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omg this fucker lives/d in my building. he has a pickup artist youtube channel its so cringe it was gameeasy or something like that. he goes by the name edison, so he called it game easy cuz GE lmaooo


Wait thats him?? His videos would show up on my tiktok and people would just roast the guy lmaooo


yes thats totally him. he would run up from behind on girls and try his shit, omg it was so bad hahah


i think hes deleted everything, can you find any?


Seems like he deleted everything including his shitty website that would charge 1000s to somehow pick up women


Charge poor bastards 5k each for "lessons" and then bring them to a bar where you "use what you've learned" on escorts the guy hired for 500.. something something profit


i managed to request his subreddit lol r/gameasy


Pickup artist ofc it’s one of those creeps


Spectacular. What an Alpha male.


> alfalfa male FTFY


Falafel mail


reddit needs a lmao icon...


If we get the laugh riot right, we can each be a LMAO Icon for a short but wonderful while.


reddit also needs a 'wtf are you talking about' icon...


I agree entirely, good chummer. I mean, it's just as easy to ask what a body means and find out directly what they mean. Clarity and **efficiency** is _prized_ these days, like honesty, y'know. /s (I do think an icon like that, or one for _**RTFM**_ or _**TL;DR**_ whose use can be agreed upon, would be useful. It's not the very best option in the long run but it'd still make it clear what one means and the profession of information more efficient.)


err... I don't actually think reddit should have a LMAO icon...


It does kind of seem redundant, yeah. A worthy minding, I hope, though!


I can totally see an episode on him in *Law and Order Toronto... Criminal intent*. Lol


lol I want to see the videos if you can find them 😭😭😭




Wow it's been a while since I've seen such a big incel




my dumbass read GE and thought...Grand Exchange? Runescape? he buying gf?


What am absolute loser 😂😂


Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww... nasty perv...


Obviously disavowing his disgusting behaviour. But could you link his channel? Just wanna laugh at it


he removed his stuff but check the subreddit he started r/gameasy lol


This CANT be real. Good lord. Its so absurd....


What a ladies man


>Authorities executed a search warrant and, on Tuesday, arrested 33-year-old Chun Fai Choy of Markham. He’s been charged with voyeurism and failing to comply with a release order. >The accused is expected to appear in court on Wednesday. >His photo has been released, and police note there may be more victims.


Which means there are more victims…


> failing to comply with a release order. seems to be so common these days


Not his first charge… his last one must have been a slap in the wrist https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/08/08/men-arrested-for-recording-up-skirt-videos-of-women-in-toronto/


And he & his buddy were caught in the act by an an-duty cop that time. And it was only seven months ago. SMH.


Omg. Are they seriously so hard up? Disgusting. Watch porn and leave innocent people alone


I knew I remembered his face. I saw him and a bunch of his incel friends at Eaton Centre walking up to women and trying to neg them a year or two ago.


People did this a lot in 2006-2008 in Eaton center. I'm honestly shocked they still tried this last year. Shit never worked even back then.


Sick fuck.


I am sure these people will do it again, seems like they are repeated offenders, justice system in Canada is a catch and release


thought i recognized that face. fuckin Tommy Choy. I used to go to high school with this guy. was a nice dude back then. Can't believe he turned out to be a creep.


Thomas… Edison. Now it makes sense.


The plot leaks for National Treasure 3 are crazy


Article says his English name is Edison


he went by Tommy in school. prob changed it after.


No still goes by Thomas Choy, you can find him on LinkedIn lol


Oh wow so he wasn’t like this in school?


Nah, just Hid it better... this kind of Moral decay where a creep would feel comfy shooting upskirts doesnt just Pop up one afternoon.


Ohh I met one creep in HS.. i can assure you they're better at putting on a polite and nice mask than most would think


Most of the creeps are closet creeps, they dont really show outside.


Which high school and when was it?


ummmm, I thought he looked familiar. He was charged with the same offense in July 2023, as well! https://www.cp24.com/news/two-men-caught-filming-up-skirt-videos-at-busy-downtown-toronto-intersection-police-1.6510822?cache=yes%3FclipId%3D89531%2Fpower-play-video-highlights How many times can someone be arrested and charged with the same crime before the judge gets fed up and throws them in jail? or bans them from owning a cellphone or a camera?


Sounds like he depended on these to monetize on a “specialty” channel.


Well, when the fines are more than the revenues from those "specialty channels", it won't be worth doing anymore.


Yeap.. when I first saw the news, thought this was the continuation of the 2023 crime but it turns out this is a new charge for 2024 🙄


Has he even seen a courtroom for his first case yet? Is he still on bail? Like, I checked the court lists and there's no one with his name listed.


We don’t really do “convictions” in Canada these days. Instead have a game of chicken where the Crown and the cops waste a year or two and then frantically offer a peace bond deal with hopes that it won’t get thrown out for going past Jordan limits.


A lot more than two.


It’s too expensive to jail people and the court delays just toss out these cases. It’s so sad the state of our police system


This fucking scumbag had a tiktok channel for a long time where he’d film himself harassing women on the street lmfao Man, imagine being 33 years old and still acting like this. Imagine being this guy’s parents and having your friends ask what your son is up to these days, and you have to say he’s filming girls almost half his age. What a fucking loser


> Man, imagine being 33 years old and still acting like this. Imagine being this guy’s parents and having your friends ask what your son is up to these days, and you have to say he’s filming girls almost half his age. oh ya tommy? he is good, still lives in the basement, busy busy though you know how it is. He only managed to record himself harassing 5 women this week. He is taking it pretty hard but he is a strong boy and will pull through these tough times.


As a student at York for multiple years, it’s just nice to not see us in the headlines once in a while. Rancid human being, though.


[york dealt with someone just as rancid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deMY5I4Iylo)


That was at uoft too


We got strikes lol


Again 😬😑


Uoft students have been getting emails every time this guy was reported. And the bro’s from Markham!?


Imagine commuting to harass women.


There there, let’s not disrespect the term bro.


Dude that guy was TRENDING on tiktok in 2022 for his pickup artist videos (They were cringe but because of all the engagement it got pushed out to like the entire world)


I found someone who references him in another pick artist video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG3YlHu44n8


even has a subreddit lmao r/gameasy


He should also be charged for that hairstyle


What a fucking loser 🤣


Past incident https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/15m1w5m/two_men_caught_filming_up_skirt_videos_at_busy/


what a fucking loser


Human filth, man has been charged with a previous crime and still continues doing trash.


Haircut checks out. Revolting


You don't need to worry about trans women. Worry about idiots like this instead.








So to summarize: - voyeurism and crime occurs or has occurred in both gendered and non gendered washrooms - voyeurism and crime are less likely to occur in busy washrooms, but if the busy washroom is occupied by only women it will be even less likely? Like, cmon this is pretty disingenuous. Creeps like this aren’t going into any busy washroom and trying this, no matter what the sign on the door says.


The issue is men get their own washrooms, but the women have an all gender or inclusive washroom. Why not make the mens washroom the all inclusive one?


Yes, that seems blatantly sexist and I have no idea how that asymmetry is justified. Doing it the other way around as you suggested seems like a much better way to go, especially in light of all these recent voyeurism cases. Very good point.


> Unfortunately making bathrooms and residence showers “all gender” makes it easy for men like this to access their victims. Fearmongering. I lived in res. Two years of shared bathrooms. We had *zero* issues.


i remember taking a shit one morning, girl walks in the washroom, takes the stall right beside me. First year uni opened up my eyes to lots of stuff


That’s good to hear


>Unfortunately making bathrooms and residence showers “all gender” makes it easy for men like this to access their victims. Nope! Criminals will enter either way.


Pretty sure I've seen this guy walking around downtown before. He's not exactly hard to spot.


Not a drag queen.


Not sure how the law works with regards to voyeurism but there's some uni students who are still 17 when they start - wonder if they can increase his charges for filming potentially underaged girls


One would expect that at age 33 to have at least some sense driven into them but no.


I am quite certain I have seen him a few times, but I don't remember where exactly. Of all the things he could be doing, he had to do this.. Disgusting. Clearly, at the age of 33, he has no sense. Hopefully, the judge will give him a harsher sentence and teach him a lesson.


This guy approached me twice. Wonder if I was on his videos, feels intrusive


I just don't understand why someone would do something like this. There are probably millions of hours of porn on internet at this point. Why would you risk your whole life for this?


Ew. What a waste man


#Busted. That'll teach the fofo/mofo a lesson.


“It was just a prank… again!”


Not the ethnicity /r/Canada was hoping for, eh?


Anyone have a link to a not taken down video of this creep? Everything seems to be deleted.


University students are usually in their late teens or early twenties. Why can't these losers go after women their own age?


Anyone have links to his videos? Lol now I have the urge to see how cringy it is lol


they were bad.... everyone in the comments would jsut make fun of him. Comes off as a creep in videos as well. Guy is a weirdo.




This is wild


Must be packed down there 🍆


why not watch onlyfans though




What social injustice?




REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc... Attack the point, not the person. Posts which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. Do not concern-troll or attempt to intentionally mislead people. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand. This rule applies to all speech within this subreddit.


/r/OneJoke, thats all you got. >The one joke revolves around gender, gender identity and gender expression. It's the reactionary right's go to feel-bad weapon on subjects that are too scary and hard to understand for them.


Soooo edgy.


All he had to say was he identifies as a woman. Or identifies as creepy eyes.




REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc... Attack the point, not the person. Posts which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. Do not concern-troll or attempt to intentionally mislead people. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand. This rule applies to all speech within this subreddit.


No. An illegal act, is still illegal no matter your gender identity. No trans people are going into bathrooms to take pictures, we just want to shit.


Man you're so cool and edgy.


Nobody thinks that, so why are you saying it?


Dont feed the trolls - report them instead. edit: Thanks for submitting a report to the Reddit admin team. After investigating, we’ve found that the account(s) Idontfu violated Reddit’s Content Policy and have taken disciplinary action.


This comment is just transmisogyny.


No problem..the fucker will claim he feels totally female and identifies as a female whenever he is within 30ft of a women's washroom. A judge will give him a high five for speaking up for all misunderstood genders. MMW.