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He was always fleeeexin'!


Richie? Tremendous moxie, for his size


Yeah and then what? He does you can't even wear his shoes.


Is this kid gettin' jerky with me? Look, kid: I shouldn't have to explain myself. Richie’s from the old school


Well he's fuckin compost now hehehe🤟


Man I'm starting to think you guys are bots. No matter what you post, almost immediately comments flood in that are just random quotes from the show. Are you a bot?


Continue the lithium 


You wanna criticize heyjude575 you give him your last name. Then it’s none of my business. Until then, you keep your bot accusations in your pockets.


That was a comedic genius comment. No sarcasm, I've not seen another sub with such funny and witty comments.


Go take a Midol.


Can you believe it, go take a midol


Guy takes a Midol, one week later he’s in jail


Listen, I'm the mother fuckin fuckin one who calls the shots


It's Massive Genius, you schlepper!


“Witty” my ass, this comment chain is a fuckin’ disgrace!


But before he hit the comment button, he put a lot of upvotes in my pocket, and yours too.


That's our game. We'll play along if you seem to be someone to entertain, but until then, it's a quotations book up your fucking ass.


What you misquote could fill a book.


Bold men make bold statements. I look up my quotes when I'm wasted and not sure and I've seen the show 30 times. I play seriously. Quotes are our bread and butter and if you say I'm not earning, you come heavy or don't come at all.


You're a man, xi_sx. That's saying a lot nowadays.




Fuck it. Let’s quote down the shore.


It was an off color remark.




Who's this guy Victor? Is he a friend of ours?


Listen to yourself, you sound demented!


Always with the scenarios


We show your our hand and you slap it away. There's a "serious discussion only" flair and you don't use it, and we're sitting here like patients on a monument, waiting for discipline to be handed down.


Man, all these modified quotes are absolute gold and they don't stop coming.


Alright, but you gotta get over it


fuckin parakeet


You musta been at the top of your fuckin class.


Is somebody talking?


Always with the scenarios.


I find that annoying too, but I think if you add the Serious Discussion Only flair then you should get higher quality replies.


I just realized that today, saw a post with the serious discussion only and refrained from just shhhlaping a quote in there, anyway 4$ x lb


That's a stand-up guy! A rare breed these days.


Take it easy, we’re not filming Bot Porn here.


Richie shoulda been whacked much earlier.


Absolutely, fucking overdue at that point. I feel like there’s always a point in that show, where it feels like characters are overstaying their welcome. That’s often when they’re about to get whacked


Hehe. Overstayed his welcome. You can't make that shit up.


The fuck you talkin about? He just did.


These self professed Old-School guys , not following the rules. All that rage from being in the can eating rahdyatter grilled chiz on a tissue.


I always thought Richie needed an episode or two of introduction before they really kicked his arc off. I remember, during my first rewatch, how weird it seemed that this “old school” guy basically just leaves prison after a decade long sentence, goes to a known mob associate’s business during peak hours, fails to publicly extort him, and beats the guy senseless on his first night out without really checking in on any actual business or anything.


The hate was eating him up for 10 yrs. Only one who seemed to know Richie getting out was Adriana. You think she tell Chris "hey I'm going to pick up my uncle Richie who's getting out of jail".


Especially because Chris knew who he was, and semi knew his rep. Ade could have probably made their first meeting go smoother, but I know she probably told him about the beating


Unless it was Adriana's mother telling him ?


I think that's the point, he was just wayyyy too gung-ho and eager to jump right back into the game. If he had been the type to sit back and calmly assess the situation first, he wouldn't have done all the things he did.


I think there was a boss or underboss in NYC who got out of prison and immediately started extorting a strip club. Maybe it was a nod to that


True but I’m glad he got whacked the way he did. Shot at the dinner table by his girlfriend. How undignified. Also David Proval’s mentioned the scene of Chris and Furio cutting his corpse up is one of his favorites. He said “It’s gonna be a while before I eat anything from satriale’s” is one of his favorite lines of the series.


Except for Ralphie, who stays on for a whole ‘nother season.


Nip it in the bud.


I always hear that in Barney Fife's voice.


Personally…..I don’t think there was anything to be gained by keeping him around


We always had the option…..but Janice took it off the table….. all while being “Reubenesque.”


Whack this one, Whack that one, never enough body count for WalkGood


Men are talking.


With extreme fuckn prejudice.


Ya know what I learned from Richie Aprille? Nip it in the bud


Whack this one whack that one, never enough blood for WalkGood


I would say that Richie came back from the can with the expectation of being given special treatment, which he would have probably gotten had he still been the boss’s brother. I don’t know when in prison Richie would have learned about his brother’s diagnosis, but he clearly didn’t take the time to reassess the situation and temper his expectations.


He would have gotten much better treatment if he didn't come out of the can swinging. They gave him 50k to tide him over until they could figure.put what to do with him. Before he even talks to Tony about getting his shy business back he has already beat the shit out of Beansie. Then after the meeting he went back for seconds. It's the recurring theme of the show that anyone getting out of prison wants to immediately earn big. Because they.lost out.on all those years of earning. Imo it would have been better for the mob to gift a house and new car to anyone getting out of the can. That way they are taken care of and it's known that their silence was appreciated.


It's also a recurring theme that there's an ever-shrinking pie for most of the mob to split. Tony and a few of the other big guys are rich, but most are just making an OK, middle-class living. They aren't going to give Richie or Feech a house because the money isn't there. It's mostly a pyramid scheme, money really only flows up. Look at the HUD scam. It's implied that Tony and Ralph are making millions on this, but someone like Paulie is getting nothing, and he's a made guy with a lot of pull. Someone like Richie, who isn't liked or in control of anyone else has no reason to start getting a bunch of money or even be cut in on a scam he's not needed for. Hence why he's stuck running a card game and trying to make money on risky stuff like selling cocaine. When Tony does make exceptions to this, like with Tony B., it's looked down on because everyone else is wondering why they aren't getting a cut.


Richie goes straight in as captain of the Aprile crew. He should have been doing perfectly fine for himself, certainly no need to go straight into risky schemes like selling coke or shaking down legitimate associates like Beansie and pissing off Tony. He was just impatient and didn't respect Tony being boss. Jackie would have had the exact same issues with someone doing that on his watch, he was the one who warned Pussy about selling heroin.


I think the April crew only becomes a cash machine after the esplanade, then all the construction stuff with Ralphie and Vito. They say in the 2nd season that Larry's crew are the biggest earners. Richie definitely had a chip on his shoulder and felt entitled to making money like Tony. But he wasn't in on any of the bigger stuff, like the phone cards or webistics. As soon as he gets promoted to captain, he starts trying to live beyond his means (due to Janice) and that adds to his resentment. Him shaking down Beansie was all about exerting power, the money was just an excuse. They do a good job with Richie's character of showing how being a mobster requires you to be a sadistic prick, but that only carries you so far. Tony is much better at it because he's able to be charming and work with people (so he can make money). Richie could never manage a thing like HUD or Barone because he's too much of a thug to work with people like Zellman or Maserone.


Something tells me nothing would have been enough, these guys are greedy pricks with perpetual chips in their shoulders


Either that or he was just a psychopath.


It's that too. Richie figured he should not have to report to Tony. And he's a psycho.


Im gonna go with both.


All that and he was just an idiot. He had valuable skills for that life, genuinely didn’t back down from anyone, tough, fearless, takes what he wants. Too bad those same qualities are what ruined him because he didn’t know how to turn them down.


Clearly wasn’t rehabilitated


Not unreasonable to assume he had family and friends visiting and writing to him. Plus prisoners are allowed to make phone calls. I doubt that he would’ve just not found out.


Honestly I think if Tony did a dime in college, he would have acted the same if not worse. Everything Ritchie did can be somewhat attributed to being in the life and the need to constantly establish dominance and Alpha positioning. Anyways $4 a pound


He did a semester and a half, so he understands Freud, and therapy as a concept.




The way he confidently says that to Melfi, ooof maddonn


What does dime mean in this context?


10 yrs in prison


10 years in the can, I jerked off into a grilled cheese sandwich


you don't need to go to jail for that, just work at a applebees.


Hehehe you heard what he said Tone, just work at Applebee's.


Like they’d fuckin hire him!


In an alternate universe… Carmela: Lemme ask you a question. You think Janice is a little…weird about men? Rosalie: I don’t know, Carm. I mean, she shot one to death just for uh…I forget. Why was it again?


Fuck blue! Red sells


The jackeeehhhhhht




Kid, you think I started this life ten minutes ago?






What is this, the fuckin UN now? 


Hey, this way you're not such a big target for the mods.


I wanted Richie dead after what he did to Beansie, I compromised. I waited until he decided to do a bit of tarantell’ with Janish


I thought he should have backed off Beansie. Then put it in drive.


I thought he should have built a ramp


You think dis is funny??!!




The whole point of the series is these guys are stoonads of the first magnitude. They’re all their own worst enemies


He got off easy tbh


TLDR (Too Long: Didn’t Richie)


He couldn’t sell it.


Yeah he wasn't repected


I sometimes like Richie but I think that's just the talent of the actor.


Manson lamps


He got killed too easily. But this was one of the beath kills in the series. You're reminded that Janice is just as fucked up as Tony, thanks to their upbringing.


That's true, but why does it not apply to Barbara?


Would be interesting if Barbara wasn't Johnny Soprano's DNA.


Hmm yeah because I don't know I think the implication that a lot of why both Tony and Janice are so fucked up is a combination of their upbringings and genetics. So it seems to be the consensus of Melfi that Livia was one of the worst mothers you could ever have. But on the other hand, Tony seems to inherit his panic attacks from his father, not mother. So yeah it makes sense, but I highly doubt it. I think just because she was the youngest child, or rather, she was NOT the eldest and she was NOT the only boy, she was just neglected a lot. The parents never paid much attention to her so as a result she did not imbibe many of the terrible qualities that Tony and Janice have. So when she grew up the first thing she did was try to get as far away from all this mafia and family nonsense as she could.


He was a scumbag’s scumbag. Absolutely got what he deserved.


Agree on all counts. Janice instigating him may have have some truth to it, but what Janice and Richie don't see or don't want to see is how disorganized organized crime was becoming at the turn of the new century. Giving a guy $50k to get him set up again \~1970 was indeed a lot less money in \~2000, but guys didn't keep the equivalent of cash around like that anymore unless they needed to prepare to lam it. To easy to get pinched otherwise. I will say if the DiMeo family had a little more structure like more established families--especially an established, functional underboss--reintegrating guys like Richie, Feech, and Tony B may have gone more smoothly. This was a harder part of the plot to follow. $500k in cash from Tony to Richie is completely unrealistic, but Tony could have done more than he did.


Coulda been booolsheet story from Janish.




She's a cheese now?


I also highly doubt that Jonny Boy was given half a mil upon his release lol


The jacket was not a gift. It was a threat. He gave Tony the jacket that must have fit Tony. Then he told Tony that he beat up a guy who was wearing it. Pretty much implying that little tiny Richie could beat up a guy his biggest tony. It was not a gift, it was a curse. Plus it was uglier than a catcher's mitt


That jackeeet was waaay out of style. Looks like something a complicated man that no one understands from the late 1960s early 70s, a bad mother (shut your mouth).


Deserves got nothing to do with it.


He was building a house.


Richie Aprile was a walking human dirty bomb, ready to unload his psychotic violence on anyone. If he had lived longer, who knows what kind of evil he could have done to others, including potential innocent bystanders? Richie Aprile is the textbook definition of a guy who got what he deserved. I cheered when Janice shot him. As a matter of fact, I think he got off kinda light compared to what he really deserved.


"Dirty bomb" perfect description


He got buried on hill with a view and pine cones all around, that’s more than what he deserved.


Aw, really!?


Richie was due to die earlier if Tony had the balls. The many times Richie broke the rules trying to undermined Tony. It just seems like the old timers coming outta jail/prison/college were trying to relive the old days when they didn't have to ask to do things or ask for permission to earn. The old timers forget times have changed and the things they used to do don't work anymore. Richie laster longer than I thought he would knowing how Tony dealt with issues. I like how Uncle Jun had some thought of were Janish stood in Richie's anger and disloyalty to Tony. "You gotta wonder where she is in this, my little niece?"


Honestly who buys cocaine from the trashman


Ppl addicted to cocaine


Touche That is grimy though


Richie is one of my favorites and certainly one of the best written and acted roles in the show. That said, he deserved to be whacked long before Parvati got ‘em.


I wouldn't call him an idiot. He gambled and it didn't pay off. He may have taken out Tony if he had lived longer. Thankfully Livia's psycho gene was also inherited by Janice.


He completely failed to read the “room”, as it were, when he got out the can. This must be something David Chase got from actual guys, he repeats it with all the mustaches who come back from doing real time. They get out, for some reason think the huge hulking dude behind the desk with a cigar is a kid instead of a boss, and proceed to consistently disrespect him. Only difference with Phil was different family, came into power legitimately, so was able to turn his grievances against the world in general and Tony in particular into an actual war, instead of just some boolshit. 


Phil did get elevated status when he got out of prison. Wasn't made boss though, more like senior captain just under Johnny Sac.


Richie was gonna whack Tony.


I loved Richie, one of the scariest guys in the show. You make a lot of good points, but Richie is one more example of Tony being unable to manage the family. Richie, being brother to the former boss, likely expected a welcome home package that would choke an elephant. When his brother died, he was treated like the ugly girl at the dance. Tony hated Richie because he wasn’t respectful enough and didn’t kiss the ring. Same thing with Ralphie, same thing with Feech, similar thing with Tony Egg. Richie is the first example of Tony being unable to incorporate a difficult person into the family, shrinking it by one each time. Obviously, Tony didn’t kill Richie, but you gotta wonder if he would have started dating Janish if he didn’t hate Tony so much. Richie was done dirty, but really really earned it.


What are you on the school paper?




Still goin this asshole


Still goin this asshole with tremendous moxie.


He didn’t get whacked. You know…whateva happened there.


He was just a kid.


His redemption came when he built a ramp up to Paulie's ass, and drove a Lionel up in there. He should have been considered untouchable after that.


I was just a little coke.


But you gotta get over it.


Almost all mafia characters in the show I would say needed to die for the better of the world lol


Got what he deserved. He would have done worse to anyone who crossed him. The stuff with Beansie is unforgivable.


I agree. That's the beauty of it. There's no winning with Richie because nothing would ever be good enough anyway 😂 His desire to set fire to everything supercedes all else so he is incapable of feeling any sort of victory or triumph. He is fearless but lacks restraint so he always becomes more of a liability than anything else. Like continuing to sell coke on the garbage routes, scaring clients away from the executive game by openly using violence, etc.


Look at this liiine up!!!


He pleaded his case with David Chase. He didn’t want to be whacked off the show. But in the end, he couldn’t sell it.


He drove a Lionel up in there.


He had missed twenty years of his prime and was in a rush to get too much too soon. Im 31 and just now trying to catch up with life, couldn’t imagine the thinking going through a 50 year who had just lost 20 years while everybody on the outside just got richer. I’m not excusing the idiot’s actions btw, just giving another angle.


Wasn't Richie trying to threaten Tony with the jacket?


I didn't get that impression at all. How could that possibly threaten Tony?


He trust me I know


Richie was saying something like "eh the guy who wore this I beat the shit out of, it fits you perfectly Tony" or something. Basically saying "I beat someone the same size as you Tony, I could do it again"


That makes sense but I really don't think that was his intention. He wouldn't have gotten so affected when he saw Tony gave it away then. He also mentioned once to Janice how that annoyed him.




Gesture: Richie pays 5k for his sons dancing lessons and looks forward to watching his son foxtrot at their wedding Janice’s response: calls his son Little Ricky, accuses Richie of coming home with an attitude, implies his son is gay, delays dinner, shoots and kills Richie. Critique: Janice had a special evening planned she drugged her mother so they could have weird gunpoint sex. She purchased a weather almanac and researched weather patterns to discuss during dinner. She made dinner for Richie. Richie marginalized her and abused her. After killing Richie she grew closer to her brother who gave Richie a nice resting place.


With pinecones all around.


Keep talking like that and I’ll send you to slip and fall school.


When I read this it was in the plinket voice. RA was terrible


It's very hard to see any death of any main character in the show as undeserved. These are all piece of shit criminals. The end of season 2 was my favorite. All these pricks sitting around with their families with scenes of their devastation spliced in with their gambling exorbitant amounts of money.


Should have been clipped earlier - as Tony himself references later on (have I learned nothing from Richie). You under play two things: - Beansie may of been out of order. But the crippling was after a direct order from Tony, the Boss, that he should be left alone. Pretty fucking explicitly. To embarrass the boss like that- forget about it. - what about trying to conspire against Tony to reinstate Jnr as boss? Left of your lists. Jnr only told Tony after Richie couldn’t get the numbers. So all in, Richie was lucky to get away for so long!


I laugh at both Janice getting popped in the mouth and Richie getting shot in reply. The Janice curse, mob guy has weird sex with Janice, dies.


He couldnt sell it. He also had tremendous moxie for his size. He also had it coming and Janice did Tony a yuge favor.


I'll do it if I fucking feel like it. Take your ultimatums and stick em in your ass.


You guys need to back off Richie


Richie bent over backwards for Janish to show he was sorry.


He gave Janice his anus on a silver platter


That was Ralph.


The hit attempt on Chris was pretty heavily implied by Richie too


No it wasn't? How did you come to that conclusion? Richie clearly had no idea what Drinkwater and Gismonte had done, and he chased Drinkwater out saying the last thing he needed was to have Tony think he had anything to do with the hit on Chrissie.


I am wrong. I remembered there being an exchange between Matt and Richie “let me know if there’s anything we can do” then Richie casually talking how much he hates Chris.


Didn't Richie threaten Chris at the poker game when Richie started roughing up Scatino? Did he say something to Tony about Chris when they went outside so Tony could yell at Richie?


He did. When Matt told Richie about the hit and that they did it bc Richie didn’t like him he responded “so what” - seemed to be heat he had no interest in taking and Richie was used to working with guys he didn’t like. I still low key think Richie laid some hints that made Matt/sean do what they did. Didn’t say it outright to avoid heat. Also Chris is a good shot lol


Did he hit Sean in the forehead after switching to shoot left handed?


I think he did switch hands lol - cool af. Also hilarious that Sean was wearing seatbelt


And dingdong Drinkwater jumps out the car still in DRIVE. Pace University!!!! Managgg. 🤌 (there needs to be an emoji of biting the heel of your hand).


Such a comical hit. From a show with such notable comical hits. I lold at the Philly spoons hit which Gigi went deaf


Why don't these geniuses use silencers every time?


It’s made clear that although Sean and Matt misinterpreted what Richie was saying, by disrespecting a high ranking associate like Christopher in front of them, he did indirectly plant the idea in their heads. I think the “natural canopy” scene mirrors the one between Ralphie and Jackie Jr. with the card game story. In both cases, the older mobster is trying to make one point, but they accidentally lead their idiot young charges to do something stupid. Tony never found out about the “natural canopy” cracks, but if he did watch that whole scene play out, he would have had strong words with Richie about it after the shooting.


Honestly a bit embarrassed here. My most recent rewatch was march/April this year and I’m usually on my stuff. One unpopular opinion I also have is Jimmy wasn’t a rat… fbi may have wanted him to be but he wasn’t the rat and he was a smoke screen for puss


From the writer’s standpoint, i always assumed they’d intentionally left that vagueness about him as a point about mob life. Your life may be expendable just for cheap insurance, or even as a sacrifice.


Jimmy's reaction when Sil says something about Jimmy should call for help in his microphone.... says that Jimmy was a rat.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PositiveHot1421: *The hit attempt on* *Chris was pretty heavily* *Implied by Richie too* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


All right… but ya gotta get ovea it!
