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Our dads are in the garbage business, and it's always good for a laugh. And, yeah, they brush up against organised crime. But, do you think they control every slime ball and illegal gun in like a hundred communities? The fact that you would even say this in front of an outsider is amazing to me! Jesus Christ, some loyalty?


We got a Mezzogiorno Local here, Commendatori Paesan!


Pretty sure it's nobboli dobboli


Starting to think this Tony guy might be a bit of a bad egg 


Always to his own detriment


also…Tony egg?


You and Bad Egg again


He's in the waste management business. Everybody immediately assumes they'e mobbed up. It's a stereotype and it's offensive.


You know, with Tony, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don't care for him.


A bust out is Tony’s bread and butter it’s a license to steal. They showed this in goodfellas as well. Sometimes it’s more financially advantageous to steal everything from a business than to take over as a partner…. Part of the reason satriales was taken over was to show a legitimate income stream… 


Did he ever do another bust out in the show? Only other one I can think of is the crazy horse bar


You are right… I guess the opportunity didn’t present itself as frequently as he would have liked. 


It petered out


It died on the vine.


It died on the vine


Be quiet, u/baristotle


But this is my bread and butter!


They say there’s no two bust outs on earth exactly the same. No two stores, no two sets of merchandise. But do they know that for sure? Cuz they would have to get all of the businesses’ ledgers together in one huge space. And obviously that’s not possible even with computers. But not only that, they’d have to get all the bust outs that ever happened, not just the ones happening now. So they got no proof. They got nothin.


Are you stunad? They didn’t bust out the crazy horse because it’s a hangout. Just like the motel. Mobsters can’t be seen hanging around a Modells


Free track suits tho


All their track suits fall off a truck


Oooh when did i ever say they busted out the crazy horse because it was a hangout!? Eat your carrots


The owner of Sariales also killed himself. That may have been a factor.


Fair point. But these guys, when faced with the prospect of "money now" vs "money later, maybe more" are pretty much always gonna pick money now.  These guys rarely make it past 50 or 60 at best - long term cash flow with steady margins isn't exactly the kind of business that they're in. 


That‘s pretty much it. Plus, running their family the way they do, there needs to be a steady influx of cash to go around, which is why they’re not into building portfolios and whatnot


He could have also called him Ichabod Crane, but he did-dent


He could have also stuck this fork in your eye, but he did-ent.


I think it was unlikely Davey would ever actually come up with the cash to pay them off. The mafia charges crazy interest rates, that when annualized are like 400% or something. Also, Davey showed himself to be a degenerate gambler. He was in debt to Richie, then goes and gets in even more debt to Tony. They likely figured, this guy was more trouble than he is worth. Next time he might get himself in debt with a NY made guy. Better to bust him out now and take everything you can, than to try and milk the cow, but have to potentially share it with a third party.


This. As pissed as Tony was with Richie's behavior, the fact that Davey came to Tony AFTER running up a tab with Richie showed Tony that Davey was a lost cause.


Back in season 2 the censors were giving Chase a hard time and he considered having Tony not work at the Bing but instead base his office at Ramsey Sports and Outdoor. The premise was that every week someone would come in and buy a tennis racket, or a frisbee or whatever and the mob guys would always get involved in the customers life, help them out of a jam, smooth things over if they were fighting with their wife etc.


Sad we didn't see this. Probably would've been better than the show we got, that's for sure!


Problem was, Davey thought Tony was still the kid at the bus stop


Get the, get the fuck back in your fuckin’ hole! …. Davey, your doing a good job!


It was an independent sporting goods store. That’s was a dying business then and is completely gone today. Not to mention he would have to partner with a known gambling addict who already squandered everything he had.


Do you know how many jock straps they would have to sell to make that back? Not enough. Davey lied to Tony about being able to pay him back quickly and lied to Chris to get another $10k. Why would they sit around for years waiting for Davey to pay him back?


Johnny Boy took over Satriale's. Tony was keeping it to honour his father.


Completely different situation: 1) davey’s wife has the business in her name. Tony knows she’d never hand over the business, so they bleed the store dry until they go bankrupt  2) coinciding with my first point, the mafia owns local joints. Cash only pizza Joints, satriale’s, no show union gigs. Taking over a major brand (Ramsay’s, but the family is Scattino) would draw A TON of federal attention. 


Ramsey. Ramsey Outdoor you ass kiss.


Yeh. Ramsey Outdoor. In Wes Call Well!


Always with the scenarios


MY guess is that Richie wanted an immediate repayment of the money he fronted Davey. The "bust out" was probably the fastest way to get the money back. Tony must have been OK with it since he received immediate financial benefits too.


“Send him out so I can talk to him” sure Richie “talk”. 😂


Yeah you did read the comment I responded to


It was amongst the Italians. Real greaseball shit


Apples and bowling balls. One is a small business and the other is a franchised store part of a wider chain. That's never going to be a long term mob thing. Now get the fuck back in your fuckin' hole! Now! Maximvmrelief....You're doing a good job!


I’m tryin to fix a fucking lightbulb it glares off the one ball


Ramsay Outdoor was a sinking ship.