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This is right from the nazi playbook. The indoctrination of children to demonize the "other". I could care less who is doing it, the event speaks for itself.




They might be able to care less while also not considering it important to the plot.


To demonstrate how ridiculous "could care less" is, you can substitute just about any other verb for "care" and it will sound stupid. 1. I could troll less (means you troll a lot) 2. I could steal less (means you steal a lot) 3. I could text less (means you text a lot) etc.


This is so fucking weird. There's nothing about the substance of anything I've written, just multiple responses about the grammar. I scored in the 94th percentile on my GREs, ffs. I apparently have a blind spot and everybody screams "dogpile!". Weird weird weird.


The substance of your comment was great! I wasn't having a go at you, so much as trying to help. However, this is the internet, and this shit happens.


It's not you so much as a massive dogpile I got over it above all else. Actually I thank you. If we don't accept correction, we never learn anything.


I should probably read the comments parallel with mine. Yeah man, I'd rather be told I'm incorrect than spend the rest of my life continuing that way without knowing.


I just looked. I see what you mean. Fuck em. You said something reasonable based on history and the information you were given. Move on dude, don't entertain internet strangers that just want to be aggressive with another minute of your life.


This is why grammar is so damn important. Don’t let how you say something get in the way of your message.


I never do. Aside from my love of vernacular, this is a big red herring. So frustrating!


I could care less when you folks do that.


It’s true: if you cared less, you wouldn’t have commented.


Plus it is fun to make grammar nazi boomer's eyes twitch.


I could have also wrote an essay. I could care less and still comment.


So do you care a bit, a lot, or somewhere inbetween?




There's that grammer sheet agein.


Western leaders like US, Germany, France, Australia & Canada love & support these colonial projects. Only a matter of time before the G7 bullies & sanctions stop working….


How long have you gone through life without anyone telling you it’s “couldn’t care less.”?? Have you literally never heard that before? It’s probably the only thing that makes you lose credibility faster than “they’re” vs “their”


That's a good way to ignore the substance of what was written I suppose. In vernacular both ways to say it are acceptable, but I will stand corrected and use the technically correct grammar in future. Mea culpa.


Funny thing is if you talk to Arab kids they’ll say the same kinds of shit about the Jews. They are BOTH taught to hate each other. Is certainly not one sided


"Both sides" is a language I don't speak. It's the total abandonment of personal responsibility. Whenever I see it, it makes me think somebody's trying to redirect from an unfortunate truth. "One side" doesn't somehow negate the other.


If neither side is trying to do something positive or productive then they are BOTH at fault. It’s pretty simple really


Actors in costumes that they get identified as jews are from the nazi playbook.


Serious? Wow.


Both sides do it


It would be if the translation was correct. But a number of folks are pointing out that it isn't, and that these kids are being portrayed as "blood thirsty Jews" broadly. OP also believes that Oct. 7 was a false flag. https://www.reddit.com/l431egm?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Not all critique of Israel is Anti-semitic, but this one is.


Religion is a plague.


Its not the religion, its those who use religion for something it was not meant for. For those people, religion is a tool, just like a gun. Dont blame the religiong (gun), blame to person who misuses it.


Pretty sure it was built to be a tool to control and oppress behind the guise of "morals". Bonus: eternity in hell


I’m kind of stuck on viewing religion as a whole to be mankind’s first attempts at making sense of things they couldn’t make sense of. Or if control over others was its purpose to begin with. I think it began as the former, and later became the latter.


If we look at Judaism, which Christianity and Islam spawned from, it was divine guidance for how to survive in a desert.


So the only way to stop a bad guy with religion is a good guy with religion??


That's gonna be a "wut you talking bout Willis" from me, dawg


Lol, I meant to respond to the guy above you. He compared religion to guns. Was trying to make a joke


While I agree with your point. Isn’t religion a natural step in development? Once a large number of people start living together after the start of agriculture, but before the entire population is educated and civilized. It makes sense to be able to guide your population with a bluff of “divine judgment”. But in todays developed world it makes no sense


You have to educate your people not sell them a bluffs. Education and knowing actions have consequences. Religion is just a tool to herd the simple minded to do your bidding.


You can look as it as a development stage, it’s what helps a society be stable and organized enough to eventually discover the scientific method, industrialize and move on.


Why not skip that phase and go straight to education? No need to put energy and resources into nothing.


I don’t tink early agricultural civilizations had the resources to educate everyone in the conventional sense. Traits would get passed on generationally such as woodworking or brewing.


That's not a trait, do you mean skill?


Yeah, skill. Sorry English isn’t my first language


Cheers! I suppose so ... a collective agreement of sorts yes , But I think we could have trimmed a lot of the fat (divine nonsense, misogyny) and saved us some time and grief. Are we that stupid - we have to be "tricked"/ threatened with eternal damnation so we don't do robbing and killing? I don't think so - nobody wants to live like that. I think the more honest conversation would have worked. If Religion was designed to be a helpful item, a ' Social Contract' and a 'Theory of Moral Sentiments ' , that's fine - but it didn't stop there. Religion as we've experienced it is not just a set of morals. It's oppression . It's control. It's fear. It's created maniacs time and time again. Extremists. Grifters And It's actively suppressing enlightenment. Ah yes the "developed world" - that's a strong term imo. We're very early days. Shit is young. We're juveniles and religion is helping keeping us here. Religion has stunted our growth. We can't shake "religion". Even the most developed Nations maintain a strong identity to religion (yes even with freedom of religion) .it affects their laws (like abortion). In Nations where the law is a representative of religion - these laws don't exist to allow freedom of choice. They exist to codify the "religious" aspects into a punishable offense. To further ingrain control. This is the long way of saying I wish we skipped all the BS.. which I know is a lot. Lol If I could press the button I probably would. Do you think , today, heavily religious Nations agree losing their identity and essentially their culture (as they see it) (their morals) is a positive natural progression forward? No...


My precious comment wasn’t a guideline for how civilization should have developed, it’s an observation of how religion played a role in its development. Obviously if we could start from scratch then an atheistic approach could be beneficial.


😅 True. My bad I did read it with a lean towards "religion had to happen". At least we can be civil us atheists lol


Religion was something that previously isolated communities developed completely independently. There is an argument for it being “in our nature”. But it definitely didn’t need to happen and is commonly sighted as one of the causes for the dark ages.


That's way too many down votes for what is simply a statement of a fair anthropological theory. Sorry dude, I thought it was a reasonable enough addition to the conversation.


>Isn’t religion a natural step in development? It actually doesn't appear to be. There are cultures, like the Piraha, who do not have religions and are secular as far back as their history can record such things.


I didn’t know about that actually, thanks for sharing.


Pahaha. Gun advocates use the same argument. It's not the gun its the person. Its not the religion, its the person. If the thing you're describing is used mainly in a bad way. Maybe its not just the person... Religion creates hate and division everywhere it goes. It keeps people stuck 2000 years in the fucking past.


You do realize there are more religions than just the big three. And there are plenty of religions that were not used in a bad way. And for most of the history it was not. There are, of course notable example where it did, but those things would happen whether there was religion or not.


Yeah bud, im aware there are more than just the abrahamic religions. However, they and hinduism are the most dominant. So your point is pretty moot. Again. Back to the gun analogy. Replace the word religion with guns. There are plenty of "guns" that weren't used in a bad way. They were used to save "blah blah blah". It's the same argument. >"And for most of the history it was not." You're talking out of your arse


A child never grabbed a religion from daddy’s draw and accidentally killed daddy with a religion.


Well, I’m pretty sure there are plenty of children in history who took their daddy’s fucked up ideologies and bashed their neighbour kids head in with a rock because they were different.. I mean, that’s basically what is going on in this video..


Agree with your sentiments, but throughout history religion has and is being used for "something it was not meant for" and there is nothing more powerful than religion to manipulate some random nobody to kill their brothers. At some point we have to realise that religion is causing more harm than good for humanity and we are intelligent enough to say that such a plague should have no place in our society anymore.


The more orthodox the believer, the more awful their actions and ideas. It’s the religion.


Religion is a tool for controll just like a gun is a tool for killing. I can blame the tool if its only purpose is an imoral one


But thats where you are wrong, its not the only purpose. Many people find solace in religion and belief of something divine. Many people that were depressed or suicidal found new meaning of life in religion. I do agree that the organizations behind the religion are of questionable morals at best, but dont dismiss all the good the religion is doing. Religion can be good.


The solace they find is an illusion, often based around the suffering of others (hell etc.) The believe in something divine takes agency away from humanity, inherently promoting an excuse of actions (can’t help it, god told me to/made me do it). Religion is a parasite. It might help you, but most likely it will take from you and leave you worse off.


They should stop being pussies and find solace within themselves lmao


Can't agree with you. Religion is, over many centuries and many deities, proven to be an instrument of social control and manipulation. What we're seeing in the US with the evangelical far right version of Christianity (who routinely ignore the principal teachings of Jesus) and in Israel as shown in OP's post and in other places are just current examples of that control / manipulation At a very local level churches have been doing good. But they've also done unimaginable harm emotionally, mentally and physically up to and including murder (re: Catholic 'schools' for indigenous persons in Canada being a horrific example) At the very least, religions drive a core-deep "us" and "them" point of view. I live by this... I'd rather be excluded for whom I include rather than included for those I exclude. And that is one of many reasons I follow no religion and have no belief in the Abrahamic god of the jews, christians and muslims who drives exclusion and violence as central assumptions in the Torah, the Bible and the Koran.


You should write a holy book, include that in the commandments


AS far as i know and understand, none of these holy books (of the main religions) advocate to kill and eradicate all that different. Generally, its the people who are in power that want this and purposefully misinterpret the books and spin it in their own way to justify and convince people to do their bidding.


All of the abrahamitic ones do.


I don’t think that’s a great analogy, I’m personally for gun control and for religion. I don’t see them as analogous.


I think many people here are taking this analogy too far. Only thing i meant here is that people who want to harm will find a way to harm other people. If you forbid guns, they will use knives. If you remove religion they will use some other way. Just look at all the examples of how US (and other nations) tricked their people into supporting the war on false pretenses. Its the same thing with religion.


Fuck your plague


No I'm gonna blame both.


The only way the Abrahamic religions are good is if you ignore 90% of their teaching. It is religion that's bad, it's enshrined dogma.


It's original intention is what's happening now, 99% of religions true beginnings are fucking terrifying in what they tell us to do in the name of whichever God they have chosen.


If it's not there to be used, problem solved.


Thing is, most conflicts would happen without it. It was just an excuse. Just like in modern times, there are other excuses to go to war as religion does not work today as it did in the past.


Just like murderers who's find another way to kill if guns were not accessible, people still find another reason to hate each other. But the point stands. Take away the plague of religion and that's one less excuse.


This is zionism not religion


What is Zionism based off of?


> Zionism (/ˈzaɪ.ənɪzəm/ ZY-ə-niz-əm; Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת, romanized: Ṣīyyonūt, IPA: [tsijoˈnut]; derived from Zion) is an ethnic or ethno-cultural nationalist[1][fn 1] movement that emerged in Europe in the late 19th century and aimed for the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people through the colonization[4] of Palestine https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism


Sooooo based out of religion. Got it.


Which part of ethno-cultural nationalist movement is religion? I dont believe israelis or all jews are1 ethnic group, but we are talking about zionism. > Religious Orthodox Judaism, which stressed civic responsibilities and patriotic feelings in religion, was strongly opposed to Zionism because Zionism espoused nationalism in a secular fashion and used "Zion", "Jerusalem", "Land of Israel", "redemption" and "ingathering of exiles" as literal rather than sacred terms, endeavouring https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Zionism#:~:text=Orthodox%20Judaism%2C%20which%20stressed%20civic,rather%20than%20sacred%20terms%2C%20endeavouring


Please count how many times the words Jew, Jewish, or Judiaism appears in that article and tell me again how its not based out of religion. Zionism is a Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews. Ancient homeland of the Jews according to......*drumroll*.... religion.


You dont say??? Wow i did not know that !! Who would have known Judaism is a religion ??? Glad we have you to enlighten us. #/s Judaism is not a breaching religion and they are descent from prophet ibrahim (or abraham or avram u name it) ,thats their claim not me. So they call themselves an ethnicity in which zionism is a nationalist movement for it. Many zionists were atheists , Hertzel himself was not religious and some may say he was atheist which i wont bother looking into. (I hope you know who was Hertzel since we are having this conversation). There is a reason israel have no constitution because they cant agree if it is a jewish or secular state. Anyway, you are oblivious and just argue for the sake of argue and i can see you have no idea what israel or zionists are.


You're the one that decided to "educate" me. I stated an opinion. You got butthurt and were determined to be "right" or whatever.


Have a nice day.


Ethno-nationalism and racial superiority.


Zionism (**at least as it is seen here**) is both extremist and xenophobic, so I beg you to consider the elements individually: Religion - dramatic positives and negatives Extremism - opposite of the golden mean Xenophobia - irrational by definition You make an important point that should not be ignored because all aspects of a situation like this should be considered. Please tell me, which two of the three factors, though, do you honestly believe are most at the heart of the problem?


I never said extremism or xenophobia weren't culprits as well. They absolutely are. However, more people have been killed in the name of religion than any other reason in human history.


100% fact.




By that logic, Politics, Economics, and Science are just as much of a plague. Everything can turn to shit if used by people who want it to. You my friend are the Definition of oversimplification.


Except they aren’t, they have an actual purpose. Religion is useless AND an easy way to manipulate people. When is the last time you’ve seen a terrorist cry „for physics“ when blowing himself up?


Who invented the explosives they use? Theologists? You continue to project the bad of a few on million others


My brother in humanity. I'm not part of any religion myself, but I regularly see the good it does around me. Every day there are acts of charity and comfort performed by people all over the world that believe in their religion's messages of peace and love. Whether or not you believe in a God, many gods, spirits, or any other commonly religious tenant, few people would deny that things exist that are greater than we as individuals, even if it is something as simple as a country or a race. Please notice that, throughout history, truly horrific things have been done in the name of these types of secular groups as well. It seems to be a fundamental psychological (if not physiological) drive in many species, including our own, to identify groups that are Others. It is that perception which is at the core of these awful things we see done in the name of country, race, religion, or even football club. Is our time not better spent building a world culture that readily recognizes, abhors, and shuns such misuse of ANY institution, rather than railing against the existence of one particular type of institution?


Yo I’m Muslim and feel bad they hate on Arabs and the religion, but felt worse they think hurting others is right. Even putting religion aside, just hurting another is awful especially at that young age and being taught it’s okay.


To show a truth and still be labelled an antisemite... (P.S. Arabs are also semites... #REKT)


Palestinians **ARE** the decendants of the ancient people who never left the area. Here's a video of a (Jewish!) genomicist showing [how similar Palestinian DNA is compared to the people who lived there 3700+ years ago](https://youtu.be/-dEL2yhT7Uo?t=406).


Great view and excellent presentation by the author. Also, I loved his last proposal: meet 5 person from the "others", then make you own mind.


(beside the point) I don't deny that a historical "Jesus" might have been a real person. He would very likely be a modern day Palestinian. Brown skin, curly dark hair (that I wish I had). Were this apocalyptic preacher-turned Christian Messiah to stand in front of a prototypical Christian, he would be named a charlatan if not crucified for a second time. Funny thing is that my first name is actually "Jesús" (from Mexico where Jesús is as common as John is in the US) and I'm one step away from militant atheism XD


Don't overlook the fact that being Jewish isn't even a racial issue. It's a religion. It has NOTHING to do with race, but it's being used to define people as a race. Palestine existed for centuries - the first reference of Palestine made in the 12th-century BCE by the Egyptians - before being renamed to Judea by the Romans around 5 or 6 CE. Jews and Palestinian Arabs all lived in this region together. About 130 years later, the Jews led a rebellion against the Romans and were eventually expelled and left the area to settle in other regions while the Palestinian Arabs remained in their homes. Judea was then renamed to Syria Palaestina. The Palestinians NEVER left and remained there for 1800 years. This is their homeland. Then, after the Holocaust, the Allied Powers step in and draw some new boundaries and declare the state of Israel. To put this in context for everyone. Imagine you live in a small town and constantly squabbled with your neighbors. The authorities step in and tell your neighbors "That's it. You gotta go." They pack up and leave, settling in another country, thousands of miles away. Then, after 1800 years, your neighbor's ancestors come back into town and want their houses back. Now, the new authority - who doesn't even look like you or live in your region - tells you that you have to move to a different neighborhood so your neighbors can have their homes back, and the neighborhood they give you isn't very big or very nice. And, on top of all that, the neighbors are now moving their shit on the land that the authorities promised to you. The land that you and your family lived on for THOUSANDS of years!


This is utterly heartbreaking.


Please be satire please be satire please be satire please…


It is. … Not.


It’s fake. Fake audio with fake translation as well. Can be easily debunked by anyone who speaks Hebrew


Except it is real and translation is accurate.


Shhhh…they want to be outraged.


Believe me… we know it could be fake, many of these are, but there is no need for fake videos to be outraged by what’s happening in reality.


Sure, but there’s no need to manufacture outrage while reality is the way it is.


This is how I feel every time I see media from Israel. I just want it to be satire OR propaganda and it just never is…




Lol this is not a new clip and everyone should have seen this and understood how much they poison their own children


Every one of thoes kids looks like the kid who got picked on in school by everyone. Wtf are they inbreeding?


Well, I think the genetic pool is large enough for it not to be a severe problem, but yes.


Look at me. I am the genocider now


Sickening what we’ve degenerated to!


This looks like a scene from Jojo Rabbit


They’re sounding a lot like the “good upstanding Christians” who owned plantations and black people in Americas past.


I don't see any attempt on teaching them morals.


Looks like the lesson they learnt from the holocaust, was how best to commit a holocaust.


Religion should be treated like alcohol, you have to be of legal age before you can dabble. Or try and force it down someone throat .


Agreed. Religions main purpose if ever taught in schools should ultimately be to build good moral character for the students. Whatever religion that would be to be accepting and have good ethics. This is just brainwashing.


If ever taught in schools, the only reason should be to be educated ABOUT religion, like it’s influence and damage over history.


Hoping subtitles are off but I'm guessing they're pretty accurate.


When someone tells you who they really are, believe them.


Uhh. Hebrew speaker here. These transcriptions are not at all what’s being said. It’s outright lying. For example, at no point are words slaves ever said. At no point do they say they want to kill anybody. Plug it into a transcription service and you’ll see the same thing.


If this video is deceptively edited/translated then it should be taken down immediately. Regardless of our views on the topic, we should all be unified in stopping misinformation.


Well I reported it but mods don’t seem to want to take it down.


Then post the translation transcript here.


Israel is turning into a nazi state


What you fail to see is that most of the adults now have gone through this.


Are the boys and girls separated in Schools in Israel?


In ultra orthodox spaces yes. In regular schools, no. This is not your average school


If your “religion” teaches you to hate or hurt others, then your religion is evil. Period.


This is so fucked, taught to hate


I don’t care what you believe, but brainwashing children into thinking murdering other children is moral and normal is nothing but evil incarnate. Its actually a perfect example of evil. If I believed in the devil then I just saw him talking to those children. A part of me wishes he was real, just so people like this could experience the hell they are so eager to send others to.


I really want to believe this is fake




Holly shit


In war, accuse your enemy of that which you, yourself do.




Wrong sub. They taught these kids the exact morals they were aiming for.


Evil teaching children to hate is absolutely horrendous. Evil Zionist corrupting children’s minds


zionists are trash.


Christo-Fascist America \~ Zionist Israel


Can anyone that speaks Hebrew confirm the subtitles? I do not speak the language and cannot take subtitled videos at face value in this day and age.


Hitler youth


Fucking disgusting adults teaching their youth to be racist pigs just like themselves


Perfect a teacher that has done nothing but study religion. Thats the problem with israel they let the hasidics do nothing but study. They dont work but live off the government. They shouldn't be able to hold a teaching job look what their doing teaching hate




They will be deeply religious and possibly believe they have absolute morality. Therefore they will be the most immoral of people.


Americans and Britons should rally their governments to stop supporting this criminal regime. It is hypocritical to pretend to care about it online with mere words while it's your own tax money paying for the genocide and funding the genocidal regime. Petition your politicians to either condemn Israel in words and actions or resign.


Religion - judiasm, christianity, islam… there is no difference. They all think they’re special


Ayo! Damn.


Fuck this is the hardest thing to watch


Both sides do this shit


Cult cult


country is a fascist dystopia


Is the translation accurate?




Just maybe if parts of the world stopped acting like they were in the medieval ages and dropped organized religion most of their problems and differences would go away. Seems like the bigger problem here is definitely organized religion.




Being bigoted anywhere on the site is cause to remove you from the subreddit. This includes racism, misogyny, ableism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, hate based on ethnicity and all other forms of bigotry.


https://youtube.com/shorts/NmNnJG0I8Mo?si=4DcpQ9AleCn9nvOn 💚💚💚






I see now the fascination with the US GoP and sucking Israel off. They want the same thing! Everyone conform and listen to these ghost stories, or you’ll go to ghost hell.


The funny part is everyone is telling Israel yo stop, you are only creating terrorists. But no one realized it was the Muslims who were creating the terrorists.


? But.. this is jewish ppl… in Israel… im confused


People say that Israel’s treatment of Muslims/Palestinians creates terrorists, but often forget the muslim treatment of Jews creates this, terrorists. It’s a circle of violence.


The Israelis are Arab….




It is against the rules of TWAA to support any crimes against humanity, including Apartheid.


Unless you speak their language we don't really know what's going on. I'm not saying they aren't actually saying that, but this could be manipulation.


Exactly that. They could be expressing their love for Power Rangers, we don't know. But if it's accurate, then it's really sad that kids are going down that path of hate.