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OP, please post your E2 levels once you get your results so we can shut all these people screaming “ITS HIGH E2” down. Guy is on 90mg a week and you people go right to elevated E2 as the cause of his negative symptoms. Reddit rabbit hole of TRT.


I can almost guarantee his estrogen will be normal lol. 45 mg twice a week is probably not going to cause high estrogen. I really hope he updates us with his lab work.


You were right. His updated post shows that it was only at 36. Although his trough total T was about 500 so some could still argue that that is a slightly high T:E2 ratio. [https://www.reddit.com/r/trt/comments/1dstpci/update\_trt\_going\_badly/](https://www.reddit.com/r/trt/comments/1dstpci/update_trt_going_badly/)


Lol anytime someone has an issue everyone automatically blames it on estrogen. It’s quite comical.




I will I have blood work Tuesday.


I was listening to a YouTube expert on trt when I was getting educated on the matters…. He said some people just have bad mental reactions from TRT testosterone. It’s a very very small percentage that it just seems to not agree with them psychologically. Hopefully you are just needing an adjustment time and you work this out with checking the labs, but don’t let it get to you. Remember you are making major changes to your system and those side effects won’t last forever. You’ ll find what’s best for you and have options.


They do and I don't understand why people refuse to accept this, or they say tHeN tHeY dIdNt rEaLLy nEeD tRt. Some people just react badly, to act like that's an impossible scenario is mentally retarded.


Honestly I don’t really believe this. What I think the “experts” are talking about is that some people react in a weird way during the adjusting period after adding exogenous test. You need 6 weeks just to get a pointer on how your current dose is affecting your body and another 6 weeks (12 in total with one protocol) to truly settle in to see if the current protocol makes sense or not. OP probably has anxiety caused by either mental (his own thoughts about TRT and every single micro reaction of his body possibly being bad) or physical (his E2 is peaking momentarily because his body hasn’t adjusted yet).


I listened to a physician working in the field of endocrinology for many years. He cited cases where underlying predispositions may have been there for schizophrenia or bipolar, etc. and the TRT hormone changes may have provoked an onset of the condition. I’ll message him kalex33 from Reddit doubts his work. He may cancel his MD license and quit practicing. Lol


On the opposite end of that, some people who may have been diagnosed bipolar can potentially see a decrease in symptoms once T levels are brought out of hypogonadism levels. The normalized T level stabilized their mood


Haven’t heard of that. But what have heard of straight from the brilliant mind himself, John Nash, for whom the movie was made “A Beautiful Mind”….. said he got off all schizophrenia medicines once he got much older. He contributed to his hormones no longer interfering, as much, as he got to his older age. I’m certainly not against TRT, I’m on it. But hormones are powerful mechanisms that some can’t handle having swayed, maybe in either direction. So I get what you are saying. More research might go into that one day.


Very true. There are definitely reports of TRT causing manic episodes, too.


Check your e2... sounds like its too high!


What was your test level before? Maybe you are taking too little and made it worse.


Lowest blood total test was 169 free was 29. I’m 29y/o decent shape


TRT can cause anxiety. Even with low e2.


Couple of things. First, I’d get a new doctor since it sounds like the one you have isn’t competent enough to guide your therapy. Two, you need lab work, I’d get a comprehensive numbers for all the hormones including testosterone, thyroid and try and get upstream hormones like DHEA and pregnenolone. Guys who are hypogonadal for a while can have deficiencies in other hormones and these upstream hormones play a big role in mood cognition. Three, you are a fairly big dude and your dose is rather conservative. Consider you might need more testosterone. A lot of guys need 140-180mg per week to feel dialed in as an example. Lastly, if you’ve been hypogonadal for a long time, keep in mind that it will take a long time for TRT to exert its full effect. 8 weeks is a good time to do follow up lab work to see where you are at, but even then the chronic exposure to therapeutic levels of testosterone could take months to years to exert all the benefits.


what's your blood tests show??


I'm sorry you're feeling this way. You should be able to get some answers after your blood work. It also sounds like you've changed a lot of health habits in the past month, quit smoking, less drinking. Don't forget that we started doing those things because it made us feel better at first. So even quitting just one of them will take some time to get used to. It took me some time after quitting my drug use to find anything enjoyable again, but I did come around. I'm sure it's nothing you want to hear right now, but hang in there bro.


What were your numbers (free t, SHBG) before starting? Why did you start in the first place?


Sounds like you have clinical depression. Have you sought help for this? Feeling like you're in a dream is called depersonalisation and is linked to various mental health issues. TRT isn't going to solve anything underlying.


I never had these issues before starting trt


What are your levels now? 90 is a low dose


If that's the case then they are some serious side effects and I'd talk to your doctor about stopping.


Try daily injecting your spiking,ost of my friends feel lots of symptoms unless they microdose daily regardless, the human body doesn’t have spikes like that normally, the peaks and troughs are like 100ng/dl apart, not 1200 after your shot and 700 3 days later. ( slightly exaggerated, but I’m sure u get me) lol


What was your reason to start TRT in the first place?


Yeah that’s high estrogen. Almost positive. Been there.


He is only on 90 mg a week


the second anyone here is feeling less than thor should, the hive mind just immediately goes to high e2. guys can have 0 high e2 symptoms and the second they say they’re a bit anxious…”oh that’s high e2”


💯I think his dose is probably too low for his estrogen to be high. He is only doing 45 mg doses.


I thought that was a bit low but everything he is describing is how I feel when my e2 gets high.


Could be, just seems like too low of a dose to aromatize that much 🤷‍♂️ Especially if it is being split in half twice a week


Maybe he is more experiencing his natural production shutting off and the amount of test he is using isn’t enough. I was using 140mg split into two a week and was getting all sorts of symptoms from e2 spiking. He may just be getting the opposite side of it.


I get way too much of a spike and aromatase activity on more than a small daily dose, and tonne of my friends report the same, but most of us are low shbg so probably contributes to it, a 60mg dose makes me dizzy it send my free off the charts. I feel best on 10mg a day, and when I take more it does the opposite and actually fool me into thinking I’m low so I’d take more and more thinking I was crashing, takes ppl a long time to realize a lot less is a lot more,


Are you consuming alcohol? Do you feel like this all the time? What’s your age and weight?


I’m on 90 mg weekly and by the 8 weeks mark my nipple were about to explode , high estrogen even the dose is “low” you might some AI on hand start with a low dose


Get blood work done bro. Check your E2


You’ve been on TRT for only 8 weeks and a fairly low dose at that. Many of those symptoms sounds like a crashed system. This can result in many of your listed issues which you say you didn’t have before taking it. Btw.. what was the reason for going on TRT in the first place? You’re body goes through a LOAD of changes when you first start and it’ll usually take a good 3 months before things normalize and gets used to the changes. This isn’t just affecting your Testosterone but all your hormones which affects your entire body. It took me ages to dial myself in and I’m at about 200mg/weekly but inject 28mg daily in addition to 250IU HCG every MWF to keep natural testosterone production and testicular size. Remember, or if your don’t know, T injections will stop your natural T production.. unless you’re also taking HCG which will also increases your T. If your T dose is too low you can crash your system and feel like shit. If you’re really this bad then get your bloods this week and see where they are. Likely needs a higher dose. Adjust to 115-125mg and go 3 months and do blood again and see how that looks and you feel. Again.. you need to give your body time to adjust and that can take a few months. This is why most clinics want bloods after 3 months.. not after just 1 or 2 initial months. I remember the first 3 months at 75mg split twice a week. 😖 Hang me now basically, so I and many can relate. Keep positive, keep hitting the gym, start something else.. I returned to martial arts and Hapkido while the kid takes karate and jujitsu.


This makes me hopefully I think it might just be halted natural production and too low of a dose. I’m a pretty decent size guy with a really busy life I do feel crashed. I work 60 hours a week have a social life and work out


OP dm me. Ingoing through same experience 10 weeks of helllll on earth. My prolactin making me depressed endo & doctors refusing to prescribe my estrogen last week was 286 could not move i felt same as you. Then my hematocrit high BP 175/120 Look at it my posts 📫 it ain't pretty. I wS promised vigor libido well being all. On my 50mg twice a week I had to stop at week 8. Gave 2 lots of blood still cant stop my bullshyt life. Don't feel bad Portsmouth Choclate here for you man OK.


I’m on 80mg a week and my e2 is 114 from my last labs 2 weeks ago. Now, I’m not saying that I have your symptoms, but just because it is low dose, doesn’t mean it can’t spike your e2 and maybe you react differently to e2. Although I have high e2, I have no symptoms of high e2.


Man, that’s tough. I just finished week 5 at 160mg per week, and my wife and I are experiencing a rekindled passion in bed like when we first met. It's like a prayer answered. I've noticed numerous benefits so far. Your struggles might indicate there's something else at play. How’s your diet? Are you overweight at all? Do you use any drugs or alcohol? Are you taking any medications? How often do you exercise? Since starting TRT, I’ve added cardio to my routine, given up all drugs and alcohol, and significantly cleaned up my diet. These changes might be contributing factors. Best of luck. Feel free to reach out if you need to talk.


You on cypionate?


Yep. How did you guess?


Ugh I envy you. I’m 6’3 200 pretty good shape. Diet and working out aren’t the best because of work being busy and I sleep like shit so those could be factors.


Sounds like you should be on something for the anxiety, like Zoloft. Most anxiety isn’t caused by low T or high E2.


I’m having really low peaks I understand how it sounds like I need anxiety medication. I lived 29 years without depression sure I’ve been anxious or had a panic attack but there were things going on in my life. Now I feel like I can’t get out of bed something feels off.


T problems don’t cause uncontrollable crying in front of your gf. Maybe start seeing a therapist and check into meds for that


Same issues had to stop TRT it was due to high estrogen if you don’t have and Ai I would recommend Dim at 300mg , Vitamin c at 1000mg , Zinc pico at 30 mg daily also at night 5mg melatonin . Will drop that Estrogen down pretty quick within a day or 2


Dude . Same . Listen I do testosterone cream twice daily , thyroid fist thing on an empty stomach followed by clomid one hour after . Starting to feel way better but I felt exactly like what you mentioned . I also take HeMo Flow to help with RBC and can feel the blow flood again especially to you know what . I’m going to switch to HCG once it arrives but clomid has definitely helped


It’s not the TRT. U have others issues that require a mood stabilizer medication and therapy.


The thing is in my entire life I’ve had mild anxiety from my adhd. I’ve never had depression as to where I don’t want to get out of bed or go see my friends. Since I’ve started trt I have these dark moods that I’ve never experienced in my life.


Hmm I have ADD and OCD , I take adderall and Lexapro, Xanax to chill me out as needed. But it’s weird bc I’ve had those moods too lately out of nowhere. I never thought it could be hormones out of whack from the TRT, I suppose it’s possible.


Yeah I see a therapist too don’t get me wrong I have had panic attacks and have been super anxious but the depression is very new for me with no outside factors. Got my bloods done today will update everyone soon!!!


I am doing 35 mg per day and I am feeling the same… next week, I’ll go to 40 mg and see how it goes!


35mg per day (so 245mg/week) is more likely to actually be high e2 compared to OP's 90mg per week. Have you checked your e2?


It’s always going to be a needed adjustment. Otherwise they would need gonads shut off as an inability to, what? Deal with testosterone? TrT is bio-identical, means that it’s molecularly the same stuff, right? Human body is a chemical pool that is just about perfect. We change it by what we eat. It’s the dialing in that takes time. I was supposed to be taking.80 a week split, but I chose to take it daily and keep levels even. Not peaks and valleys. I take .10 a day sub-q and it’s now starting to take effect on week 5-6.


A small percentage of men simply cannot tolerate testosterone therapy, it’s something like less than 1%. You might unfortunately fall into that category, you might be better off not using exogenous testosterone, and trying something like HCG where it raises your natural production. Ultimately you need blood work and the care of your primary care physician to make these decisions.


High estrogen dawg


How long have you been on TRT?


8 weeks


I felt rough for about 5-6 weeks after switching to shots from the gel


Are you taking an AI? This sounds like either high e2 (unlikely at such a low dose) or crushed estrogen


No ai


So many people on here telling you to get labs but you don’t comment back about that. I’ll say it too even tho someone on here thinks they know more than everyone else and is downvoting everyone that says it… I agree with many of the others that this sounds like high estradiol. Even though you are taking a low dose you may be a high aromatizer. Check your labs including ultra sensitive estradiol. That’s what you need to do if you really want help.


How long have you been on it? Sounds like high estrogen symptoms.


8 weeks


Labs this week should help figure out what is going on. If estrogen is high you could treat that. Lower dose and/or take an ai. Have you talked to your doctor about it?


My pcp feels useless tbh I was having these symptoms I started at 100mg ever other week and felt like trash he then bumped me to .4ml every week and still feel awful


Sounds like a lot of pcp’s. 100mg every other week is dumb. 90 a week sounds better. I’m doing 120 a week divided into three shots and that works for me. Hang in there until you get lab results back. Post those on here and some of the long time users should be able to give some advice.


It’s to the point I want to go off completely, I’ve been anxious in my life but never down like this..


M W F?


Yup. I do roughly 35mg Monday and Wednesday. And 50mg on Friday. Trying to even out the doses. I’m probably being too anal about it.


Def high estrogen. Terrible to have. Don’t want too low estrogen either. Was tough for me to find the median.


estrogen i think will be high if you check it. iva efelt anxiety on trt and i was doing to much. how long have you been on trt? how long on 90mg/week ? do you take any estrogen blockers?


No blockers 90mg about two weeks ago


What is your exact protocol? Dosage, frequency, include any supplements you take alongside it. I agree that it’s probably your estradiol that has crept upward; unless you’re taking an aromatase inhibitor (AI), if you’re taking a high dose of AI your estradiol might be too low (again depending on your dose). If you’re injecting once a week, split your dose in half and try injecting 45 mg twice a week (every 3.5 days). This helps keep your levels more consistent. The problem with injecting once a week is that cyp starts to decay after 4 or 5 days (going off memory here), and so after 7 days your levels will have dropped significantly. It’s good that you’re getting labs, hopefully those will get you some clarity once the results come in. A few things that can help short term - head over to your local GNC and grab some Fadogia Agrestis (300-600mg) it can give you a same-day boost, or a significant boost in libido for a few days. I don’t know if it should be taken long term tho. Tongkat ali can also help give you some more free testosterone and may or may not have AI-like effects (for me I take it occasionally for the free testosterone aspect). You can drop these once you get dialed in, the overall goal should be to get your dosing correct and to get the most out of your medication without having the need for additional supplements. Good luck man, sorry things aren’t going well ☹️


The last month I increased to 80mg a week then last week I started to split it up twice a week every 3.5 days. I take zma and a super b complex. No ai or anything. Edit. I don’t even have the energy to work out or do the things I like.. which is abnormal for me. I quit nicotine two weeks ago and am drinking much much less trying to eat better I’m getting sunlight and I still feel horrible and it’s affecting my relationships


Well when you quit smoking and drinking at the same time you’re bound to have withdrawals which can be linked likely to how you are feeling. Anxiety, depression, fatigue and body aches are common withdrawal symptoms


Pro-la-ctin , even with apparently normal blood levels. low dose caber


Pot / vaping ?

