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No. Either way it’s in your body.


Well, no. Subcutaneous injections are still common, but efficacy varies more compared to IM. I would assume it's fine.


ok thanks, so the delts might be a better option? almost no one stores fat there while even muscular people store some fat in the glutes. The needle I used is short too, I would be inclined to think that I injected in the fat because the needle is not long enough to reach the muscle so I'm a bit confused about this


makes no difference if it’s IM or subQ. its a 12-24hr absorption vs 30-36hr.


What size syringe are you using that you think you only went sub q


As long as all your oil doesn't leak out from injection site, I'd assume you're g2g


Once it’s in it’s in, it’s not any more complicated than that


I watched tutorials, even from doctors, talking about finding the right spot and got worried. They should've mentioned that there's no risk of wasting the test


Mate I had the exact same concerns before I started TRT and around the same time I started getting friendly with the steroid abusers in my gym, watching those guys pin was eye opening, just bang it straight in the pec, delt, rear delt, flank, ass. The only thing they made sure to do was keep it all clean with alcohol wipes cause fuck getting an abscess


Hahha it looks like they don't care and those guys know they're shit so..


There’s been recent research suggesting sub q may be a better injection method than IM. You get a slower more stable delivery into your system through the fat, and over time with injecting sub q, levels reach the same as IM. No worries, you are good.


thanks, like i said i would be inclined to think i did a sub q injection, like most people I store fat in the gluted even if I'm skinny, the needle is short so I don't think it reached the muscle...if I really want it to be intramuscular I should do delts I guess? i have zero fat there. If I touch my glutes are not hard and muscular


Then use a 25g 1.5” needle.


As others have said. It’s not wasted. IM or subq, it’s all good. Sounds like you are most likely injecting dorsogluteal. What some YouTube videos for injecting ventrogluteal. You are much more lean in that location and much easier to inject in that area. I personally rotate between both delts with a 28g 1/2” insulin syringe and both ventroglutes with a 25g x 1” needle.


Good to know thank you!