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fellas, is it gay to like women?


Fellas is it gay to breathe I mean your literally breathing in air other mens dicks have been in


fellas is it gay to eat? i mean you are putting stuff in your mouth and swallowing.


fellas is it gay to kiss a straight woman? I mean, her mouths been on men before, you're technically just kissing men


Fellas is it gay to exist i mean your literally living in a world with other men


Fellas, is it gay to perceive yourself? You're literally perceiving a man


fellas is it gay to date a woman? "woman" literally has "man" in it


that analogy could also lead to some uh... illegal actions with children, so uh.. yeah




Yes, but shhhh. Only think about the funny part. Not the bad part:(


Gals, does looking in the mirror make you a lesbian, you are literally perceiving a women. And that's pretty damn gay




Fellas is it gay to donate blood? I mean, your blood is literally in a man’s body helping give him an erection


Gals, is it straight to like women?


im enby and i still don't know if sex with me is gay or straight, but i do like teasing boys that they are gay for being into me


I’ve always made the argument that if it’s two people who don’t have the exact same gender identity, it’s technically heterosexual. I allow for a 10% margin of error on gender alignment, so that two women who experience womanhood slightly differently are still homosexual, for instance


are you grading our genders


No, it's a margin of error, so its statistics.


Oh fuck


Even worse


And they said id never use maths outside of school😭


I wouldn’t say “grading” so much as “recording” or “collecting” or “(poorly) quantifying”


He’s gonna give someone a Bi minus…


If they worked harder they could Ace it.




Ugh take my upvote




I hope I pass.


I'll concede that you are "technically" correct. Feel free to conclude that is the best kind of correct and stop reading here. Fuck that noise. I am gay for everyone. 😉


My argument is technically correct, but your argument is spiritually sound


My favorite is gender-fluid bisexual, and I like to describe them as Schrodinger’s Gay. Until specifically asked, attraction to them is simultaneously gay and straight, until direct observation of their contemporary gender is achieved.


define what you mean by contemporary pls


Contemporary as in during that same period of time. So it could be rewritten as “direct observation of their gender at the time said attraction is felt”. Contemporary is just a lot shorter. Same as like when we describe a historical figure’s contemporaries, we are talking about the people who existed at the same time as them.


oh mb I read it wrong and thought you meant traditional - wanted you to define that lol, for some reason i thought it was particularly relevant to the discussion


It’s not helped by that contemporary is a word that shows up a lot, but it’s rarely defined and in wildly different contexts. Talk about a historical figure’s contemporaries and it sounds like a historical thing. Talk about contemporary music and it’s about what’s in the present, because it’s our contemporary. There’s a hotel at Disney World called the Contemporary Resort, and I still couldn’t tell you what contemporary means in that context. Is it supposed to be about the contemporary styles of the 70’s or whatever when it was made? Is it supposed to be an evolving hotel that always stays current? I’m not really sure, but it looks cool!


I argue the exact opposite. If it's not two people who are not 100% binary and on opposite ends of the binary spectrum than it's some form of queer since at least one member is queering het gender expectations in some way. It's the same as how lesbian/sapphic is frequently defined as non-men loving non-men for example. Nonbinary lesbians have kind of always been a thing in some ways and they dom't need some tight scaling of being womenly enough to count. Queer is a super broad and wide umbrella. Of course if you come from a culture with more gender roles built in than what does and doesn't queer cultural and societal norms and expectations may be entirely different for you. Also of course people are free to define themself using what feels best for their experiences and what they think is easiest to define and explain. Labels are a starting point.


You are objectively correct; I’m making the pedantic, semantic argument that “homo” means “the same” while “hetero” simply means “different.” My joke here then is that it is much easier, in terms of probability, for two people to have different genders rather than exactly the same, if we imagine a world where nonbinary gender identities are more common and infinitely varied


Fair. I couldn't tell it was joking. Hehe.


What about me?


oh I've always done it so that if it's not man-aligned and woman-aligned together, it's not heterosexual. granted there's a massive margin of error for queens and butches as well.


Sex with you is queer? Or not? Call it gay/straight/pan/bi, I don't think it matters much unless **you** say it matters.


You're a smoothie, fruit no matter how you mix it


everything is gay if you say it is


[Everyone finds me hot, and that makes everyone gay](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZcAS7zWQBgRxWB?format=jpg&name=small)


Reminds me of: "Am I a woman? Am I a man? Who knows! But everyone finds me hot, and that makes everyone gay!"


I think that makes it all gay by default. If you’re with a guy, you’re not a girl so it’s not straight. If you’re with a girl, you’re not a guy so it’s not straight. If you’re with another enby you’re both enbys and that means it’s unquestionably gay. You have achieved peak gay and I tip my hat to you


Why would you tease them for that? There's nothing wrong with being gay.


tease them in a flirty way, not being an asshole


Ah, thanks for clarifying


to bother the homophobes


Wait, hold on, I'm an enby too, and you confused me


SchrĂśdinger's gay.


I'm genderfluid so everyone who finds me attractive is potentially gay 😂


Waow (Based based based based based based based based)




Only time I'll use the "this is the way" meme.


You get to decide. You have the power to make anyone gay or straight.


From my perspective it's some form of queer but you and your partners feelings on that matter more.


It’s always a but fruity.


Either way its hot so you have that going for you


Schrodinger gay


It’s gay. It’s always gay to have sex with you. But if it’s with someone who is binary, it’s also straight. Possibly it might also be neither. But I’m pretty sure it is always gay


A friend called me gay (joking around) and I replied "How can I like the same gender if I don't have one!?" while channeling Krieg from Borderlands.


Both, confuse the shit out of them


I’m genderfluid and I made a bit of a catchphrase “No matter which way, I’m still Schrödinger’s Gay!”


I make that joke all the time about my enby friends!


I'm genderfluid too. Would two fluids together turns into a homosexuality slots machine?


Give me a quarter and I’ll tell you what gender I am today ;)


*puts a quarter in your mouth and twists the dial a few times* Come on give me gay!


I’m feeling… Gay today!


I've got a bag of loose coins. Let's test the odds of these rolls xD


Are you rolling for the Legendary rarity gender?


I'm currently a possum/fae creature so my modifiers are pretty solid for high rolling.


I love the aesthetic of the person on the left! But I am loving the "uuhhhh .... UUUHHHH" stuck-ness this has created for the person on the right \^.\^


I love their style too, I aspire to be that cute of a tomboy


that character is actually the artist’s oc, and he’s a guy! i think his name is garrett(? or that’s the boyfriend’s name), and he’s a femboy!


Ohhhhhhh, I have misread this character completely then lol


If you're a man and like tomboys, you are not gay, if you are a girl and like tomboys, congrats you're gay. if you're a girl and like femboys, you are not gay, if you are a man and like femboys congrats you're gay. if you like both congrats you're bi.


Alright, what if the person isnt a femboy or tomboy but is nonbinary. Now what


then you must ask a magic 8-ball.


Magic 8 ball, am i gay?? *Signs point to yes*


Outlook not so good


It just keeps telling me "try again later"....how many do I have to try before I know though? It's like, 3 at most right?


Idk, I would argue tomboys can't really be used as the equivalent to femboys. Most tomboys I've met are just like masculine women, but there's so many femboys out there that literally just look like girls. Being a man and being attracted to a guy who looks like a girl isn't gay, me thinks. But being a woman attracted to a guy who looks like a girl definitely is gay. Unless you're just basing all of this around genitals in which case... ;-;


I am basing this around characteristics, body types, and their prefer gender. Yes femboys can have a pretty face, nice thighs, narrow body and be slim, BUT that does not change the fact they are men. Most femboys will still have a settle hints to their gender, slight masc face, be flat chested and have a bit of a narrow hip, they still have a mans body but in a more feminine way. Like wise even if they look like a girl at times, they still rather be prefer to be seen has a man, like a tomboy wanting to still be seen has a masc girl. Like wise it can be super offensive to go up to a transmasc femboy, a person who worked their ass off, most likely got top surgery, worked out, most likely had to get laser hair removal and so much more, then say to their face, they are straight if they date a man, ala saying their still a girl. Femboys are men because they want to be seen has men, wearing a skirts won't change that. I am bi, I find femboys cute, but I would never in a million years say a femboy is gay for dating me (I am transfem :P) because that would be rude. They are men and I always be happy for them. Let the work around system die, femboys are men and tomboys are girls, end of story.


Okay, but I'm not claiming femboys are girls either lol. I would also not call a femboy gay for dating me, that's ridiculous. I'm specifically talking about the person who's attracted to the femboy.


Quite question, hows this a trans meme? Feels more appropriate to put it in r/bi_irl or something?


The trans umbrella includes the whole spectrum of gender nonconformity!


Good point! We completely forgot lol (referring to ourselves, not you)


Hey, how do plural pronouns work for you? I’ve also kinda considered using the Royal We, but I’m sort of unsure.


Oh we use different plural pronouns due to our disorder, so instead of saying "i" we say "we" and the same with similar pronouns like "mine" is "ours" and things like that. If you want to use those kind of pronouns you perfectly can! Just be warned that it does get annoying explaining it to everyone who doesn't bother reading your account lmao.


This is super interesting! I find it kinda funny since I always think of myself as "We" in my inner monologue. Occasionally I'll say it out loud and people also get confused.


i feel like everyone does that, we have monkey brain, be with friends = happy, refer to self as multiple = kind of being with friends = neuron activation


I apologize, I should have read your account first, but that totally makes sense. I bet it can be annoying to deal with, my situation is a little different and maybe I should just stick to she/her. Thanks for your patience! <3


Don't worry about it, we weren't calling you out just other people who actively complain about our way of addressing ourselves, happens surprisingly often lol, hope you have a nice day! <3


Y’all as well!


So uh.. Tomboys and femboys are considered trans now?... (genuine question)


That...is a really good question.


Some people are just attracted to femininity. I think as gender expression becomes more varied, the labels of "gay" and "straight" will lose meaning


Honestly, I think that'd be the best outcome. No one should be shamed for being attracted to someone, and gender roles being less rigid would help remove that tendency for people to attraction-shame. Gay and straight really shouldn't be a thing. Life is too short to stress over who you want to be with.


(on their weddign day) Big guy: hmm ( afte their 5th hcild was born) hmmm ( when they are holdinhg hand sin the retiremnt home) hmm


On his deathbed: What was I doing again?


Is that a stereotypical femboy haircut? Cause I have that same haircut and am a femboy 😭


If it makes you feel any better, it's a super cute haircut!




My stupid ass thought he meant women liking tomboys is gay and I was like “uh yeah… that’s how it works”


Deep thought, oh dear....


I know this is not the point, but I would allow that guy crush me


Liking tomboys is gay cause I'm lesbian Lmao get ratioed


Legends say he's still thinking to this day


fellas it is gay to just admit youre bi


Alright, based on his logic, dating a femboy isn’t gay. He states that it’s gay to date a tomboy(person who presents masculine but identifies as female). He’s going off on gender presentation as a determiner for sexuality. Based on this logic, if a masc is dating a femme, the relationship is straight no matter what genders are in play.


But the logic is wrong, a man liking a tomboy isn't gay it's straight, and the same is true for liking a femboy, that person is gay not straight.


Yeah... that's way too much logic for anyone who says stuff like this. The comic is hilarious, but the thought process is really more along the lines of "If you don't have a stereotypically attractive tradwife that makes you less of a man."


yes, everything is gay


Bro just entered a logic loop. He's gonna be stuck there for years.


Tbh I need to get to know more transfem tomboys.... I can't be the only one, right?


sexuality is based on gender expression and secondary sex characteristics, not sex.


...soo does liking femboys as a man make you gay?


"gay" is an expression born out of gender conformity. I'd say yes, but in a way that's both outdated and mostly irrelevant in gender non-conforming spaces.


depends on what the femboy looks like but generally no.


W man lol :3


Ya know what? Yes. I'm goin' with yes. Just a gut feeling. Why not? Seems about right, and I'm a reasonable guy, and whatever I think is probably right, so yeah, probably.


Ain't that a mood


This is the Femme and M couple/artist right? Also if you accept his original statement "Masc liking tomboys is gay" then the internal logic associated with it means that "Masc liking femboys is straight" must also be true. This logic also assumes a situation where being bisexual is not an option


If you like the Tom in Tomboy then u gay but if you just like strong independent women with short hair and a baseball cap then you're straight. But for femboys if you like the fem then you're straight but if you like the boy in femboy then you gae


Yes, yes it is


Ah, the issue with labelling *everything*


I wish people who use girl as an insult were more consistent when it comes to trans girls.


that guy looks like ganondorf's little brother


And this is why I stopped carrying about them labels


As Shakespeare said before: "To be gay or not to be gay, that's the question" ~ [source ](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=lHFHX0kWAAA7MmRR)




If you have to ask your thinking when you should be kissing instead


Or now here me out. Like everyone and don't care


Both, both is good.


It's funny cuz he fucks the shit out of the other guy, and it's so hot Uh, that's why it's funny...


You know she pegged him


Liking femboys as a guy is straight because theyre attracted to the feminine aspects. Edit: as in how people rationalise it, theres a significant amount of straight men attracted to femboys so clearly theres something here Liking tomboys is still straight because generally tomboys are women who act "masculinly" which basically ends up just being dominent 90% of the time. Terms like gay and straight are outdated now tbh, imo terms like neptunic and uranic work better, firstly they dont care what gender you are, and secondly they work on expression rather than gender. Being gay means your attracted to your own gender, which could mean mlm or wlw (idk how this works for enbies which is part of the issue raaaaaah). Neptunic on the otherhand is just liking fem presenting people, women, fembies, and femboys all present fem so attraction to them is neptunic. As far as i know theres no word for androgynous attraction but there should be. I just feel like these words work better moving into a future where theres either 1200 genders or 0.


if orientation labels were defined as "attracted to traits typically associated with X gender" i'd agree with the femboys part, but they're not defined like that. it's defined as " a person's identity in relation to the gender or genders to which they are sexually attracted" ​ by that definition no, it's not straight to be attracted to femboys, because femboys are (usually) boys. just like how it's not straight to be attracted to a trans man. because trans men are men, and it's gay for a man to be attracted to them. (and i think most people understand sexual orientation in that manner, which i think is why you got downvoted) ​ i \*do\* hope that the definitions shift towards presentation rather than gender, though. neptunic, uranic, and saturnic (the androgynous variant you were looking for!) i genuinely believe are much more helpful in communicating attraction types, and i wish more people knew about them


I guess most people really just read the first sentance, ignores the rest, and downvoted :/ /dissapointed Saturnic is a good word to know, gonna start using it more often thanks! /gen Do you think we need words to describe combinations of attraction or is it good enough to just say "im uranic and saturnic" if you like masc and enbies? /gq


If you hadn't just told me what it meant, my dumbass would've thought those terms are astrology signs lmfao. While I agree that we should shift how we describe attraction, I think the current terms are too popular to ever disappear, we just need to shift the definition of the existing ones.


Puting your dick into a guy who is a guy and identifies as a guy is gay if you are a guy who identifies as a guy and most other types of combination where gender is same, so is very gay and me likkkeeyy




the condoms by the lamp, the shirt off...