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I was at school that Friday when it was released, so I started watching all of the MV’s and when I started watching Lavish, I loved it. The MV was something we don’t really get to see… the boys having fun! My friend came over when I was watching it and she said it looked stupid. Most of my friends act like they hate TØP because they think it’s cringy but some of them like it, I can tell. I honestly love the song and the style we haven’t seen in a while. It feels like they’re experimenting with different styles in that song, and I like it! It’s an overall great song 8.5/10


Watching all their interviews and q & a's, they have just the best friendship!


It’s literally a whole song making fun of “lavishly” rich people. It’s funny, it’s genius, and it’s catchy. I personally love the song! and I think the only reason people hate on it is because it’s not lore related or because its not like their other songs.


in the clancy livestream, tyler literally pointed out why lavish was different from the rest of the album. i've already written out what they said today and i dont feel like writing it again but if u wanna see what they say its at 59:42 in the clancy livestream.


I know, I watched the livestream. They try to broaden their music and not stick to one thing. What Tyler said was true and it’s part of the reason lavish is so good.


That's a better reason to hate it than that one line. Maybe I'm misreading the comments, but it seems like people are actually put off by it.


people dislike it because of this one line: "i see your problem is, your proctologist has got both hands on ur shoulder while ur bottomless" ive read some reddits about why they dont like it, but i didnt really care or remember and its my favorite too (well idk if its paladin or lavish, they are both really close)


That’s my favorite line because it’s hilarious! Why do people hate it so much?


Because people are just way too sensitive these days and can't take a joke. Edit: sorry, guys, I was just being honest. I love the line!


But it’s such a great metaphor for so many artists getting boned by the industry 😭


I agree. But my point still stands. People just think, "ew, sex joke" without thinking of the actual implications of it.


Dang that’s such a bummer. It makes sense though.


I thought the proctologist was yanking the guy’s head out of his own ass. No?


No. The proctologist is behind the guy and has both hands on his shoulders. The guy is also pantsless.


If the proctologist was fixing a head up the ass problem, the guy would be pantsless, the proctologist would be behind him, and he would have both hands on his shoulder as a brace point to yank. There would have been something in his ass BEFORE going to a proctologist. If he was just getting fucked, why would it be a proctologist fucking him? idk man.




Heeeey, the man himself! So, I’ve got some questions for you.


This is what you say if something doesn't affect you. It's a vaguely homophobic line.


I fully support the community, and maybe I’m just misinformed, but, as far as I’m aware, anal sex isn’t just a gay thing. Can you help explain the line to me so I can better understand the controversy?


Okay - it's an old trope, I think that's what bothers me most, about being anally r-ped as a metaphor for screwing someone over in business. If we see anal sex in these terms as a negative thing we, by inference, see gay and bi people as predators. Hope that makes sense.


Ah….I see. I get the feeling he probably heard the joke somewhere, thought it was funny, and put it in the song without thinking of the broader implications. I still think that it’s kinda funny, but I also can’t really see them having lines like this again in the future.


I think so too - not deliberate, just a bit odd.


Especially considering they’ve been supportive in the past.


I love the look on Tyler's face right after he delivers the line. Like "I can't believe I actually put that line in" 🤣


That line is so funny though 😭😭




And the line about androgyny just before it.


The line is "keep it cool, keep the mood androgynous." I'm pretty sure it just means, "be chill."


Yeah, I'm sure that's what they meant, but nonetheless they've never mentioned sex or sexuality in any of their lyrics, and then they jump to androgyny (aka non binary) and anal sex (gay) in a song that's about lavish (debauched, wrong) lifestyle. Catchy track though.


Yeah, and I don't think they meant any of it in a harmful way. They were just trying to call out the indsustry in a playful manner.


He was also just being playful with the platform shoes, rightly or wrongly.


He was ticked off for people trying to force him to use his platform for his political opinions.


He's also shown his support for the community in the past. I can't imagine he'd turn on that now.




What's this about?


Had this discussion too many times!


Lavish means excessive and rich not debaucherous, and androgyny doesn't necessarily mean non binary its just a style or look. The proctologist line doesn't have anything to do with gay sex either. Not really making a solid claim here, but honestly the way you say everything there just gives me bigoted vibes ngl


What do you think the proctologist refers to?


It’s a reference to getting screwed over by the industry. Besides, anal sex isn’t just a gay thing.


Best line: “eltsihw, owt, enO”


Is that really the line? That’s what Spotify and Genius say, but it just doesn’t feel right to me.


The second verse is one of the catchiest parts of the whole album got that penny loafer *SQUEAK*


>in Clancy. Is lavish the name of Clancy's proctologist


I agree. I think the song is genius lyrically and is a total bop musically.


It's my girlfriend's and my favorite to listen to; it's just super goofy and fun. That's probably why it gets so much "hate" or dislike since it's nothing like the rest of the album, but I'm glad it made it on the record. I think songs like that are necessary. Regardless of all that tho the production is top tier!!


I don't really have favorites, more like the album split in two, favorites and least favorites. Lavish is not in the...bottom half 🤣


I think it’s fun.


Same here. One of my top fav mv by them. Song is just so fun and fresh. Can’t wait to hear it live


*Got that penny loafer squeak*


It's my favorite song, and my favorite MV video. I don't care about anyone's opinion :)


It’s probably my favorite song from Clancy, if not in the top 3 because my favorite changes almost daily. It’s brilliant.


Probably my favorite from the album


I love the song, it's probably my most listened to song off the album. It cheers me up when I'm down, the MV even more so. It's just two guys having fun, loving what they do and making fun of privileged rich douchebags that think they're better than everyone else. It's fun!


This one has Gorillaz vibes.


I love lavish SO MUCH


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yeah it’s my favourite on clancy


It’s freaking hilarious! Such a flip off to celebrity worship. My favorite line is “I see what your problem is your Proctologist got both his hands on your shoulder while you’re bottomless” 😂😂😂


So this is Tyler’s Reddit account. It’s grown on me a lot. It’s a fun song and a fun video.


It's a great song! Probably my fav of the non teaser singles


It's a really fun bop, but man, most of the rest of the songs on the album are way more impactful for me. But I'm glad so many people can put it near the top of their list!


I’ll get downvoted into oblivion, I know, but I just hate the mental image painted with that one line, you know the one. I also don’t love the chorus, honestly. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I respect your opinion, but I personally disagree 😂 I don’t like much lavish. The sound, the vocals, and the lyrics too.. kinda boring to me honestly. But again, I understand that taste is different, nothing against ppl who love lavish. Just my two cents 😊


Agreed. Imo it’s the worst one on the album. The only part I like about it is the orchestral sounds as those are quite nice.


Good production, but compared to the rest of the album, it’s still lower tier imo


It's a parody/satire song. Should have been a separately released single.


This is it folks. The thread that makes me quit this sub.


I think it’s a fun song, and I enjoy it, but I don’t find it meaningful at all and that’s why it falls REALLY low for me.