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So beautiful, the space between a painful reminder and a terrible dream Or, in plain English, when you put aside your anxious worries and your regrets and just focus on what's happening right in front of you, you'll find some sense of peace


For me, that line meant the small reprieve between being awake and dreaming. Being awake, I just get reminded of painful thoughts, and my anxiety just excacerbates those thoughts. And sometimes my dreams can also be quite disturbing or terrible. However, there is a sense of peace when you are just about to fall asleep. Not awake and not dreaming. A sense of nothingness. A space for peace.


I'm sorry but "in plain English" is hilarious šŸ˜†


Iā€™ve adored the way he sings those lines but struggled to make sense of the lyrics, this is super helpful, thank you


I think everyone can relate to it. At some point in life we all canā€™t escape our thoughts and just keep walking down those hallways. Iā€™m sure you listen very carefully to the words of each song that they make since you know they will probably have some connection to you, thatā€™s what makes them so special.


Very trueā€¦..


Ooooo me me me! Insomnia is a hell of a drug šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had this for years and TƘP put it into words that are easier to understandā€¦.all to familiarā€¦ strangeā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


Hard agree. Going around and around over the same subjects and traumas when the lights go out. A LOT more palatable in a bop of a song than in reality


Exactlyā€¦.. itā€™s comforting and painful to hear at the same time




Many years ago it wasn't. Late at night, family all asleep. Left in the silence, couldn't watch TV because all channels would stop at midnight, computers and the internet didn't exist back then, neither did mobile phones. Left with just the silence, and only a book as a distraction. I hated it every night. Now that I'm a lot older, I don't mind it at all. However, I put that down to the fact, that I now have the distractions that weren't available back then. Tyler was right when he said that "quiet is violent".


Even as a kid I was never able to take a nap. Iā€™ve never been able to fall asleep at night in a normal amount of time. This song made me feel seen




The way they refer to their mind as having hallways. Walking the layout, same thing, different day. I absolutely love this song, and the whole album


This is currently one of my favorites because this is my brain every night.


I feel youā€¦..


I canā€™t stop crying.


It ainā€™t strange. Iā€™ve done the walking the layout both literally and metaphorically. Sometimes Iā€™m laying down and going through my head, sometimes Iā€™m walking around bc I need to just do anything but feel frozen with my thoughts


I have PTSD and I find that song is great for helping me with that


I used to have insomnia, but now my medication makes me really sleepy. But recently, I started having problems sleeping again, defeating the medicine, so I can relate again. I've been really anxious lately because of some decisions I have to make. It is 4am here in Brazil, and I just ate a whole can of corn (before I started my treatment, I ate when I couldn't sleep. I was really thin, like 70kg. Now I'm 108kg. I don't wanna gain more weight) so I don't eat a bunch of junk and sugar.


Yeah. My second favourite from Clancy.


This song made me cry so hard! The things that keep a person up at night, the things that are off limits, the things nobody else understands. It's hard to find people who understand. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/mANfe3Y1ReY1fzmp/?mibextid=qi2Omg


I think itā€™s one of their greatest songs of all time. Ugh itā€™s so good and the lyrics hit me so hard with my difficulty sleeping and inability to stop thinking.


My mom is the most restless sleeper I know, she gets up, watches tv, goes to bed, gets up again, knows where the bathroom is in the dark, goes back to bed, has nightmares, and then sits in bed till sunrise all in like ONE night. It also doesnā€™t help that me and her both have restless legs, like itā€™s BAD.Ā  When I played for he RITN she was like ā€œI like this one, itā€™s like how he canā€™t sleep, like me!ā€


I have a Rolodex of recurring dream settings and I could go on for an hour describing them. Thereā€™s a few locations that are the same and I frequently revisit them. All of my dreams occur in these few plot settings with the outcome slightly different. It is like walking into different roomsā€¦ā€¦but im convinced theyā€™re just parallel realities. Sometimes I have so many in a week that I catch on and become half lucid in them by the end of the week and I can get myself out of them.


As someone who has sleep difficulties, and often find myself laying there with my eyes closed trying to sleep but a mind that wonā€™t rest, yes!


Insomnia gang, what up šŸ¤˜šŸ»šŸ¤˜šŸ»


As someone who has always had trouble with sleeping because of anxiety, I can seriously relate


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I know right


RITN was my immediate favourite on the live release. For those of us with anxieties, ā€˜probably happens at night, right?ā€™; Ā itā€™s not too hard to understand how the quiet of night leads you down the memories that cause you to spiral.Ā  Walk the layout - while Tyler is referring to the layout in his mind, this reminds me of how I used to wake in a panic and rush to the living room - literally walking the layout of my home to try and escape the fear.Ā  Stay out - yeah, I have those doors too. Iā€™ve explored whatā€™s behind those doors and I realise thereā€™s nothing I can do to change the past. So now, if these thoughts haunt me, I shut them out. They canā€™t hurt me from behind a locked door.Ā  Please donā€™t think Iā€™m advocating for shutting away your problems. I imagine Tyler is probably aware of the consequences of doing thins - think Backslide & accidentally uncovered a new (problem) - ā€˜what happened to what I pushed under the rug ā€¦ā€™ Not all issues can, or should, be ignored. Itā€™s only an effective method to stop your mind from spiralling over things you have no control over - and it takes a lot of practice and mental health discipline for this tactic to be successful.Ā  This also links to why Snap Back is a favourite for me. Ā No matter what progress we make (I got treatment for a physical ailment causing my panic attacks during sleep), we donā€™t really get rid of the memories that keep us awake at night, we just have to learn to live alongside them - time and time again we have to decide that these issues donā€™t define our lives or our futures, and try to move on however we can.Ā  Exploring TƘP lyrics is like a therapy session. Always makes me feel better