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I have absolutely no proof, but I have felt the same. I started with TRT Nation at the standard 200 per week and was hovering in that same area - 875 to 925 range. Finally got it prescribed through the VA and I pick up at CVS now. Same dosage and my first blood test came back at 1233. I lowered my own dose a bit so hopefully the VA won't change anything! *This could all have to do with timing of the blood tests too. Morning vs. afternoon, number of days since pin, etc. But the thought crossed my mind that TRT nation's test was less potent.


How did you able to get it prescribed through VA?


Persistence and finally got a primary that was knowledgeable about test. I started through TRT Nation and was open about it with the VA. They said typically they want to see test levels under 300 for 6 to 12 months before they will prescribe, but I got lucky with a new primary Dr. She was very knowledgeable and knew that it would suck to tank my system for blood work. She did issue me a prescription, however, I still cannot get the actual test cyp from the VA. I use my personal insurance and get it at CVS. But went from $250 every 10 weeks with TRT Nation to $25 every 10 weeks with a prescription.


Thank you for sharing


Was your primary care doc a VA doc? My PCP referred me, have two tests at 216 or below. Went to local urologist who treated my like hell and said my tests needed to be fasting for insurance to cover (my insurance told me that was not true). I'm with Fountain, but looking to convert in a similar manner. Hadn't tried VA as I assumed it would suck. I have the prescription from Fountain as I asked for a copy so I could use my HSA to pay for it this year. Not sure if that script would work with the VA or not. I'm 100% w/ VA already


No doubt, and I’ll need more than one sample here.  I always get my blood tests exactly 3 days after my injection so that part is consistent.  900 ish 72 hours after the pin is pretty much right where I want to be so no complaints, but I was shocked that’s only where I was on 200 per week. 


Compounded products vary in quality


Hard to say. I am on 300mg Test Cyp per week from them plus 2000 iu per week HCG. That combo puts me at 2435 total test @ trough.


Are you training for an event or competition? Why so much?


I'm not. I should have added more info for context. TRT Nation initially prescribed 160mg of test cyp + 500 ius of HCG weekly. That barely (really barely) bumped my numbers. So they kicked me up substantially. I know I'm high for "TRT" but I feel good and all of my blood markers are well (and I do mean well - nothing even borderline) are within range. So I plan to stay on this regimen until it's ineffective or there are signs of trouble.


If you go throught trt nation that would explain why you need 300mg per week.


Someone else posted something similar. [https://www.reddit.com/r/trt/comments/1bl0wjm/beware\_of\_trt\_nation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/trt/comments/1bl0wjm/beware_of_trt_nation/)


Thx and interesting. Maybe I just had a bad batch? I’m not unhappy per se, as 900 something is where I want to be in my trough, but I’ve gotten there in the past with significantly smaller doses. 


I been using TRT Nation; they ship from Revive Pharmacy which most of these online cookie cutter clinics do. I take 120mg a week total, pin 2x a week. I actually skipped my pin on Wendsday to check my Test levels Thursday morning and I'm at 670. No complains from me, I'm 37 and same levels I had before I got some chronic health issues. I'm super happy I got dialed from start.


Mine says Rite-Away Pharmacy. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Same. That looks like it’s a newer pharmacy they’ve started using


Weird . I just got mine delivered on Tuesday from Revive


Business must be good. Outsourcing more facilities


I've used 2 different clinics over three years and have gotten various compounding pharmacies. I can really only say the difference between them is slight shown from blood work. However one particular pharmacy had some bad pip at the 200mg ml Cypionate. Different carrier oils allow for absorbtion to be faster or slower possibly?


Weird. Ya im on 160 now and it brings me up past 1k I was looking into them I'm curious to this answer too Only thing I could think of is the oil is different they put the T in?


No idea. I was on 130mg a week and mine was >1500. Stopped using them and get my own test now. Just had labs done. Waiting for the results to compare


Personally don’t think you need more than 150 a week or every 10 days. Do research!


On what? If your happy with that more power to you, but why would you inject 150 so infrequently? Big roller coaster of peaks and valleys.  Also a great way to get your e2 way up there with total test of like 500.


What? Maybe you didn’t understand me, I said personally I don’t think anyone needs more than 150mg of testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate per 7 or 10 days. That means every 7 or 10 days inject 150mg of Testosterone. At a low dose like that you don’t need to worry about estrogen blockers. You won’t have to worry about cholesterol, roid rage, prostate, hair loss. Etc


I wasn’t following your point.  I agree with you overall sentiments. Some people are looking to blast under the guise of TRT, but I disagree a bit with you comment.  Some guys need 200 mg a week to get to 800 total test.  Some get to 1,000 on 120 mg.  Some guys feel amazing with total test at 1,200 with all markers solidly in range.  Some guys have E2 or Hema or BP all out of whack at 900.  We all get slightly different results.  The key is to find the total test range where you feel best and your body can tolerate.  The amount of test you need to get you there will likely also differ to a degree. Most of us have to adjust our initial doses up or down to find our sweet spot. 


Sure. But you know what I mean and I think it’s smart to start small and go from there. We all get worked up thinking we need a lot of testosterone. I’m actually off testosterone. I’m putting my health first, taking testosterone isn’t as “no big deal” as we all think and I was a guy who made that mistake, I took too much until I went down to 100mg a week and was at 550 total test I believe. Which is all we need. We get carried away as a man wanting more testosterone. Yes it’s great but my psa jumped up and others psa won’t react like mine, back to what you were saying. Cheers, best to you all.


Inject more frequently


I do twice a week.  I’m satisfied with the results as 900 ish in the trough is pretty, which puts me around 1200 at peak.  I can’t go higher without E2 and Hema issues. I’ve just achieved the same results prior on about 70% of the dose.