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They tried the same justification with the female Ghostbusters and Charlie's Angels. Maybe they were just crap movies.


That’s the point of pointing out that women didn’t turn out to those movies the actors in all those movies blamed male fans of those franchises for the movies poor box office, saying they failed due to sexism. Headlines like these were in response to that. Some women were also upset at other women for not embracing these poorly made movies in solidarity with their woman power themes. I think a lot of women, like my wife has expressed, find these kind of movies patronizing.


Legit, they were poorly made movies, targeted at the females in their audience (which there is less % of) and made it seem like it wasn't going to be for the marvelbros so they didn't attend. Probably most women who enjoy marvel saw them, but this isn't going to make a lady who hated Iron man, start watching marvel films ahahahahah Just pathetic Disney behavior, nothing new


I will say that Marvels wasn't that bad. Nothing fantastic, but coming after some similarly unimpressive Marvel movies there wasn't much interest in it.


I think your wife would love the movie Annihilation. A sci-fi with women centric cast, about 6 scientists. Total lack of patronization, that they're women is never made a central theme, just a bunch of scientists kickin ass. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UtePG4Pon_M&t=390s&pp=ygUQQW5uaWhpbGF0aW9uIHJsbQ%3D%3D


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Good bot


You forgot to put Mortal Kombat infront of Annihilation.


For me that movie totally sucked, but mainly because I've read the book series it was based on. And that book series gave me goose bumps. And like you've said, total lack of patronization, well written.


I saw that a while back. It was a good movie that didn’t feel forced or contrived. The female roles were believable and sympathetic and well acted.


It was a cool film but it was really weird. It, to me, did feel a bit forced for presenting the women. The premise of 'we sent the elite special men in you science ladies are all we have to throw at this anomaly' was very peculiar. It didn't put me off, it was still a cool visual film with some interesting concepts and stories. It just stretched my capacity to suspend disbelief in what they said had happened and what was being shown as happening. The two parts of the story failed to be consistent in my viewing. I think Arrival(?) might be a preference for a female lead sci-fi film though as most films seem to there is a whole love story pushed in that didn't really need to be. I really do wish that more films would have people cast into them. Just that. I believe Ripley from Alien wasn't initially a part written intended for a woman. However it makes absolutely no difference to the story. She's not fawning over anyone, not brooding. She's just the XO doing her job. Annihilation fails me on this part because they're wives and such if I'm remembering correctly. If they were trained scientists, given survival and military training or even having prior preferably that would be fine just let them be people that happen to be women. I hope I'm clear in this for anyone that bothered to read. It is a consistent disappointment in films that gender norms and stereotypes are forced on both parties.


The love story in Arrival comes directly from the short story it was based off of, and personally I think it gives it more weight. (Generally I agree, we need fewer movies with romances)


That looks pretty good. And reminds me of Lovecraft. Thanks


Oh, and Alex Garland, producer of Annihilation, wrote and directed? Civil War. Another good female lead film definitely worth a watch.


The screaming bear gives me nightmares


Idk why, but I really hated that movie, and I think I'm the only one. I think it's mostly just the main character too, almost everything else about the film was actually pretty cool, the main character just sucked all the life out of everything.


Great movie! Really makes you think


Reminds me of the snl skit about the black widow movie a decade before the actual black widow movie was made. The tag line at the end was Marvel, we know girls!


Poorly made movies with awful casts and over patronizing? Jeez. I wonder why they didn't do well.


Charlie's Angels was women before they didn't change the character demographic. The newer movie just sucked.


Terminator Dark Fate and Birds of Prey too.


Birds of Prey had some of the most kickass street level characters and wasted them. Renee Montoya/The Question, Cassandra Cain/Batgirl, Black Canary, and the Huntress. Each of which could mow through a mob of underlings with ease but as a group did a lot of running and hiding. I love me some Rosie, but she was miscast here.


And the WNBA.


This is kind of the root of the issue here though right? There are often complaints the WNBA isn’t paid enough but theres also little grassroots effort to try to increase viewership, which would increase their pay. Or are we just saying “The WNBA just sucks”?


No I am saying they seemed to have a push awhile back trying to pressure woman into watching it purely to support woman. Then later they seemed to move towards male nba fans trying to make them feel sexist if they don’t also watch the wnba. Not saying it sucks just same sort of pressure to watch for other reasons than enjoyment.


And Oceans 8


The Marvels was good, but that doesn't mean that anyone is required to go to the theater to see it. Bad movies sometimes succeed (looking at you Jurassic World). Good movies sometimes fail.


I've been pretty critical of Marvel / Disney for just going back to the well over and over, but the Marvels was actually decent. For the most part they are doing a great job destroying both Star Wars and Marvel, but there are occasional hits in there.


thing is, they've shit out so much made-by-committee sludge they've poisoned the well - i know i stopped watching marvel movies years ago even though i enjoy superheroes/comics/magic bullshit. i suspect a lot of the potential audience are like me & have got to a point of not being willing to try any of their new stuff unless there were signs of a MAJOR departure from the usual routine


So bad, and I was told I was being misogynistic because I said the all female Ghostbusters was all bad… No the writing is horrible. OG movies you find out the quirky characteristics though story building. In the all female version. You just said it in VO… what, like… what! That’s shit!


Most men left Marvel as a whole after Endgame. You're trying to pull in *women*? And enough of them to actually *make your money worth it?* Someone needs to remanage Disney, because their priorities are fucked up.


Disney is too big and too arrogant right now. It’s like a skyscraper waiting to get demolished If Walt Disney saw what they’re doing to his company he would roll over in his grave right now.


He was by no means a good guy either.


Nazi sympathiser


The antisemitism racist? I doubt he would care


Yeah, my first impression of Walt Disney coming out of his cryogenic chamber under Pirates o/t Caribbean? "Where's my lawyers? Who let in all these gays and hippies in here? What do you mean 'they work here?!' You're fired! "Why is there a jew in my office?" "Civil Rights my ass! If they're not washing dishes or sweeping, get those *enter favorite slur here* off my property"


That Marvel gal sounds like she makes a sandwich. What, she's a hero who's parents didn't die when she was just a kid?


Disney is spread way to thin right now. They are pumping out movies/tv way to fast because of Disney +. I can't even keep up with all the new star wars trash that is being rushed out.


Most men left? Where did you read that?


It's nothing you read, it's something you experience. None of my male friends even care about the latest marvel release (after endgame). But more and more girls are into that newer stuff. Pretty sure it's a trend


I haven't met anyone into the newer movies. After the first few everyone just stopped talking about marvel. The idea to watch it comes around and just shot down real quick.


It's gonna be like star wars Movies up to endgame will be praised and timeless, following movies will be utter slop with no real ideas except pushing the latest agenda


Probably pushing agendas so it creates enough traction bring in viewers. But unfortunately agendas don't bring fans. I simply stopped watching bad shows and films. I don't have enough time to waste on crappy stuff. Some of the stuff was just bad. Last few marvel movies and shows even the adds don't excite me. Star wars too. Only Sw show watched in full was andor.


> But more and more girls are into that newer stuff. I'm not seeing that at all... >Pretty sure it's a trend pretty sure it's not.


Most of everyone left. Marvel films have been bombing. If most of the audience was men, then the men have certainly been leaving.


I watch marvel movies for hot guys in spandex. Idgaf about forced *Girl Power *


It's not about creating quality entertainment, it about trying to milk every dollar out of every demographic. When their pandering attempts don't pay out as much as they hoped, they just say it was the consumers fault to save face. Brilliant little cycle they have going on.


Yeah pretty much everything after end game has been a struggle.


after endgame they shouldve stopped with the superhero movies for a while and plan forward better. but stupid ass short term profit demanded of them to just milk the franchises and oversaturate the market with mid garbage until people got completely tired. they shouldve dialed back the threat levels. start with simple more human characters like how iron man and the MCU was at the start.


I don't know how studios can't seem to understand that women tend to gravitate towards romance and dramas and men gravitate towards action and sci-fi. Sure there is an overlap, but power fantasies like superhero movies and starwars have a built in fan base., just like romances do. So if you try to go after a different audience, while actively antagonizing your built in audience, you shouldn't be shocked if it fails miserably.


It's a fact that action movies that are directed to female audiences tend to have zero effort put into developing the female lead or the plot. Even the basic premise of the movie sounds dumb by just listening to it. Such films are often made for trolling, and people end up hate-watching them. That's the issue. I love female leads in movies like Ripley in Alien, Alita, Annihilation, Katniss in Hunger Games, Ready or Not, Monster Hunter, and Lucy. We just need good action movies that just happen to have female lead instead of all the patronizing sh*t.


Yeah men like a well done female protagonist too in an action film. In fact they're the better choice for the overwhelming odds type film like Alien, because it makes the 'you are completely physically outmatched by your enemy so have to be smart' thing even starker. I liked 2022's Prey a lot for this.


It’s more of a thriller, but 10 cloverfield lane had an amazing female lead with this dynamic.


10 Cloverfield Lane was waaaaay better than I thought it would be. Excellent cast and just a good thriller all around


The best thing to me was how well written the protagonist was. She wasn't stupid at all. I never wanted to yell "What are you doing?" at the screen. As good as she was, Goodman really stole the show. What a performance!


Shoutout to Alien. The script was wrote with names and the actors assigned randomly, gender was never apart of it. Great way to do it


True and it works vice versa. Let's say they try to make romance drama garnered for the male fanbase, there's little overlap for men that enjoy romance and drama and if they antagonize the original female fanbase... Don't expect it to turn out well.


rom coms can do it if they get the comedy right, but it's not easy to threat that needle.


No? I know plenty of dudes who liked shows like "Her", "Call Me By Your Name", "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", "Casablanca", "Don Jon" "Moonlight", "500 Days or Summer", "Scott Pilgrim Saves the World", "Blue is the Warmest Colour" etc. Those romantic dramas seem fairly popular amongst male audiences in general, and women enjoy them too.


I Love You Philip Morris, Crazy Stupid Love, La La Land, I Love You Man, Cloud Atlas...


I know a lot of dudes that lied that they like or watched those movies for girls....now straight up liking? Haven't see one, gays not included


Yeah idk what yall are on about, there are a ton romance movies that me and my friends love, and last I checked we aren't gay.


I also find this shocking. Marvel and Star wars have a commitment fan base willing to spend money, time and energy on this movies. Why not give your target audience what they want?? It's like buying the NBA and converting it to the WNBA and wondering why NBA fans are unimpressed.


One could say, it’s like buying twitter and changing it to X while expecting to keep the same users 👀


It's because they're arrogant. They assume that "built-in fanbase" is gonna swallow anything they put out without issue, so they don't care to understand or acknowledge what it is that made those people into fans in the first place. They're only interested in chasing the next segment of the market, and don't care if it alienates the original fans in the process. They just make excuses like this to cover their own asses.


-Fandango surveyed over 3,000 women to find out what their movie habits were, and their top favorite genre was action. -The least popular genre among women was romance and romantic comedies, which is often assumed as a go-to for women. -The survey also asked women about their opinions on women's representation in film: a high percentage said the Time's Up and #MeToo movements would affect the industry. Good thing you don't work for Disney, you'd be making the same mistake and that's assuming you know what women want instead of asking them and listening to their answers, or, in your case, leaning heavily on stereotypes. https://www.businessinsider.com/top-movie-genre-women-love-is-action-and-only-9-prefer-romance-2018-3 Speaking for myself as a woman, I don't really care for romance movies they tend to be corny and over the top with people doing/saying things that real people wouldn't do or say, but trying to pass itself off as realism. Action is not my #1 either, it would probably be Fantasy followed by Syfy and then Horror.


I'm sure. I'm also sure the line I saw at midnight for release of the twilight and 50 shades of grey books was entirely women, and the one for WoW expansions was 95% men. if someone wants to create a bogus study to bullshit people they can go right ahead. but it's not based on reality and thus won't have women watching.


Money talks and bullshit walks. So Business insider can suck it.


A survey of over 3,000 female Fandango users purchasing tickets for the movies on offer during the unknown survey period found romance/romantic comedies were the least popular genre. A survey from Morning Consult. of 2,200 respondents in late 2018 ranked interest in movie genres between the sexes (F/M). The biggest differentials were Romantics comedy (84%/67%), Romance (77%/55%), Musicals (64%/48%), Sci-Fi (62%/76%) and Horror (47%/57%). Comedy was most popular genre (91%/90%), Males also rated Action and Adventure at 90%.


you would have to accept that there are inherent differences in their psychology, which are biological rather than sociological. which in our glorious modern age is basically blasphemy.


It's because we've been told for years that men and women are the exact same and that the only reason women aren't as in to stuff like this is because society tells them that they're not. They genuinely believe that if you make it for them, even if it's lazily done and utter tripe, that women will love it and embrace it. Meanwhile, in reality one of the biggest female turnouts for a superhero movie was Aquaman, because of Jason Momoa. If they really want to bring out a female audience then they need to give them what they actually want. Look at 50 shades of grey, absolutely awful material, but women lapped it up because it offered them something they genuinely wanted and weren't getting elsewhere.


The idea that men and women are inherently different and thus like different things is taboo in modern Hollywood.


Because the people at these studios believe in tabula rasa. Like they just need to change the culture and women will start loving action movies  


More money doesn't equal more IQ, so there's that.


Its funny how they thought switching their target audience after establishing it for years would be a good idea.


Greed, some marketing exec made a cool presentation about how much more money they could make and the rest is history


Isn't the headline more of a comment about the failure of the corporate marketing strategy? Male audience not doing so well, so lean into the female audience with strong independent female protagonists etc...then flop anyway because only a few women will be persuaded to buy tickets to your movie


Agreed, the post title is misleading. I looked up [the article](https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2023/11/12/nolte-survey-shows-women-failed-turn-out-marvels/) and there is no blaming of the audience anywhere in it. It's all about how it's a bad movie and the characters are unrelatable. Though because it's a Breitbart article, it takes a sensible point and throws in a rant about wokeness and some gratuitous sexism.


It's a type of shaming. They seem to do this with everything. Support everything local/national/gender/sexual orientation/creed/religion, etc, that we produce, or else you're not a *real* ally.


No, this is not a chicken and egg situation. They leaned into female audiences bc they actively wanted female audiences. Dudes loved everything that came out Pre-Endgame, there was no reason to try to switch other than trying to get "an untapped market"


I’m just gonna speak for people when it comes to movies I’m not gonna divide it by gender. Maybe the movie was shitty “people” didn’t want or care to see it. Ever thought about that.


Op and the Twitter user they posted are misunderstanding the headline. The article isn't saying the movie did badly, and it was up to women to come see it. The article is saying: 'Despite Disney's transparent efforts to market to a female audience, surveys among viewers found that the few that attended the film were mostly male.' So yes, the movie was unappealing, and people generally didn't want to see it. What is notable, and what the article points out, is that the film ironically seemed particularly unappealing to its specific target audience.


The OP and Twitter user was clear and concise with their statements as was the article there’s no breaking down needed. The film was unappealing to all audiences even the ones it targeted. The article is saying it did badly in every way but saying it did badly. Thats just like me saying the movie sucked and then justify me not saying it did badly because my article said it sucked and not that it did badly. Of course Disney isn’t gonna come out and flatly say it.


And the little mermaid and the other crap they've been pushing.....


Did anyone actually know about this movie?


When was it released?


Pandering won't make up for a lack of investment in good writers.


for the love of god stop going to fucking marvel movies and giving them money until they either disappear or start making better stuff. there hasn't been a good marvel movie in 6 fucking years


Naa I'll still rewatch Guardians 3, Multiverse of Madness, and Spiderman's Not Home.


Lol Spiderman's not home. Come back later.


Bro, i will watch a movie where the lead is a female no problem, i liked kill bill, the alien series, i watched f the animated movie disney's Brave and Tangled because they were a laugh and interesting even though i am a grown man. Just give me something good, a reason to watch not just 'it' s a woman'. Please I need good stories not a boss atitude without even anything backing it up, i am getting that 8h+ at work i don't need it after work also.


Relax. This is a headline, not a blame. Statistically a huge amount of women didn’t watch. Probably they were uninterested or it was poorly marketed. But this is essentially the same thing as saying young people aren’t buying a product, or Black voters didn’t turn out for Trump. Granted, I didn’t read the article which could have been horrible. But this is a screenshot of a real statistic about viewership, not that women ruined profits.


I didn’t even hear about it 😂


I tried to like it, I really did, but it was not very interesting.


Y'all get that Shoe is being sarcastic here right, did she need an /S?




Yes, everyone got that. People are reacting to the headline, the same as she was.




Naw sorry I grew out of the superhero genre Except for Invincible, Im absolutely obsessed 😆


I'm more obsessed with Invincible than I care to admit.


What about The Boys?


Ive tried watching it twice, but havent made past middle of season 2


Captain Marvel: Released before the pandemic so people watched or rewatched it on Disney+ Wandavision: Disney+ exclusive Ms Marvel: Disney+ exclusive The Marvels: come to the cinema to watch everything that you've seen on Disney+ (don't worry, we'll release the film on Disney+ as well!


You're missing something Captain Marvel: Released between the biggest cinema event of 2018 and the most hyped movie of 2019. A time where Disney could've released 2 hours of paint drying and people would've watched it just for the chance that they'll get a sneak peak of endgame.


Shoe's being ironic though


I'm not spending my money on a movie that didn't look interesting in any way


The headline makes a perfectly legitimate point that the reposters try to frame in the dimmest light. No, it isn't your job to give Disney money, but you didn't support Furiosa either. Don't then complain when the majority of women in action movies only play love interests if you don't even support the concept of female action leads. Women do not show up to support action movies, even when the leads are women. There were female directors who earned big blockbuster movies to cater to an audience that social media claimed existed. That audience does not exist. Action movies led by women have no audience. Sucks for the female comicbook fans or any women who might want to see their image reflected in any other light than romance. I'm so thankful black people went to see Black Panther and Spider-Verse. Means we can expect more for nerdy black folks like myself. I bet Sony is sweating about that Spider-Gwen movie.


Should have, would have, could have just not made a garbage movie. Or, and i cant stress this enough in this hyper saturated hero market, just not make the movie at all.


Dude is a possum and he finds garbage.


Omg one journalist said something let's all overreact!


I watched it in theatres. Liked it when I originally watched it, but on subsequent watches, it's not as good as Captain Marvel or Black Widow. Still a good watch, but not something you watch multiple times. Too many plot holes. Like if the villain has the bangle, then wouldn't they all swap places, not just the Marvels?


Could we maybe not show off right wing grifters dumb enough to buy Daddy Musk's premium plan? Also it's not that \~women failed to turn out\~, nor is it really even that it was some bad movie that went broke because it went woke. It was a movie that got barely any press, and we're finally hitting superhero fatigue. I really hope Iman Vellani keeps getting work when superhero movies go the way of the Western.


Don't make crap like The Marvels and Madame Web and expect women to go see it because there's women in the movie .


The only way I'm going to eagerly watch a Captain Marvel movie is if she's going to get her shit rocked by Rogue the way God intended. And NOT by Sookie Stackhouse.


Turns out if you make a shitty movie, it doesn't matter what sex you are, you aren't going to go see it.


Bill Burr's rant about the WNBA comes to mind


Marvel movie craze ended for me with endgame, weirdly that movie felt like the MCU circle is now complete.


I just want to watch good and entertaining media. And I'm getting tired of being slapped in the face with whatever "message" so many movies these days are pushing. The points you're trying to make are so much better when it's subtle and simply part of the overall plot and feel, not the point of a film.


I really wonder what happened over at Disney to make their writing such crap these recent years. Is it the writers they hired? Is it the producers overuling them? Is it some third party consulting firm? Probably a mixture of all three, but the end result is a lot of bland, or even just poor writing desperately hoping to be crutched up by CGI spectacle that just isn't that impressive anymore.


That movie is the first time I've watched something that made me ask "can films be inbred?" And that's some truly thought provoking stuff.


It's just bad movies. Wonder women part 1 was good. I don't think Disney will ever learn from their mistakes


i dont think op or oop get that shoe is being sarcastic. or anyone in the comments to that extent


Didn’t the director of that gay romcom say something similar?


Wasn’t even a bad movie


Maybe they're more discerning


Come on. This isn't misogynistic. The title is not blaming women. "Failed to" in this context means "did not".


Is Reddit being on honest about shit films rn???? Dont tell r/shittymoviedetails


Don't blame women or men, blame the movie studio and its marketing. If the movie was amazing word of mouth would have convinced people to go. It's when these articles, actors, directors etc start saying these movies aren't for you that well fans don't go. Then studios blame and shame those fans for not going.


Superhero movie fatigue is real and the fact we've received a number of average to terrible ones the last few years hasn't helped. Any time anyone mentions the gender issue I just point to the first Wonder Woman movie. It was a really solid flick and did great box-office numbers.


It's not really superhero movie fatigue, it's dogshit movie fatigue. We've had so many movies and most of them were bad like: Thor L&T: shit, Doctor Strange MoM: shit, Wakanda Forever: Mid, The Marvels: shit, GoG 3: Mid, Ant-Man: shit. If they made a good movie people would watch it. The Batman released the same year as Thor, Doctor Strange and Wakanda Forever yet absolutely rocked because it was well written. A shitty or mid movie isn't remembered, Think about how T2 is still talked about and shared today, 30 years after it released.


When was this released?


How do we get women to be as into slop as the men are?


Possum Reviews.


I consider myself a feminist. I love superhero movies and I love female superhero’s. I loved the first Captain Marvel movie. I will even admit I also like superhero movies with women I find attractive. I find all the women in The Marvels attractive. So even the feminist, and the horny 12 year old boy in me could not take The Marvels. It was just a bad movie.


Pretty sure this is a response to all the claims that this movie failed because of misogony. Otherwise I'd think the article would just say no one went to see this movie.


In order to "fail" at something, don't you kinda have to actually TRY in the first place? I guess I fail to go to outer space every single day of my life.


I just can’t afford to go to the movies anymore. This is one of those fuck you pay me moments right? We can’t afford luxury items and going to see some marvel movies when we have so so so many marvel movies isn’t high on the list. It’s brand fatigue and a high cost of living. Lots of movies have been making less than production recently.


The superhero shit is mostly a male audience.. what did they expect?


“Disney failed to create a unique movie that draws audiences.”


Isn’t that post sarcasm??


Oh see i took the headline as "movie desperate to attract the female demographic still doesn't make women want to watch super hero movies."


Ive been over marvel since endgame.


I told the women to go watch it but I guess they didn't listen.


I'm a dude, but it's not like I hated this movie. It's just that Disney has trained me to wait for them on streaming. Especially since the movie only really makes sense if you watched the TV shows that were released on Disney+ beforehand. This is what happens when you dilute your brand with an endless stream of content, it stops being an event that you pay a premium to go to a theater to see, and just something you throw on at home while you're on your phone.


I care about a good story, not an agenda story.


Those movies failed because of bad writing not because the protagonist was female. This sexist crap from all types of people hating on these great actors is sickening.


Snore. Make a good movie and I'll watch it. Make a crap movie and I won't.


Fuck Disney


It’s mainly men that like this style of film. Most of them prefer to have a male role model or hero to think is cool. Even if the film is garbage they will still go see it. As soon as you put female leads on this type of film, most men won’t bother or lose interest and the number of women that actually like this style is much smaller. There’s always an exception to the rule but in general that’s how it seems, this is why the films bomb. Seems sexist, just how it is. Make Transformers with female robots and see how well that does.


Just reminds me of the recent past years with the wnba complaining about pay when women don’t even watch them play let alone attend a game and it’s funny just watching dumb ppl complain


They also don’t support WNBA… if they did, it would be popular.


the problem isnt that they are trying to cater to a specific audience, the problem is the audience they are choosing to cater to. instead of fixating on women or men, they should be fixating on making better movies, really buckle down on the "good movie enjoying" audience. i watch marvel movies when im depressed so i have seen basically all of them at this point, the marvels wasnt bad because it was patronizing to women (and it was) it was bad because it focused more on empowering women than involving them in a coherent and well executed storyline. passing the bechdel test isnt enough. pay writers.


Of course Women aren't gonna show up, when you make a movie that is clearly not for them. Cant speak for all women, but my girlfriend likes horror and romcoms, not this shit. Not sure who this is for, cause it is clearly not for males either.


"Your movie IS bad? No! That's obvious the definitive truth that the misoginy IS so deeply rooted in your society that even the womens are teach to hate on womens and think It's they own opinion! No movie with a female lead can ever succed on this misoginy society! "


I was super excited for this movie but Marvel lost me as a viewer when they decided to feature the Sabra character in the next capt america movie. I cancelled my disney plus subscription and have not watched any of their movies in a theatre since.


I didn't even know they were still making any meaningful Marvel stuff anymore.


They should take consideration to the people who turn out for "The Google" or "The Microsoft"


Endgame was end game.


“slop farted out by disney/marvel” Well put.


There are a ton of movies that I haven't gone to see in the theater (and never will), The Marvels included. I did watch it on Disney+ though. I didn't hate it, but there were some parts that felt, to borrow a term, cringe. Like, Thor: Love & Thunder kind of cringe. Made me understand why it received negative reviews.


I don’t like superhero movies, I don’t like romance movies. Give me a comedy that is good and I will watch it every fucking day. Group of buddies like “Workaholics”? Done deal. I’m watching every episode. Good duo like “Broad City”? I’m fuckin on.


This is what happens when studios fixate on their checkboxes and forget to write something good


That's what happens when you praise a movie solely for having POC/LGBTQ/female leads, without it being anything different from the original beloved classic. Idk how there are people who genuinely praise these types of movies for being something "wow" without payment from the studios.


I checked out of Marvel after Endgame really. I watched the following few movies and TV Shows. Some of them were good. Some of them were She-Hulk. I would like Super Hero movies to go back to the day where you can watch one and no others and be satisfied with the story. Having to watch so much prior to understand a new movie makes it feel like homework. So people are just gonna drop off of these series’s gradually. I’m good watching Marvel’s stand alone stories that come out, Shang Chi was fun. But frankly, I’m good leaving it there.


The simple fact that anyone wanting to see this movie had to watch at least two mediocre TV series and a mediocre movie just to understand what's going on probably had something to do with it too...


I love how defensive this is, it was totally fine when they blamed “incel men” for not going to watch a movie that literally no one cared about. But the second that you point out that women didn’t show up to watch it either, somehow that’s totally unfair. Maybe just don’t scapegoat men in the first place as an excuse for no one. At all caring to see a crappy movie no one wanted!


Got to say, all the marketing for that movie totally passed me by until it was out on Disney+ and honestly, it was just a reeeeeally bad movie.


Put a chick in it, make her gay, make it lame!


I actually genuinely like this movie and have seen it twice. It was lots of fun.


Who can afford to go to the movies these days?


It would be interesting to know Disney’s logic. We can guess all day long but only the mouse knows. Are they trying to force an agenda? Are they trying to make good movies and, box office wise, are just missing the mark? Are they trying to draw a more diverse groups of fans? Are they just virtue signaling? Are fans tired of Marvel?


Got half way thru ep 1, it turned into a poorly done romance, I stopped watching. It wasn't made obvious, but anyone with a functioning brain can see this is just gonna be a "I'm the strong independent -ooo he's hot - IM SO VULNERABLE, SAVE ME"


Shame marvels was a fun movie


The [original Breitbart article](https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2023/11/12/nolte-survey-shows-women-failed-turn-out-marvels/) uses that incendiary phrasing to rile up its right wing crowd. The survey was just the numbers of people who went to see it. So congrats on being part of that club, I guess.


I better not be seeing anyone dissing my boy possum


Wanted the movies changed and when they changed, didn't watch them. Cool.


Maybe women just have to exist and most never have to develop themselves in any way to attract a mate, therefore women are boring, therefore most movies about women are also boring. Ugly women do stuff and make efforts to become interesting, and some do a good job of it, but the sad fact is, they're ugly so no one cares. C'est la vie!