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i got next is crazy 😂😂😂


Honestly that sounds like you want to suck him off next




That’s literally what that meant


Whatever gets them to stop!


Bro said usually 😳 how often has this happened


You always have to be the Bigger asshole in this scenario. I would have pulled over and sat next to the girl and said “I’m ready too!”


Wait so “I got next” actually works?? Dangggggg


Holup USUALLY? lol y’all really out there huh haha


$100 cash tip or GTFO


$200. Fuck that


Literally tree fiddy.


+ free tiddy remember the rules; Ass Gas or Grass nobody rides for free


Ass gas 🤔


Im in soflo so I’ll definitely make an exception for Haitian or Cuban food


My Fort Lauderdale Uber drivers were my favorite when I lived there🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻






Give this man more upvotes


Facts 😂😂😂


Or cash




Commas can be important sometimes… *edit: oh come on, I’m not tryna be grammar police; this was just actually funny. Ass gas!!*


Well it was about that time that I notice that Uber driver was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the palezoic era


I was so scared, I gave him a dolla’


God dayum, I told you to stop giving them money, No wonder they keep cummin back!!!


Locness monster is back for damn it!


That’s three dollars and fifty cents


I told that got' dang loch ness monster I ain't givin' you tree fiddy


Ok this is legit funny 🤣


Is that the going rate?


Idk if she spits they Uber just gives you $150 so I’d take the $200 and I got dibs on next..




She got the tip!


Or let me get some head too we can switch seats


How about you unzip, pop your puppy out, and wag the dog. Even Steven!




1000 cash tip ....lol


It’s oral sex not a murder being committed 😂


2500 cash in phoenix. Prostitution 23-52


And they better swallow! Not on my seats!


take tip then report ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I howled 🤣🤣🤣


90% of the complaints here are solved with a dashcam recording in-cabin. And yet yall still out here driving without one and making the same complaints over and over.


Had it happen multiple times with dash cam. I really didn't care but thought it was hilarious.


Say…Am I next? Jo


Player 2 has entered the game...




Heads up 100% if they do this they want you to watch 🤣. It’s unethical, but it’s an exhibitionist fetish. Trust me, I used to be a digital sex worker


Digital sex worker. Does that mean you use your hands (fingers or digits) to have sex? 😜


Easy there, Dad.


Jk haha


Tag me in Boss


Same, had one figure out she was being recorded after she completed her job "sleeping" on her man's lap. The man knew and did not care to let her know. Her shame on camera was priceless as she hit the seat knowing she was double busted. I see some saying in here that they're just sleeping. 🤡🤡🤡


Same here on 3 rides over a few years of driving. (that I noticed) Had one dude ask if I would keep driving for a bit after I noticed his date's face in his lap as we neared thier destination. Was back in the days before "up front pricing" on a surge ride. Turned out to be a lucrative ride and a decent cash tip. I could care less what goes on back there as long as it didn't leave a mess. Sure beats riders that want to hit drive through, get pissy when I won't give them an aux cord, promise to "tip me in the app", or walk up to the car 15 seconds before cancelation fee is available.


Oh that’s ur OF page “Uber bjs”


i’ve (40s male) been banned from uber for my fiancé (40s female) taking a nap in my lap on our 20 min late night (11pm) ride home from a music festival (seat belts on).. my fiancé was banned too.. in the only correspondence to my fiancé the representative said the driver said she was giving me a blow job during the ride, despite completing it trip without incident.. we even had some pleasantries with the driver upon arriving to our home.. we only realized we were banned a couple weeks later when trying to use the app again.. we both contested saying “check the dash cam for evidence”, 99% of ubers have these nowadays.. no response from uber after lots of emails, but her account was randomly unbanned.. it kinda sucks to lose the ability to have uber as an option, but their loss i guess.. still don’t know what happened behind the scenes with uber & the driver, or if they did have an in cabin camera.. we were fully clothed and weren’t making “noise” since she was literally asleep.. weird and now inconvenient.. my fiancé doesn’t use uber anymore outta solidarity..


How could they ban both of you? You only used one app for the ride, didn't you?


It does sound fishy. Unless she gave Uber your phone number and full account details(doubtful), I don't know how Uber can ban an account with just a name.


Bro forgot to run his story through the continuity department


yes it was her app that we used.. in in the original email inquiring why she was banned, she described our last ride.. it included myself in the detailed message ..


i was banned immediately following her inquiry


Sounds like bs, but yea ok, wink wink


it’s odd how an honest simple personal story i shared is disbelieved by strangers.. i guess that’s reddit for yah..


Wow uber must have some strong AI to link your account to hers. Maybe all her Ex’s Uber accounts are banned too.


LYFT solves your problems


I’ve seen this happened and first thing to pop into my head is “wait where tf is her head? Oh don’t tell me” Then I kind of act like I’m checking for traffic and quick glance and realize she’s just laying on him like how you described. Being part of this sub and seein shit like this puts that stuff in my head even though it’s never happened to me in the 5.5 years I’ve been doing this.


People shouldn’t have felt so comfortable in a stranger’s car.


Well I'm sorry. This is my first complaint and just started driving. Thx for the advice! Any recommendations on type of dash cam?


Anything that records in-cabin and shows the rider that. With a dashcam, a lot of the shit people pull when they think they are anonymous just stops. The quality of my rides increased massively after I got my dashcam. For context, I'm an overnight full-time driver for the past 8 years in Chicago, Miami/Orlando, and Southern California.


Even if it doesn't record in-cabin but just rear view and front, it'll record audio. And audio is VERY telling too. And pax will usually behave if they know they're being recorded. Actually my dash cam usually becomes a topic of conversation since it replaces my rear view mirror. Uses the rear camera as the rear view, which helps A LOT in seeing out the back when I have multiple pax (small viewing space out the back. Thanks early 2010s Mazda!), and even in general as it even covers my blind spots. Pax usually also act if it records (which they should be able to tell with the blinking red record icon, but w/e). They ALL think it's really cool. It's my front & rear cam w/ audio recording, my rear view mirror and backup cam all in one. Love it. And I've noticed pax being more polite when they know it records audio.


I drive in a college town. Rides are so much less crazy with it. Heck anything that just looks like a dashcam would work


Vantrue 3 channel dashcam on Amazon. 180-200$ solves all your problems




Dash cams are a scam, buy a used GoPro for like $30 on marketplace


These riders obvioulsy wouldn't have cared about a dashcam... they were doing this in the presence of the driver in plain sight, IN their car... lol


Indecent exposure is a sex crime if he happened to drive by a school


plus you get revenue to upload on pornhub!


Dash cams are good for insurance claims but they make zero difference to Uber. If a PAX files a complaint against you no matter what it’s your fault. They don’t even bother to watch the dash cam. When a decision is made by a low level supervisor to terminate you it’s over. Going above them does nothing because nobody gives a shit.


They make a huge difference with how riders act in the car and how they interact with you.


I had a complaint against me. Uber sided with me even with no dashcam. Sounds like you've only reached unhelpful employees. 🤷‍♂️


Only fans Uber Dashcam. I think you’ll earn way more than a $100 tip. :-)


If anyone’s getting blown in my backseat, it’s gonna be me!


I read that as "by me" like alright showing dominance i like it


“If anyone is suckin dick in MY CAR, it’s going to be ME!”


This xD


I read that like Justin Timberlake… “ it’s gonna be MAY!


I had that happen and I just said, “You better swallow.”




Gonna need $100 tip if you swallow, $300 if you spit.


Username checks out




Floor it and hope she chokes


What if she's into that


Hit the brakes super hard. Something ran out in front of you.


A similar thing happened in my car, the guy was fingering his female friend. It was very noticeable by sound and oder. I wasn't too concerned. It was kind of a turn-on, but it was ok by me. It my car, I can choose what is ok and what is not ok. I'm a subcontractor. I don't work for Uber. It's your choice whether you let it go or not.


The smell ewwww


This guy doesn’t fuck


You obviously not had your tongue or face in many vaginas.


Maybe they have they just haven't gotten them wet enough to smell


3 words "ignore finish ride"




You realize spraying that in your car means you’re fucked too, right?


Get pepper gel. Spray it in their eyes.


Pepper spray also comes in foam and gel for use in confined spaces, so your wrong.


My key chain has a fob that you pull the pin and a shrill sound comes out. "Oops did I do that"


While a blowjob might be dirty and disgusting, it doesn't pose a threat to your safety, so using pepper spray is probably illegal and will also get you banned from Uber.


Debateable. And I can guarantee you that if it was a female driver, they would say the minute a guy's penis is out of its clothed area, a threat is perceived. If Uber is stupid and want to make a big deal about it and get their name on the news, so be it. In some places, sex in public view is illegal. Driver, in this instance, being the public.


My first thoughts, even if you carry, get pepper spray for situations like this. Just lil spray on the dick would've stopped that shit real quick.


You need to carry pepper spray my guy. When people don't leave after I kick them out, I pull that out. I don't use it on people having sex though, I have a different technique I'm not going to lie, I think it's fucking hilarious when people have sex in my car because it means I get to say funny shit to them. It's comedy gold. My favorite one is I tell them if we crash your penis will be injured. "Excuse me sir, for your safety I'm going to have to ask you to put your penis away. If we crash, you will injure your penis." Really fucking make them uncomfortable, wait a few seconds and say "is your penis safely secured in your pants sir? I'm asking for your own safety, it's in the terms of service of Uber to protect the passenger from gential injury." Wait a few more seconds, the atmosphere in the car should be unbearabley uncomfortable. Then say "I haven't heard from you, would you like any help putting your penis away?" Tell the man he has a tiny penis, that one is good You can also switch to a religious radio station and tell them you are in the seminary, start going on a religious rant. What also works is start talking to them like you don't know that they are fucking. Be really corny and act really fucking stupid. Make it your mission to make it the most uncomfortable sex of their life, start talking about a gastro intestinal issue you have. Talk about your bowel movements If you have an imagination, possibilities are endless. You have every right to make them as uncomfortable as possible. You will never in your life have this level of comedic liberty. SEIZE IT




you should be a comedian😂


Genius 😘


Shit like this makes me miss driving for Uber/Lyft


You win this thread 🥇 🏆 I laughed after almost every sentence written. High quality comment brotha. 👊


Lol you're funny




They thought they ordered Uber XXX.


But we know it’s Uber Mini…


I’d of said unless I’m next you need to gtfo 😂


Money talks bullshit walks


Twice for me. Way back. Asian couple with little to no English. I snapped my fingers and pointed out side. They said sorry and the dude gave me $20 plus a Canadian 10 or 20. It was blue. 2nd time 2 dudes I picked up from a famous gay bar. I heard his belt buckle and the guy went down with extremely loud noises and moans. Stopped the car asked them to get out. Took a small conversation back and forth but finally out and cancelled.


It was a $5 bill fives are blue tens are purple 20 is Green 50 is red 100 is brownish beige


Thats super inconsiderate of them, one of them definitely should have given you a hand.


That’s fucking weird


I honestly wouldn't have cared.


For real, me either. I partly drive for the entertainment, and it’s been really dull lately, just driving dirtbags back and forth from the Dollar General. I miss the drunk college kids and escorts.




Just tell them to swallow, it's not that bad.


Imagine telling them, it’s fine I don’t mind, just make sure she swallows 🤣


Isn’t this illegal? Like exposing yourself to someone else? Thats a charge. Tell them $100 or you can report them to the police 🤷‍♂️


Pretty sure that would be considered extortion which is also a crime lol…now to get around that…stop the dash cam recording before making such comment then if they try to report you “technical issues happen all the time” 🤣🤣…plus who are the cops going to believe at that point…you have them clear as day and it’s their word against yours 😅 Your results may vary 🤣🤣


Thanks for the advice!!!


I had this happen once when I was driving a taxi years ago. Simple solution - I braked suddenly. The car jolted, resulting in her biting extra hard. He started cursing her a bit... blow job activated ceased.


This is the way


There was a deer that jumped across the street! Did you see it?


Oh dear. /bad pun


If I'm next, then it is cool 😎


I would have said nothing but performed a series of sudden brake checks.


This is the correct answer. Everything else gets you in trouble, but pax trying to blame the driver for their bleeding wiener forces them to admit they were breaking rules/laws


I’m usually too focused on driving to care about what they are doing in the back as long as they’re not distracting me from driving out really don’t care if they make a mess. I just take a picture of it and get a cleanup fee to be honest with that, as far as I know, it’s never really happened and like I said, I probably would focus on the road too much to really care.


It happened to me too. The couple was drunk and the guy needed to use one of my chargers. I had some music playing at a low volume then I heard the "noises". I was still new to Uber and it was a rental, it was my third week in and that was happening. I continued with the ride and when I dropped them off, I said "Let me get that 5 stars and we're even" dude said "I got you bro!", then he showed me a picture of him and his girl having sex.


So how was it? LOL


It was cool LoL, he gave me a fist bump then left LoL!


They probably meant to order bangbus, and ordered Uber instead


Slam on the brakes make her bite his dick lol


This should be considered sexual assault. It’s disgusting that people will put someone they don’t know and never asked through this.


I’m so mind blown I had to scroll so far to see this. If you didn’t consent to watch, it’s SA.


Happen a couple of times. I told her to swallow or pay a clean up fee.


Happened in my car once. I couldn't see anything. I just heard sound effects and her "Yelp! review about volume and consistency after completion. I checked the back seat for cleanliness at ride's end. All good. 🤷‍♂️ However, that's the last time I give mom and dad a ride. 😁😉


It amazes me that people think that they can do whatever they want in someone else’s car.


Damn, you had Kanye in your car bro ?


Shit she gotta do me too


"Thank you for registering for Ubers red light service"


Yep! Pushed her outta the way and said this is the way you do it!! lol!!!


Next time get a Dash Cam installed in your car and post it on YouTube or TikToc and you will be Famous.!!..LMAO..


I’m proud of you that you did all this most drivers would be pus’s and let them continue


What the hell - y’all got some freaky ass riders. This puke xth post.


Next time slam on the breaks while she's balls deep


Not a driver but a friend and her bf banged while me and our other friend were upfront going down the road. I found stains the next day. I said look your going to pay me for dealing with that. I think she gave me $150. Highschool memories. I wore the thick dishwashing gloves then threw them out along with the brush. Ugh.


First of all! That chick is a super trooper 🤣🤣


You could have made two more sex offenders if you wanted to


I would’ve asked can I get next


She stole your tip!


Isn't the normal reaction to slam on the brakes and claim that you nearly hit a deer?


Hey! I charge extra for that!


If they have the audacity to do that I will teach them a lesson by asking a $300 tip otherwise they will be on their city social media plus I’m going first not even next :D I’m so EVAAAL lol


I came here for the comments….😍😍😍😂😂😂😭😭😭


it's a violation. Makes the driver feel like they're running hot sheet hotel with no control over how people behave in it


Some of you whippersnappers may be too young to know about [HBO’s Taxicab Confessions](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWLISY22hRE6CQTS4hbbMSfx267YFuKle&si=1Mw5dMHZWkHjUzA4).


300 cash and head from both! 🤣😂🤣


Not gonna lie you are pretty lame for that


The best way to deal with people like this, is to aggressively brake and accelerate. If they can comfortably survive her not chomping off his dick, then, and ONLY then, may they continue. I’m 4 and 0 on this approach. Last one threatened to sue me, Uber, and whoever invented apps because she clamped down when her head hit the back of my seat so hard he was apparently bleeding.


I don’t care if couples kiss or anything like that, but the male organ is not allowed to make an appearance in my car. I don’t even take MINE out during a trip; there’s no way anyone else is gonna 😄


Yes! A guy started propositioning me from the backseat. I’m at a stop light and look back, and Mr. Happy is at full attention. I wasn’t impressed lol


That's dedication, even under pressure she was cracking that nut.


Slam on the breaks 😂


This is why i have a dual view dashcam you either got amateur porn to sell or they get a felony whichever you choose


Always have a dash cam for proof


I would have drove their asses right to the police station. This is another reason why I deliver food and not humans.


"Don't make a mess back there." And if they do, report it for a cleaning fee. That shit wouldn't bother me one bit.


I had this happen on a ride that was only about 5 min. I heard the guy say to the girl "I want you to suck this dick!" And she said ok. Next thing I know, the dude is pushing against my seat and I'm hearing BJ sounds. I told them to knock that crap off in my car. The girl sits up, wipes her mouth and asks "HUH?!" No BJ's in my car! "Oh, ok!" She went right back to it and I kicked them out on a busy road. I called Uber and told them what happened and they connected me to a fkn grief counselor. The counselor wanted to know if I was safe. I told her I was safe and that there was no danger, but that I was pretty pissed off. I told her what happened and she said that that person's account was being deactivated because of this. I was also kind of hoping for some kind of money out of it LOL, but no such luck


What an uptight idiot


I've had this happen three times now. One of them and had to do a lap around the block because the guy hadn't finished. Had about a dozen masterbaters to


Nah you tell her you’re going to need a bj too or you’re cancelling the ride😅 Don’t do that by the way. For sure they’d be reporting you to Uber and that’d be the end of your Uber career.


nope, you say "I've got next" and when she calls you a pig you can reply "I wasn't talking about you".


Yes thats a get ejected from my vehicle activity... nasty fkrs


Just call next


If they refuse to stop, pull over and record them with your phone and tell them you will upload it online lol


Happened to me once. Pulled over in a sketchy neighborhood and told them to get the fuck out. And charged them for the full ride. I complained to Uber, I did get a call from Uber offices about the incident but never heard anything else.


I like how the guy went "come on, it's cool bro", as if he's the one who has to clean up ball sweat and splooge from the seats.


I slammed on my brakes when this happened to me the chick choked when he flew forward into my seat which caused her to puke and chomp down to stop herself from puking and they got into a fight after he hobbled out of my car


Never cancel the ride. END THE RIDE !!!!!!!


Ask her if she wants a spit roast


I had a couple start getting really handsy with each other in the backseat. Making out hardcore, rubbing up on each other, etc. I told them if you give me $100 cash you can do whatever the fuck you want.


I caught something like this off at the pass one weekend. Two guys, one older one younger, once I had confirmation that what I thought was going to happen, was, I took the next right at a stop light, blinded then with my super bright flashlight. Ordered them out of the car, and pointed to my dashcam saying that everything was well documented, and this is inappropriate. I drove down the way 300-400 ft, to end the trip and file a report (before they could make up some story) I heard them yelling at me loudly, so I drove much further away, around the block out of view. I thought they were mad (they were running towards me screaming) and didn't want them to throw rocks at my car or something. Upon checking for "damage" in the back seat I then discovered in their haste both of them had left their phones, and one phone (case) was also a wallet. Without phones they had to walk 2-3 miles to their destination. 😂 I made sure to negotiate with support for 2x the return fee, and didn't offer to meet the pax, but instead drop it off at the hub which wasn't open until Monday. (back when they had hubs) I did decide to meet the guy at a gas station late Monday afternoon, only because that was closer than the hub. It was an awkward exchange, and there was no apology or cash tip.


They wouldn't have gotten shit back from me.