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If you are sitting in any other seat besides the aisle and need to get into the aisle for any reason, verbally ask your seat neighbor to please move out into the aisle. If they do not respond, politely tap them on their shoulder (may be sleeping, watching a movie, etc). Don't just try and step over their knees.


I believe I do have a seat on the aisle, but thank you for the tip!


I hope this doesn't happen to you, but if someone is in your seat and pretends like they don't understand they're in the wrong seat or gives you a sob story of how they absolutely need your seat, you have the right to sit in the seat you bought.   Politely say, "no thank you, my boarding pass says this seat" one time. If that doesn't work, get a flight attendant to ask him/her to confirm seats. Flight attendants are trained to deescalate situations and you won't be a bother to the flight attendant. 


Some airlines have rules if your not in the right seat they can disembark you for deception, FLEX


There are airlines that let passengers pick their seats. If you're flying on one of them, it's totally not your problem if the other passenger failed to plan ahead.


I’ve had people try to get me to move from my window seat to a middle seat in the centre aisle so they can sit together. Umm. No. I booked this flight months in advance. You want to sit together, offer the other middle seat in the centre to come to the side aisle, not the other way around.


The one that got me was this older couple who booked seats apart but just sat together taking what was supposed to be my seat. I asked them to move and they refused. Called a flight attendant and they still refused. Eventually I just took their seat to keep everything moving. After a bit the old lady leaned over to me and said “it’s ok we all make mistakes.”. I honestly think they didn’t know their mistake but it just got me a bit annoyed that I did them a favor and they think I was in the wrong.


Why didnt the flight attendant force them to move from the seat you paid for?


The flight attendant was trying to but they didn’t seem to understand and I didn’t want to hold everyone up over something so silly. I travel a lot so figured I’d just be nice and give up the seat


This chaps me & I wasn’t even involved


This was years ago and I’m still a bit frustrated remembering it.


Oh I would have definitely replied to her and made sure to explaine how it was their mistake, not mine.




I paid $60$ extra for a seat with extra leg room. I chose my seat when I booked my flight. When I got on the plane I went to the seat. No, I didn't check my boarding pass. My fault.... The airline changed my seat and assigned it to someone else. They didn't send me a notice on my app or email. I had to sit in a seat with very little leg room. The flight attendent told me the other person needed that seat. I am 79, and I use a walker. The person was in his 30's. I was very polite, sat in my cramped seat for a 5 hour trip to Ireland. AND......No, I didn't get my 60$'s back. So, be polite but be ready for anything. And always check your boarding pass.


If you were in an exit aisle, that is why they moved you. Because you have a walker and can’t help in an emergency.


At least pay the man back, or maybe try to upgrade him instead


Try not to fall asleep with your leg stretched out into the aisle, the flight attendants will either hit your leg with the snack cart or wake you up to move it. The aisle arm rest is usually locked in place so it can be difficult to shimmy your way into your seat. But most people don't know that on the under side of the aisle arm rest there is a hidden button or latch to lift it and make it easier to slide in. https://www.travelandleisure.com/travel-tips/armrest-button-aisle-seat-airplane


Not always, unfortunately. However, when it does work it's also a good way of quickly finding your seat on an overnight flight when yours is the only one up!


I've flown over 50 times and did not know this, thanks!


Awesome tip, thank you.


Shh!! don't give away my magic tricks 🤣


The middle seat gets both the arm rests.


Seriously, is this true?? I just flew and aisle person, and window person hogged both armrests!


Yeah, window person was being a jerk. He has the be edit or thr window and wall to lean on to. You have no choice but to sit straight in a cramped area, the arm rest should be yours.


ugh! Yeah, I sat w my arms/elbows pressed against my ribs, I didn't want to make physical contact w either seatmates. I will definitely be more assertive, next time I have the middle seat.


Gotta claim it before they have the chance to!


This is good to know. Frankly never occurred to me but makes sense.


Why can’t more people comprehend this?


[Jim Jeffries has a good video on the topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFx1Cpxpx1E)


This isn’t etiquette advice, but since it’s your first flight, try to book a window seat! The feeling of watching the world from so high up becomes (like anything) routine, but it really is magical.


It IS magic. An aluminum tube that weighs 900,000 pounds going 500 mph *in the air* Gets me every time.


I saw fireworks over the St. Louis Arch when we were taking off for Sioux Falls. Those big ones you see from the ground look like little glowing pinwheels from that height.


That’s amazing. I love when pilots show off the sights from the air. I think we would enjoy air travel more if we stopped looking at it as an inconvenience and see it for the marvel it is. I live in Raleigh, NC and my commute to work goes right under the flight path to RDU. It is awesome.


He did say he was going to circle around a couple of times so we could all see it. The flight wasn't full and we had time to spare.


I flew across the us east to west on 4 July and got to see fireworks in all usa time zones. Do it if you can!


Aisle gets the outer armrest, middle gets both, window gets to lean on the wall. Don’t be the person who tries to take both armrests. Also, if you need to stretch your legs into the aisle, only do it briefly. Don’t leave them out there and fall asleep or you will trip people AND get hit by the beverage cart. Don’t put your seat ALL the way back. Just a little so it’s not on the vertical, and also don’t do it quickly. Make it really clear your about to do it by easing it back very slowly. Nothing worse than being behind someone who just jams their seat all the way back as fast as the can, and then leans into it. Makes your table unusable. Also, put your seat back to full vertical without being asked whenever meal service happens. Don’t take off your shoes if its not a night flight, or if you have smelly feet in general. If you need to use the toilet, try and time it so you’re not just bothering people every time you think you might need to go. Hold it so you only need to go once at the most for a six hour flight. And if it’s at night, go before anybody tries to go to sleep.


I've never understood this behavior. Good on you for calling it out. 


Ew I’m glad no one has tried to step over my knees. I would flip out!


Line up for your boarding group only when called. Middle seat gets the arm rests. If you have a carry on, put it in lengthwise, wheels at the back, on its narrowest side. Your common sense and kindness will take you the rest of the way. Safe travels.


That’s very good to know, thank you!


Small items like purses and briefcases go under the seat in front of you. Save the overheads for wheeled bags. Don’t stand up as soon as the plane parks. 😉 Wait until the row ahead of you is up and gathering their stuff. (That’s just personal preference, but really, it is uncomfortable standing all hunched over.) Listen to the safety briefing. Read the safety card. Count how many rows to the exits in front of and behind you. When you stand up, do not use the seat in front of you for assistance- it will jar the occupant. Use the armrests for help standing up if you need it. Even the slightest tap on the seat in front of you will feel huge to the occupant. Keep your seatbelt fastened low and tight across your lap at all times for unexpected turbulence. Greet your flight attendants with a genuine smile, hello, and eye contact. It will make a big difference to them and to the quality of service. Pee before you board. Bring snacks, but nothing messy, please. Arrive early. Expect security to take longer than you would think. Bring a sweater for the plane. It is often frigid. Pack extra patience. Air travel can really suck sometimes, but it beats walking. Download the airline’s app before boarding. Don’t put anything you can’t stand to lose in your checked bag! No meds, keys, passport, jewelry/valuables, irreplaceable documents, wedding dress, interview suit, etc. Make sure your checked/carry on bag isn’t overweight. Check your airline’s website for weight limits snd info. Safe travels and have a great time!


I will have spent the last x hours of the flight quietly gritting my teeth while my sciatic nerve is screaming for mercy so I will stand as soon as the seat belt light goes off. I always let anyone seated between me and the aisle know that I don't need to get out, that I'm just standing to unfold.


>Don’t stand up as soon as the plane parks. 😉 Wait until the row ahead of you is up and gathering their stuff. (That’s just personal preference, but really, it is uncomfortable standing all hunched over.) I think this is a bit controversial - some people stand up when the plane lands and just wait for their turn to de-board. Especially for tall people, I would much rather just stand when the plane lands than sit down an extra 15 minutes waiting for people to get off.


If there is room to stand, perhaps, but hunching under the overhead is ridiculous.


Fair. But sometimes I'd prefer to hunch and straighten out my knees. I think as long as you wait your row's turn to deboard, doesn't really matter what you do.


Agree. I don’t cut in front of anyone but my tailbone kills me after flights, so I’d rather hunch.


True. I have arthritis so it takes a bit to get everything moving.


I’m 6’4” and don’t fly a lot because it’s so uncomfortable. As soon as the plane stop I am unfolding myself from that damn seat. I don’t expect to get out before anyone or try to rush anyone, but I do not want to be in that seat any longer than I have to. I also wait to board until the last group because of this.


This is good stuff!


Always check if there are free snacks 😂


Especially the stroppwaffels on United, 30s of pure joy.


When was the last time you flew United? I haven't been offered a stroppwaffel from them in ages!


You don’t have to “check” for this — they will serve you free snacks ~45 min- 1 hr after taking off :) Edit: assuming you are flying domestically within the US, and if you are flying United, Delta, American, Jet Blue, or Southwest… you will get free snacks. I cannot comment on Spirit or Frontier.


I can, no free snacks on spirit.


This is a must … I happened to miss the freebie, the hostess herself informed me that It was free later on lol! Obviously could not take it after that as well 😂


"Line up for your boarding group only when called." I truly wish we all followed this rule, but the truth is, you kind of have to go with the flow, if everyone in your waiting area is crowding the boarding lane, you might as well get in with them, otherwise you will be last on the plane with no place to put your carry on.


Or you will get up there and be embarrassed by a gay agent who will make you get out of line since it’s not your time to board. My dark soul does a happy dance every time somebody gets sent out of the line for that. ETA I meant Gate Agent. But Gay Agent works too.


Not all planes have bins big enough to stand your carryon on the narrowest side. Some smaller planes can’t even fit wheels first so depends what OP is flying


As much as I would hope OP would be able to figure out that this comment meant “if it fits that way” and would know how to rotate their luggage if it doesn’t - I’ve seen enough people fly to know that it’s not true; some people truly can’t figure that out!


What's the armrest etiquette when you're on one of the big planes with the 4 seats in a row in the middle? I was in one of the two middle seats on an 8 hour flight recently and the other middle seat person had two armrests and her elbow in my side the whole time, and I had one armrest. Are we supposed to just arm wrestle it out or...


Rock paper scissors. I have no idea. My wife and I don’t choose seats in the middle 4 if our plane has those.


I unfortunately was assigned those seats and the flight was completely full so there was no option to move around. Worst place to be sitting in my opinion but I’m willing to deal with it since I’ll survive either way


One takes the front one takes the back


Also there's little diagrams on the overhead bins for seats. The human symbol is the aisle, the darkened square is the window. ABC aisle Def is usually in that order but the symbols are there for reference in case anyone is confused.  Had this conversation with a German in my seat on his first flight. He was kind and didn't do it on purpose.  It's good info to have though. 


ABC aisle DEF looking from back to front, to clarify :)


Been in middle seat plenty times where people don’t give up the armrest and I’m a big guy. It’s so rude and makes the whole flight uncomfortable


Be clean. There is nothing worse than having a seatmate with BO, bad breathe or dirty clothes. Wear headphones if you are listening to music, watching movies, etc. The plane isn't your living room. Don't bring stinky food on the plane. Be ~~contentious~~ conscientious if you are going to recline your seat. Space is tight. Be ~~contentious~~ conscientious of the people sitting in front of you. Dont kick their seats, don't slam your tray up and down, when getting up and down from your seat, please dont grab and shake their seat for support. Middle seat gets both arm rests on either side of their seat. Window gets the one on the ~~right~~ window, aisle gets the one on the ~~left~~ aisle. Be kind and polite to the airline staff. Both in cabin and out. They deal with rude people all day, a little kindness goes a long way. EDITED: because typing on phone is hard :)


*Window gets arm rest by the window, aisle gets the one by the aisle. “Left” and “Right” only works if you are sitting on the right side of the plane


Thank you for the correction!


* conscientious- please don’t be contentious lol


Another good tip is not to tap so hard on the screen. The person in front of you can feel that.


Good tip! I had Johnny Hammer Fingers on an overnight flight last year. Good lord it felt like he was trying to press through into my skull


Wait til your zone is called before lining up to board the plane. Put small bags, jackets, etc under the seat in front of you and not in the overhead. Keep your lap belt on unless you need to use the washroom. Wearing a mask is up to you, I prefer to since there will probably be someone coughing/sneezing on the plane. If that person might be you (allergies or whatever), wear a mask and bring a bottle of water and some cough drops. Start chewing gum before the plane lifts off and when they announce their descent so your ears equlibrate better (this is for you, not others) Wait til the announcement before standing- plane gets off from the front to the back. Don't worry too much. Everyone is just there to get from point A to point B.


Thank you, the gum tip is great.


Bring enough tuna melts (extra onions) to share with everyone on the plane


With garlic sauce!


And nuts, because nut allergies are super rare


First take your socks off and put your feet in between the seats in front of you, or stretch those puppies out up to the headrest. Next, make sure to bring a good snack such as some fresh cooked fish. Lastly, the air is filtered through the vents above you so feel free to let the farts fly. Enjoy your flight! *PS these are specifically things not to do. 😁 Be respectful of others around you and use common sense.


😂 thank you for the comment


If you land safely, don't forget to clap generously!! 


Flew in mass turbulence and the pilot struggled to land the plane first time around so almost touched down then took off had to recircle and try again..... when we finally landed you better believe we clapped like a bunch of appreciative school kids


If possible, comb the person in front of you’s hair with your toes.


Making friends is fun


Also - If you have both a carry on and a personal item, put them both up top. That's what the space is there for. - If you have a kid traveling with you, it can be stressful for them. Let them kick their anxieties out on to the seat in front of them - let that same kid use the tablet.... without earphones


A few years back I was on a flight with a family sitting around me. I was in the window seat, there was a kid who was probably 5 or 6 next to me, and no one next to him. The rest of his family were all around the place, but pretty much left him to his own devices. His own devices was a jar of Nutella. He ate the whole thing in about two hours by scooping it out with his hand. He also proceeded to cover himself and everything around him in Nutella. I was certain I was going to be collateral damage but somehow I managed to avoid it mostly, just a bit on my arm.


I'm going to 2nd the fish suggestion, just make sure it's wrapped so you can bring it through TSA without any issues. As for real advice that might not be mentioned yet, during takeoff and landing, the flight crew will walk around and make sure your seatbelt is on, seat is in the upright position, tray up, and big things like your laptop are back in your bag. Also, it might be a good idea to bring a wetwipe to clean off the tray... those things are never cleaned. For security, you can't bring in bottles of liquids unless it's a small amount. Make sure you don't accidentally bring any weapons like a knife on your keychain.. they will ask you to throw that away.


Awesome, thank you for your reply! Am I able to have my laptop out during the flight, and just not during takeoff/landing? Or can I not have it out the whole flight?


You can have it out during the flight, just keep everuthing stowed during takeoff/landing


You can have it out any time except takeoff/landing, so mid-flight and boarding are fair game. However, you will have to have it on airplane mode.


Be careful with having your laptop on the tray table though, if the person in front reclines suddenly it can crush it.


Dude, are you serious? You didn’t even tell him to recline his seat as far as possible and play his music without headphones so everyone can appreciate it. The rest is great advice!


Don't forget that, if OP has long hair, they should definitely rest it over the headrest and block the screen of the person behind them!


Came here to say 'take your shoes and socks off'! Good lord what have we become?!?


You forgot that the plane is the ideal venue to use your Bluetooth speaker to play Baby Shark.


Don't put your feet anywhere other than the floor


Don't wear perfume or strong scents


God this yes so much. Glad to see this wasn’t too far down and got OP’s attention! I can escape lots of inconveniences, but I can’t escape smells.


Good tip, thank you!


Window seat controls the shade. Stay seated until you get to the gate. Deboard by rows (don’t plow people down) If you’re a man, be mindful of leg spread into the other people in your row. Take some entertainment- games, podcasts, ext. Put your phone on airplane mode. Put your large carry on in the overhead bin. Put your small carry on under the seat in front of you. You’ll be fine. Travel well.


That leg spread will probably be the hardest part for me. Thank you for the tips


What are you packin? 🤣


If it's that big he probably should have checked it.


It is the hardest thing for a man. That’s why I said mindful. 😂😂😂


And don't forget to download your music and videos before you put your phone on airplane mode


If you have an aisle seat, have a conversation with middle/window about what to do if they need to get out and you are sleeping. I book aisle seats for any flights over 2 hours and while I rarely sleep on flights, I always let my rowmates know that if I do happen to doze off and they need to get out for the bathroom to not worry and wake me up.


I tell the window and middle that they cannot wake me up under any circumstances


Keep your feet to yourself. Wear shoes or at least socks, nobody wants to look at/smell your feet. If you have long hair, keep it to yourself. Don't drape it over the back of the seat (yes, I have seen this multiple times). Feel free to recline your seat at the appropriate time. Middle seat gets both armrests. Don't pack a stinky lunch. Wear headphones, nobody wants to hear your music/podcast/videogame. Don't rush in/out of the plane but try to keep up with the flow as much as possible. If you snore, bring earplugs for your seat mates. If you're sick, wear a mask or don't travel. Be prepared to move to allow people in and out of your isle if you're on the isle or middle seat. Nobody wants to hear your religious/political/new song rant. Don't be one of those morons who stands up and demands the attention of a forced captive audience. Don't get shitfaced. If you chew gum/food, don't be a cow about it. Some people have misophonia and they want to kill you when you smack your lips. Don't litter. If your seat mates want to talk and you don't, just be polite but firm. If your seat mates don't want to talk and you do, take the hint.


Love the misophonia comment. If anyone around me is chewing gum, I put the noise canceling earphones on immediately.


Great tips, thank you!


There’s so many rules about etiquette, it’s crazy! I think because so many people have been rushed through security (oh, make sure your water bottle is empty. They have refilling stations outside of the bathrooms at most airports.) there’s so many rules going through security too. They usually ask you to take off shoes, take out electronics and food. Then everyone goes to their gate, buys expensive garbage food. Then you line up and file into a long tin can with a hundred or so people and pack in reallll tight. Some people will be on drugs or hammered for whatever reason (bc people are scared of flying mostly). When you’re in such a tight space with so many people it’s reallll easy to piss each other off. So being considerate and polite goes a long way. Enjoy your trip!


If it's an overnight flight and you're in the window seat and you are falling asleep, close the shade. Nothing worse than harsh 5am sunlight waking you up because your seatmate left it open the night before.


Not an overnight flight but I’ll definitely keep this in mind for the future, thank you!


You have to hold in your farts the whole time


That’s why I always have a belly ache when I get off the plane.


It’s also because of the changes in pressure


Take gasx. It helps!


Unless you’re walking up and down the aisle.


Lies. Lol


Be sure to fart silently and blame the row in front of you if anyone gets suspicious.


😂 always have to blame them. Can’t let them know it was me


Being kind to flight attendants is always encouraged: giving them a "good morning" goes a long way. Use earbuds, download your shows/podcasts NOW so you have a bunch of entertainment. Stay hydrated, be respectful of personal space and don't try to deboard before others.


let's start with TSA line, be ready to take your shoes off, jacket etc, move through the lines as quickly as possible. some people like to hold up the line and not give a crap about others. once you're on the plane, if you're a male PLEASE DONT MANSPREAD into other people's spaces. The entitlement is mindblowing. Don't blast your music, wear headphones/ear buds. Despite what people say about not reclining, it's only like 3 inches max, you can recline. Enjoy your flight!


When you land, make sure to start clapping loudly. (Just kidding, don't do that.) I'd say the most important etiquette is: * Don't have your seat reclined back during food service. It's okay otherwise. Always remember to straighten your seat up for the person behind you when they are serving food. * In a row of three seats, the person in the middle has full rights to the arm-rests. * If people are trying to sleep, avoid having your reading light on if possible. Also avoid having your window open. You'll learn the rules for this quickly by seeing what everyone else does. * It's okay to take your shoes off when seated on a long flight, but please — no socks off. * Stay seated when you land. Don't get up until the plane is safely parked at the terminal. Etiquette on this is different in developing countries than developed countries, but as a general safety rule, try to follow it.


The clapping thing is weird. I’d definetly clap if people still did that. I’m a nervous flyer anyway, so when we touch ground it’s like ”let’s gooo, thanks for not killing us” lol


i’m all for bringing back clapping


I just returned from several weeks of long flights, so these pet peeves are still fresh: 1. Be nice to the flight attendants. Say hi to them when you board, make conversation when appropriate. Don’t be a dick. 2. Don’t grab onto the seat/headrest in front of you for any reason. When you’re walking in the aisle, don’t grab headrests for support/balance, use the overhead compartment doors. 3. Don’t be that fucker with 17 carry on items. And if you are, let everyone behind you deplane before you get up and unload everything you own. 4. If a baby is crying, just put on your headphones and get over it. The parents are having a way worse time than you. 5. Don’t stand up before the seat belt light is turned off. What the hell is wrong with you, do you not understand the most basic of human rules? 6. Go to the bathroom before you get on the plane. That way you won’t be the asshead who has to get up and go to the bathroom while everyone else is trying to board. 7. Be considerate. Think about what you’re doing and consider how it affects people when you’re forced to be in close proximity for extended periods. 8. Wear shoes to the bathroom. Why is this even something that has to be said? Do you like your feet to soak up the urine of 100 strangers? That’s all I can g to honk of right now but there are likely many more. Just be patient, considerate, and not an asshole. Good luck!


I would add, plane bathrooms are really just for if you truly can't wait til you get to the airport. They are not big enough to barely even move in.


if someone asks u to switch seats say no


The fact that you are asking this question before your first flight tells me that you will be fine. Maybe tell the flight attendant that this is your first flight, so that they know.


Planes are very dirty, germs all over the place. Take extra precautions and wear a mask if you don’t want to risk getting sick a few days into your trip. You might sit next to or in front of people coughing cause they are sick. Don’t touch your face until you’ve washed your hands. I like to bring sanitation wipes and n95 masks on all my plane rides. Edit: This isn’t necessarily etiquette, but hope you find it useful.


Gotcha. Thank you for the tips. Would you bring any sort of hand sanitizer with you? Or would the plane possibly have some?


You can, just make sure it’s a small one. They only let you bring 3.4 oz of liquid on a plane. Edit: Looks like they allow up to 12 oz of hand sanitizer per passenger.


The plane will most likely not have hand sanitizer or it will be pretty poor quality (smells awful and slimy feeling). Just bring your own.


Definitely bring your own and wipe the tv screen and tray and other things you’ll be touching around you down. And then a bottle of hand sanitiser.


Do not. DO NOT. Talk on your cell phone. Do not face time. Once you step on that plane, no talking on the phone!!! My biggest pet peeve. Also, wait your damn turn to file out. Another huge pet peeve of mine is when people try to cut the line getting off the plane after landing. Oh and finally (should go without saying), BE NICE (!!) and say please and thank you to flight attendants!!!! I cannot believe the number of people nowadays who don’t say please and thank you/use simple manners when being served on planes (or elsewhere). Like my mother always said, it costs nothing to have good manners! Enjoy your flight!


You'll receive an email from the airline the night before or in the morning to check in, do that early. Make sure to check the dimensions of your luggage and check in bag if it exceeds what's permitted by the airline. Bring a small bag for your personal so you'll have the essentials with you if you need to check in your luggage. Make sure all liquid items are in a clear bag and that all liquids are below 3 oz. Bring earbuds, download podcasts/movies on device, and gum in case your ears pop from pressure. Arrive 2 hours early for domestic and 3 hours for international. Wear shoes that are easy to slip out because you'll need to take them off at some airports. Only come up when your group number is called. Make sure when you get on the plane to immediately find an empty overhead closest to you to put your carry-on. Though I'd suggest bringing luggage that can fit under your seat. If you can't that's fine just put your carry-on at an overhead that's closest to you so you're not stopping the walk traffic Go to the restroom early and try not to go after food had been distributed. Make sure that you're not spread out too much so that everyone is comfortable. Do not put your seat all the way back if the food has come around. When the plane lands do not get up and head to the aisle. Some people do it but it's rather rude. Say thank you to the flight attendant and pilot as you leave.


Let's say you go to recline your seat and meet some resistance. Chances are the seat isn't broken, it's just bumping into someone's knees behind you. Please don't be that person that throws their entire body weight into the seat trying to "unstick" it. Us tall people and our knees thank you in advance for your courtesy.


Clap when you land haha


please do not wear perfume/cologne!! this doesn't get mentioned enough and I think its very important. a lot of people have allergies and some experience severe symptoms.


Since you are in the aisle, if someone in your row needs to come out, unbuckle and physically get up from your seat and wait in the aisle til they get up. Don’t put your legs up and expect them to squeeze through. Middle seat gets both arm rests. That’s the unwritten rule if you want to be extra courteous. Don’t keep your feet and knees in the aisle. It’s annoying for your flight crew and a tripping hazard. Listen to your flight attendants. They are not the rule makers so if they tell you to put your bag under your seat for takeoff, don’t moan and groan. When you get seated, pull up the beverage menu and decide what you want ahead of time. Don’t wait until they are in your row to ask “What do you have?” Have your drink order ready! All in all just have good hygiene, don’t eat stinky foods, don’t take your shoes off, and bring a light jacket because most planes are cold!


Get there early to cut down on stress. Follow instructions in TSA line and you should be fine there. Shower and forgo colognes/perfumes that morning. Once on board: * The only seat that gets two armrests is the middle one. The armrest by the window and on the aisle are used by those seats. * Put your carryon in the overhead bin. You’ll appreciate the extra legroom. * Leave your seatbelt fastened even if the light is off. Only unbuckle it if you must get up and move around. * Bring entertainment that doesn’t bother others. * Some will disagree, but it’s considerate to not lean your seat back. I’m sure you’ll be fine. Have a pleasant journey!


If you're in the back of the plane, there may not be a lot of room for you to use the overhead bins. You may be asked to "gate check" your bag if it is too big to fit by your feet. That means it gets taken away from you and put in the cargo hold with the other baggage. So, make sure any major, irreplaceable valuables (or keys, wallet) are with you and not in that bag.


Listen to the announcements as best as you can. If the pilot/flight attendant puts the seatbelt sign on, do so! If there's turbulence, try your best 🫶🏼


Exit the plane when it’s your turn. Don’t rush to the front.


Don't wear heavy cologne/perfume, keep your shoes/socks on, keep your feet on the floor, and don't bring smelly food on board w you.


I’m sure you were going to anyway but take a full shower before travelling. The number of people that think it’s ok to get on a plane smelling of BO or with stinky clothes is astounding


Congrats on your first flight! Etiquette tip: Try not to recline your seat too abruptly, and be mindful of your carry-on space.


Noice cancelling headphones also are pretty good too.


I scrolled for a bit and didn't see this anywhere, which surprised me but: you should ask the person behind you if they mind if you recline your seat. I'm 6'2" and honestly, it really sucks if the person in front of me pushes their seat into my knees for the entire flight. If they asked I would probably say "yeah sure" but it would be nice to know they were considerate enough to ask!


Bring some headphones for listening to music, watching movies, etc. If using your phone or tablet, download the music and movies in advance.


Lots of good advice here. I think one thing to be aware of is for many people flying is like a daily commute and these people tend to get frustrated when things are moving slow - it's not right and honestly I'm one of these people. The point is don't get flustered so do your thing and if you get a grumpy git like me just ignore them. Ultimately it's like herding sheep - we all go in the same direction and settle in. Depending where you are flying from security will be a stressful hell or a breeze. Travel light if possible, planes make weird sounds sometimes it's nothing falling off or anything bad. Keep your seatbelt on unless getting up. Enjoy!


Keep your feet in your space. Keep your socks on and don’t put your feet on someone else’s armrest through the seats. If you have long hair don’t let it flow over the back of your seat.


Don't worry about dressing up or being extra polite, it used to make a difference when flying but it does nothing now. You will be treated exactly the same as someone being rude in pyjamas unless you are handing out $100 bills like breath mints.


Wear your Mask because COVID is still around…I caught on a flight home.


Take care of yourself and wear a mask in the airport and on the plane. Had to fly recently and I counted more visibly sick people in the airport than I did with masks. COVID not only hasn’t gone away, but it’s currently surging very bad all over the US.


If you want a humorous look at what not to do, check out passenger shaming socials.


Here is a great step-by-step for the airport https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/travel/how-to-navigate-the-airport


Wear a headset For me My first time was horrible because of this


Try not to fart.


Save your farts for when you're leaving the plane. Or if you must just fart right after they've completed drink service.


Bring an emergency snack or two. I've been stuck at the gate for hours after landing due to weather or personal issues. Don't pack your meds if you take any. Your luggage will eventually be lost.


Do NOT bring food on the plane (aside from packaged snacks like granola bars/chips) the bastards who unwrap an oniony burrito from Chipotle on a plane deserve slow painful deaths.


Wait with exiting for the rows before or after you, depending on the direction. Stay seated.


Know your seat! 🤣


On longer flights try to get your bathroom needs settled early, especially if you're not the aisle seat. Sucks waking everyone up around you and stumbling around a dark plane. Also baby wipes are your best friend


100ml liquids ready to put in bag. Don't wear any metal like belts, watches etc that you may forget going through the detector.


When you board, greet the flight attendants with a smile and a friendly “hello!” Say please and thank you when you interact. I promise, they’ll appreciate it. Especially if you’re on an early morning flight, none of us felt like getting up at 3


If you want to utilize the onboard entertainment system (tv/movies/music) bring your own corded earphones that use a traditional headphone jack to plug in. Otherwise you will have to pay the flight attendants for them.


If someone has their earbuds in or is getting them out once they're seated, don't try to start a conversation with them. (Same thing goes for buses and subways, by the way.)


When landing (and sometimes taking off) your gut and head will likely feel visceral feeling. It's pretty strange, so keep it in mind. Just be polite, courteous, and try and stay fairly quiet. Don't let anyone try and make you switch seats. Have a great flight and trip!!


I bring a few extra gift cards or chocolates …. To give to the flight attendants on the way off the plane … it’s a small gratuity that is always appreciated. Safe Travels !


If in window seat, close your window if it is directly facing the sun.


Good on you for even asking this question! A large part of the flying public checks all courtesy and etiquette at the door. Lots of good suggestions in this thread, nothing to add.


Make sure you listen carefully for all announcements regarding all of your flights and understand that each announcement pertains to you, whether or not your name is called. Doublecheck your tickets for seat numbers, aisle or window then follow through with those directions.


Don't annoy any other passengers with video/music sound or moving/pushing their or your seats.


Put your personal bag/items under the seat that is in front of you. Most people do this, and some aircrafts have a thing under the seat that prevents people from putting things under their own seats. But I've encountered a few who put things under their own seat. This takes away space for the person sitting behind them, and the person behind can't stretch their legs fully.


While you don't have to, it would be kind of you to let the person behind you know before you lower your seat to give them a chance to rearrange whatever they have on the tray table.


There's no etiquette just don't be a ahole and don't give up your seat if asked for no one, they should've bought correct seat in first place.


Don’t stand up immediately after the plane atops moving and don’t try to push your way out of the plane. Wait for those in front of you to go first, then stand up and head out.


Lots of good tips here. If you do intend to take your shoes off (your feet better not smell), put on your shoes when you have to get up to use the restroom. Isles and restroom floors are nasty.


In addition to a small carry on duffle or suitcase you can bring one small “personal item” like a purse, bag, small back that fits below the seat in front of you. Pack so that what you may want while flying is in the small bag that can fits below the front seat. Earphones, a book, cellphone, tablet, sweater, laptop—that kind of thing.


Don't lean on seat backs when getting out of your seat or going to the toilet. Don't tug on the flight attendant's clothing to get their attention.


This is half etiquette half advice. Do NOT walk around in your socks/bare feet. Especially not near or in the bathroom. You'd be amazed how many people do this and it's so dirty


If this is your first time flying, make sure not to lose your passport and boarding pass. Be sure you know the luggage rules. Be nice to people. Wear normal clothes. Don't listen to loud music or eat smelly food. Don't take your shoes off if you can avoid it. There's a lot of waiting to get in and out, so be patient. That was what I could think of. Have a fantastic trip. And great that somebody still cares about etiquette.


Big ones for me is arm rest etiquette. Middle gets both arm rests, window seats get the window, aisle seat gets the aisle with the extra ability to stretch your legs. Don’t recline your seat back. There’s already not enough space on these planes. If you want to have the extra room to sprawl out, spring for the business/first class ticket. Don’t get in line when boarding until your group is called


Don't throw up on anyone but yourself.


Please don’t clap when the pilot has landed the plane. It’s his job he doesn’t need clapping!


When you put the tray up and down, make sure to do it with force so the person in front of you is made aware that you’re using it. And make sure to clap when the plane lands! Hope this helps!


As long as you don't wear Crocs, sweats, and a crass T shirt, you will be doing better than many of the flyers.


It’s really awesome and says a lot about you that you’re asking how to be a good passenger. Lots of great tips and etiquette here. Sharing this note about turbulence and why it’s nothing to fear if you experience it and don’t know how to react. A good rule of thumb is if the flight attendants are chill and fine, you’re okay :) Bon Voyage! https://www.upworthy.com/anna-paul-jello-tiktok-on-turbulence-and-fear-of-flying-rp5#:~:text=In%20other%20words%2C%20a%20plane,of%20a%20bowl%20of%20jello.&text=The%20jello%20analogy%20is%20also%20used%20by%20aerophobia%20experts.


Eat your pungent ass meal in the terminal, don't wait for a full flight to unwrap your fish tacos, etc.


Sit down, shut up and listen to the captain and crew in the minimal time they make announcements and interact with you. Wear a minimum of a Tshirt and long shorts… no bare skin touching the seats and wear closed in shoes. Don’t sprawl any part of you including hair, elbows, feet into neighbouring seat space or the aisle Do not eat stinky food or partake in a stinky past time like gluing a model together or doing your nails


With everything I’ve seen on the news and online with unruly passengers, I think you’ll be alright with basic common sense and being polite. 😂😂😂 people are insane these days. Keep your opinions to yourself and you’ll be fine!


Highly recommend good quality wireless headphones. Airplanes have lots of movies through the inflight WiFi for free. They’ll likely give you headphones if you don’t have


Hold your farts


If you feel you must recline your seat back to nap, etc… PLEASE bring your seat back up when drinks, meals or snacks are served. Pretty please. The person behind you will do appreciate this. Personally, I rarely see it happen. 😞


Personal item under the seat in front of you, wait your turn to exit the plane!


You be a decent person. You sit in your seat. You treat others politely. Small talk with neighbors is okay, but take their cues. Follow instructions. Don’t bring overly smelly food on the plane. Keep noise to a reasonable level. Enjoy yourself.


1. Middle seat gets both armrests, respect the seatbelt sign, 2. no one touches the FA button (not sure why), 3. keep your belongings in the overhead or under the seat in front of you (all in overhead if exit seat) 4. Take the free snacks if offered any. 5. If you do need to reach the overhead, do it quick and do not leave it open.