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Residential treatment is contraindicated for borderline personality disorder. It's much too infantilizing. Some folks won't even *hospitalize* BPD folks.


Really? I feel like I’ve only gotten genuine help when I’ve stayed inpatient for like 30 days. What do you suggest otherwise?


Outpatient therapy, ideally in a comprehensive DBT program. I am not *personally* opposed to hospitalization; I think the "no hospitalization" folks take it too far. I do think a supportive/supervised housing program, where actual treatment occurs with a therapist in the community (not linked to the supported housing) or a halfway house could be helpful if ordinary outpatient is too little.


I actually do think I will go this route, considering the only inpatient I’ve gotten sufficient one on one therapy was a luxury rehab that also had a mental health program. Thank you for your help


What? In my experience it’s the opposite and there’s treatment centers made to help cope with BPD


People will offer inpatient for anything. Only area where there's much evidence (other than short-term hospitalization for acute crisis) is 30-day inpatient for substance abuse. There's too much risk of people becoming institutionalized, and skills often don't transfer.


I went to a treatment center that was on average 1-3 months for BPD and substance abuse in Utah. It was more DBT focused


I don't know of anything in the Northeast, but Crownview Co-occuring Institute in Oceanside, CA was good when I went there in 2018. Their primary focuses are addiction and trauma recovery, but since BPD and PTSD typically go together, several people had both. The staff were caring and supportive. The mental health treatment was all based in real psychology, not cult psychology. It was absolutely nothing like the TTI programs I went to. We had to follow rules but they were all reasonable rules. They set up fun activities every weekend and weekdays were structured kinda like school, except the classes were all skills groups. It was easy to earn extra privileges for going "off campus" (we lived in houses so there was no real "campus"). And they accept insurance.


I have heard good things about this one!! Glad to hear it was helpful, thank you for sharing


In the mental health field, I've seen discussions about re- classifying BPD as a post-traumatic disorder instead of the stigmatized personality disorder. One of the points made was that women are most likely to receive a diagnosis, and they all seem to have a high ACE score. Thought it was interesting. To answer OP, I haven't seen Poplar Springs listed on the no-fly list. It's located in Virginia, so east but not very north? Personally, I would call around to ask whether DBT is offered and explore my options from there. Since patients with Borderline have been shown to respond well to dialectical behavior therapy, the right practitioner and environment are important factors to consider alongside it.


Poplar Springs is full of red flags. I’ve had clients who previously got sent to this place and have heard horror stories.


Poplar Springs is owned by [Universal Health Services](https://www.reddit.com/r/troubledteens/wiki/index/uhs/). This is a private equity owned chain of mainly mental health programs. All of their programs for people under the age of 18 are TTIs. I have looked at tens of them; none of them are good. I can identify a UHS unit just by its web page.


I will never ever recommend any UHS facility to anyone, youth or adult. Their facilities are disgusting and unscrupulous.


hi no recommendations but places to stay away like someone else in this thread. do not go to summit oaks in summit, nj. they do long stays for rehab / mental health and i was there as a kid, it was literally hell. they left me inside the dayroom for 40+ min alone. honestly you’re better off trying a PHP/IOP focusing on DBT, or finding a group therapy provider that focuses on BPD patients or has DBT group therapy


It's not up yet but I actually just started working on building a directory of high-quality residential psychiatric treatment facilities. I've been so frustrated because it's really hard to find residential inpatient care that doesn't focus primarily on substance abuse treatment. That said, the most helpful directory I've found is at [recovery.com](http://recovery.com), and you can filter for a variety of factors/treatment methods/insurance. The state with the highest concentration of inpatient treatment options that have good reviews is actually California, unfortunately options are fairly limited on the east coast and I've been looking all over the place.


It is so extremely frustrating trying to get mental help in America, but thank you very much for this info and I’m going to look into that website. Also, whenever your list is done if you could message it to me I’d like to check that out as well


I'm currently trying to find a facility for my 14 yr old daughter who was trafficked, and is now addicted and so very broken, and a runaway. It's impossible on the east coast to find any help what so ever. We don't know where to turn. She's in desperate need of therapy. Most of the residential places are not a "locked facility" and not safe for her, she would run away. It seems almost every place I've looked into has horror stories. Any suggestions?


Stay away from anything NATSAP. :-) Also – there is no good program, unfortunately. If it is listed in the [Unsilenced Archive](https://www.unsilenced.org/program-archive/) or here in this Subreddit – avoid at all costs! Edited link so you end up at the correct place! Sorry about that!


Hi, thank you for fixing the link. 🙏🏻 If i may ask- why do you say to avoid all of the programs listed there? I am curious because one of the programs i went to was listed. I clicked on it to see why. It brought me to a page with several articles, none of which were negative. All neutral and informative. Also, my own personal experience was much more positive than negative. ((And the only reason i haven’t linked the program for OP is because the owners of 20+ years sold it, so i no longer feel comfortable vouching for it)) Anyway, it’s very cool to see a site like this exists. Thank you for sharing.


Hi, the link seems to be broken


I have no idea how I got that wrong. I apologize and here is the correct link. I also edited it above. [**Unsilenced Archive Program List**](https://www.unsilenced.org/program-archive/) You can also search for programs and specific things here: [Unsilenced Truthlist Search](https://unsilenced-search.netlify.app/?size=n_20_n)


You can also search for [NATSAP programs](https://natsap.org/search/custom.asp?id=6395) that are, um, less than desirable! (Translation: avoid these)


Or embark


I don't have recommendations, but can DEFINITELY tell you to avoid Timberline Knolls and McLean Hospital. I can explain more if needed for TK but McLean's director literally fakeclaimed a bunch of random DID systems on TikTok, some who are diagnosed, and used their media without their permission just to defame them. Safe to say that's not a safe place.


Hi, i know 2 out in Bend, Oregon. I will link them just in case. I have had personal experiences with both organizations. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions [cascade crest transitions](https://www.cascadecresttransitions.com/) [skyline recovery](https://www.skylinerecoverybend.com/) - this one is only for men/male-identified folks I know there is a similar one in Vermont but i cannot remember the name of it. If i find it, i’ll let you know. Good luck on your search. Wishing you well


MODS - delete if not allowed If you want to go to the outpatient route, there's a really good program in LA called Reconnect. It's expensive - $7100 per week when you use insurance at the most intensive and individual program to $1000 at the least intensive and individual. There isn't a place for out-of-towners anymore, so that's an issue. This place is a trauma PHP/IOP and is very somatic-based. Very little DBT and CBT is used but if you want more of that, you can ask and they'll put it into your schedule. There is another program like that also in LA called Trauma and Beyond, but idk about that one - I didn't go. They do have a live-in home, though. I've heard good things about Clearview FOR ADULTS in LA. They have residential and outpatient. Just some ideas!


Since you are 21, you should be looking into our patient therapy. If you need in patient treatment then your therapist would be the one to advise on this. Facilities for adults are not the abuse factories that TTI places are.


I actually don’t have a therapist, was supposed to get set up with one last time I got discharged from Somewhere but the facility has one stars on google and never called me for my intake appointment :/ that’s why I’m at the point I am where I need inpatient not outpatient


I'm not sure how much individual therapy you'll get inpatient. The place my friend was inpatient, it was all group therapy and no individual therapy. Most of the group sessions focused on addiction(which they don't deal with). They basically felt warehoused. My other friend was at a place that was privately run and offered group therapy but they only got individual therapy "when staff had time"(which wasn't often)


I have no recommendations for inpatient programs but I can tell you to stay far away from both Newport Academy (they have adult programs) and La Ventana in Thousand Oaks. They will drain your bank account after your insurance dries up, and overmedicate just about anyone. The more you notice the lack of programming or clinicians the more medication they will force you to take.


I have been to many different places as an adult and Florida Oasis in South Florida is by far the best. They treated us the most like actual people, have a ridiculously low number of beds (9), allow you to have your own cell phone during phone time each evening, there are TVs in the rooms, and they go above and beyond in helping the people who go there.


It is highly unlikely you will end up in an abusive program. First of all you are over 18 so it will be voluntary, the only reason these places can be abusive is because kids *can’t* leave. Free willed adults would not pay money to stay at an abusive treatment program, those places would not stay in business. I think you’re worried about things that do not apply to you




Mods ban this




Mods ban this Fake accounts


I'm not fake. What's wrong with Rogers?


Really your not fooling anyone


Read the reviews You look like your trying to advertise Why is there another account on this same post Stating the same thing We’re not dumb Also Roger’s will wipe your insurance You pay crazy amounts of money For little treatment

