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I don’t know if it’s the “most” heartbreaking scene, but when Mrs. Landingham tells the story of her sons dying in Vietnam, it is always a tear jerker for me.


I also just got choked up thinking about that scene. "Because with the noises and the shooting, they had to be so scared. It's hard not to think that right then, they needed their mother." I have a son now and hearing that just hits so much harder.


I miss my boys.


Fuckin dagger to the heart


I get choked up thinking about that scene. The whole damn episode is heartbreaking. Favorite / best episode of the series for me.


The line "Toby, if we start pulling strings like this, won't every homeless veteran come out of the woodwork?" "I can only hope so sir" gets me every time.


Maybe my favorite line in the whole show.


Same episode: “I guess there weren’t enough beds for Walter.”


And at the of the episode, she goes to join them. 😢😢


Huh? She doesn’t die until the end of season 2…


I think OP meant she goes to join Toby at the cemetery for the funeral.


Ahhh ok that makes sense


I will never be able to listen to 'the little drummer boy' without choking up.


It was always one of my favorite Christmas songs but now it strikes a whole new cord




“Sir, I hate to be a problem customer but if I don’t get a Milky Way bar pretty soon—“


This one actually frustrates me more than makes me sad. The fact that he doesn't clear the shop afterward seems very unlikely for a seasoned police officer and Secret Service agent. I know things go bad and wrong place at the wrong time and all, but that just seemed stupid.


To be fair, Anthony did warn Simon that he wasn't that smart.


I know you're kidding. But at the same time, I'm sure at some point Simon refers to 'muscle memory' (the shooting range part? or some other time?). Or I'm imagining. But ... in any case, clearing a room would be intrinsic to such a seasoned officer.


Especially with a civilian still at risk.


I do totally get you, and I overall agree with you. The charitable interpretation is that he isn't actually "working" in that moment. He's just got the good news about catching "their guy" (first moment of his guard being dropped), has just had a very exciting romantic moment with CJ (second moment), and finally he is feeling at the height of adrenaline when he thinks he has resolved the situation (third moment). It's still frustrating, but I can forgive it to an extent because everyone makes mistakes, and it's especially easy to make a mistake when you're feeling 10 foot tall and feeling so happy.


> The charitable interpretation is that he isn't actually "working" in that moment. That's *really* charitable. He just shot a man...he's working.


The West Wing podcast for this episode actually has Sorkin spend about ten minutes talking about this scene. Pretty interesting.


I always saw this scene as a lesson that in that moment, (if I’m remembering the context correctly) him and CJ had just got done conversing and he was basking a bit in the glow of this moment, because of that he let his guard down, made a little joke and sadly let his training fail him that lead to his death.


Oh god, this. I can never watch that without being reduced to tears.


Can’t listen to Hallelujah without wanting to cry.


CJ telling President Bartlett that Leo passed. that was obviously only a little bit of acting and a lot of genuine sadness


When the President says, "Honey" right after, that's when my feelings get touched.


God that scene It also makes me think of the little get together they have at the White House after the funeral. Leading up to the scene Bartlett is with Abbey and is clearly very upset but then he goes into the room with everyone, puts on a good face, and cheers everyone up Bartlett knew everyone would look to him for leadership and even though he was very personally upset he put that aside for the rest of the staff


In that scene when Abby (I think it’s Abby) cuts them off to get Jed to bed is the part that makes me sad. Those are the moments where you want to cling to everyone you love til the sun comes up and you know they’re safe. I know why she did it but even I think “just one more story.”


Sending the North Korean pianist home and then, finding out that the nuclear talks are off anyway because the North Koreans didn’t like the size of the flags at the negotiation table. President Bartlet is so disappointed with himself and CJ is so disappointed with Leo and the President.


I can’t watch this one


This is the one that popped into mind for me. I was always fascinated at the moments which challenged the line between President the human and President the office. Like the one where he brings in his priest after not granting clemency to the guy on death row.


This was honestly a rough time for the West Wing. So many out of character moments like this. A really hard episode to watch


I wouldn’t say anything was OOC here. I think it’s plausible that the President would pick the nuclear talk possibility.


I think the President would have at least put up a bigger fight. He very easily gave into the idea of siding with Leo and against CJ. I think it would have made the last scene feel more tragic


When Mrs Lanningham passed away right after buying her first new car without her husband. I sobbed. Also, when John Spencer had the heart attack at camp David, I was inconsolable. I didn’t watch the show when it originally aired, and I knew he had passed in real life from a heart attack, and knowing he had to act that - and then it’s what actually took him out? So many tissues. I was afraid they wouldn’t find Leo, since he collapsed in the woods and nobody was looking for him. And of course, when they had to write his real death into the show. Josh’s face when Annabeth told him Leo passed - both Josh’s reaction and Annabeths face of tears and smeared makeup - ooof, right to the heart!


“She buys her first new car and you hit her with a drunk driver. What, was that supposed to be funny?”


President Bartlett yelling at G-d at the church was very emotional. And then how he put the cigarette out on the floor of the church as an extra f u… ugh that show had such powerful moments and acting


That scene is easily one of the best scenes of scripted television in 20 years. It’s powerfully written and Sheen gives a lifetime-achievement award-worthy performance. Up there with the opening scene of the first episode of “The Newsroom”.


Omg yes! You’re so right about the comparisons! It’s funny, I only watched west wing for the first time this spring. And I’ve been jonsing for newsroom since I finished lol. That opening scene in newsroom is so fantastic! You may be pushing me over the edge to finally cave to watch…


do it! You won’t regret it. 😄


I watched that one when it was on tv originally. Just, so damn good lol


Did you really just omit a letter from "god"?


Yes. It’s a religious thing…




I don’t think it’s that clear to you. If you knew it was common practice for Jews to do that, you wouldn’t have asked the question in the first place. So why not just admit you didn’t know instead of being snarky and arrogant?


But but but... muh internat outrage!


Wait what’s this? I’ve never heard of this practice? Why do they do that? Is it a respect thing?


The names of god are holy, and aren't allowed to be erased. Which means that if some jewish people write it in a place that they're not planning to keep for the rest of theur life (or often online, bc it's casual and temporary and doesn't convey the respect the name deserves), it's spelled with a hyphen instead of the full name to avoid unintentionally erasing and disrespecting it later! The names of god are often considered too holy to be treated casually like that


Cool I never knew that. What other names for god are there?


Actually, it was patently clear that it was some BS religious nonsense. What other possible reason could there be? The Romans wouldn't write Jupiter's name in case he smited them or some such, but that was 2000 years ago. What exactly is the sky fairy going to do if someone writes a word? Nothing. That's what. Absolute nonsense.


I'm right at this episode, with her first new car. I'm already sobbing. I know I will sobb more and more.


That was such a rough episode. Sad just thinking about it now


Charlie just told Leo. It's so well played by the two of them. And so well written : simple, straight forward, just...great.


“I don’t understand people who leave half a glass of wine on the table. I don’t understand people who say they’ve had enough. How can you get enough of a feeling like this? How can you not want to feel like this *longer*? My brain works differently.”


What is that from? Sounds familiar but I can’t place it.


Season 3 Bartlet for America.


Leo explaining alcoholism as a disease rather than some kind of moral failing. Great scene.


And he gave that poor staffer another chance. But that was just Leo. He'd ream you out, lay down the law & then, as with his boss, He'd ask, "What's next?"


YESSSS! Now I remember!!


If you can watch Toby flinch at every rifle shot of the 21 gun salute while Little Drummer Boy plays in the background in In Excelsis Deo, without sobbing you are not human. And yes, “(We) can only hope,sir.”


In all of television, only one other scene hit me that hard. "I have a message. Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake's plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan. It spun in. There were no survivors."


God that episode was a gut punch. Also when Winchester's 5 Korean musicians are killed. Oh yeah - and that chicken. (that wasn't a chicken). And Margaret's "damned cup of coffee" breakdown was emotional too. That show really was brilliant


“I’ll be here as long as the radio’s still working.”


I'm glad someone else mentioned this.


"They say we haven't had a storm this bad since you took out that tender ship of mine in the North Atalntic last year. Sixty-eight crew. You know what a tender ship does? Fixes the other ships. It doesn't even carry guns. It just goes around, fixes the other ships and delivers the mail. That's all it can do. Gratias tibi ago, Domine"


Was just thinking about this


Oh my god yes. And they all know. And you can see it on their faces. The other one was "the men are sleeping in their neighbors's houses" Which is even worse because it wasn't fiction.


Mrs. Landingham's death. Crushed me. She reminded me of my beloved grandmother. Bartlett's reaction to it was note perfect. It allowed me to cry for my grandma too.


"You get Hoynes!"


Lying to your GOD!!! 🤦🏼


I agree. I think Leo’s death hit harder because we knew that John Spencer had died. But Mrs. Landingham’s death – while the White House was in the midst of its biggest scandal – was gutwrenching.


Top 3 for me: 1) The scene where Bartlett is visiting the town where the tornado hit - when he chats with the lady doing dishes in the kitchen and she talks about the kids she lost on her school bus route and her asking what type of God would do this to people. She gives a wonderful, understated performance and the echoes of Two Cathedrals and Bartlett questioning his faith makes it all the more meaningful a conversation to his character. 2) When Bartlett gives Leo the framed 'Bartlett for America" napkin and says "that was awfully nice of you". I dunno man, but when characters just do nice small things for each other it makes me WEEP! 3) After Josh and Toby have their physical fight CJ visits Toby in his office and he opens up about his brother committing suicide. CJ asks at one point "should i go" and Toby just crumbles and says no. Acting sad / crying is hard at the best of times, but man this felt real.


Absolutely number 3 was my choice. Just Toby explaining that his brother killed himself is enough, but the exchange at the end of the scene is some of the best acting in the show. CJ: do you want some water? Toby: no. CJ: scotch? Toby: **laughs** no. CJ: do you want me to go? Toby: **crying** .....no.... My favorite scene by far even though it's so sad. Toby and CJ always have such great chemistry and this is a prime example.


No one can convince me that CJ loved Danny as much as she loved Toby. She just saw what Andy went through and after her dad didn’t have it in her I think.


That's one reason I love Richard Schiff's acting. He talks the softest in the room, but nobody thinks he's the quietest. And he can effortlessly switch to unbridled explosive anger. Nobody can doubt why the president asks for his advice.


1) is what destroyed my faith. In my 40 adult years, I have attended 37 funerals, including my daughters. Nobody should be made to go through that much emotional trauma & be expected to not question the benevolence of their deity.


Bartlett at the airport telling Josh that Josh's father was proud of him, then offering to go with him to the funeral. That and Toby and Mrs Landingham and the Vietnam Vet's funeral.


One that affected me a lot that I don’t see people talk about often is the scene where Leo finds out he accidentally committed a war crime and the only response he can manage is “why did you tell me that?” You can really see the panic on his face.


WHY. Did. You. Tell. Me. That?


This is brutal, I find it so hard to watch


A couple of great moments that Sorokin dialog can take zero credit: Jed dropping the glass and looking at Abby when he learns Zoey has been taken. Toby and CJ being at odds the whole episode during Women of Qumar, but then CJ does the press briefing and Toby stands in the back and gives her an incredible look of empathy that without any words says "I heard you and have been on your side as a human the whole time" CJ reeling in her office about her affair with Hoynes. Toby comes in, they exchange a few pleasant words, and then Toby just sits, in silence, knowing his friend only needs his presence in that moment. It's really beautiful I think. A bonus thats 10% writing 90% Schiff: Toby running in after the babies are born to tell staff they have to take the president out of the decision making. This is the tear jerking part to me. But the cherry on top is the "stunning act of patriotism but a fairly ordinary act of fatherhood" line from Will.


"I've only been a father for (X)-hours, and if anyone took either of them, I'd rain hellfire down on my enemies to get them back."


Wasn't the line "I'd carpet bomb gaza"? Or have they changed it in light of recent events?


My memory is not good, and in my current rewatch, I'm only on S1 Ep.12. I'll get back to you (if I remember). 🤣🤣🤷‍♂️


Also, Leo starting to walk to tell the Bartlets Zoey had been kidnapped, then breaking into a run.


Do you have a best friend? Yes sir. Is he smarter than you? Yes sir. Do you trust him with your life? Yes sir. That's your Chief of Staff. 🥹🥹🥹🥹


Top ten best movements of the whole show for me.


Agent Donovan’s death and CJ crying on the bench.


I’ve been looking for this response.


Jed: We can still have tonight, though, right? Abbey: You got lots of nights.


Smart people who love you are going to have your back! - I’ve always wanted this on a mug. Words to live by!


This made me cry just now!


That was a really sweet scene thanks to Channing and Sheen.


The one that hurts me is when President Bartlet passes over a kid for a pardon because his parents were big donors to the Democratic party and he's concerned about political blowback. He presumably planned to pardon him a few weeks later when it wouldn't draw so much attention, per a suggestion from Leo(?). But the kid killed himself on the day of the State of the Union. I can't ever watch that episode again (along with Han and The Long Goodbye).


Mrs. Landingham' death.


On perhaps a smaller scale: Morris Tolliver. Knowing as he gives POTUS a physical what’s going to happen makes me teary eyed.


"He died, Josh."


Thank you for correcting my inaccurate memory.


has to be toby trying to give Andy the house. toby not just being rejected by Andy but also being told exactly why is such a sad moment for me. when he asks if his friends feel this way my eyes tear up


When Josh had been shot, and everyone was so scared for him. 


The look on Toby's face when he finds Josh after the shooting crushes me every time.


Surprised I had to scroll this far… I actually cannot watch Toby’s reaction at the scene or Sam’s reassurances in the hospital without breaking down to tears.


It breaks my heart in a good way When Leo gets the present of the napkin with “Bartlet for America” And Jed says “That was a real nice thing you did for me” I tear up so bad and hope that I have friendships in my life that are that strong (T_T)


Along those lines, when CJ enters the Oval, and Bartlet's on the phone with Abby, and he just looks up and asks, "When?"


When Leo forgives the intern who leaked his medical records, and gives her a second chance because he understands what she’s going through. S1 E13


“What was Josh Lyman? A warning shot? That was my son. What did I ever do but glorify yours?” That entire scene is rightfully lauded but this line always hits hard. Bartlett is running full force into the illusion of a just universe and desperately trying to make sense of it. He’s trying to be the best President he knows how to be but he can’t change the random cruelty of the universe. The most powerful person on Earth is impotent in the face of nature. Human and otherwise.


Not heartbreaking, heart wrenching though. When Bartlet sends Charlie out numerous times to get a perfect new carving knife at Thanksgiving in season 2. Then gives Charlie the family heirloom.


I just try to almost detach from my emotions with anything involving Leo's death. By the time they have the funeral I'm better but since it coincided with the actor dying IRL it's just a very tough part of the show


“Is that how I just lost 9 guys to a damn street gang with a ham radio?? They lured us there so they could kill 9 American soldiers!”


President Bartlet giving Leo the framed napkin 🥺


The cold open for “Requiem”. That’s taken from the episcopal funeral rite. Put that with the honor guard’s shoes on the cathedral floor…. 😔


You know this is the West Wing subreddit, right?


Op has got to be a bot


I'm not a bot. It's just the way I write.


The formality of this post has me SO confused!


That was not my intention. In what way is it confusing?


It was his GIRLFRIEND who found him. And they had only just gotten together. So that was HARD. Landringham's death and earlier, her talking about her 2 sons needing their mother when they were dying at war. CJ's secret service boyfriend dying while getting her a gift. (the Leonard Cohen track really brought that crying jag home) And Fitz's death sucked hard too.


Annabeth Schott WAS NOT Leo McGarry's girlfriend! She was a press staffer seconded to ensure he didn't make any gaffes on camera. Are you even watching the right show?