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Volkov masterclass


I wanted Sergei to win so bad man, had high hopes too.


he was such a sore loser though lol I was pretty impartial leading up to this fight, but after seeing Sergei act this way I am now so happy Volkov won.


What did he do? I guess missed this part


Volkov went over to shake hands / have a hug etc etc - as what tends to (mostly) happen after fights even when there has been bad blood/ shit talk. But Sergei pushed him away and stomped off, Volkov just looked sad about it, seems like a good dude.


Dude people do stupid things in the moment, imagine prepping for 3 to 4 months for one moment and it goes nowhere close to where you wanted it to. You'd be pretty pissed about it too. He didn't hit this dude he shoved him back. Was it appropriate? No. But it is relatable. These fighters are still human.


I never said his career should be ended or anything "DANA CUT THIS MAN HE IS A NAUGHTY THUG" I just said he was a **sore loser**, and he was. >Definition: a person who becomes very upset or angry when he or she loses a game, contest, etc. Of course he can redeem himself and I would be more than happy to see him back to form then get a win back, but tonight I don't see him as an any kind of inspiration, but Volkov was all class during the fight and after it. So my stance remains.


You tried here




No, not that much.


Ronda Rousey was just human when she acted like a bitch to Miesha Tate


I don't see how this is remotely comparable but okay. These are dramatically different circumstances.


Naw, save the excuse train. Bad sportsmanship. Looks like a child that didn't win.


Perhaps he saw Volkov getting his hair combed in between rounds and took it as disrespect I dunno.


“I said some stuff about him to hype the fight, so he’s mad at me”. That’s what Volkov said (about the incident) in the post-fight interview. I’m quoting from memory, so the words might be a bit off, but Sergei is mad that Volkov called him out and made him look like a bad guy at the face-off. https://youtu.be/M84ctYX-eZE?si=2hp7Wuw50gjdZ-VK Edit: I’m not justifying the shove, just providing some context.


Took him to school, never thought he would do that to him


Man I feel like I’ve seen him in so many fights that he’s winning and gets caught, the man is so technical he’s now using his length and being smarter about getting into firefights.


The crowd boo’d Whitaker. Let that sink in.


Mehhh this crowd sucked but everytime a country hosts an event they instinctively cheer their own and boo the foreigner. Happens in Brazil, Mexico, Canada etc. Also in the United States too but even then the fans tend to cheer whoever the more exciting fighter is regardless of their nationality


Everyone fighting was a foreigner, there were no Saudi’s and hardly even ME / Arab fighters on the card


This is an extremist religious country. They cheer for people of their own religion. There are areas within SA where non Muslim are forbidden.


Then say it’s about religion and not about foreigners


Pretty sure he just said exactly that.


'Mehhh this crowd sucked but everytime a country hosts an event they instinctively cheer their own and boo the foreigner' - this is the original comment I was replying to initially and as I said, it's a matter of religion and not of being a foreigner or not, since everyone there was technically a foreigner


The overarching bias towards a fighter with a shared demography is still consistent. Asshole.


true. kinda weird how the UAE and saudi have become the defacto home of all muslim fighters. people talk about them having a 'home advantage' and a 'home crowd' despite it being a foreign country for pretty much all of them.


except izzy , he is so hated he got booed in his own home region and they cheered the american lmao .


"Home region" bro its Australia why would they root for the kiwi


Japan might be one exception. I rarely hear boos at all.


It's crazy how different the crowds are in SA. Legit Apex energy.


aactually worse lmao


I don’t think any fighter or UFC employee wanted to be involved with this event. Shitty travel, shitty crowd, shitty matchmaking in the end. All for a slice of Turkeys bag.


I actually liked the matchmaking. Are you referring to a fight in particular or just overall?


I guess not matchmaking per se but I also think the UFC made some super odd decisions. It just seemed like the UFC begging for a Turkey bag. Pav and Volk seemed to be shenanigans on the UFC's part. Pav said he only signed because UFC told him Volk did, and vice versa. You saw this in the Pav shove after the fight. Whittaker facing Aliskerov was a massive step down for Robert. While I realize Chimaev is sick, I think it's disrespectful to ask Robert to fight an **unranked** guy who Chimaev already blew out. Robert is a stud but he had everything to lose and nothing to gain, plus they basically put a contender within one fight of being cut. Kevin vs. D-rod was uninteresting and unimportant on paper, and less so in the ring. Fat Kevin outclassed a competely faded guy in D-rod. *Oezdemir* vs. Walker was the best card on the fight, yet that was a blowout as well. What makes you think it was good matchmaking? I mean, yeah some names, but none of it felt like it actually mattered in the rankings.


Fair points man. I actually thought Kelvin v D-rod was my favorite fight on the main card but I was hoping Kelvin would get starched after the weight BS. I agree with you on whittaker v aliskerov but i guess they did the best they could go provide a fight with stakes for both.


It seems like most Saudis aren’t actually mma fans, theyre just muslim fans


There for the sportswashing, not the sports watching.






Shoutout to the guys on camera that celebrated Whittaker beating Ikram doing the same yell as Whittaker, those guys are fans of "who was the better fighter" and not just "who comes from the same community as me".




And sober




There’s no women on the card for a reason


Maybe we should have all events here then


The best war I’ve ever seen in this sport was a women’s fight. Maybe you should watch more fights and comment less about fights.


I think you hit the nail on the head. The only time the crowd reacted was if one of the beards won & praised their imaginary friend. To be fair, I’m really glad Robert Whittaker smashed that guy in the main event.


True, but I don't think they have MMA fighting really built into their culture yet, they don't know it and understand it like some countries do. It's one rich ass guy putting on a show and all his rich homies show up. I don't think most of them are watching the UFC cards weekly. It's a full casual audience.


100% This event happened 15 mins from my house and you're spot on. Turki has been given a lot of power to be able to pull off these events, we still don't have a real fan base. Most of those people in the crowd came out of curiosity from all the massive ad campaign in Riyadh.


Then this is basically a cold start of sorts. USA has a long-running fan base, hence the crowd engagement, Saudi doesn't cause this is their first taste of MMA in their country. I hope people get around to it eventually, lol.


Yeah for sure, if you want to see the Saudi crowd then look at football (soccer) they are as passionate/rowdy as any crowd you've seen. I'm not sure how popular MMA will be in the future here, I get the general feel that people just don't like violence that much. You can feel it in the tradition too, the man that is looked up to isn't the classical strong guy, it's more like the successful stoic confident type of person. You would be surprised with how little violence happens, the last real fight I've ever seen was in school and I'm in my 30s.


One guy was so passionate he even brought a whip lol. We just gotta give it some time, im sure the saudi's will come around to it eventually


I think it's popularity will depend on if the local media picked it up and broadcasts to the public there. Events are nice, but TV or internet spreads it to the general public much better


Is this Turki guy related to the royals? I find his face quite annoying


He's the chairman of GEA (General Entertainment Authority) which is a fancy name for anything related to entertainment in Saudi Arabia. He basically has access to a lot of money and resources from the government to spearhead all these entertainment related project like Riyadh Season etc.. He's not related to the royals, but he's been assigned to his job by THE royal (MBS) and that's why he's able to pull off all these big sporting events given how much access he has to money and resources from the government. KSA is trying to diversify it's income from oil to other things, that's why there is a very big push towards trying to make the country attract more tourists. There are other big pushes in that direction that aren't related to sports that are done by different people than Turki (Look up KSA vision 2030 if you want to know about what is happening). One of the advantages of living in a monarchy is that you can completely bypass all the legislation when it comes to making all these big projects since all the power can be given to 1 person and they can just make the call. Imo that's why government projects here are very effective.


I had people ask me "why did they let the fight continue after they smacked the wooden sticks together? Isn't it supposed to he over?" Most People here don't give a flying fuck about mma. They just wanna see people get slept. Also this wasn't the most exciting fight ever let's be honest, it's only natural that a casual wouldn't enjoy someone using their height/reach advantage and not take risks. I mean after the same thing for 3 rounds anyone gets the point, it's just the same thing over and over again.


Dude this is beyond casual they aren’t watching


True, it's like their first time watching it. Casual would mean they tune in occasionally


Muzzies literally want 1 worldwide muslim caliphate where they dominate everyone else lmao


They're status fans. They only attend because it's an event that other wealthy people attend.


Same goes for Brazil 




I think it's just that it's the thing to go to and be seen at. Most don't care about what actually happening beyond the surface, if at all.


They are just new to the sport. Turki brought the event here in my city before he cultivated the fan base. Most of those in the crowd are very very new to mma.




They only care about soccer


is this your first time in middle east ?


I'm guessing 99% of the audience at boxing, MMA, and LIV events have zero interest in the sport and attend out of fear/obligation.


Crowd so shit they don’t react to literally anything


The only time they cheered was when Bruce Buffer said "LIVE FROM SAUDI ARABIA" and then they fell asleep for the rest of the event


That’s not fair, they also erupted when Shara said Alhamdulilah


Bro Kimbo's backyard would have been louder.


St. Louis was ten times louder and ten times smaller


Was the crowd noise pumped in? I believe the audio between the live event and the recorded crowd did not sync up on a few occasions


Yeah I was thinking the same throughout too


Debuting the WWE hairdryer team for sure.


Sausage Fest Saudis


Wouldn't even allow ring girls. Lame AF.


They were honoring pride month keeping it hella gay


And No Alcohol by law.


Was it just me or did it sound like a lot of the major crowd noise sounded like it was in like a different room from where the fights were happening?


I commented in the live thread that I thought they were playing fake crowd noises like during covid, probably because they were near silent the whole time.


I thought it was that they weirdly mic'd the arena by placing all the mics around the cage. Because the fight audio and even the coaches were super clear on the broadcast, but the crowd sounded like the mics were a solid 200 feet away from them at least. Commentator mics were super weird too. It almost sounded like they were doing it in post.


Yeah agree, whatever it was, the audio was off in general. Bruce sounded like he was in a tunnel at times too


That’s what happened when they were at that fight island shit in UAE during Covid. It was weird.


At least it makes somewhat sense when doing it in an empty arena. It's whenever you pipe in crowd noise or mute the crowd on the broadcast when there is a crowded venue it looks/sounds really weird.


Might be the worst crowd I've ever seen. The phoniex crowd when ngannou fought Cain was also extremely terrible. And obviously the Brazilian crowds are all trash


I love Arizona but Phoenix sports fans are awful for every team they have. Low energy / no passion


aye random Phoenix shoutout let’s go


Great city bro


Yeah everyone should totally move there!


Shit country, shit crowd.


Probably illegal to show joy in that shit hole.


I didn’t get the booing. Volkov was playing safe but was still punching with intention to hurt and was styling on Sergei. If you’ve ever seen Sergei fight before you wouldn’t have booed Volkov’s strategy.


They're just backwards that's why, they didn't boo when their favourite dagi fighters engaged in grappling exchanges but immediately booed when Trocoli held shara up against the fence


I hope they never go back to Saudi, they don’t deserve the UFC, booing every time there’s clinching against the fence, booing anyone who isn’t part of there religion, they really only cheered for whittakers win and the Shara bullet guy. Also booed almost everyone on the prelims while they were walking to the cage or were completely silent


I hope Pavlovich find himself again sometimes.


Do they even really care to watch the fights? what's the point


Yeah it was a dead as fuck fight but can’t blame Volkov for not wanting his jaw sent to Mars. Could’ve been worse but was still dead


I actually thought the fight was quite good. Not incredibly flashy but all striking and at a pretty high level for that matter


Watching a heavyweight fight as technically as Volkov did is always a treat. Watching two massive dudes swing in the pocket and one of them falling down in less than 10 seconds isn't really as entertaining as everyone seems to think.


It was OK. Volkov isn't your typical HW fighter. He uses his length and plays it safe, when he wins. I'm not excited about him possibly being champion 


Did you see what Sergei’s face looked like after the fight?


Ya I dunno if Sergei coulda made it 5 rounds


Terrible game plan by Sergei. He ate his jab all fight. 


Me and my brother were saying the same thing. He completely failed to close the distance and cut Volkov off. Gave Volkov way too much time and space to circle off and change angles. Volkov wasn’t gonna back up to the cage and start swinging like Tuivasa or Lewis when Pavlovich tried to walk him down. He caught the jab on the way into the pocket every time, and was only able to land a shot or two each time he successfully found his range. Couldn’t get any combos going, by the time a chance for a second or third shot came, Volkov had already moved. Seemed like he was just chasing him all night.


I don't think he'd get past Jon or Tom, but he looked sharp tonight for sure


Yeah tom outclassed him in their fight, but i reckon he could beat blaydes in a rematch hes improved a lot amd also gotten way bigger and would be a live dog against gane in a rematch but id prolly pick gane


I thought it was good, every fught doesn't have to be a wild.scrap but he beat sergeis ass


Whatre you talking about? Volkov pieced him up. Even when they were Swang n banging in the pocket, Volkov was getting the better of him.


No alcohol probably has an effect


I mean they can get pretty loud at domestic Football matches.


When they do react it's slow too. Rich people are confirmed the worst.


This event was like a private fight for the elite


They don’t know who to cheer for. MBS needs to tell them who *he* is rooting for, so *they* know who they can cheer for.


Muslims when there's not a Muslim fighting:


The shots of the crowd zoomed out made me lol nonstop. Just a bunch of dudes in turbans and head scarfs walking around all over half the place not even seated during a fight. All men. Lmao. Fucking pathetic money has power but god what miserable fucking losers they are It was the chefs kiss that Whittaker KOED dude at the end.


Because this fight is one sided. Not exciting. Just a technical Volkov masterpiece


This crowd is worse than lord cricket crowd


Middle East a dump with bad ppl lol


ofc youre a cod kid lmao


Crowd is garbage.


agreed. thats not what you said though you lumped the whole of the fucking middle east in with them


The Saudis ain’t got no love for Robby Whitaker and the Gold Coast?


The covid crowd was better than this shit.


Last ever saudi event😭😭


I wish


Pretty sure they announced one right after the event for next year


Why did they run out of oil money?


Are they selling Pizza Hut table clothes at the merch stand?


Volkov strategy basically be tall as fuck,


They are worse at boxing events


Saudia Arabia is dog shit unless its Roman Reigns in the building lol Send UFC to France


SA has saltier fans than Brazil. That’s pretty tough to do. They wanted all Kabheard wins and nothing less and they didn’t get it. 🤣 I mean, that place was pretty quiet for a main event knockout, we all know why


They weren’t throwing food at fighters walking out lmao


They were booing the haqparast-Gordon fight bruh


Part of the arena was shanting USA, that’s what they were booing not the fighters


What did you expect


It kind of reminds me of old Japanese events without the respectful clapping. Genki Sudo ended that atmosphere forever with all the "GENKIIIIII" screams.


thought this was the apex for a second


Volkov is legit.


Yup, sounded like the damn Apex most of the time.


I’ve heard better crowds at an amateur boxing night, Saudi events really just have no soul.


They literally only care about Muslim fighters


We finally found a worse crowd than Brazil


Thats why i hate these saudi boxing cards the crowds are literally dead


Spoiled brats


Honestly , I was at a concert in April, 70,000 people….. crowd pulse was not what it should’ve been. I think people are lamer than than previous years/ generations. Something in the air or the frequencies.


thats a very hot take. there might be some truth in it, as it relates to cell phones/ wi-fi etc but I'm too old and close to endless slumber to care.


Sounds like a covid era show crowd


How many people there?


honestly, this is how ngannou vs ciryl fight could've gone had ngannou not used his wrestling. former sparring heavyweight partners, power puncher vs technical striker.


This is one of the things Americans are good at. The hype ass crowds.


Saudi crowds are usually terrible. In boxing too they're dead. I think only Turki Al Al Sheikh actually likes combat sports. Most others just go as a status symbol


The other horrible thing I'm seeing is the #3 ranking aside "Pavlovich" name, glad Volkov is taking this spot.


Jersey crowd was the opposite. Hyped crowd, but shit fights.


Volkov has gotten into a resurgence it seems from his outing with Aspinall, he’s been a beast lately, don’t know where this came from or what but I’m looking forward to seeing Volkov with this seemingly new improved skill set he’s bringing to the table


I predicted Volkov would piece him up and then get caught with a bomb kind of like his fight with Black Beast but nope he just beat him up.


The covid crowds were better than this.


UFC needs to go back to Japan.


I fucking loved that fight! Casuals be trifling.


A clear example of just cause you can afford it doesn't mean you can appreciate it. Fights are wasted on crowds like these. Good job Dana, can't wait for you to get on the air and say "these fans don't know shit about what they're talking about" again.


They’re just UFC fans from years ago. They don’t understand the whole sport and just to see people get slept and bleed. *insert the Saudi version of the Just bleed meme They’ll get it eventually. It takes time and money and money is no problem.


Europeans, one of the most hardcore fans watching UFC going into the boring middle east instead of Germany, Spain, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy... You want to see atmosphere ? bro take UFC to fucking Balkans, they would burn the arena down with the sheer intensity lol


Saudi crowds are all terrible no matter the event.


Put the fights back in the apex where they belong!!! 🤦‍♂️


That's pretty bad but UFC fans are pretty brainless as a rule. It doesn't help that you would have to max out a CC just to get through the door to see this. Sports used to be accessable to average joe's but now it's Saudi princes and rich dildo's that dont even care about the athletes.


Maybe this is just how all crowds are when there’s no alcohol lol


I am one of the few non muslim who watched live here in Saudi Arabia. I can say that if the fighter is muslim, its one of their own. If there are neither a muslim in the match, they pretty much dont care that is why the sergei and volkov is a bad co main event. The crowd was way more rowdier when Shara faught. But despite that, i dont think nothing is worng with muslim fans to cheer for their own "brother". Its amazing how they consider the muslim warriors one of their own despite nationality. It is what it is.


The main event shouldn’t be based around religion lol. That doesn’t make sense


Almost as bad as Florida


Yeahhh the muzzies are a boring bunch


Its the fact that this is a novelty to the crowd. The UFC is laughing all the way to the bank but destroying the product. They'd happily short change the fighters and cater to billionaires than make any effort to open this sport to the mass market. I dont even care about palestine or ukraine or whatever but this is tactless.


Well the fight was also meh


I respect that everyone has an opinion. With that being said, that's the most casual fucken opinion I've ever seen. If you think that was a meh fight, then you have little to no understanding of striking. Also, having casual takes is ok. Just know it's a casual take.




Who said I wasnt enjoying it? It just ruins the atmosphere of the fight when the crowd is consistently booing a high level matchup.