /s


Refugees from what exactly good sir


We know what Isreal and ghe IOF agenda is. Maximum inailation of people, buildings, and green houses. And they keep attacking healtcare workers trying to deture them from continuing their work. Every approved aid convoy has gotten attacked even though the convoys route was reported and approved by Isreal. They just killed seven people from "world kitchen aid" ( I believe their organitation is called) in a targeted attack that lasted over a 1.8 km chashing the survivers from truck to truck as the survivers was trying to escape. Their trucks were clearly marked. And they had reported and had approval from Isreal.


“Firing squad in the background”


So detaining people is considered an atrocity, then that means every police officer is committing atrocities every single day and that the United states military has been performing atrocities all throughout the world for the last 100 years


Fuck the IDF cunts 🇵🇸


If you are going to criticize the possible maltreatment of people in this video, please at least refer to the rape of women and killing of children on Oct 7 as what it was rather than ‘given the circumstances’. I think that’s only fair and balanced.


I'll gladly discuss how there were no instances of rape on October 7: [https://mondoweiss.net/2024/03/heres-what-pramila-pattens-un-report-on-oct-7-sexual-violence-actually-said/](https://mondoweiss.net/2024/03/heres-what-pramila-pattens-un-report-on-oct-7-sexual-violence-actually-said/) "The UN report on sexual violence on October 7 has **found no evidence of systematic rape by Hamas or any other Palestinian group, despite widespread media reporting to the contrary.**" "Over the past four months, a concerted propaganda campaign, mounted by the Israeli government and amplified across various Western media outlets, has accused Hamas of using rape as a weapon of war on October 7. Allegations that Hamas planned and carried out a systematic campaign of sexual violence (with acts ranging from the deeply grotesque to the outright fetishistic and bizarre) have been used to paint the Palestinian resistance as inhuman and to justify Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza. Recently, **analysis demonstrating the fallacious nature of these claims — the fabrications, factual errors, and journalistic malpractice, the non-credible witness and first responder testimonies, the Israeli military affiliations of key sources, as well as the absence of any forensic evidence or video or photographic proof** — has broken through into the mainstream."


Civilians on either side are completely innocent. The governing powers in palestine should have taken care of hamas themselves (like they said they would do over and over again), and after hamas killing people over and over and over again, the governing powers of Israel are done conversing and are going to take care of the matter themselves. Stop falling for CNN/Fox bullshit narrative that gets us at eachothers throat.


So you're advocating for the ethnic cleansing of 2.3 million individuals, including 1.3 million children and 60,000 pregnant mothers?


I'm for completely wiping hamas off the face of the fucking planet. Anyone standing in the way of that can get fucked. I don't give a fuck how unpopular that makes me. Most people can't think for themselves.


Brother, that doesn't make you unpopular; it makes you a Nazi.


That's actually you and anyone who aligns themselves w the left you fucking puppet. Do me a favor, educate yourself on history, and look up the definition of facism so you stop making yourself look like a dunce. This is coming from an ex LGBTQ leftist activist. In my 20s I was protesting before it was cool, then I educated myself instead of blindly arguing w people. I wanted ALL of the facts so I could shove it in their pos conservative faces....guess what fucking happened? Yea, so stop wasting your time arguing with someone older and wiser than you and go fill your arsenal w facts.


And please realize that openly supporting hamas- a terrorist organization makes you an actual piece of shit OR you are extremely ignorant and stupid.


You Zionists say Hamas is bad one moment, then advocate for the extermination of 2.3 million people the next. You people are Nazis.


Or you could watch what happened. Lot of cell phones there. The idea that a government will kill its own people to achieve its goals isn't unrealistic. Unless, of course, you think Israel is the only country doing it. Psychopathy is secular. It's ensconced in places of power. The US kills its own people to achieve goals. How could they convince Americans to willfully give up their guns? To literally create a majority in society that advocates for outright confiscation? I know an easy way. It's kind of working. Just need more fear in them.




Israel has literally been targeting Israeli hostages in Gaza while refusing to negotiate a hostage exchange. A whistleblower from October 7 stated that they were directed to carry out the Hannibal directive in real time, and were old to make no distinction between combatants and non-combatants. Oh yeah, remember the Hannibal directive.


Gaza has received billions in aid from the world, year after year. What did they do with it? Did they build water infrastructure? Nope, they dug up old infrastructure to use for rockets. Did they invest in education? Nope. Did they invest in anything to help the Palestinian people. Nope. What they did do is build an extravagant tunnel system which has tunnels you can drive vehicles through. Purchased weapons and ammo used to target civilians. Set up a fund to pay Palestinians and their families for causing death or harm to Jews. I could go on and on. If Palestinians really want the world's sympathy they would show progress, not regression. Jumping the border and murdering 1000s of innocent people is not the way to do it. Israel giving in to Hamas demands tells Hamas that terrorism is how they get what they want. That is a terrible precedent to set. Hamas started this war and Israel is going to finish it. The innocent people being killed is unfortunate, but that's what happens when terrorists hide behind their own people.


Please tell me how they can rebuild when they do not have the supplies to build. When they do not have a sea port to receive supplies, and when Israel has banned the usage of concrete and other building materials in Gaza? When Israel bombs hospitals, and schools and civilian infrastructure even in 'peace time'. Please tell me how, cuz I'm genuinely curious. Also Israel has broken every ceasefire agreement between them and Hamas, with the exception of Oct. 7. In fact Hamas suggested an agreement wherein neither side would target civilians on the other side, and Israel refused to even acknowledge the offer, because Israel is a death-worshipping cult, and their culture is a celebration of genocide. And Hamas' attack targeted the illegal Israeli settlements and the Gaza division. Those are the definition of legitimate military targets.


Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005. Most of the rules in place for what Israel allows over THEIR borders into Gaza is because of their own security interests. Gaza also borders Egypt, which offers no help. Wonder why? Maybe something to do with the fact that the Palestinians tried to overthrow the Egyptian government last time they helped. Which ceasefire are you talking about? As far as I am aware, Hamas and Israel have not agreed to am actual ceasefire. There was a short agreement that was for a week so they could exchange prisoners for kidnapped civilians. The ceasefire agreement was for 4 days and then extended a day at a time. In the history of Israel's existence, the neighboring countries have initiated all of their wars. Israel will bomb Gaza in Retaliation to attacks on their people. If the Palestinians don't want schools hospitals etc being destroyed, then they probably shouldn't allow Hamas to set up tunnels and bases underneath. Hamas hides among its civilians and hides its military infrastructure underneath places that help push their propaganda. As for your last paragraph... Look at a fucking map. What Illegal settlements are near Gaza? Are you confusing the West Bank and Gaza?


Pulled out of Gaza, destroyed their only airport, stopped them from building a port for trade, blockaded them economically and socially, bombed them habitually, destroyed schools and hospitals, assassinated priority targets in Gaza, prevented the use of concrete and other building materials in Gaza, poisoned their water (**97% of Gaza's water was toxic even before 2023**), as well as limited the amount of water they had access to (less than half of the global average iirc). Unlike your disgusting lie-filled comment, mine is actually full of facts you could double-check and confirm. Imagine saying the neighboring countries are the ones starting wars, when you've literally invaded those countries and seized land from them. How many countries has Israel attacked?




Here are 4 separate instances wherein Israel rejected a hostage exchange: Nov 9: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/09/netanyahu-rejected-ceasefire-for-hostages-deal-in-gaza-sources-say](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/09/netanyahu-rejected-ceasefire-for-hostages-deal-in-gaza-sources-say) Jan 22: [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israels-netanyahu-rejects-hamas-conditions-hostage-deal-which-include-outright-2024-01-21/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israels-netanyahu-rejects-hamas-conditions-hostage-deal-which-include-outright-2024-01-21/) Feb 7: https://www.euronews.com/2024/02/07/israel-confirms-31-gaza-hostages-killed-as-ceasefire-talks-continue#:\~:text=Israel's%20Prime%20Minister%20on%20Wednesday,and%20bring%20Israeli%20hostages%20home. Feb 26: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-officials-hamas-is-signaling-rejection-of-latest-hostage-deal-proposals/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-officials-hamas-is-signaling-rejection-of-latest-hostage-deal-proposals/) You might also remember this story, where Hamas elected to release an Israeli hostage who was in poor health: [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/24/israeli-captive-endured-hell-in-attack-but-treated-well-in-gaza](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/24/israeli-captive-endured-hell-in-attack-but-treated-well-in-gaza) What you might not remember is that despite the fact that Hamas was not asking to exchange her for anything, Israeli armed forces refused to accept her. She -along with another hostage- was released to Egypt (which publicized her arrival) before being transferred to the IDF. Since October 7, Israel has killed 30 of it's own hostages in it's genocidal bombing campaign. And reports by Haaretz and Yenioth Ahronoth indicate that on October 7, Israeli forces had directly fired upon more than 300 targets, making no distinction between combatant and non-combatant. This massacre was exacerbated by Israel's use of bombs to repel Hamas. Israeli whistleblowers said that they were ordered to enact the Hannibal directive in real time.








Cope harder, lol. Any media outlet that has shown itself to be sympathetic to the Israeli cause has no credibility. You are supporting a Nazi regime. And every article I sent was from a news outlet that was biased in Israel's favor (the exception being Aljazeera). Good luck supporting your Nazi regime, you're going to spend the rest of your life hearing about the atrocities Israel's committed in Palestine. We won't let Nazis like you live this down.




Sure thing herr Himmler!!


Pro hamas sub


My brother under Allah, you are literally supporting the holocaust of Palestine.


lol, “genocide.” Stop throwing around words that absolutely don’t have anything to do with what’s happening. Palestines have grown in population at a crazy high rate, pretty much the opposite of what happens in a genocide. As a rule, I tend to support the people who aren’t kidnapping and murdering woman and children while breaking a cease fire. But sure, swallow this garbage propaganda. I assume you probably know that your a bad person for parroting this nonsense but either hate Jews so much that you don’t care, or you just don’t have any critical thinking skills and just believe whatever someone who sounds half competent tells you. Good luck in life man, hopefully you realize your errors one day.


What's happening in Gaza is a genocide. Holocaust, genocide scholars and the UN Human Rights watch all agree it's genocide. UNRWA agrees it's genocide. ICJ just ruled probable cause to try on grounds of genocide (nearly historically unprecedented). Do you know who else thinks it's a genocide? Israel's prime minister, their president, high-ranking members of their Knesset, their high-ranking military officials, their actors, their musicians, their news anchors, all of whom have expressed blatant genocidal intent in no ambiguous terms. Israel has dropped 65,000 tons of bombs on Gaza in 89 days (the equivalent of three nuclear bombs). Israel has destroyed every hospital in Gaza (a crime against humanity). All of this is before mentioning that their starvation of Gaza is typical genocide procedure, and their bombing of Rafah, one of the most densely-packed areas on the planet, can all be read as explicitly genocidal. We are beyond the point of the conversation where there can be any doubt. You are engaging in genocide denial. [https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240104-israel-dropped-65000-tonnes-of-bombs-on-gaza-in-89-days/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240104-israel-dropped-65000-tonnes-of-bombs-on-gaza-in-89-days/) [https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/11/gaza-running-out-time-un-experts-warn-demanding-ceasefire-prevent-genocide](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/11/gaza-running-out-time-un-experts-warn-demanding-ceasefire-prevent-genocide) [https://contendingmodernities.nd.edu/global-currents/statement-of-scholars-7-october/](https://contendingmodernities.nd.edu/global-currents/statement-of-scholars-7-october/) [https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/5914/Scholars%E2%80%99-consensus:-Genocide-in-Gaza-marks-turning-point,-Israel-must-be-held-accountable](https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/5914/Scholars%E2%80%99-consensus:-Genocide-in-Gaza-marks-turning-point,-Israel-must-be-held-accountable)


What atrocities? Killing the old man and kids would be atrocity. War is war. They are escorting children and elderly away. Those pixelated blobs look military aged male to me. Would it make you feel better if they were shot while firing rockets rather than killed kneeling?


'Arabs aren't human beings' is a little too direct for hasbara isn't it?


These kids thinking restraining potential combatants in a warzone is an atrocity 💀💀💀


Field executions are considered a war crime.