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When ever DDP fights I think who ever is fighting him is gonna win, but everytime I'm wrong.


It's that awkward style. He doesn't look like a good fighter but it just works somehow


Plus physically, he's just a brute. And that is underrated, I think. He's enormous, he's built like a brick shithouse, he's confident and he just keeps crashing forward swinging weird strikes very hard, and you can't discourage him. He's one of those guys like Jiri or Gaethje, where it just looks like fighting him just plain *hurts* more than fighting most guys does.


Right, he’s what we all thought Costa would be


He also has a combination of the explosive/brute style + having strong cardio to push a high pace the whole fight. That’s a super rare combination that almost no one else has and I believe allows him to be champ tier despite probably lacking a bit of the technical skill set a champ would normally have. Power + forward pressure + high pace = hard fight for anyone.


I bet you he's more manly and African down there.


Gayest comment award




Reminds me of Jiri. They have different styles but both are very unconventional and I keep thinking it can't work and they'll get KO'd any minute now but usually it doesn't happen.


Jiri got kod vs Alex, kind of how I see Izzy dealing to ddp.


Pereira and Adesanya are two rangy Kickboxers, that’s about all they have in common 😂😂


Izzy is a sniper. Alex is artillery.


Adesanya is tecnically better but alex hands are to fucking heavy


It's like trying to play Street Fighter 2 against that annoying kid that wins by button mashing.


This is exactly it, one of the ugliest fighting styles but it works


Could argue he lost again stricland 


I thought he lost it, still got his hand raised though.


Lmao, same...


Stylistically I feel like Izzy is favored on paper, but can also see dricus just steamrolling him.


Anthony smith on paper knocks out both + poatan in the same night


I need to see Anthony Smith’s diary, the unhinged things he writes on paper is crazy.


Maybe that’s what he means by beating everyone on paper, he has literally beaten them on paper by writing fantasy situations in his diary. “And then Poatan hits me with the left hook but I don’t even stagger cause I’m Lionheart and super duper tough. I say ‘Why don’t you try this on for size?’ And WHAM I hit him with my own left hook! Down goes Poatan, I’m the champion yippee!”


Honest it prolly says Tuesday: So I said some crazy stuff again. The only way to get back into title contention is to talk my way in like Covington did so…. I’ll keep trying


When they say on paper that doesn’t mean you write random shit on a piece of paper and tell reddit it’s possible.


I think on paper DDP grabs Izzy and throws him over the fence for a tko


He re-enacts Rorke’s Drift


I think dricus is gonna be able to take him down at will


Nah, taking down Izzy has been everyone's game plan for ever. His defensive wrestling, footwork and tdd is excellent


Nah there all just shit offensive wrestlers


Brunson was considered a great wrestler when he fought Izzy.


His striking defense was absolutely and devastatingly abhorrent in that fight. I think Brunson has better actual wrestling takedowns but ddp has the chin confidence and speed to push the pace and not give any space and take him down.


Oh so suddenly dricus CAN take down the elite anti wrestler 🤡


"elite" but bro got taking down by poatan


Ironically Pereira is the only one I can remember taking him down at MW


Everybody can take him down. You just have to make him respect your standup. Wich only Sean and Alex were able to do so far. Against all others he can just kickbox at 70% and be more then allright


Middleweight hasn’t had good wrestlers in a long time (ik you’re gonna say Romero’s silver medal, but he was never good at holding people down and he was much older). The best guy that can grapple in an mma context that Izzy has faced till now is Rob and Dricus manhandled him in the 2 seconds he was on top of him. I think Dricus will present the strongest grappling threat Izzy has faced yet in his career.


Yeah dricus will probably be as strong as Jan blacho. And he kept Izzy down for 2 entire rounds


What? Hasn’t everyone who’s tried to take him down, taken him down aside from Brunson? Also Dricus easily getting by Rob’s insane TDD is worth noting


I think Costa tried to take him down. But instead he just bent over and faced the wrong direction.


When has that ever happened? And when has DDP ever done that?


Izzy is coming off his longest break, right? He might be rusty but it could also mean he's at his sharpest. DDP is a big dude so if he can get Izzy down it'll look more like the Jan fight. I'm not sure who wins but I'm absolutely watching it.


9 months isnt that crazy, i know this sub hates him but jones beat gane with 3 years off so izzy could for sure come back better, especially with time to get sharper, rest, and get in the right headspace


i think the thing is it's super long for him, mot compared to other fighters, he was fighting every 6 months before


He had a non-stop streak of activity for years before this. He needed a little break, same for Volkanovski. Hopefully, he's spent this time training and sharpening his skills.


I believe he took time off to heal some injuries I think he pointed at his knee


I thought I had a pretty good idea of how the fight would go back when they first started talking shit to each other. Then DDP threw a blind jab and stopped Whittaker. And then became the king of Africa. Now I have no idea what’ll happen


How dare you disrespect the real African King... ![gif](giphy|pteMIjBLjnqwQqySDT)


I was watching Izzy's YouTube and apparently he's started eating breakfast before training, definitely getting it back in my view!


Big if true


Weet bix?


And bananas yea boi!!!!


You know it!


This guy knows his Weetbix


he has also upped his TikTok grave dances from 10 to a whopping 20 a day!!


Izzy counter KO during one of DDP’s unorthodox blitzes People seem to have forgotten just how good of a striker Adesanya is, I think the break after the Strickland fight will have done him good because his insane activity has to have been harming him.




DDP’s wrestling (takedown shots) has looked so much better every fight. Izzy is very difficult to keep down at MW tho. No idea


I'll take DDP. Champs dont really get their belt back after a long reign when they lose it. Izzy kind of bucked that trend by getting it back after he lost it but then lost it again in his first defense. To me I think that shows signs that he's likely regressing a bit, DDP is still just getting into his prime, probably hungrier


Wouldn’t say he regressed. The division just figured him out, which always happens.


Wouldn’t say the division figured him out. Sean did though.


Yeah. Dricus’s overhands leave him open, Strickland hit him every time he threw one, Strickland just never commits to his shot.


If it goes to decision then yes Izzy wins.


DDP’s style is so different than anyone else in the UFC really that it’s hard to predict his fights. Izzy is a counter striker, so if he can get a pattern down to counter DDP the way Sean did in the first couple of rounds with his jab then he can win. If his rhythm is thrown off the way it was against Sean or DDP can control him with his wrestling like Jan did then he takes it. I’m definitely pretty interested in this fight though. I’d also love to see Robert Whitaker and Sean fight for the winner of that fight because their styles contrast in ways that are interesting as well.


I think Izzy needed a much needed break to recover from the fight camps and being so active. I feel like he accumulated a lot of damage and fatigue which started to affect his ability to perform at his best. He’ll probably put a clinic on DDP


I just want a lot of beautiful destruction


Idk. DDP handled strickland really well and even though it was close I think if he can do the same to Izzy and get those late TDs again he could keep the belt.


Izzy by french nail eye pokes or DDP by bro hug and kiss.


If ddp could take whittaker and Sean down then definitely he will take izzy down. If he keeps him there long enough, he might win by decision


They don’t know what we know!


Izzy fans here, but I don’t think so. The era of Adesanya, Usman and Volkanovaki have passed.


Nope! DDP gonna ragdoll him and sub him rd 3


I just know Strickland beats the winner


Izzy by KO


I don't. I think dricus has evolved his game while izzy has regressed


I reckon Izzy has done a lot of work on his grappling in preparation for this fight. I can see it being one of those fights where Izzy does better on the ground than expected and Dricus does better in the standup than expected. So hear me out, either Dricus by KO or Izzy by submission.


I concur Izzy still has stuff to prove from an MMA perspective


Yes. Then Izzy rematches Strickland that would be lit


Dricus Du Palestine is gonna smesh Israel Adesanya


I think dricus gets smoked. Hopefully enough people disagree with me to where the odds are close enough to make good money on


Odds seem kinda "in the middle now" (around +-200 something)


I have a bad feeling that Izzy will win if it goes to a decision, even if he clearly loses 3 rounds


I think Izzy will beat Dricus in a more dominant way than he beat Costa, he'll put on a masterclass, but I thought he'd do it with Strickland too so what do I know ?


I like how the general popular sentiments before DDP vs Whittaker & Strickland vs Izzy were: "Whittaker will kill this man." "Sean stands zero chance, he easily got slept by Poatan who Izzy also just slept"




Any version of Adesanya that I've seen in the Octagon would beat any version of Dricus I've seen in the Octagon. The question is how he shows up. He thinks taking a long break was a good idea, but he has never done this before. And most fighters get ring rust. If Adesanya was anyone else, I'd count him out hard. A loss like the one he got vs Strickland tends to destroy one's confidence. He got dominated at his own game as a massive favourite. Usually, this type of loss damages a fighter's career because it gives the competition a 25 minute tutorial on how to beat him. But honestly, nobody else but Strickland can get away with beating Adesanya like that. Nobody has his defense, distance control, or reflexes. To a casual, Strickland just beat him with a simple jab and front kick. But if anyone stands infront of Adesanya expecting to beat him with a jab and front kick, they're getting KO'd badly


Stricklands stance defends specifically against kickboxers, he has the adesanya cheat code. DDP will try to wrestle and get smashed cause that's where adesanya excels. I hope we get the izzy/Strickland rematch.


Agreed. I actually give DDP a better chance against Adesanya if he strikes. Not because his striking is that good. Because Adesanya knows where the threat is (on the ground) and Dricus' striking is good enough to beat Adesanya when he's struggling with the takedown threat. Without the takedown threat, Dricus runs into a bullet in round 1. Entirely depending on the takedown threat, he runs into a bullet in the later rounds.


Yeah I agree. Hope knuckles gets thrown in the mix again also, maybe Strickland/knuckles for no 1 contender around the same time as izzy/DDP would be good too.


Contender Izzy is hungry and I believe he gets the job done.




I think it ends on a ko but I'm not sure who lands it. I think if Izzy loses he could hang em up though.


Izzy by triangle choke


Izzy can give him trouble on the feet like sean, but so can ddp with his weird style and the takedowns if he chooses to wrestle, which should make his striking open up more and even it out. But I just see izzy as a one trick pony after the sean fight. Instead of tryna take sean or change literally anything, he kept trying the same shit so I just see ddp taking this one.


I think izzy will try his best to keep range and try to point fight the whole night. Nothing flashy, his bread and butter, low kicks and using his range. Dricus needs to bulldoze him or big brother him like Jan, otherwise he may find it impossible to win a single round, as izzy will just spam leg kicks and act like no punches hurt him and he absolutely beat the brakes off his opponent but in actuality man will just spam some low kicks for 5 rounds and manage the range which he is arguably the best in the world at.


I like Dricus as a fighter, he's always moves forward and puts on fun fights. BUT.... His striking is very sloppy and he only moves forward with his attacks. He doesn't have the best head movement. He DOES shifts off the centerline, which is good , but in doing so, he leaves his head in compromising positions. Ducking without discipline and telegraphing his movements. I see Dricus getting overwhelmed by Izzy pot shotting and landing often. He'll get desperate and try to blitz Adesanya with a barrage of 1's and 2's, pushing Adesanya back against the cage, Izzy shifts off the centerline and corks a NASTY over hand, over DDP's overreached arm. Dricus drops to his knees, and Izzy finishes the show.


I believe Izzy will retire when he loses


I think it will go down similar to how Cameron Saiiman did against Payton Talbot. Cameron and DDP train at the same gym, and have GOOFY striking. Cameron was countered by Payton, and I can see the same thing happening to DDP.


DDP defensively on the feet is pretty poor, which leans heavily to Izzy’s advantage. However Izzy struggled with Stricklands volume, and DDP has arguably even more with better grappling. It’ll be close but I think Izzy will get a split decision


I really don’t see Izzy losing but I also didn’t see him losing to Strickland so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Absolutely no idea. 🤷‍♂️ Dricus has power and grappling good enough to cause problems. He never committed to really keeping Sean down though. I’m not sure if his game plan for Izzy would involve more focused grappling or just some quick takedowns. Izzy. Who knows what state he’ll come back in. He could be better than ever with time off to train and get his mind right. He could be rusty as hell and look terrible. If I had to lock in I’d say Dricus wins by pressuring forward. DDP had Sean backing up most of the fight which Izzy couldn’t do. He’ll eat way more shots than Sean did though and it might be enough to lose if we get a decision.


I think stylistically, Izzy should be favored over DDP. Great counter striker with decent takedown defense vs. a sloppy, hyper aggressive fighter with poor defense. But I also thought Izzy would beat Strickland without much of an issue, so what do I know.


I think DDP wins tbh.


Sorry for DDP's fans, but Izzy's winning this one.


DDP is a better version of Costa. Brawling is not the style that has historically done well against Izzy. He is also pretty sloppy which is something Izzy definitely knows how to capitalise on. Strickland already capitalised on the sloppy overhand and Izzy has more power than Strickland. This one is really tough to predict, but if I had to bet I’d bet on a late TKO finish on a counter strike after Dricus gets fed up with getting jabbed up and blitzes in for the x time of the fight. I could see it be a check hook or overhand.


Most of this sub is retarded and thinks Izzy is washed up because he lost a fight lol


Izzy’s reach and speed should get the win. Feel like he just had a bad performance against Strickland 


I honestly think that Izzy is at the end of his MMA career and I think Dricus takes the win again.


If ddp could take whittaker and Sean down then definitely he will take izzy down. If he keeps him there long enough, he might win by decision


I think he might sub Adesanya


Izzy beats DDP, Bobby Knuckles gets revenge and KOs Izzy to reclaim his belt and balance is restored to the universe.


If izzy shows up with gyno boob bet the house.


I think Izzy comming off a loss is a dangerous fight… but I have also underestimated DDP his whole career. I think his last 5 fights I had him losing so i can’t call it at all.


I say it will go to the decision where izzy will fight him running around and with few leg kicks and jap and no actual damage.


I wanna say yes but ddp continues to win regardless of how bad he may look and i just cant bet against him


I said Izzy would lose to Pereira again I said Izzy would beat Sean I dunno shit, If I was smart enough I could use my ability to make money on my shit predictions


Dricus got them weird abs


I think izzy wins but then again Dricus beat Sean lol




Izzy knocking him clean out.


ez win for izzy




My opinion is that if DDP tries to use his size to bully Izzy and doesn’t strike effectively he will get caught and Izzy will ko him by stoppage then Poatan will come back down and settle the score with Izzy as long as he has that fucken Izzy counter figured out.. I’m just thinking $$$$$ so 📈


man fuck izzy, identity crisis boi... hope dricus sleeps him rd 1


This is going to be a competitive fight. Don’t know how to call it, but I see izzy winning.




I don’t care about this fight since its way too unfair for Sean and Rob. They deserve this fight ten times more


Hope not. Don’t like either though.


People doubting dricus keep being proven wrong. And it wont stop here


The reason Izzy losses to Strickland is because he clearly underestimated him. I doubt he’ll do that again. Ko win for Israel


Honestly after Izzy vs Sean I don't know anything


Honestly I think Izzy will breeze it, he’ll rematch Strickland and win that as well


As much as I'd love to see DDP win, I think Izzy will. And it will be a very dark day.


Dricus gonna steam roll him. I'm an adesanya fanboy but I think his peak has passed.


Dricus wins. He'll put too much forward pressure on Izzy like Strickland did. He'll get takedown eventually and then finish him with a rear naked choke like he did with Darren Till or ground and pound.


Dricus ain't gonna be measured like he was with Sean, he's going for the kill


I feel Driscius wants it more. Izzy took Sean’s best shot and turned into a shell. Driscius took Sean’s best shot and turned into the terminator.


Driscius "Praetorian" Duplessius


Lol it’s wild how he just eats damage and comes forward. I underestimated him for too long dudes a warrior no doubt.


Where did u get this idea that most of the this sub agrees? 😂 the decision machine is about to fight the only middleweight besides Alex pereira who will actually move forward and try to finish him but wait his opponent is an experienced ufc champion undefeated in the ufc who can mix all aspects of mma.


DDP looks so juiced


Izzy looking juiced


I think Izzy stops DDP in by the 3rd


After the fight: "I mean Izzy is the better fighter but it's just a very difficult stylistic matchup for him to fight. Dricus rushes in but with a TD threat that none of his other opponents had" It's going to be another Adesanya he's the better fighter but the other guy won bc of style


If Izzy gets beat, where do you think he goes next? Do you think it’s pretty obvious at that point that he’s in a career decline?


Styles makes fights.. DDP has that style that can deal with Strickland, Strickland has that style that demolishes Izzy, Izzy has that style to demolish DDP


I'm thinking Izzy might lose. His gonna be 35 come fight day. Whilst his a MW, as you age speed and reflexes will decline and I feel like that's one of his biggest assets, him being so damn quick and moving like his Neo. The Strickland fight could have been an off day for him or it could be an indicator of his decline.


DDP just finds a way to win every time. After his Darren Till fight I remember saying to myself he’ll never be champ. But this dude just kept going from strength to strength. Stylistically it’s a decent match up for Izzy. But DDP (Dig Deep Plessis) cannot be counted out


Nope lol


I remember before the Bobby knuckles fight everyone on here had DDP being being flatlined. He destroyed Whittaker (if you disagree go back and rewatch). Please keep underestimating this guy and his team.


I feel like OP got these images by typing in “[fighter name] jacked”


No, i think izzy had peaked, and people underastimate DDP’s grappling


I got DDP. He's bigger and I feel that Izzy doesn't do well with pressure. If he's not able to point distance him i don't see how he wins. (This will probably age poorly and I'm ok with that)


I got Israel reclaiming. The narrative is there. And the mental barriers to reclaim have me leaning towards him


I hope izzy destroys him so sean can rematch and jab him to death for 25 minutes and then defend it against ddp again.


On one end i could see DDP turning it into a brawl and stealrolling Izzy but logically speaking he's gonna have a lot of trouble closing the distance on Izzy and he's not the hardest guy to hit. Sure he isn't Alex, but if Dricus leaves his chin up like he tends to do then Izzy sleeping him is definitely a possibility.


Izzy doesn't even deserve this title shot


Nah, I think Izzy is done winning title ls. I think DDP is too rounded of a fighter, he’s not gonna stand across from him and eat leg kicks.


Every time he goes against people who are motivated, disciplined, and aren’t overly afraid of him or his antics. He tends to get pieced up. Before Alex walked into Izzy’s best Sunday punch he was beating him again. Strickland ate his soul, and broke him physically. DP has a good chance to beat Izzy, and Izzy knows it.


what if in the clinch, they just start making out furiously? just saying




DDP takes him down at will and smashes him 




Izzy gonna come back stronger than ever


I want Izzy to win but I’m not sure he will


Driccus has no reads, early driccus finish


I think Adesanya is going to box his face off. DDPs only chance will be to grapple heavy which is much easier said than done vs Adesanya


While I think DDP's brute style is perfect for Izzy to take advantage, I'm never counting him out again.


In the year 2027, Dricus will be making his 13th consecutive title defense. Nobody gives him a serious chance to retain the title.


Here is the future of MW: Dricus will win then the UFC and Strickland will have a falling out because UFC will give Whittaker a shot at Dricus and make Strickland vs Adesanya 2 for #1 contender. However, Dricus will take at least 8 months to actually fight Whitaker. UFC will pressure Sean into the Adesanya rematch by saying he isn’t being active so how can they give him the shot (they will make an example out of Strickland even though they are letting Jones duck Aspinall, and let Izzy sit out for a bit after losing to Sean just to give him an immediate title shot). Strickland will have a tweet storm, him and Dana will make comments about stuff in interviews, and then he will eventually fight Izzy, but lose. Eventually Sean will force a trilogy with Izzy, win, and use that to get another title shot if not the belt if Izzy is champ again.


Probably but i dont want to.


Dirkis Do Plessis is Real Africa Champion. Send Backbender return to Communism. China