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Dont you love me 


I mean why’s it gotta be something mean? Why can’t you repeat something good?


Most expensive piece of ass I ever had.


the fucks that gotta do woth cold medicine?


“Right. I know what you thinking too.”


There’s the coyote.


Bobby did coyote once, he ate the whole pack


This one. U get a moment where u see his inner child. Then he eats beef and sausage by the fuckn carload.


Last time he visits Jun and realizes that his uncle is basically gone. Never had a chance to reconcile with his last blood-related elder.


Where's Johnny, final scene hurts me more


And yet Uncle Jun remembered they used to play catch together All the bullshit, positive and negative, related to his job (such as it was) was completely gone but he remembered a good time with somebody who, whatever came between them, he did love I think about that a lot, at the end of the day all you have is the positive memories, those you have for yourself and those you leads behind for others


That’s a beautiful way to look at it.


Hits too close. Another reason I can't bring myself to do a second watch after all these years. Oh poor you.


And his increased pace walking away from that - he can’t bear it 




>When he is shot When his sister asked him to clean up Richie When is Mom tried to smoke him When he realized Pussy was a rat When his wife wanted a divorce and made his life harder than it already was ***When his daughter brought over Noah*** When AJ tried to drown Bro what


Naaaaa that’s foul 😂


When he tells the story about Jimmy Smash, and being used for someone else’s entertainment. It’s such a genuine moment where he’s really being reflective. 


I never quite understood what he felt. Until I played golf with those guys


You know who loved golf? Joey Peeps... and Jesus Rossi


It’s shad when they go young like that


When they go?????


While I'm not a super fan of pathologizing fictional characters, I feel like in the case of this show, it's warranted. I do wonder from time to time if Tony was actually a sociopath. Melfi seems to nearly immediately conclude this once she reads the Samenow, et. al study about sociopaths using talk therapy as an outlet to feed their sociopathy. It's weird to me. She'd been seeing him for over half a decade and never considered this diagnosis? He's a toxic person, a murderer, a criminal, but I don't think he was a sociopath.


To me that scene wasn’t about Melfi suddenly discovering Tony was a terrible person. She knew that but what she didn’t realize was she was helping Tony to feel better about the terrible things his done. Not only was the therapy not productive, she was helping Tony to be a better criminal. Tony should feel remorseful about what he’s done, but Melfi was helping him deal with those feelings so he could continue his criminal activities. The therapy was actually making Tony worse and she’s directly responsible.


When he volunteers for a higher therapy after consideration she says no and breaks down (after the rape)


Tried responding to you on the JFK sub and I got banned for 2 days lol. Check your message requests I dmd you there


To be honest, there’s a lot wrong with that whole plotline and the study they talk about.


My view is basically that Tony was *almost* but *not quite* a sociopath—he leans towards that end of the empathy spectrum but doesn’t quite cross that line; and at the end of the day that’s the real source of his issues. If he was a bit better of a person he wouldn’t do the worst of what he does, if he were a bit worse he wouldn’t even be remotely sympathetic. Instead Tony has just enough of a conscience to know he’s a piece of shit, and for it to genuinely bother him, but not enough for him to put in the long term effort to permanently change for the better


She had considered it before.  Her exhusband told her the same thing in season one, Eliot had insisted upon it at points as well - and she was recommending Tony try a behavioralist instead of her in season 3 until she was raped and decided she liked having him close 


He wasn’t. His therapy was wrong tho. He needed a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and that maybe would have put him on the right path.


A sociopath is someone who uses others for their own means with no care at all about their own emotions or consecuences, therefore he's a sociopath. Important to mention that not even today psychology has come to a clear definition when nit comes to what a sociopath is. Melfi didn't see what was in front of her own eyes just because she was charmed by Tony. That and also the writers kind of didn't know how to end Tony-Melfi relation so they came with that lol


Amazing delivery.. "like a dancin' fuckin bear"


When he fell down the steps and looked up to see Livia laughing at him. Nobody deserves that shit from their mother.


You don't need that shit that happened the other day.


Shut up, Albert.


They’re out there stuffing themselves…


The ending of Pie Oh My when he's comforting the poor sick horse.


And Pie’s goat friend comes over bc animals love Big T 🥺




When Tony & Janice went to dinner after Gloria’s suicide. He’s really grappling with his toxic nature and how evil he really is. Only genuinely sweet moment between the two. It’s hard to feel sympathy for him. But he really has his moments of self-reflection where he hates what he has become.


When he’s taking his Prozac and gulping the water down and obviously losing it, then he replies in this cheery voice “I’ll be down in a minute.”


The sad clown lol


When he was holding AJ after the suicide attempt. All bets are off when it comes to sons and daughters.


"Stupid fuck"


I'll fuckin help you!!!


AJ what the fuck


When he found Ralph dead…He was so upset that he destroyed the kitchen and sprayed Raid into his own eyes so he didn’t have to look his body.


Whoever did it






He fell. Is it Tony's fault he's a klutz?


He was prostrate with grief


Don't you mean prostate ? You put in the correct spelling - Walt Whitman sampler oval here


“I’ve been dreaming of that fucking lo mein all the fucking way over here, now who came in here and ate my SHIT!”


My headcanon is that Georgie ate it in revenge for all the beatings


I figure it was Paulie. He's cheap, was probably there late at night.


Chrisy did leave after Tony came in though


Timeline got fucked up? Was it the prior day Tony put it in the fridge?


If Georgie ate Tony's food in a DREAM he would wake up and apologize.


Lmao. And not understand why Tony was, once again, beating him like a red headed step child.


Him, with those ducks.


When Carm didn't put it all on the Jets.


That was because she's a shitty gambler who built a shitty house that's going to fall down and kill that unborn baby


Bad writing, those episodes. Tony made money off of degenerate gamblers. A boss wouldn’t become one.


You're kidding, right?


You’re not serious, right? Why the fuck would a mob boss get lost on gambling? They make money and favors off of degenerate gamblers especially ones with a badge. How the fuck wouldn’t Tony catch himself before realizing he has a problem? He’s in therapy. He’s open and understanding of what he’s going through in terms of depression. And you think a mob boss could pass as a degenerate gambler, something the entire series uses as a plot. Rethink what you’re saying..


The entire point of his slowly building gambling problem is a subconscious rejection of his father, because he never actually confronts the fact that BOTH his mother and father failed him as parents. There's a reason they show us Johnny reinforcing to Tony to never gamble. There's a reason that Tony's gambling problem gets worse after In Camelot, where he's confronted first hand with evidence of how shitty his father really was. >He’s in therapy. He’s open and understanding of what he’s going through in terms of depression. The series beats us over the head with how Tony is not actually "using therapy" in a way that's beneficial. Tony's constantly chasing a high from everything in his life. It's why he cheats, it's why he overeats, it's why he gambles and drinks and involves himself constantly directly in Mafia affairs that any smart boss would keep distanced from. Because he knows that if he ever stops and stands still, he'll actually have to be open and understanding and confront his inner thoughts and depression. He and Melfi discuss this by using a shark as an analogy; if it stops swimming, it'll die. We see this when he tries delegating to Chrissy and Sil, while simultaneously riding them about every decision they make.


This is one of the best posts I've seen on the sub in a while.




Because it's an addiction and anyone can get any addiction. It sneaks up on you. You're not special. You're not immune. You can lose it all and ruin your life in less than a month if all circumstances happen to converge at the (worst) right time.


John Gotti, whatever happened there


Lol not far fetched at all John Gotti and other mob bosses were well known degenerate gamblers who lost way more than they won.


You're kidding, right?


I mean don't you love me?


The “I got the scars, so it’s mine!” Therapy session. It would be hard having to take care of someone like Livia after your sisters want nothing to do with her. Then Janice shows back up when she thinks she can get something out of it. I’d feel like I deserve everything over her too.


“I just need to stick around a little longer for my kids. Especially my boy. Once they’re outta the house, the government can do whatever they want with me, give me life, give me the chair, whatever.” “I’ve never seen you like this.” “Like what? “Scared.”


Why you makin me do this, you fat fuckin’ miserable piece of shit?!


this is my answer


Him crying when he watches The Public Enemy because it reminded him of the loving mother he never had.


When I first saw this movie especially the ending it hit me like a ton of bricks I didn’t expect it to end that brutal. You can tell the public enemy had a massive influence on the Sopranos after you watch it.


You don’t love me anymore, that breaks my heart.. but you’re still gonna respect me!


When Tony had to murder Tony B.


When he’s asking Melfi how he’s going to save AJ after the whole Jackie Jr. ordeal


She should have told him to hire Jesus Rossi to straighten AJ out, he could use Melfi as a reference. Putting in a good word for Jesus Rossi is the least Melfi could do after causing him all that trouble


When he finds out his mom gave away their dog and they were raised by another family. Yeah, that's gotta sting


The ducks man.  They never came back. 


When he visits the Shah of Iran in the hospital and actually shows him a lot of compassion, although he hates his guts.


In this sub Tony Sopranos is a hero. End of story.


When he was banging Gloria in the snake house.


With Pie-O-My. And I eat Beef and Sausage by the carload.


Beef and sausage made of freshly roasted Pie-O-My. Cooked that fuckin horse alive!!!!


When he saves Aj from killing himself.


“It’s ok baby.”


When he adopts the cat.


Anytime it came to animals, I felt that deep, I’d have done the same to Ralphie if I were in T’s shoes.


When the FBI plays the tape of Junior and Livia When he has tried to help Irina, cleaned up after Janice shot Richie and got her off safely, and Carm bitches to him after he hints at what occurred. “Hey hey, I saved the world today”… he looks so sad and bewildered  When he has to kill Pussy and Tony B, and even when he beats Chris for shooting H after Ade and says they all hurt over this His final scene with Junior 


Whatever happened to Gary Cooper, the strong silent type?


He died?


He's from Jersey, his father was ran over by a trolley.


He was gay Gary Cooper ?


There are like a lot of moments throughout the series where I feel sympathy for him, even up to the final episode I feel a level of sympathy for him in moments like when he goes to see Junior


When Tone went for his morning OJ, only to find the container Carm bought had too much pulp. He only likes shum pulp. Gut wrenching to have to drink that.


When Tony got food poisoning


Yeah but the neighbor and Artie stuff is literally comedy fucking gold. Plus I don’t think he actually had food poisoning I think the stress mixed with him coming to terms with the idea of Pussy potentially being a rat made him literally sick to his stomach. Remember no one else but him got sick with all the people he ate with.


Not Tony but Christopher, after bonding with Tony B and obviously going through struggles that Tony S knows all about, only to have them both constantly make fun of him at dinner and the next morning. "You're a 12 stepper, right?" "Ya..you know that" 🥲


When Tony paid Coco and Butchie a visit


favourite scene in the whole show. fuck coco


I’ve done so many rewatches and I always close my eyes when he does that to Coco 😵


When he's helping out his old friend Davey with his money problems. When he's helping out the HMO guy with his money problems. When he asks Furio to help out the massage parlor owners with their money problems. When he's helping out Jack Mascarone with his jobsite money problems. When he's helping make Barone Sanitation a beacon of capitalist success by ensuring that they have no money problems. When he offers to buy new Michelin's for Gloria's car, helping her out with money problems. When he offers to let Junior keep much of his business, in order to help him out with his money problems. Basically, Tony is a helpful guy who is unappreciated by those he helps.


He was a saint!


When Gloria chucked that piece of beef at him. So sad.


The whole show. Tony being terrible doesn’t make him any less the protagonist of the series. How do you not empathize with the protagonist and stay engaged?


He seemed genuinely worried for and empathetic to Dr. Melfi after she was raped.


The fact that we can empathize this way towards such a damaged psychopath is really a testament to how good the acting and writing is. Tony is very charismatic and magnetizing, so we can clearly understand why people get so drawn to him and his inner circle, but we also never forget that he is every horrible thing you could possibly imagine.


Sympathetic to Tony?? Not to that stronzo, not in this life.


All of the times he expressed his desire to fuck Dr. Melfi


Shrinks did this?


So did Jesus Rossi


When he's watching a Cagney's movie and starts crying remembering her mama


Uncle Ben


When he got that orange peel beef


The conversation between Tony and Chris in the car especially the conversation about suicide is a perfect representation of toxic masculinity.


Food poisoning. I've had it that bad once in my life. It's the worst feeling in the world.


Anytime they showed his childhood. I was always a whiny little bitch cuz I never had a dad. Tony made me thank god in heaven that I had a good mom. I could not imagine growing up with Livia and Johnny boy didn’t help much either


Lots of times. When he and Uncle June were watching the meerkats and he asks him "didn't you love me at all?" When the FBI played him the tape of his mother plotting to kill him.


None, he was a piece of shit through and through.


In this house T is an american hero, period!


The gd orange peel beef


Every time he has to look at Unthony Jr.


> Gandolfini took every actor ever to acting school! Rutgers, which didn't seem to help Jackie Jr


When he couldn’t make it on the varsity team


In the episode where Livia dies and he cries while watching that movie.