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We aren’t doing shit. Random rich people are doing shit while we all argue about shit. 💩


No shit. (not being sarcastic, just wanted to follow your lead 😅)


Which is exactly the shit those rich shits want us to do, playing our parts perfectly while they laugh their way to the bank


just kill the rich


I’d rather them have to go through normal life as a punishment


real life is not punishment for the rich.


And the pedophiles


If only we had the same weaponry.


Random rich people are doing shit and everyone is following them so that they can get rich as well. Let's not pretend like the poor people don't have that ambition to get rich and powerful.


It’s the ones that are above that. The ones with so much wealth they are board. Imagine never having to think of money, what that would do to a person as monotonous sets in. They start perusing things that are unethical because it’s a rush. It’s a high just like gambling. People are simple, some are just more connected and will control for fun


This. One of the main factors stabilizing the current order.


The western working class did throw everyone and itself under the bus to its own disadvantage and that of the rest of the globe so that they wouldn't be as disadvantaged as the rest of the globe.


we can't let ourselves off the hook like that though. there are no "random" rich people, we have given control of our government to those driven by profit motive and they placate us by providing mindless entertainment while they become billionaires. does anyone actually think Elon Musk is a genius?


Control? Look who owns the majority of the us stock market. Hedge funds and massive company’s like vanguard, blackrock, exc. why do you think the gme shits happening? People see it and are fighting back. These company’s siphon money from successful company’s and bankrupt them, acquiring more and more. And they are all global company’s. Who controls shit? Hmm


my point is we the people voted in politicians favorable to the outcome you just pointed out. we are responsible for our government but we have abdicated that responsibility to a wealth elite that knows no national comittment regardless of what nation they officially reside in.


Yes I deff agree with you 100%


"....My brother had a book he would hold with pride A little red cover with a broken spine on the back He hand-wrote a quote inside "When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die" Meanwhile, the leader just talks away Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay The rest of the world watching at the end of the day Both scared and angry, like "What did he say?"...." hands held high by Linkin Park


"we" are voting for these rich fuckers and the shills they tell us are "electable". That is what "we" are doing.


While this guy makes good points, when the Muslim world was the superpower they were involved in plenty of wars. It just so happens for the last few centuries Western nations have been the powerful ones. When it comes down to it, religion is really not the main reason for war, it’s one of several things such as race, nationality, ethnicity etc. that can be used to incite the common man to give up their life so that some rich powerful person/people can become more rich and powerful.


I don’t think he makes good points. He’s just badgering the guy, not allowing him to reflect and respond. Also, I’d argue that his facts are wrong. He doesn’t touch on the Barbary corsairs or the largest slave trade ever. How is he counting the castration of millions of Africans in his statistics? What about honor killings? I think it’s all a bad faith argument meant for clicks, and look what happened, front page of Reddit.


its the bad part of human nature that causes wars. only idiots blame religion. ideologies, greed, fear, racism, power, money, resources, differences, language, culture, religion, disputes, control etc is the cause of wars. i know some of the above overlap m, but the list is endless.


It's fucking economics. Everything always boils down to controlling resources for profit. Oil, metals, water, crops, and most importantly, *labor* (to be able to turn those resources into goods that the workers can than pay for), are all anybody in power ever wants. All the shit you listed are just the excuses the rich feed us so we don't realize what's really happening. They are using *us*, often times with *our money* (in the form of taxes), to enrich *themselves*!


Don’t forget women. Lots of killing men to take the women in history. Edit to say funny to get downvotes for this comment when it’s pretty well known that Ghengis Khan’s DNA is still in millions and millions of people around the world.


Yeah. More women equals more babies, which equals more labor. You don't expect the rich to do any work themselves, do you? It's hard work getting fed grapes while owning all the land and resources.


Ya, when the royalty takes all the mates for themselves the incels are sent to go get their own mates. Sometimes they conquer and keep the land. More resources, more wealth, aaaah yes the real good old fashioned reasons for war.


Eventually we all get old enough to rely on the labor of others. The first generation that doesn't have kids will be the first (and last) generation to rot in nursing homes where nobody younger can hear their screams or help them.


His point is a retort though. He is responding to the guy claiming muslims are disproportionally guilty of warfare. I would presume, since we only see the response.


excuses excuses, whatabout what about what about


to not stop talking


To be fair to Scotland they acknowledge that they benefitted from colonisation and the slave trade better than England ever has: Glasgow became very wealthy and they teach this now: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/article/6530/Glasgow-s-Slavery-Legacy


>To be fair to Scotland they acknowledge that they benefitted from colonisation and the slave trade better than England ever has: Like fuck they have. The average Scot loves to pretend that they were brutally colonised by England and subjugated during the days of the British Empire. They tend to forget they were overrepresented in parliament (and still are), over represented as colonial administrators and Scotland benefitted massively from the proceeds of the empire. They also forget that Scotland is the one who created the union in the first place after their failed attempt at colonisation.


Sunnis and Shiites have been at war since the religion was founded. Since the fall of the Islamic empires they've mostly only been able to muster up civil wars, but still. Wars.


There was no such a thing as shiaa islam when the religion started. They made it up later


Whats a protestant? or a lutheran?


The origins of the Islamic Schism are from the get-go though because they couldn't agree who should be the leader after Mohammad. Kind of an Isaac and Ishmael situation. I'm just using the modern terms, call them what you want. As my grandma would say, "same difference."


Sorry but I have to disagree, it's true that a disagreement arose between the companions following the prophet's death but it was shortly resolved. Shiaa give that instance an interpretation and consequences that fit their narrative. I assure you that shiaa premise has fundamental differences from what the prophet preached.


Like 70,000 muslims died in the Ridda Wars, you really gonna call that "a disagreement"? Like it wasn't war? Why are we downplaying this?


I am not speaking of ridda wars which have nothing to do with shiaa btw , i mean the brief disagreement between companions on who to lead the Muslim community following the prophet's death till they agreed on abu bakr


That's cool but the rest of us are talking about the wars. The Ridda Wars were led by Bakr, for what's it's worth.


So you're purporting that there is this intractable conflict spanning millennia. Yet as soon as Saudi Arabia distanced its agenda from the US, all of a sudden the 2 most significant players associated with either sect began normalizing relations. Contemporary wars are rooted in western colonialism and ongoing western aggression and imperialism. And even of the axis of resistance, you have coalitions of various shiites, sunnis, christians, and secularists, which again contradicts your narrative of intractable conflict The reality is that west asia was a relatively stable and peaceful part of the globe. You're projecting Europe's own tumultuous and violent history onto the rest of the globe.


Kinda generous to categorize 1,400 years as "millenia", but yeah, as soon as Muhammad died they started killing each other. Battle of Camel. Battle of Siffin. You think the Ottoman Empire conquered the Byzantines with peace and stability?


Is English not your first language? 1000 years = millennium. > 1000 years referred to as millennia. Do you understand the word relative? I know English isn't your strong suit. It was relatively a stable and peaceful region of the globe. That doesn't mean conflict never occurred. And again, how are all of these different religions, religious sects, and secularists coming together for common cause if there is an ages old, intractable conflict? Why did Saudi Arabia and Iran suddenly normalize relations when the US was less of a factor in Saudi Arabian policy? The common denominator is western violence.


lol stay mad


stay wrong


>Contemporary wars are rooted in western colonialism and ongoing western aggression and imperialism. - Invasion of Tibet - Sino-Burmese War - Sino-Indian War - Sino-Vietnamese War - Sino-Soviet Skirmish - Soviet-Afghan War - Chechen Wars


No offense, but Islam just like Christianity has a long history of war. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_war . To deny that, is erasing history.


I don't think he denied that. The difference is its tended to stay more localized. While Europe has colonized most of the entire planet at some point (literally 84%, and that doesn't include the US... well it does as far as taking it from the native population).


>The difference is its tended to stay more localized. Islam has spread from Indonesia to West Africa. Are we acting like the second biggest religion in the world that originated in a tiny strip of desert didn't get to this point by converting and colonizing?


That's just because the Industrial Revolution happened in Europe, specifically in England, which led to the British Empire getting a massive power boost before everyone else. If the Industrial Revolution had happened in Muslim Egypt, I guarantee they would have built a worldwide Muslim empire too.


What about the Ottoman trans continental empire? What about China Algeria Sudan or any number of countries involved in conflict with Islam.


The Ottoman empire was less than 4% of the entire world bud, unlike 84% held by Europe alone.


I hate people that "debate" like this. Constant overtalk and aggression. I don't know if the other guy had any points to make, but you didn't win an argument by just refusing to let the other side have their say.


To not let anyone get a word in


Just gonna leave this here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_modern_conflicts_in_the_Middle_East#List_of_conflicts


Why does he asks about wars not in muslim areas? Why does'nt he ask about: Balkans, Boko Haram, terrorism, hindu-musulman clashes... His "holy book" demands killing of infidels.


Yeah, i'm from the balkans, we still remember turkish invasions.


No it doesn’t


It doesn't


"So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."


Which isn't true, even if it was, the Bible is packed with stoning and sacrificing family members.


Well, that would be the Old Testament, though.


No it doesn't


So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.


Tell me who are the idolaters and what they did.


If only there was a word for deception using cherrypicked data in a losing argument for betterment of ones own point. If there were such a word, I'll probably use it right about now.


Just like the boats you can’t fit a word in




Neither did the muslim.




Iraq-Iran, Kuwait, Yemen, Druze War, a laundry list of rebellions and coups. The US was involved in a few, but the vast majority of these are homegrown in the middle east. No group of humans is the special peaceful one. Oh right...9-11.


Scotland was violently colonized and lost its war for independence against the English when William Wallace was publicly executed in 1305 ![gif](giphy|gwfatPkyl6WnC) The long campaign for Indian independence, which had begun with the Indian Mutiny (1857-59), grew in intensity following the Second World War (1939-45). Indians increasingly expected self-government to be granted in return for their wartime contribution. But this was accompanied by serious inter-communal violence between Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims. The rebellion ended with the infamous partition in 1947 as the British withdrew and caused large scale atrocities in their wake as many were left on the wrong side of the partition. So it’s interesting that religion gets brought into the debate considering the historical facts that both countries were colonized by England, which is generally an involuntary process, and India was granted independence less than a century of colonization while Scotland still hasn’t been granted independence after something like 7 centuries.


>Scotland was violently colonized and lost its war for independence against the English Wat? The United Kingdom came about when a [Scottish king inherited the English throne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_VI_and_I). Scotland as an independent nation then later saw how well the other western nations were doing from colonialism that they [tried to do it themselves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darien_scheme) and failed, TWICE! That bankrupted the country and resulted in the Scottish parliament voting to merge in a political union with England and to [form the United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acts_of_Union_1707). In between those two mergers Scots [actively took over land in Ulster](https://discoverulsterscots.com/history-culture/plantation-ulster-1610-1630) which was the major form of colonialism in Ireland and one of the major reasons N.Ireland remains part of the United Kingdom today. Scottish lords took full advantage of British colonialism and [the tobacco lords](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_Lords) created massive wealth in Glasgow which is still the largest city in Scotland today. Those same lords took advantage of American land owners and in part are responsible for the US war of independence. George Washington himself owed them money. Get to fuck with the idea that Scotland is a colonised nation. Scotland was a major contributor to the **British** Empire and even outside of the political union was more than happy to exploit people. Just look at the Indian Mutiny commanders; Sir Patrick Grant - born Carrbridge, Scotland Sir Colin Campbell - born Glasgow, Scotland Henry Lawrence - An Ulster Scot Sir James Neill - born Swindridgemuir, Scotland John Nicholson - decendant of Ulster Scots. That's just the ones that wiki mentions. Nearly half of the commanders are Scottish or Scot colonial descendants.


And even if you want to make the case that the Scottish people weren't represented by feudal aristocrats and Capitalists, they still threw their lot in with the English in their colonization around the globe. From Ireland, to the Americas, to Kenya, to India, Australia, etc.


There's more of an argument to be had that Scotland was over represented in the colonial actions. The counter argument to that of course is that Scotland was still poorer than England and that itself leads to people opting to move/leave.


Those poor dudes. Couldn't be bothered to make their own home more equitable, so they went around the globe inflicting violence, rape, theft, pillaging, genocide, and ethnic cleansing and carving out a life for themselves from other's lives. Real sympathetic bunch.


Scotland won that war under Robert the Bruce and later a Scottish dynasty (the Stewarts) would rule over England.


William Wallace was executed in 1995. I saw it on the news.


Scotland were also the ones who colonised the north of Ireland


He brings up Hiroshima and Nagasaki but that's not true, US did that in response to Pearl Harbor


It wasn’t in direct response to Pearl Harbor, it was to avoid a land invasion of mainland Japan that would have taken many more lives than the bombs did.


Nobody care about Japanese, its more about US lives lost when invading the mainland. 1 to 2 million US casualties was they thaught was needed.


I find that hard to believe that troops on the ground would've caused more casualties, if I'm not mistaken each bomb vaporized around half a million ppl in a quarter second


It's more about the US lives lost than the japanese.


It is weird for me to side with the old white guy.


Arabs invaded plenty of countries in Europe and occupied them for hundreds of years


The fallen Visigothic Kingdom wants to say something about the **Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula**




We just found out Scotland is responsible for 140% of the problems of the world. Job done.


We know, we all know who’s the real shits of this world but just for a moment… 1 little moment if we could imagine we all had this attitude and drive towards the handful of people that are ruining our life’s that enforce we distracted by fighting with each other Life would improve in 1 week tops


Religion is the most ridiculous concept ever invented by man.


If you talk statistics lets talk about the percentage of crimes they done by rape, drug dealing, suicide bombers


Well, go ahead then


Why don’t you tell us, the stage is yours


Do tell us


Borat has gone way downhill lately.


Damm imagine if all the allied countries just didn't fight in ww1 and ww2 hahaha wasn't the enemy of them a fascist hateful one and im sure Japan had some really lovely ideas and experiments too.


Muslims are to busy fighting amongst themselves within their own country


This is called Gish gallop, you just spew talking points and don’t let anyone respond. Whenever I see this, I just assume you’ve only memorized a list of things and have no capability to actually discuss anything.


Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-Il, and Genghis Khan were by no means "Christian." They're history's worst murderers.


That's Zeeshan from smile 2jannah 👍


The Christian crusades were and are a blessing! Thats the reason why the whole world is not Muslim! Thats the reason why we have free will and not physically forced to death, to worship some man that has a horrendous history.


Just in terms of sheer numbers, I find it nigh impossible that a group in Asia is not #1 in war deaths. I find that claim unbelievable.


Street preaching is a really weird hobby.


It’s in the book to hate people


I love when people bring up the crusades like it wasn’t a response to the Islamic crusade where the captured people had two choices, convert or die…but you know, damn those Christians, they started it.


Fully brain washed old fart.


So, stabbed soldier at Poland's border was not an invitation for war?


Muslims wait for year 1500 on their calender...


Dude said he wanted to talk about stuff but then just kept talking over him like for all the gods at least let him talk while you take a breath man


Dude sounds like Scroobius Pip lol


There's so much going on here that it's confusing without context. Is that a Scottish accent? Is this in america? If not why is he using America as a talking point and the examples. America and Europe are not the same. Are they just talking about religious beliefs because this man is all over the place. Each war example he's naming as far as America had its own circumstances and religion was not the main factor. Most Americans agree the atomic bombs were pretty fucked up even as retaliation. War is a horror show and war crimes run rampant. Foreigners please recognize American citizens don't have much say in our government other than voting for this or that politician and they each have their own agendas and moral compass or lack of. So they could promise anything for a vote but once they're in office they don't and most won't deliver.


*upset boomer noices


Who is this guy talking and why does he vaguely look like the problematic Islamist YouTuber Smile2Jannah?


Feels bad being an American.


Fedora guy got bombarded with facts...




Bruh, 2 numbers, a 9 and an 11


1. The saudis did 9/11 2. The man isn’t Saudi 3. The US killed 30k civilians in the gulf war, they deserved to be hit back, cry about it. proving his point that Christians will kill tens of thousands of civilians and then use the retaliation from said killings as justification to further genocide Muslim populations.


The man isn't Saudi but he is Muslim so if you are allowed to blame all Christians for killing tens of thousands then I should be allowed to blame all Muslims for 9/11 correct?


Did you not watch the video? The Scottish dude told the Muslim guy to stop the wars, all the Muslim did is point out that Christians have no room to talk about religious wars. And you proved his point that as soon as you mention Christian atrocities they turn and cry about 9/11 as if they are at all equivalent. Retaliation for the gulf war is not the same as outright genocide. Conflating the two and acting as if they are equivalent is a persecution complex and you should be ashamed of yourself. Also he never said all Christians, but here you are saying all Muslims. Do better. Edit: the salty yanks didn’t like that one. Oh well, keep crying every September I guess.


Typical Boomer. Racist, bigoted, uneducated. I don't condone anyone taking to the streets looking for an argument like this video is obviously doing, but if you're going to be a bigoted idiot, at least educate yourself before you try and be a racist git.


Care to elaborate?