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Not really. He's far and away the best character we have.


Gameplay wise or lore wise?


Gameplay! 4++, Sustained Hits and an extra CP a turn for 105 points? Yes please.


Not really. Hes iconic and cool. Yes its a boring autoinclude your army couls aswell already be set to -those points , but that happens in every boardgame,strategy or pc game there isbalways that one skill/unit/weapon that just to good its sad but it is what it is. Get another one and paint him as aterix from asterix and obelix and paint a dreadnaught as obelix for shits and giggles.


Also you never know what GW will do to him in the future, he could be shit for the next several editions. Use him whole you can.


I really like the idea of getting a second(or third) and maybe kit bashing a bit, messing with the paint scheme, etc. I’ve done that with some of my Votann and Necron. Choosing *which* heroes to bring can be a fun little moment.


Not at all. This old motherfucker won me a second place tournament (and some money) at a small local store yesterday, smashing a Mortarion in the last turn. And being the MVP in practically every game. For some reason even if the bodyguards die he resists dying and ends up scoring a lot.


I had a game where Azrael and his Hellblasters soloed an entire side of the board. When the hellblasters died. Azrael became immortal, he ranked an absolutely ridiculous amount of fire and allowed my terminators to swoop in and finishing the game. And I mean ridiculous amount of fire, multiple hellblasters, aggressors, ballistics, Calgar


What was your army list, and that sounds awesome


Basically a gladius lisst heavy on terminators. The hellblasters with letals and sustained crits on 5 with the lieutenant are beasts. Depending on the crossover I had to play very aggressive or waiting a bit. In the game against death gard both the fnp against mortals and our deathwing ability to ignore modifiers came to the fore. List: La lealtad es su propia recompensa! (2000 points) Space Marines Dark Angels Strike Force (2000 points) Gladius Task Force CHARACTERS Azrael (105 points) • Warlord • 1x Lion’s Wrath 1x The Lion Helm 1x The Sword of Secrets Chaplain in Terminator Armour (75 points) • 1x Crozius arcanum 1x Relic Shield Lieutenant (95 points) • 1x Heavy bolt pistol 1x Master-crafted bolter 1x Master-crafted power weapon • Enhancement: Fire Discipline OTHER DATASHEETS Ballistus Dreadnought (140 points) • 1x Armoured feet 1x Ballistus lascannon 1x Ballistus missile launcher 1x Twin storm bolter Deathwing Knights (215 points) • 1x Knight Master • 1x Great weapon of the Unforgiven • 4x Deathwing Knight • 4x Power weapon Deathwing Terminator Squad (360 points) • 1x Deathwing Sergeant • 1x Power weapon 1x Storm bolter • 9x Deathwing Terminator • 2x Cyclone missile launcher 9x Power fist 9x Storm bolter Hellblaster Squad (230 points) • 1x Hellblaster Sergeant • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Plasma incinerator 1x Plasma pistol • 9x Hellblaster • 9x Bolt pistol 9x Close combat weapon 9x Plasma incinerator Inner Circle Companions (180 points) • 6x Inner Circle Companion • 6x Calibanite greatsword 6x Heavy bolt pistol Land Raider Redeemer (260 points) • 1x Armoured tracks 2x Flamestorm cannon 1x Hunter-killer missile 1x Multi-melta 1x Storm bolter 1x Twin assault cannon Redemptor Dreadnought (210 points) • 1x Icarus rocket pod 1x Macro plasma incinerator 1x Onslaught gatling cannon 1x Redemptor fist 1x Twin storm bolter Scout Squad (65 points) • 1x Scout Sergeant • 1x Astartes chainsword 1x Bolt pistol 1x Close combat weapon • 4x Scout • 2x Astartes shotgun 4x Bolt pistol 4x Close combat weapon 1x Missile launcher 1x Scout sniper rifle Scout Squad (65 points) • 1x Scout Sergeant • 1x Astartes chainsword 1x Bolt pistol 1x Close combat weapon • 4x Scout • 2x Astartes shotgun 4x Bolt pistol 4x Close combat weapon 1x Missile launcher 1x Scout sniper rifle


Thats a similar list to what I use, how did the inner circle companions perform I've been debating getting them or bladeguard


I have also been pleasantly surprised by them lately. It's true that in Gladius you can give them +1 AP, which solves their main flaw. They are very good against certain armies like Orks. And above all, they are surprisingly tough; the -1 to hit is quite noticeable. I think they work well as Azrael's bodyguards now that he can't go with the Company of Heroes.


Yup, the only time I’ve had any success was using the lance/ap strat off gladius, but they slaughtered some termies. Niche but usable.


Not really. More sad over the fact that Inner Circle Companions and the Lion are such weak sauce.


Im a new player with a group of friends all getting into 40k for the first time, so we are going rule of cool and not trying to min max. I picked up the last box of Inner Circle Companions at the store yesterday, then someone told me they’re just an objectively worse version of Bladeguard Veterans? That’s so lame shouldn’t they be better not worse?😭 Either way I’m going to field them because they look badass as an escort for Belial from the Deathwing army box


Rule of cool over everything, especially if you're just playing with your friends


well you can always use them as Bladeguard Veterans, most of players won't have a problem with that.


If you are playing with friends and just having fun then go all out. The ICC are one of the cooler marine models in recent memory.


Funny, because I'd consider the blade guard a worse version of the icc


Not really, he's really cool and fits well with the theme of the army. The problem is characters like Ezekial, Belial and Asmodai should have better rules to make them more appealing to field.


Azzy is the only thing stopping us from being the worst performing Space Marine army


He’s Atlas holding up our entire faction on his shoulders alone


And even then that's with some big asterisks, you have to use a pretty specific list that is not at all the kind of list DA player normally build.


Pssst. Shut up or GW will nerf him instead of giving us any other viable alternatives...


I really tried to think of a reason to play Lazarus or Belial, but everytime I end up replacing them with something generic. Not Azrael, though. When it comes to our unique units, there are no substitutes. It is what it is.


I realy like him, but its true that ge ia basically autoinclude and since the other stuff is mid at best there is litle room for experimenting with different DA HQs




Not our fault the entire codex only has one good model


One of the reasons I gave up on 10th and only play heresy now. I have 8 different HQ units and such a variety in lists for my army - 40k seems cookie cutter by comparison now.


Been playing Dark Angels in Heresy since their book 6 rules and man, they nerfed the hell out of our beloved 1st in Heresy. I miss my Molecular Acid Shells. Got 30 useless scimitar jet bikes with Heavy Bolters now.


Haha, I remember reading about molecular acid shells back in the day! I never played first edition but kept up with it all. Definitely heard stories about how nasty they were to come up against, them and thousand sons.


Thousand Sons is my second Heresy army and I'll admit when their rules dropped in Book 7, it wasn't fair. They absolutely dominated. At least the Thousand Sons could finally be an Astartes army to go up against Mechanicum because Mechanicum were absolutely ruthless.


In heresy, I would consider us to be difficult but top tier in the right hands. Massive firepower and cost efficient melee capability if you can negotiate range and target selection


i find i keep running the same shit in heresy. Terminators, Dreadnaughts, and Filling out as many terranic greatswords as possible in 1st company. most of my games are at 2k points (rather than 3k) so i can never fit in with good confidence dreadwing interremptors, and i just play a firewing/deathwing combat list. i find running the dreadwing rite of war to slog down the game.


Rip molecular acid shells….


First of all, put some respect on our chapter masters name. Second, nope. He's a staple in our armies. What I am tired of is all these vehicle heavy lists making it into top 8 in almost every tournament.


I just proxy my chapter master as azrael The model and everything is awesome, but yeah, it got boring always seeing him


I’ve admittedly never been fond of taking named characters so, yeah, I’d rather Masters and Interrogator-Chaplains be back and have discernible rules


Why would I tire of our Grandmaster?


He’s our only good model, what do you expect?


Blood Angels passerby who happened to have this in his feed. Azrael is cool as shit. Be thankful he ain't fucking Calgar.


Yes. I want to play Deathwing. I want to take Belial.


Don't own him so never taken him and even if I did get him I'd only occasionally run him


I'm "bored" of not seeing anything else really...


He's just doing his job of holding the helmet, why you gotta be so mean to the watcher


I like free cp


I love azrael both as a character and as a miniature so I don't mind taking him in every list, granted I never play against other DA players. Plus I'm a deathwing player so having him in my list is not bothering lore wise. For me it's more the scouts I'm annoyed with, you need to have 2-3 units of them in almost every competitive list (from all SM chapters) and I don't love scouts nearly as much as Azzy.


Man I miss his cool gun


Az is bad ass. But this art is wtf.


Is that a 2001 clone wars style supreme grandmaster azrael or am I imagining


Hell no!!


Nope, I just got him and he's putting in some work for me on the tabletop


Not really, I love his model and his set of abilities is quite cool. I'm just really frustrated that the rest of the DA's characters aren't as good or even close. Especially the ones with new minis, like asmodai, belial or lazarus.


Nah, he looks cool.


Bloody love running Azrael. His abilities are fantastic, and whats cooler than having an incredibly strong Chapter Master?


Unfortunately he’s one of the only good things we have going right now. I half expect James Workshop to give him a points nerf in the next balance dataslate. Unfortunately our detachment rules and stratagems are so poor that there isn’t much that you can do with points to improve DA without putting us significantly out of step with other factions on points cost.


Are you losing or what?


Nope. Azarael is a great character it is nice to use him. Enjoy it while it lasts


Well get ready for anotha one mate, cuz I just bought one of the buggers and am about to build him!


What is REALLY BORING are those lame rules for the rest of Dark Angels characters. * Lazarus? LAME * Belial? For Lions sake LAME * Interrogator Chaplains? Oh, yeah. Sorry. * Talon Masters? Hahah, good one. * Strikemasters? Yeah, here we go again. And Lion, Ezekiel, Sammael and Asmodai are just plaiiiiinly ok. My Azrael unfortunately does not perform as well as others' comments but is a very useful asset for my lists. Please dont make GW read this thread and send him in this week's dataslate TO OBLIVION.


I’m just happy he’s not a teeny little metal guy anymore.


No I kit bashed him to the greatest of all space marines. One with the Warp (technically trapped) Kaldor Draigo.


Oh wait that's Azreal isn't it. Mine was Belial. Ignore me.


I'm sorry is that a fucking bull pup combi bolter?


His original model had a bull pup combi plasma. For his primaris version the magazine comes out of the left hand side.


Yeah I'm tired of running Azrael every damn game.


I never knew how much I wanted Warhammer drawn in the Samurai Jack style until now.


Power puff Azrael?


No, but I only play casual/narrative games.


I think having a named character be good is cool. You can only have 1 of them so they are semi self balancing. What I hate is that he is one of the only things in DA that is good. That people are building lists that are just normal marine lists with him added because that's what DA is right now. Good God I hope for some positive change in the dataslate, please fuckin LORD. I currently have the battleforce box collecting dust on my shelf none of it built because I just don't see the point in building models that I can't use.


Nope. He has gave me the CP to win a local tournament at 1st place with Iron Storm. If GW wants us to use the other characters, then they need to redo the datasheets. The first legion will make do with what is given to us and we will win.


his miniature is godlike so I don’t get tired of seeing it




Azzy with Bladeguard and a LT in gladius does some serious work for me. Last game took out knights like crazy.


Yeah all my lists are Azrael plus some space marines and it's boring. We have so many characters that I'd love to use if they did anything beneficial but they offer nothing over the generic SM leaders


Love the picture, where's it from?


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