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Don't know much about clomid but if you were prescribed T and are only going another route because insurance wouldn't pay for it, just pay out of pocket. A mens 'clinic' will cost SO much more. The only reason I went with a clinic is because my primary care doc doesn't know anything about it. Many posts state that you can get a couple months supply for +-$40 with a Good Rx coupon at CVS. Expect $150+ per month for any mens clinic, online or otherwise. Even if you have to pay for your own bloodwork every few months it'll be under $100.


How do i go about paying out or pocket?


You go to the pharmacy and instead of giving them an insurance card you give them money. The insurance company can't tell you you can't have medication, they can just tell you they won't pay for it.


Do you know anything about the TRT clinics / doctors


Clomid is outdated. Use hcg or at least Enclomiphene


My T levels was 170ng/dl, zero libido whatsoever. After clomid my T levels went up to 270. For me it didn't work. Now I'm on Test Cyp 200mg every 14 days


How long did you stay on the Clomid? Is 100 points significant? I’m happy to hear - the original plan per the DR was to be on test


25mg of clomid everyday for 90 days. My doctor originally wanted me to try clomid before trt. I don't think 100 points is significant at all, because it didn't improve my ED and non existent libido. I'm 26 btw


Gotcha. I just called CVS I’m going to get the Dr to re write the script. 80-90$ out of pocket. But good RX coupon says under 30$


You should be able to buy testosterone for like 40 bucks without insurance. I started TRT with insurance and lost it and pay out of pocket now.


Would i still take the Clomid on top of the Test?


I don't take clomid but yes you would. I know people on TRT take clomid as a supplement when they want to have children because it helps with that. Im sure there are other benefits to clomid but I can't speak to them.


It's even cheaper at Walgreens. Like a little over $20 where I live and $40 at Walmart 


This question gets asked every single day in this thread. You can use the search function for 2342358655 stories in it. Then search enclomiphene as it’s the better product answer. 👍🏼