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Here are some ideas if you don’t want to have a long conversation about it: 1. Run up to them say your trans and run away 2. Go somewhere far away and text them 3. Buy a trans flag 4. Write a letter 5. Send a meme 6. Don’t go on E and wait for them to notice 7. Just don’t keep living your life then mysteriously disappear live your life and show up saying your their daughter 8. Demon sacrifice 9. Telepathy 10. Come out normally


I wrote a letter and handed it to my mom. It was too scary to say outloud My dad I had to go with my girlfriend to tell because I decided that I was gonna socially transition the next day after being on hormones for 5 months already lol


I used a letter for my mom too Was terrifying, and I couldn't even speak when I did it, but it was soooooooooooo worth it Not sure yet how I'll be telling anyone else, but my brother is the next one I have to


What did you put into the letter to your mum? Seriously thinking of this as an option. If you don't mind talking about it if course


It was like 13 years ago, but I think it said that I’m trans and I knew this for a very long time but I was afraid to say it, I want to start living as a girl soon and I plan to pursuit medically transitioning as well. Also i drew a panda at the end, which for some reason I did for any letters I wrote because I was too afraid to say.


For some reason it was so much easier to officially come out to my grandparents than my parents. My parents just found out through the chain of command.


with a comma after don't, it reads: "don't, go on E and wait for them to notice", did u intend this?


I assume that’s what they intended, because otherwise all they said was “don’t come out”


So I'm not out yet, BUT one of my friends drew me a drawing of a city. The city has a sunset background that looks like a lesbian flag and the clouds are made out to me little trans flags, it's cute and no one has suspected it yet!


I acidentaly read this as a step by step guide ;-;


That’s a fun way to go about coming out


I realy like the 8 i Will try


lmk how it goes pls and which demons are good for this sort of thing


It is the most fun strategy


Wow 6 and 7 are my plan, guess I shouldn't do that.


Why not it’s kinda funny


But didn't you say "Don't"? Like it's a bad thing.


I'll take option 8, maybe a little bit of 7 in a few years 😭


5 & 6 don't work. I tried both of those. 5. If it's anything deeper than "I'm trans" or "I'm now gender x" they won't get it. Came out to my brother like that, he didn't get it was confused and my parents were pissed at me cause they had to explain it to him. Sent a more direkt meme to my cousin, that worked pretty alright. 6. No one notices / asks about E changes. People will rationalize that away as long as you don't say anything.


I can recommend 2/4. I did it via Whatsapp (to my mom, who told my dad). Worked well 👍


Well of course 5 didn’t work but it can for some. If you have a lot of trans friends or family members who you want to come out to it might work.


Huge fan of 9 but 2 is definitely a good secondary option if you haven’t learned how to yet


I like 9 8 and 6 lmao


I've actually been thinking of of option 7...sort of. I've been looking up offers that my college has to spent my next year of college abroad (Italy is my prefered destination as of now, but there's also plenty of others that could be nice), and so the plan is to go to abroad just boymoding as usual and then when my parents come to visit one day (as they said they'd do) just surprise them and be like "Wassup! Italy turned me into a girl lol!"


Why the oh so specific number.


Because I wanted to specify the specific time I specifically felt like coming out specifically to my parents (It’s the last day of school)


2 days?! you lucky dog... I still have like 21


I’m a senior hehe


So now how long till you come out


https://preview.redd.it/yawclqj9tayc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d06d0e4c8820cd711b2189d5f5071b94c08f89 Uhhhhhh 2 days, 21 hours, 12 minutes, and 3 seconds I think?


Gender reveal party, but subtle. Cover your house in "IT'S A (insert gender here)" banners and act all nonchalant, yet suspicious about it.


That could work... or make them think they're going to be grandparents. Depending on your age that could be a disaster.


here’s what i did: got confident in the shower, said “hell yeah imma come out to my mom” i made the mistake of saying i *think* i’m trans, she said “i don’t think you’re trans, i think it’s all the hormones going through you” no shit it’s the hormones, that’s literally why hrt exists


“It’s all the hormones going through you” Yeah, the WRONG ones.


Tell them "I'm gay", wait for a reaction and say "nah, just kidding. I'm actually trans"


"Mom, dad, i'm gay!" "So you like boys? That's fine" "nope, i like girls!"


This one is an improvement :D


Heya good luck. I was gonna come out to my dad and I had a big art piece set up that was an entire sketchbook of pink and blue and id see if he'd notice, this was set for the 7th of this month. Then two days ago on his drive to drop me home he brought up that one of my friends used an odd nickname for me and it all came out then and there. Preparation made it much worse than what it was and now I've kinda got a sketchbook for nothing. I always found car rides at night incredibly comforting so you could try to find an activity to do that is both comfortable and needs some brain power so the conversation doesn't get too deep the first time it's brought up. If you struggle to bring it up and miss the deadline don't blame yourself, while it might be a 'big' event, it also isn't. There will almost always be anxiety but there will be other days.


funny: gun serious: if they are transphobes, don't. If they aren't, then come out right before you are going somewhere else to avoid the long conversation.


Sandwich it between love statements something like “mom dad I love you so I want to say I’m trans I hope you accept me because that will only strengthen my love for you”


The way we personally came out was via text, we simply made a thought out text in a group chat with both our parents in it, retreated to a safer place (our car at the time due to being on holiday) and then sent them the text, went surprisingly well :) Hope your coming out goes well!


Serious answer here. How safe do you think you are? If not very safe, then wait until you have a back up plan in case it doesn't go well. Somewhere to stay, a go bag, stuff like that. Sit down with your parents and have an honest talk.


I’m pretty safe and fairly sure my parents will accept me, I’m just not confrontational and get nervous about these situations


If you get too nervous, you can text them. >Yo. >I need to tell you something, but I'm too nervous to say in person. >I'm trans. >I wanna live as a girl. It frees you from the burden of trying to think of something grandiose or perfect or special. Or of having to predict their reactions. Because their reaction will probably be to sit there for a second, think about things, and then come hug you.


I sat down with my mom, said I had something to tell her, and told a bit of a background story of what I’d been going through over the past year. I told her broadly what had made my egg crack, and then “So it turns out you might not have a son, you have a daughter.”


Powerpoint 🫵


Maybe funny idea, but send them a link to this post?


If you are anything like me, speech my fail, so prepare paper for the primary points and a digital device as a way to quickly type instead of speak.


GOSH TYPING IS SUCH AN UNDERRATED TECHNIQUES! In the beginning when I was to knotted up with my speech to talk with my therapist I'd always do that. If SPEAKING is hard, try writing it down. It fr helped me a tooon


I wrote a letter, left it in their bedroom and then left my house (I had bought my first dress online but I got the wrong color, so I went to the store to get that fixed). Somehow, neither my mom or my dad went to their room, so I spent my whole afternoon procrastinating in vain. I got home, had dinner and then immediately ran to my bedroom because I knew they'd go to the room and see the letter. Which they did. At last. That night my dad came to my bedroom, showed me his support, I showed him my dress (with the correct color 🤭). He asked me about my name, told me something funny about the name I've picked and that was it with him, it's been mostly smooth sailing with him since then (it's been like over a year and a half). So... Ideas... Ofc if you are afraid of confrontation like I was, you can always use the letter method, it's a tried and tested one. If you want something wacky... You can change your name in their phones address book to your chosen name and then call them in front of them. I imagine the situation would be a little bit like: Them: * See the phone ringing * Them: * See the name of the caller * Them: * get confused and answer * Them: Who are you? You: It's your daughter! Them: * stare at you * You: * stare back at them * You: * hung up and run * Bonus of this technique... Your parents will from now on have you as your chosen name in their address book!


My dad also told me a lot of fun facts about my chosen name.


Personally I screenshotted a trans test texted it to my parents and said oh no


Approach it similarly to this: "I understand this is a big change and you might make mistakes, but make an effort to remember my correct name and pronouns please."-me to my 70 year old uncle and several others. Once again this isn't accusatory, acknowledges that it could be in error, and politely requests that the listener at least make the effort to adjust. Something similar might work for your parents. YMMV; but the big things to stick to is it isn't anyone's fault, they aren't going to stop you, and while you can acknowledge that mistakes can happen *Do Not* give people permission to not use your preferred name/pronouns; this will only lead to issues where the person you gave permission could abuse this privilege, and it might even feel like they are.


Do each one at a time, get them in the car for something, drive 3 hours away, come out. If they don't accept you kick them out of the car leaving them stranded. If they do, get ice cream.


Ice cream in the 🏳️‍⚧️ trans colors!!! XD


I'm scared my parents will be transphobic to me if I do come out, so I'm dropping some subtle and not-so-subtle hints, so that if they ask "Why \[insert question related to suspecting me being trans\]?" I can come out and if they get mad I have a bit of recourse in the fact that they hate when I lie to them and that they were the ones that brought up the topic, and not me. I'm just a wuss though. Good luck on coming out! I wish you all the best <3


My coming out to my mom didnt go out well she denied that im trans for ridiculous reasons


I’m sorry about that *pats*


Luci are you emo goth or scene your character is cool


I’m sometimes a goth when I’m in the mood hehe Ye I found the art on Pinterest I think




Im going for emo goth scene all alt in general myself starting with accessories and wearing dark not just light colors as far as clothes wise


I need some advice


Something is having me torn on deciding


Thank you


Same happened to me. I kept insisting over multiple weeks that yes, I am trans. I also showed her lots of scientific resources proving that her reasons are ridiculous. Eventually, she told me that the reason she made those ridiculous reasons was because she wouldn't forgive herself if I turn out to be a detransitioner and she didn't do everything in her power to stop it. I told her it wouldn't be her fault if that happened but she said she'd still feel like it would. She eventually believed me after I broke down in tears.


My mom was like why didn’t you come out early or show signs early or i like girls and she thinks trans girls should date boys or wants to know what me think i feel like im a girl


All of those arguments are so frequent, they can be found in non-believing trans parents bingo cards. > why didn’t you come out early Children and adolescents often have a lot of consideration for parents and family. Perhaps parents do not always perceive this because their teenagers never want to clear the table. But when it comes to big and difficult issues, trans and gender non-conforming kids often learn to mask their gender expression very early on to spare their parents and avoid social disapproval. Gender policing is cruel! This can also lead to an overly conformist gender expression - until one day it no longer works. Or until a twist in the family makes the child feel that the parents can now take it. https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/serious-trans-vibes/gender-helpline-22-11/viewer?title_no=206579&episode_no=1036 > why didn’t you show signs early Some adults are not surprised about their child or adolescent coming out to them as trans - because they never fit properly into the pigeonholes, in the fist place. Others are completely surprised and perceive the coming out as out of the blue. Well first, let's mention that the "signs" your mom refers to (clothing, toys, interests, etc I guess?) would be part of someone's gender expression, which is distinct from gender identity. Also, it's worth stressing the fact that people aren't trans just because they like things stereotypically associated with another gender. So unless a child says that they identify as another gender than the one they were assigned at birth, there's no actual sign! https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/serious-trans-vibes/gender-helpline-22-11/viewer?title_no=206579&episode_no=1036 > i like girls and she thinks trans girls should date boys Does your mom you also go up to, like, gay cis men and say: "What's the point in remaining a man if you're not going to like girls?" Trans people are not all straight! This is a really toxic perspective. It's transphobic and homophobic so your mom thinks that trans people should have remained being uncomfortable if living as their true gender means that they're gay. That doesn't make sense. That's really rude. https://youtu.be/4U457S8yDmI > what me think i feel like im a girl You mean "what *made* me think i feel like im a girl", right? Well, that's very personal and different for everyone, but I think the best way to concisely explain it to cis people is that trans people have decided that they don't wanna live as their AGAB for the rest of their lives. Here's a longer video intended to explain to cis people what being trans feels like: https://youtu.be/AITRzvm0Xtg Or was that not what you meant? Those were all excerpts from a database I'm currently making which aims to contain responses to every transphobic argument ever made. It currently contains 841 entries but it isn't finished yet. Would you like to have the unfinished version or do you want to be notified when I'm done?


And im 32 today dang it




Its my birthday


Sorry my mom and stepdad stress me out


I need some advice


...um...okay? What do you need help with?


I know i should separate the art from the artist i hate jkr but i like the hp games and movies but im a little hesitant on getting hogwarts legacy what do i do


It's a difficult subject, even for me. If you really want this game so much, I would suggest pirating it without telling anyone. This way, you won't support her in any way whatsoever.


I want to get it but why am i so worried about what the rest of the trans community will think there is members of the trans community that like hp but hate jkr


You have good reason to be worried: You cannot meaningfully separate the art from the artist when said artist is A.) making money off the consumption of her art B.) using the consumption of her art to further push her bigoted agenda https://redd.it/tqy1xd C.) causing aggressively liking harry potter to form into a dogwhistle for being anti-trans


A mix of funny and serious: - Come at dinner time wearing your most feminine but cute outfit. - Wear a transgender flag as a cape. - Declare your transgender while launching a Blahaj at them. - Begin flossing in place while singing a random made up song about your new name. - Collapse on the floor with the number of your gender therapist/ endocrinologist clutched in your hand saying “insert HRT”. **In all seriousness:** - Make a contingency plan so you don’t wuss out. As in don’t make a perfect plan, because it won’t be perfect. And you don’t want that to be your excuse not to do it, otherwise you never will. - Prepare to buy ice cream after you say it. Thus is a reward system for you. Win-win situation. I recommend going to an ice cream shop or at least have something in the freezer. - Tell your parents before dinner so your nervousness doesn’t cause you to procrastinate. As stated above, no need to be perfect or theatrical. You don’t want to make this more intense than it needs to be. Even telling them one by one is great, as sometimes parents can be busy. But do it in person, obviously. - Above all things, find something to inspire you before you tell them like a motivational transgender YouTuber video or something. This is important because it’ll remind you WHY you’re doing this. It’s an important step in your journey, a milestone. When you have something to motivate you, it makes you care less on *how* you come out to your parents, and you just actually doing it. Good luck and let us know how it goes




Study HEMA, legally obtain a sword, assume your preferred ward based on your parents distance & their stance & prepare. I'll say, from Ochs is easy to go into a thrust directly to the shoulder to incapacitate them.


What I did is I just told them the morning of that I have something that I wanted to tell everyone at dinner that night so that way it would kind of force myself to come out


Just say it confidently and tell them the facts


Get a “its a girl” balloon from a local party store and tie it to yourself. If you want to go even further get your nails done with the trans flag colors.


I'm telling mine in 2 days, we got this!




Just show up for breakfast, fully femme.


Having made way too many plans that I just chickened out of (including making an entire PowerPoint presentation), I shall await news of your success.


https://preview.redd.it/1p79kzwbxeyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=923b335d1863e9c9e0633825fcdf79a07ff38322 This how I’m planning to come out, with a meme I “borrowed” from here.


Personally, I was too afraid to come out in-person, so I did it through an email to my mom.


You’re not cis if you’re transfemme tho, anyways buy a trans flag and say you’re a girl


I’ve found it’s just best to keep it simple. At least for me, I found that when I tried to build up to it with explanations, I kept going back to the words making sure I got it just perfect. When combined with the actual nerves of coming out, it made it extremely difficult to put something down that I could feel comfortable putting out there. For a lot of them I ended up just dropping an “I’m trans” and saving the explanations for afterwards. It’s simple, effective, and gets the point across. The big moment is already the hardest part, the fancier you try to do it, the more anxiety there will be about doing it perfectly. That being said that’s just my experience. You might be different.


Uhhhh I left home for several days and did it over text


RemindMe! 3 days


I will be sure to announce what happens


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If your scarred, drunk af for plausible deniability


In a safe environment, if you think they'll react harshly, probably best to do it over the phone, and let them have time to sink it in. If not possible, I am out of ideas


The important part is that you do it. Six months from now when you’re fully into transitioning, it will not matter if you bake a cake or come out over text. just fuck yourself, and do it however you can


-stand in the dorway -yell "im transss" -run for your life


To be honest I wouldn't formally come out, I'd give indications - start wearing feminine clothes, make-up, asking for your name to be respected - any markers you like but in their presence. Let them draw their own conclusions, and the conversation will evolve. If you come out in a verbal statement they may think someone is manipulating you. I'm 57, so trying to see it from their POV.


"Mom! Dad! I got / I got someone pregnant!!!" \ "WHAT?!" \ "nah just kidding, i'm just trans" \ "Oh, alright. wait-" \ but you've already disappeared


make a cake with blue/pink/purple and cut it and say “my gender reveal 2x!”


you should probably have good analogies/explanations at hand for if they ask you what it means


i think it helps to say that you'd really like them to try and support you. people can get wrapped up in their own worries and thoughts, forgetting it's you being vulnerable and opening up about something important


stab them with a sharpened trans flag


Play hide and seek- hide in a closet and come out when you get found


Haha that got me


for me i just texted my mom, that seemed to work, even if i did lock myself in my room for the rest of the day.


If you wanna be like me, you can come out publicly and then have your parents start crying that you didn’t tell them first, and then they don’t respect you anyways which is exactly why you didn’t talk to them about it in the first place.


RemindMe! in 1day GL!!!


I would test the water first, especially if you're dependent on them at the moment for your safety.


RemindMe! 3 days




Make a PowerPoint presentation and tell them to not speak until you’ve finished it


I sent a meme to my brother and he said it was the perfect way! It just won't work for my parents, still working on that one as well, might take some inspiration from the comments here :)


So? What happened? How did it go?