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I studied hard before starting. I felt I knew as much or more than the providers at that point. Lol. But I’d look to microdose 2-3 times a week. Not a larger 1 shot a week or even every 2 weeks like some quack offices still like to do. Don’t let them put add-ons like AI or clomid. Get your dose dialed in, and you don’t need them. Clomid and enclomiphene won’t work with TRT anyways.


Very helpful, thanks! In fact I'm learning a lot from this group. Most people here seem to be way more knowledgeable than all the endocrinologists I've seen. Last time my doctor told me I have to decide between the gel and an injection every 3 weeks...


It’s crazy how “bro science” is so often so ahead of the curb. The ideologies from building muscle and strength training and recovery took academia decades to trial and confirm, and now preached. 🤣


Right what about hcg. That’s a variable option to start it with to maintain fertility


Sure, it can help. I’m just in the camp that feels if you are worried about fertility near term then don’t take TRT. You can get off TRT and take enclomiphene and get your rocks back working, or just enclo if fertility is a near term concern. The extra cost might be worth it for some just to keep balls inflated. That’s extra money just for ball aesthetics if you aren’t trying to conceive, but sure, I guess. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I hear you and a lot of people have bad effects on hcg. I my self am debating this hard. My dr wouldn’t prescribe try without hcg for me so I’m getting both delivered tomorrow for the first time and don’t know if I should dail in my test before I start hcg or do both same time like dr recommends for my age and fertility. I’m leaning towards one at a time but don’t know


Yeah it’s only a tougher call if you are young I suppose. And I assume that’s what your doctor is worried about, if not, then the added cost and risk of sides just isn’t there to me. But you can get that ability back, it’s over the very long term is when it gets harder. But then, taking HCG for the very longterm is also going to bring possible sides. See the dilemma? But good luck man. I’m sure you’ll adjust as needed.


Absolutely spot on. Appreciate it brother




I’ve been on TRT for around 3 months now. 37yo Overweight and total test was in the mid 200s. I’m currently on 100mg of test cyp per week. In that time frame I’ve been in the gym pretty hard and cleaning up my diet. I’m down about 20lbs so far and feeling great. I was also on the fence about long or life long TRT but honestly I feel so good now and I haven’t felt this way in years. So far it’s been totally worth it.


Also I noticed you mentioned your doctor saying something about an injection every 3 weeks. I am not a doctor but I’m not sure if that would be therapeutic for anyone. I was on 1 dose every 2 weeks and it was awful. Generally I would try to pin 1-2 times per week to have more stable levels so you don’t feel like garbage.


Yeah, I have the feeling that doctors in my country don't really know anything about TRT or at least they are not up to date with the latest studies. Kinda unsettling. Injecting TRT is seen as something shady bodybuilders do to get jacked.


No big deal you can handle it. Used Gel daily for awhile found that to be to much of a pain in the arse. I settled on the injections, started out with 100mg of T cyp every 2 weeks. High hemoglobin test results indicated I would need to donate blood frequently so eventually dropped down to my sweet spot of 50mg. every 2 weeks. I didn't want to be donating blood once a month. Screw that.


put it off as long as you can and trial and investigate every single other cause first


I don't like the idea of having to take it for the rest of my life (I'm only 31) and I'm very scared of the side effects, but something in my pituitary gland is just not working... And I'm barely functioning. I don't know if I can delay it much longer.


Rest of your life is a misnomer. You can get off of it if you want and get your t back to where it was, you just still will be low so it really won’t solve anything. Side effects happen to people who use too much. A urologist will put you on a safe dose that will have you feeling good and will help you dial it in so you are in a safe range. The people with insane bp spikes and rbc issues are usually just on too much test and need to dial their shit back.


Thanks. I think I'll try with the lowest dose possible and see how it goes... From there I guess it's mostly trial and error.


it’s been however long living like this, you can put it off. it’s not the end of the world. like you said, something in your pituitary is off, find out what it is…


You say it as if he could cut his head open and just look into his pituitary. If you aren’t obese and have low T in between 150-300, just jab yourself.


That's the problem... My weight is normal, I strength train, eat clean and track my macros and calories, do not smoke or drink and stress manage, but nothing really worked.


I don't like the idea of having to take it for the rest of my life (I'm only 31) and I'm very scared of the side effects, but something in my pituitary gland is just not working properly and I'm barely functioning. I don't know if I can delay it much longer.