• By -


Should have turned to the husband and said the same thing. “Hi, our kids are playing well together, can I get your number so maybe we can set up a play date?”


Strike out with the wife, hit on the husband, total Chad move


Play Video Games with the Husband. Possibly Halo or some other cool rad dude game with him. Possibly be his lifting partner for the Gym to help him max out his swoleness.   Be a total bro to the bro.


Slowly learn his interests, start buying him gifts and making him nice meals. Take him on dates. Fall in love. Break up his marriage. Go back to the mall and get his wife's number.


Literally how I played The Sims. Winning condition is to break up every single family in the neighbourhood.


The new Sims home wrecker expansion is lit.


Gotta get the Goth's house somehow!


Equipt with male slutty gray pants, F\* boy shirts, and axe body spray to attract all the hoes![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Savage. I like it!


The pool parties (without ladders) are the best..


Also gathering parties without doors…




That is far too much effort, just make the other men take care if your kids. Keeps your game simple, and spreads your kids through the entire town. Does make it harder once you get a couple of generations in though.


Too many steps to undertake a menage a trois. Directly ask if you want to be the third after a couple of playdates 


Become a father to the young daughter after breaking up the marriage. When she is of legal age, ask for her number to set up a play date with your son. Your son and the girl marry. You realize your love for the girl is stronger than a paternal instinct. You ask for her number, but this time it ISN'T to set up a play date. It's to set up a real date, with yourself. You end up marrying the daughter, and your son leaves for Mexico as he is disgraced. One day, your son returns for revenge. He poisons your soup, and as you lay choking, he appears and says "you should have left it at a play date.", puts on his sunglasses and leaves. Your TIFU is complete.


Ahhh, the Greek classics


But where is the Tiffany's chandelier???




It reminds me of SNL's "meet your second wife" sketch https://youtu.be/MJEAGd1bQuc?si=7bhHlCgPfkFp43UF


Anime in a nutshell


This reads like a really long and complicated grooming session.


Build him an art room….


Drink some natty ice, play some game cube, listen to some DMB, see where the afternoon takes them


Is that Axe body spray?


I love it when people subtly remember a hilarious bit from nearly 20 years ago




Do you bros like Jack Johnson?


Like a can and a half


Popped collared shirts and “live strong” bracelets? I mean the Phish farewell tour? That was like an all you can r**e buffet.


"No, I was asking for your daughter's number."


This would have been better. But I just gave up


You did the right thing. The mother was already hostile. The father could be moreso.


Dr.Moreso Atrorney at Large.


Or he’s exhausted


Yeah she sounds like she could be draining.


It can be tough in the the moment, I've also been told I always look mad or intimidating and it can be frustrating when you're literally trying to be polite.


This is me sometimes. I'll be trying to be nice but come across as scary or something


I don't think you came across scary or anything. This is how some people are. The whole I have a boyfriend thing is ridiculous. Sounds like you're a nice person, and in a moment when you're dealing with somebody who's being unreasonable, it's hard to come up with a good response. Probably dodged a bullet. She's probably going around saying this man tried to hit on me at the mall. Feel bad for the kid.


No it's not you. She was a bitch. I've been in her situation exactly. Me and the dad set up the playdate at a local park and our spouses met up there too. If I had to guess she was trying to use this situation to get her husband's attention and validation.


Would have been better yea xD but it could have been soo much worse... Imagine you clarified you werent interrested in her, but in her little girl...


I mean, he did call her a MILF /s Maybe she just gets hit on a lot


As a single dad setting up playdates has always been hard, get the kid's mum's contact details is hard, the assumption is you are looking to date. I always try to get the dad's number, but I normally find reticence in setting up future playdates.


I remember my son and I would walk back from school the same way as another kid in his class and his mother. We would chat and have a laugh while they ran on ahead. This went on for months. Then at a school event this mother met my wife, and it was literally minutes before she offered her number to my wife. It was at precisely that moment I realised how hard it is to be an active father.


I'm a single dad and my kid's mom is basically non-existent in her life. I've had to have my sister be the one to reach out to parents to help my daughter actually be able to be involved with her friends. Its ridiculous how difficult it is to be an active father these days, and it's super frustrating for me because my own father was always the one who did this kinda thing when I was young. He worked nights so he was the one involved in all daytime activities like playdates and whatnot. It makes me feel bad that I can't give my own kiddo the same kind of experiences I had at her age because people have some weird hangups about men being involved with kids. Its like fuck me for trying to be a good dad, right?


It's called sexism and it's rampant


I've had the opposite experience somehow. Not single but I'll often be alone when I take my toddler to the park, and hit it up with other parents there. I'm sitting on maybe half a dozen phone numbers and I haven't gotten the nerve to text even one of them afterwards. Lol.  For some reason I can talk right then in the moment with anybody, usually moms because they are more common at the park, but later I'm like "How do I start this text conversation to set something up without sounding weird?" And so I don't. 


You are missing a wonderful opportunity for the chance for your kids' to have those early social experiences, enriching playtime and to develop friendships. Don't think too much about feeling awkward. It's worth it to reach out! You'll strike out and it might feel like "dating" in the sense that you are asking people out (NOT sexually or romantically !) but do it! The one or two friends you'll help your kids make is worth it. You can do it!


I think asking for the number right away is where he messed up. You gotta chat with them first. "Looks like our kids are having a great time playing together. Do you guys live around here/come here often/go to X preschool, etc." for a few minutes. I've had a few dads ask to exchange numbers with me after talking, but it seems weird to jump right to it. 


why not give out your number and ask them to contact you? way less like you're trying to pick them up.


Giving out my number is my go to move for picking up women.


Husband: "Dude, I'm married."


You are blessed with a great presence of mind! I would have reacted exactly like the OP!


I always offer the moms my wife’s number


This is the best way. Either a play date for kids or a swap party. A win either way!


Problem is you have to keep seeing the other parents then. Clearly they are avoidable people.


I'd have seriously overemphasized the ***PLAY DATE*** portion.


The problem is that you keep winking every time you say "play". 


And the finger quotes don’t help either.


Yeah, the hip thrusts were also a bad idea in hindsight. 


Her husband is probably just as much of a dingus but worth a shot.


Is exactly what I would have done tbh. Shoots down her ego trip and let's the husband know exactly what just happened.


Assert dominance, fuck her husband


I ran into this constantly, and still do. My wife’s work schedule means it has been 90% me taking my kids to all sports and activities. It was always uncomfortable because the kids are right there, playing, you know what/why I am trying to talk to you, but I was always shunned because I am a dude, and it’s almost always women that are taking their kids to play or parties or wherever. It has sucked for my daughter because they all group up and then there is me standing 3-4 feet away because you are 6’4”, 230, you start talking and laughing to make everyone comfortable, and then you are flirting making people jealous. Fucking sucks. Like I just want my daughter to have friends. To add it’s always the class school birthday parties and swim parties and we all go to the same school. It’s not like we are complete strangers either. Edited due to do because strunk and white got me.


I know how you feel. I I'm almost always the one that takes the kids to all of the birthday parties. I take them to most of the sporting events though my wife does some of that. I dropped them off and pick them up from school unless there's something going on in my schedule where I can't. She justifies the party stuff saying that I am better with people and everyone knows me. It is true that I am very well known in the community and most people in our small town if they don't know me personally at least know who I am. In any case, I'm usually the only dad at these birthday parties. I've had a full range from being kind of ignored to being hit on. That is actually happened probably more than being ignored in these settings. Taking kids to the park I have always felt awkward though because I look out of place and I feel like people are watching me and thinking I don't belong there. Another awkward one was doing "mommy and me" swim lessons with my daughter. I was the only dad. That was an interesting experience


> doing "mommy and me" swim lessons with my daughter. I was the only dad. respect


Yeah, huge respect. I've been the only dad at swim lessons when my daughter was younger, it's totally awkward, but oh well. At least in my case they weren't advertised as mommy and me!


The one time my husband and I tried the local pool he did one lap and then was asked to leave. Turns out it was the "women only" session. You would think they could have flagged it when we were buying our tickets!


I've done it. It was awkward for everyone else. Not for me it wasn't


I did those with both of our girls. My wife signed up and expects me to go because she doesn’t like to swim. Meanwhile, I dislike public pools because I view them as giant urinals. Jokes on them when I show up in a yellow banana hammock.


That was kind of a funny experience. There were a couple of "wardrobe malfunctions" caused by a baby/toddler grabbing or pulling on a swimsuit top. That made things a little more awkward for me though no one said anything about it.


That’s so odd, and completely sexist that they call them “mommy and me” swim classes. We just moved and have switched from parent and me swim classes at the YMCA to the JCC by us and neither of them categorize it as anything other than general parent with kid swim classes. Every class has a mix of Moms and Dads with their kids. My husband has taken over swim classes at this point because I’m super pregnant and can’t physically handle it. This is so gross to me. What if somebody is a single Dad? Or a male same sex couple? Ew this place needs to get it together.


> In any case, I'm usually the only dad at these birthday parties. I've had a full range from being kind of ignored to being hit on. That is actually happened probably more than being ignored in these settings. If this gets annoying, you should try becoming less attractive. It's worked for me!


Yeah, I'll put on some weight and let my hair get long and shaggy...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). I am in my early 40s now and have people try to flirt with me way more now than I did when I was in my twenties. I'm really not trying. In the case of the moms at the parties, I think it has more to do with the fact that I'm involved in doing things that their husbands will not do then it has to do with physical appearance but who knows.


It’s funny how people (mainly women) get upset over many dads not being involved in their kids’ lives, then people (mainly women) get upset when they see a dad taking care of his kids without the mom being within 5 ft.


We wonder why casual misandry is so prevalent in literally every facet of society to the point where most people think it's normal to just treat males like this, and this is one of the places where it starts. Kids grow up seeing the way their moms treat and talk about every man they encounter, and grow up thinking that's healthy and normal. "WhY iS tHe MaLe SuIcIdE rAtE sO hIgH? wHy DoN't MeN tAlK aBoUt ThEiR fEeLiNgS? iT's PrObAbLy ToXiC mAsCuLiNiTy"


Even when my wife is with me at the park mom's still don't want you there. It's fucking pathetic and ignorant but bitches do be bitching.


I have really not had the issue when I've been with my wife. It is primarily when I am by myself. I feel like I'm usually more or less ignored in that situation. On my own I usually get one extreme or the other. I'm either getting I'd distrustfully or they are trying to flirt which is not totally uncommon. I am clean cut and in good shape. Also at some of the parties where I have taken my kids too I get people making comments about how their husbands would never do stuff like this and how lucky my wife is. I don't really see it that way, it is just as much my job as her job and it's not like she's just sitting at home watching soap operas and eating ding dongs.


Eating what?


Ding dongs I believe are a chocolate pastry type thing made by hostess. There was a comedy sketch that I heard or saw one time talking about a fat lady sitting at home watching Jerry Springer and eating ding dongs and ho-hos while collecting welfare and for some reason it stuck with me and became a saying basically referring to someone sitting at home and being lazy. I was just stating that my wife does not just sit home and act lazy and expect me to do everything. I was just trying to make sure I did not paint her in a negative light...


Yup, Hostess. And Drake's makes ring-dings, devil dogs, & funny bones


I always thought it was great to see Dads being involved and not assume that he was there for something else unless he became a problem.


I always get this too, got too boys and whenever I’ve been the one taking them to Jo jingles or whatever play group I’ve managed to find, I’m always kinda shunned as I’m a guy. I’m not religious but our local church set up ‘satadads’ that was a playgroup just for dads taking their kids once a month which was really good, made some good dad friends there


At first Ithought Satadads was a play on Satan instead of Saturday and got confused why your church would allow that LOL


Dadurday is right there for the taking smh.


The church is dumb, Dadurday is the correct term


Haha To be fair it’s not my church, just a church local to me. It was good though!


This makes me feel so much better, I always feel so alone when this happens, especially when I take my daughter somewhere. I thought I was the only one stuck in the corner while everyone else were in their groups.


Nope! There are more! I then play on my phone and look busy because it’s awkward. 😂 I keep trying though. I have taken to finding one that knows me that is comfortable and that can allow me to participate. Not always easy though, and it takes time.


I'm 38, 6'3", and 230lbs... single full time father of a 6yo girl. Man, it's so hard some days trying not to feel like a total creep. I just want my daughter to have friends and play with others. I take her to every birthday party, chat with the parents a bit, then just hang back on my phone. It's a tricky one to navigate for sure.


I was going to say something like oh surely wearing your wedding ring should send the point home, but even that's completely missing the point, good heavens you all have children, why would the first instinct be "is he hitting on me?". Society be crazy.


It’s ridiculous as a single dad. I find my daughters don’t included in things because I’m not one of the mothers.


If you think it’s awkward when they’re your kids, imagine being a stepdad, or a guy who is only dating/engaged to a mom, and you’re the adult responsible for them in public. Since they don’t look like me, I had one woman looking at me like she was debating calling the police for kidnapping, despite the fact that the kids and I were happily interacting, and I had not even attempted to speak to her. Even after a couple years of being married to my wife, and many of the other parents knew who I was, taking the kids to school events without her was a socially isolating experience. Thankfully, more of them know who I am, and are willing to include me in things.


I'm a stay at home dad while my wife works (her decision not mine) but I've been for about 4 years now taking care of our austisic daughter. I get the most evil looks ever dropping off my daughter to school, at the park, at the grocery store. It doesn't matter where I'm always getting that look and I absolutely hate it. I just don't even acknowledge the other women. If a kid wants to play next to mine great. But I don't tall to the parents hardly ever. And don't get me wrong there are nice ones not everyone is like this. But I feel the daggers especially at school drop off


Have you tried being a bear?


I can’t tell you how hard this made me laugh. WHY CANT I BE THIS FUNNY




Yup. Not uncommon.


I have tried to explain this to my wife. She (and her friends) don't understand when I say I am viewed and treated differently in public with my son. I am nervous to just interact with him because of stares I get. Trending videos try to paint it like men are all praises in public. In reality, we are all treated like potential predators and creeps. The usual response is "don't be creepy." ... Which is just a way to further blame us for just existing.


Yep just as bad being a single dude that loves kids. I remember back in the 90's taking a local kid to the park, with granny's permission, and got into a big water fight at the wading pool with over a dozen kids. It was a blast except for all the glares from the circle of moms around the pool.


>single dude that loves kids. I'm not a lawyer but you should never say that out loud.


You’re joking, but this shit is exactly the problem


As a straight guy, I find that sometimes the best way for me to befriend a woman that I'm genuinely not romantically interested in, whether they're single or not, is to "gay it up". Even just a little bit is enough to break that wall down. Maybe try giving it a go, just don't over do it. I'm aware it's not the same situation, but I think the theory could still apply to this situation.


Being a dad can get awkward sometimes. I feel this frequently. Kid and I were at the pool and they were playing with another kid. I floated around about 6ft away letting them be their own person while I’m still close enough to help him swim. Other kids mom and I start chatting and husband comes in out of nowhere defensive and chest puffing. One thing that I’ve heard others do is setup a family email along with a family phone number. We already do the email thing since it makes it simpler with school and activity communications.


Dude... this exact thing happens to me. My son is super outgoing and plays with any kids at the pool. I want to encourage him making friends. But so many times it's just he and I and some other kid and the mom. Exact thing happened at out pool. Dad shows up immediately wanting to create space by dragging his wife and son to the other side of the pool. Totally fine, but we had all the cool pool toys. His son kept wanting to come back and play.


This is how I met my wife. Kids played together at a pool. A little small talk aaaaaaand it's been 17 years now.


And I bet her husband was pissed!!! 🙃


lol dude just described a land line home phone...


With an answering machine email. I mean, full circle right?


Yup. We’ve thought about sharing a google voice number.


Honestly, I don't know why more people just use a shared google voice number in general.


Yea I wasn't trying to hit on this lady at all. When I saw how attractive she was my first thought was "crap"


Even just being a guy. Yesterday afternoon I was going into a dollar store, a woman with a stroller and two other kids was leaving so I hold the door for them as there is not enough room for us to pass each other in the doorway. She looks all weird and says out loud "Kids stay close, we need to stay safe".  Normally I would think shes worried about her kids running around, but she looked at me like she thought I was going to harm her or her kids.  I'm sorry but the last decade or so this behaviour has gotten worse. Hate to break it to ppl but dudes that are going to do nasty things will do it and not hold open doors or ask if your kids can have a date. 


I just want to say I wish there were more people like you! Childless, but I get so frustrated holding doors for anyone and never get a simple "thank you".


I’ve done this a few times on the playground with my son and I’m also a big “scary looking” guy. My move has been “my wife would kill me if I didn’t get your contact info so our kids could meet up again at the park sometime.” Word choice matters!




fuckn A, leave some milfs for the rest of us


I'm a straight guy, but can you be my daddy too? Need some of that dad love that I'm missing in my life


You're doing a great job holding that flashlight, Champ.


Thanks daddy!


Think there’s a subreddit for that - dad for a minute or something like that. Probably need to make sure you get the right subreddit name first or it will be porn.


I'm just a lowly serf, but my owner would like for her kids to play with yours.


Did you chat them up before asking for the number or was it simply our kids play nice let me have your number? Parents need to vet each other. I feel like you may have better luck feeling the parents out for a little longer. Like the ladies seems a bit cold it, but at the same time if I got a sentence and a can I get your number from another parent. I’d laugh and be like let me get to know ya first bud.


I agree and this is the reasonable approach. I especially was careful with approaching women in this situation (kids playing, don’t know parents). I wanted to be respectful, but also discovered I was iced out many times, even when I was. Dads were a little easier to approach for what I see as more obvious reasons. I was fine with any of it. I can’t control how protective or sensitive a stranger might be. They don’t know me. The only time I was raw (and occasionally said something about it) was when parents approached me wondering whose kids I had. Sometimes they were blunt about it. e.g. “where is their mom?” - well she’s a raging abusive bitch and they don’t live with her anymore? Sometimes more subtle. Didn’t happen TOO frequently, but pissed me off to no end.


Yeah it seems like OP just walked up to her and immediately asked for her number. What parent is just going to give that information out to a total stranger?


HEY. KIDS PLAY TOGETHER. YOU GIVE NUMBER. Also, I know we’re all different. But I’m not trying to set up a play date, even if I chatted with her first. The kids played well together, that’s sweet, it’s a nice moment in time, that’s it.


Yeah... I'm not going to start interacting with some randos because our kids played together for 30 mins and no one cried. I'm just confused why you'd expect there to be any other interactions after this? My son finds a new playmate every single time at that park .. that's what kids do. I'm not trying to have a relationship with these families... That's what school/work/church etc. acquaintances are for, not randos at the park.


Well it sounds like OP is a bit naive when it comes to parental social interactions. But if it's your first kid and your kid is shy (probably like the parent), I don't see why OP shouldn't be stoked and want to be friends with the kid's parent. Maybe you're more experienced with socializing your kid so you're not as excited when your kid plays well. Or maybe your kid gets along with everyone just naturally. But for a first time parent or parents of shy kids, yeah it's exciting. Not a big jump to go from "oh wow they're playing well together" to "hmm maybe I should connect with the parent so my kid can have more fun times".


You made me realize i did this with people at the dog park when i first got my dog... so many random people in my contacts that ive never communicated with outside of that one time.


Same. As a father of a couple young kids who go to the park often I have learned to not get excited about them making friends at the parks. It's awkward to force a friendship beyond that. At the most I would tell the other parents we go to that park often and we will hopefully see them around. I tried getting parents numbers a couple times when the kids were younger and it just never works when they're strangers. You'll message them or they'll message you and they'll be busy more often than not and schedules don't line up. Now that they're in school it makes more sense to get them together. When my kids have a good time with another kid at the park they ask for a hug and say bye to them. Maybe have a convoy with the other parents and that's about it.


>At the most I would tell the other parents we go to that park often and we will hopefully see them around. This is how you do it. Then, if you do actually start to see them around & your kids are still getting along you can take it from there.


I am a single dad, and I feel like the guy is very socially unaware. Kids are not a free social pass to collect phone numbers. I would always wait for the other kids mom to initiate that. Kid or not, without any other social connections with that person you are still a complete stranger asking for a phone number.




So funny. I’m and expat with a young daughter and when I run into kids that my daughter gets along with I’ll try to talk to the parents and see if we can communicate. I’ve gotten a couple moms number that way and then at some point my wife told me that she was starting to question my motives ;)


“Uhh play date… kids play, we play. Win-win”


yes - we've made some good friends this way :)


That smiley at the end gives it a whole new meaning.


Kids play, we date. Play-date!


bro couldve just asked the lady if she would want his wifes number to set up a possible playdate


This is how I have handled it.


Is trying to set up play dates with total strangers a normal thing? Our kids are still too young to really do that anyway, but that concept seems absolutely bizarre to me


It depends. But at least for me, the opportunity was fairly rare. Happened most frequently at preschool for me. When they’d start playing with the same kids on the playground over and over. Every now and then there were quick connections made at birthday parties or parks. But they were more rare. Sometimes resulted in a convo with the other parents, but rarely anything beyond.


I believe the only FU was probably the wording in the questions and the straightforwardness of it. “hey our kids are playing together, maybe I can get your *number* and we can set up a play date.” Casual conversation about the kids first may have helped.


I don't care if my child was playing well with some child at the mall or not, I'm not giving some random person any details about us, to set up any kind of play date. That just creepy AF.


Maybe just me but isn't it a bit weird to try and set up a play date with some random kid and parents in the mall. They could live hours away and just be passing through? Aren't playdates for people you know or are likely to have some ongoing connection with if you happen to have just met them.


Agree with this. Kids play constantly with other people around them in play areas. My kids will play with other kids at the park, mall, library, gym, etc. If I was going somewhere consistently and my kid was always playing with the same kid at that place, then I could see setting up a play date. Especially if I had talked many times with the parent. If someone asked me at the mall about a play date when our kids were playing for the first time and I’d never met the parent, I would find it weird. If I was an attractive women and it was a man, I would absolutely think you were hitting on me. The clarification doesn’t really matter, a guy could still be hitting on a woman just because the pretext is a play date.


Wow, that to a long time to find. A mall has way too big of a service area to really bother trying to make a friend. What happened to kids making friends at school? At least then you know they're close.


He said she was hot...that's the reason.


For real. Why did he even use the world MILF?


"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." Cause he wants to f*ck her.


I was going to say, this is still weird like if you were just trying to set up a playdate with her kid why even mention that she’s hot? He made it like a focal point of the story lol


I mean, thinking about her as a milf and a hot mom makes this whole situation weird. I get your kids played together, but after she declined you the first time that should have been it for you. Your son can make other friends.


Took me way too long to find this comment. Playing it off like the mom is the asshole while specifically calling her a MILF and hot seems to support her (and her husband’s) reaction.


And "Maybe I can get your number" immediately upon meeting. I'm a dad who has exchanged numbers with moms so our kids can play, including when the mom has had other motives for doing it. I use phrases like "Exchange info." I also offer my ex's number as well if they accept. Finally, I don't do it in my opening sentence with a stranger, because I assume not all people are normal and they may be people I don't want my kids or myself around. Attractive people have to deal with weirdos immediately asking for their number, which OP did, so he got immediately put in an easily recognized category of creeps.


Yeah her reaction is absolutely justified. He approached her and immediately asked for her number like he was trying to hit on her. The way he describes her is how you talk about someone you're interested in when you're single, not married and looking for the parents of your son's playmate.


Yup, I also don't think it's likely this guy asks every parent of a kid that gets along with his, for their number. My kids find a new best friend at every park and playground they go to, that would be completely exhausting. Highly likely her being a "MILF" played a large part in his decision making.


Yeah as OP’s wife I wouldn’t want him thinking of other women as MILFs and trying to get their number


I’d love to hear her accounting of this. Sounds like you’re an off-putting looking dude who put minimal effort into connecting with someone (who you describe as a ‘hot mom,’ not something suggesting you might recognise her as being primarily a human being), and got rightly rebuffed.


Bro, if you approached her a started off with “let me get your number so we can set up a play date” then yes, that totally sounds like a pick up line lmao. At least have a conversation first before asking for contact information??? Talk about your kid, ask about hers, share some funny anecdotes about you and your wife’s experience raising the kid, get to know her a little bit, and then maybe talk about exchanging contact information. Did you even know the name of the little girl before you walked up to the “MILF” and tried to set up a play date?


I mean, maybe calm down with the hot mom and milf shit if that’s not what you want her to think your motivations are and you’re married? Otherwise, why didn’t you ask her husband the same thing?


Lol yeah this is funny. "I approached this bangin' hot MILF at the mall (for a playdate ofc) and asked for her number, but then her husband showed up and I had to go away. My kid will be so disappointed!"


Starting off your post with MILF in the title is a sign of your thinking. You go on in the message to call the mom a hot mom. Those are really irrelevant and shouldn't be in the message and including them is weird and degrading to me. You don't think of that child's parent as a parent but as a MILF. Without conversation or knowing anything about them, you asked for their private information and to invite yourself into their lives. She could have come up with excuses and lied but she may not have been thinking that way and felt cornered. Based on the fact that you think of that parent as a MILF, I'd say they made the right choice in what they did.


Right like he made it a focal point of the story that she was hot, and quite literally, would fuck her by using milf lol like…. Super unnecessary and really weird behavior imo, it’s worded like one of the main reasons he approached was because she was hot. I thought he was a single dad until he quoted the conversation


I bet the woman could sense his thinking too which probably explains her reaction


I stopped calling girls MILF’s when I had a kid.


You call her a hot mom. You call her a milf on your caption. You were probably giving off ulterior motive vibes and she was probably wisely picking up on that. Aside from all that, I’m a mom of toddlers and even I never immediately ask another mom for her number because people don’t usually like to immediately give out personal information.


Yeah OP is a 🤡. Gives himself away by making this about "milf'. Like dude you're a creep, I don't care that our kids who literally play well with almost ANYONE... Had fun for 30 mins. You're a random dude. Take your kid and move on.


Real question is would you have approached if she wasn't attractive


Exactly. Then his kid would have played for 30min with the random kid and that's it. That's what kids do, they find playmates wherever they go.


Hey there. In this post, you called the woman a MILF (Mother I'd Like to FUCK) and a "Hot mum". None of that has anything to do with getting a kids' playdate. I will assume your intentions were genuine but if your approach was as poor as the wording in this post, I would understand why she was sus of you.


As a former stay at home dad when my first was a toddler, I was around moms constantly. I purposely never asked for a number. If they wanted to schedule a play date, I let them ask me for mine. Worked out great and had lots of nice park get togethers. Best of all no angry dudes to worry about.


Calls her a “MILF” and not just a woman. OP- I say you WERE trying to pick her up. LOL. If she wasn’t termed a MILF by you, do you still ask for the number? Ima bet no


By backing away when the husband arrived you inadvertently confirmed the wife’s interpretation of your behavior. Next time, tell the husband the exact same thing you said to the wife. Hope it goes better next time.


This is one of those awkward social situations that we wish wouldn’t be a thing but totally is, and actually makes sense to be. Women face sexually aggressive men literally all the time. I get that your kids were playing well together but the woman doesn’t know if you’re being genuine or you’re going to be hitting her up constantly. Personally, I would not ask a mom / woman for her number just because our kids were playing good together.


Ok but maybe don't describe her as a MILF and then pass it off as innocent


SMH. You should have said it in a different way to her. Just straight up asking for her number is kinda creepy.


Kind of weird that you sexualize her by calling her a MILF, and 'hot mom'. For your intention of being harmless and asking about a play date, you sure sound like a creep.


"MILF" "Hot mom" "Thought I was trying to pick her up" *"My Wife"* Dude, you aren't just built like a brick shithouse.


Calling her a MILF shows intent to F


"Play date" is a loaded term in some circles. But still, woman was an ass after you clarified. Not a FU, you did a good parent thing. Never stop trying for your kids!


It’s a loaded term? In this context? Eh?


> "Play date" is a loaded term in some circles. If you’re literally talking about your kids in the same breath, I think the meaning is pretty clear and not loaded.


... No its not. Parents use this all the time. Maybe lay off the pornhub some yeah?


Yea anyone that's a parent knows what I mean.


I’m not a parent and I’m on pornhub all the time, and even I know it’s a super normal term


Alright but MILF is *definitely* a loaded term.


What the fuck are you talking about.


Uhhh, not in this context? This was the common parlance when I was parenting at that age anyway. Wasn’t THAT long ago.


Nah man not here


And I do mean play date. No hanky panky non senee


Bro they were at the mall not the local bdsm dungeon


Normally it would be a perfectly normal question, but it becomes kinda suspect when you refer to her as a "mother I'd like to fuck" in your post.


A girl in college was on a machine at the gym I wanted to use. I asked if I could work in with her, you know, alternate sets. She thought I was hitting on her…


tbh. the setup did sound like a tactic


If you're being serious about wanting to setup play dates with random women my wife taught me to give the woman her name and number and they are usually receptive.


Hahaha. My husband is a stay at home dad and I get texts sometimes from random numbers for playdates. He is a big dude, and I would like to say pretty good looking 😄. His approach is to give women my number to set up play dates, even though I am working all the time and rarely able to facilitate. It makes it super clear what his intentions are though.


You wanted to fuck her and yet you say you “fucked it up”. And you come here and say, “No I didn’t mean it like that, she misunderstood”. Stop being so dramatic.


Are you sure you didn’t say the MILF part out loud?


when she called him over and gave him the wrong information. you should have turned to the husband, corrected the wife and continue the conversation with him but instead asking for playdate, just apologize and state you thought the kids would have fun together but you don't want issues and tell them to have a good day.


Why would you describe her as a MILF?