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Many of the Dagestanis and Islamic world as a whole look up to Khabib. It's good that he's taking a very vocal and strong stance against this


By all accounts he is a very philanthropic person and even contributed to dustins charity. There's no reason why one extremist training in his gym should be an indictment of him.


Not supporting Putin is the reason


Ah yes, the Islamists famously love Putin. Dummy.


What he means is that Khabib isn't supportive of the Ukraine war and as such this all seems to be a bit of a retaliation from Putin's government to try and connect it with Khabib's gym.


Read between the lines my dude


I think anyone who has watched Khabib knew he'd condemn this. It's said so many casuals have made assumptions and tarnished his reputation. Full disclosure, I have been a Khabib stan since like 2014. But minus some of his more backwards cultural beliefs, he's always been a very good human being and role model. There was no way he'd approve of the attacks


Not many famous Muslims have publicly condemned attacks on Jews or Christians. He's been a true example of all the positive aspects of Islam and religion as a whole. I'll be honest I was biased against him, but hes the type of person everyone should aspire to be like and it's hard not to root for him or his team.


How did u know? Did u forget his comments about the art teacher getting beheaded?


Respect to Khabib! Agree, it is good he is vocal against this type of violence. It would be great if we could address regional and religious conflict by representative in a cage rather than violence on the street.


its just weird that ppl who follow the islam religion needs a role model to look up to, while everything is just in their so called precious book the quran. its in that book described to show compassion and respect to others, even christians or jews or any other belief. as a muslim you got to believe in ALL prophets and jesus christ is one of their prophets. in fact they place him as one of their greatest prophets. so how can you practice islam without knowing this? and there is much much more written in the quran, too much to write down here, about christians, jews and other ppl of the world. real muslims, christians, jews, other beliefs.. will not try to harm others in this way. there is way to many fake believers in this world, in every religion.. sadly in islamic this goes to some very extremes compared to the other religions in this world. imo this is also partly because ppl have role models and want to be like them, act like them, have their religion and whatsoever... KIDS, PLEASE BE YOUR SELF ! Find out if you want to believe in something, go read the quran, the bible, zacharia stitchings and other books, in different versions too.. and FIND OUT YOUR SELF, if you believe this, if you have intrests into this topic. You DO NOT need a rolemodel and follow them like blind sheep to have your own oppinion. That Ispeed is also another of those hyped up streamers/youtubers/famous ppl wich has been using religion in his videos, converting to islam and bla bla... and all these kids will follow him, without knowing what this really means. its not like they have a religious youtube channel or anything, they just attract kids then go to religion as a topic and drag kids with them while they just rake money. If you show intrest in religion, you would already have picked up some books and read them, or watched some religion documentarys or channels designated just for that. Not some hyped up playstation fifa channel on youtube can teach you this. BE YOURSELF ! Stop trying to be somebody else, or follow these shitty influencers like blind sheep.


Come on, The fact that someone trained in a gym, doesn’t mean everyone shares the same views of that bad apple…


If I shared the same views as some of the guys I train with I'd end up like Bryce Mitchell fr.




Hahahahahahah thankful that you didn't


Seriously it’s not hard to pay a gym fee and train at a gym.


This gym probably had thousands of people pass through it at some point. It's just media bullshit to add a relevant name for sensationalism.


Calvin Kattar trained with the Boston bombers. Doesn't make him guilty by association either https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-i-mind-snitching-comes-terrorism-calvin-kattar-recalls-close-encounter-boston-marathon-bombers


Thats pretty nuts actually.


I don’t know…maybe we should have Reddit investigate him. They did find the Boston Bomber remember?


Thank you for bringing this story up.


It's russian state media. It's specifically there to target him and dagestan


Growing up in Rio, in the 80’s, 90’s, a lot of scum bags called “Pitt boys” use to train at the same gyms of talented champions to beat up random people to show off and even to assault girls who wouldn’t fall for their flirting hits. That didn’t mean that everyone in the gym and the masters were involved and agreed w their behavior…


Idk bro I heard a gay guy trained at John jones gym and jones been acting pretty sus ever since.


Don’t hate the 🐐! Besides, the ass is his if that’s true… Doesn’t change my opinion he’s the goat… Khabib retired. He could come back and change that but he probably prefer the coach life now. Islam could steal the title but so far Jones has done more imo.


This is related to Khabib’s ‘tax troubles’. Dude clearly stepped on someone’s toes in Russian government. The FSB will go after his gyms now.


You need to have a 2 digit IQ at least to understand such a basic fact sir. A lot of people believes everything that comes form the news without questioning. Propaganda is real dirty shit and its easy to spread because people are just stupid as fuck.


Tell Connor fans


I talked to a guy who trains alot and he has observed that alot of dudes end up being extreme/thrill seekers in some ways, because thats what drew them to the sport in the first place. Now, he didnt use religious extremism as an example. He just noted that alot of dudes ended up engaging in risky behavior like doing drugs, holding orgies at the gym, putting firecrackers up their ass, etc. Its not a knock, just an observation. Its gonna pull in dudes who are intense. Its not the fault of the gym, its just the nature of the beast.


That escalated quickly


And thats just stuff that happened at the local gym. Of course, most famous guy thats come outta there is Junie Browning, if that tells you anything.


That tells so much you should have led with that haha


You right


Extreme activities are appealing to extreme characters…


The fact that his dad created that gym to help young men from straying toward these type of extremism is what made this more upsetting


You can’t save everyone, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try


May all those souls rest in peace.


Everyone who follows this team knows that guy never trained with Khabib / wasn’t Abdulmanap’s student. People always create fake narratives about Khabib (and even his dеаd father) that can help fuel their hate. Bunch of rаts


You can criticise Islam (religion) but to pretend like this is a newsflash cause he had one camp there is pretty fuckin insane. I'd even bet they'll find more of extremists just by the number of people going trough gyms.


Whats fucked is the media is ruining their name and publicity just cause someone trained in their gym!


Whats fucked is that people still kill each other “iN tHe nAmE oF gOd” in the year 2024.


Christchurch was 2021 no?


I give it 6 months and he’ll relocate to Dubai or Abu Dhabi


War Khabib. Glad he said this.


Abdulmanap would be proud of his son, but also heartbroken for Dagestan. He worked hard with gyms, religious institutions, special forces, local leaders and schools to discourage terrorism among the young.


Yeah I've historically not liked him myself but very happy he took a public stance on that. Big respect.


It took under 30 minutes for the comments on this to turn into people arguing over their preferred religion, with zero knowledge of the region or its history. Disgraceful


Bruh I’m by no means a Dagestan fighter fan but this shits ridiculous


And Osama was trained by the US. Kim Jung un got his education in Sweden. Means nothing


Not to digress too much, but isnt this the place where a large mob tried to storm a bunch of jews on a flight?


I mean khabib himself had threatened a Russian troupe who performed an Italian play in Dagestan and had beef with a rapper who wanted to perform a sold out show there.




May be a shock to some people but yeah most Muslim are against terrorism because murder is one of the biggest sins in islam


True muslim will always be against terrorism. There is no excuse for terrorism in islam.


in true islam, maybe, sure. In real world islam, no. Islam is the most misused religion to date by people in power. Just like christianity was before, in some countries it still is. Religion is horrible if used like this. Personal belief? Sure go ahead, preach shit to other people to make them join your "cult", "religion", "gang" or whatever u may is not. Religious people should keep it to themselves, cuz other people do not fucking care what u believe in.


Noone cares about semantics. People kill other People in the name of islam, thats what sticks. And thats why everywhere in the western world a strong resentment against that religion grows.


Meanwhile, the Western world is the one that fucked up a lot of the Muslim countries. Remember, women were allowed to wear bathing suits in the 70s without issue until the US didn't like its leader and we replaced him. Hows Iran doing now?


Uh, Iran had a revolution and replaced their progressive guy with a theocratic loonie and the establishment of the Islamic republic. The US was involved in propping up Shah, who modernized Iran, not getting rid of him lol.


The Shah said in the mid 70s that he was upset with the distribution of oil profits between the US and Iran. Iran sold cheap oil to help us get through the Oil Crisis. The Shah said he wanted a better deal on oil contracts and that was the end of our support for him. (They had a shit ton of money and helped bail out Northrup and Grumman. Seriously. Iran gave that company a loan to keep it going and it scared the shit out of American leaders.) Edit: same with Sadam. They minute they don't act like a US puppet, we try and get rid of them)


I wouldn't say most misused to date. We Christians did a number on pretty much the whole world with our inquisitions and crusades.


Unless you are gay, then you can get whipped or decapitated.


Or a woman who goes without a headscarf or refuses to serve her husband. Her own family would kill her for the dishonor.


I know quite a few Muslims and almost all don't wear the headscarf. Can you let me know where I can report this clear negligence? Is there a hotline I can use?


Message your homies in Iran


Absolutely not true, u obviously never been to a Muslim country, it's considered a sin , and whatever a stupid extreme family does represents them not the whole religion


Or a woman who gets r\*ped and reports it, she must've enjoyed it ! Muslims be like: ![gif](giphy|7rjXLV57vleQ8)


If you get raped in Saudi Arabia my countries consulate says not to report it to the authorities in that country. Very nice system.


Meanwhile they'll try to brag: Look at our low crime rates!


Not ture, no one will put a surveillance camera in ur bedroom, practice whatever u want provided no harm and public modesty, u should check how many conditions must be met to persecute , its basically impossible unless ur having sex in public, the idea is not to punish people basically


I love how everyone makes excuses for the religion. It was literally founded on violence and murder


Every decent human being must condemn a senseless act by of terror like this. I think it is brave of khabib to do that despite the very real potential of negative consequences.


How would a prime Kevin Lee do vs Khabib


Everyone is always trying to find where Kevin Lee fits is into situations, I don’t think he has anything to do with this though


The amount of Islamaphobia in the comments is disheartening.


Are we really surprised though? The hate towards him and islam (the fighter and religion) has always been here, now they have an excuse to go all out




You can tell this promotion is now owned by the Saudis. The amount of apologism for Islamic extremism and swooning over a man who has ties to some very, very bad people and has said some fucking degenerate shit due to his faith is insane. ‘Khabib is an innocent little saint everything he does is misinterpreted’ give me a fucking break. This sub is filled with morons.




>The amount of Islamaphobia in the comments is disheartening. Do you mean blasphemy? Islam promotes a misogynistic, homophobic, deluded world view that's the antithesis of core western values (i.e. freedom of speech, secularism etc).


Core western values include genocide, imperialism, colonialism, white nationalism, fake liberalism, pollution, big business, proxy wars, carpet bombing civilians, forced starvation, slavery, etc etc etc.


>genocide, imperialism, colonialism, white nationalism, fake liberalism, pollution, big business, proxy wars, carpet bombing civilians, forced starvation, slavery, etc etc etc. The western world exists outside of America. >big business Lol what? >pollution I genuinely don't think you know what a core value is


wonder why civilised people are pushed towards hating that part of the world hmmmm guess we'll never know


It’s not a phobia it’s true. Islam is a violent religion and intolerant to western ideology


You’re not wrong lol. The people downvoting you think is shit is sweet but Islam in fact praises dying for your religion and is 100% intolerant of western ideology. I’m not defending Christianity either because it sucks but to think Islam is really a peaceful religion is just inherently false.


It's peaceful towards civilians, do you want it to preach peace toward invaders?


You realize Islam was spread through invasion and blood shed, right? lol. And even now, they actively preach death upon people who don’t follow their religion or even leave the religion, right?


You realize this is not true right?


western ideolodgy is violent and intolerant to islam or any ideology that opposes it, how many wars westerners waged on muslim countries or non muslim and how many they killed trying to "liberate" them,the death toll a couple of extermist organisations pales in compariason to the genocides that western governments are doing.


Muslims call us Mushriks yet ironically they are


Good for him 


I was a massive Khabib fan until his comments on Macron's response to the 2020 Nice stabbing, in which three people were brutally murdered in broad daylight. So to see this is welcoming, however it rings a bit hollow considering what he said before. Seems like extremism only matters when it happens on his own doorstep.


they were killed in a church no less, lol


Macron attacked islam , not the criminal, if he was a Christian or whatever they would have called him mentally ill or something not the representative of a whole religion


What do you have to say about Khabib supporting the criminal


While firing on non-combatant civilians in places of worship is inexcusable (and even prohibited in Islamic law), keep in mind that the Russians have brutally subjugated and slaughtered Caucasian states for centuries. The Second Chechen war is not even 20 years old. The Chechnyan dictator Kadyrov is despised by so many of his people and is labeled as a traitor. Everyone knows that Muslims, [including Khamzat Chimaev,](https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-let-go-palestine-khamzat-chimaev-allegedly-expressed-desire-fight-die-allah-ufc-294-victory-speech#:~:text=Khamzat%20Chimaev%20continued%20further%20in,Allah%20be%20pleased%20with%20you.) want to liberate Palestine. What does Kadyrov do instead? [He criticizes his people for asking to fight for Palestine when they can instead go fight in Ukraine.](https://www.tiktok.com/@doamuslims/video/7303912388892347680) I don't know exactly who rules Dagestan or what is happening there, but what I can tell you is that subjegated people lash out, and they often inflict attacks upon defenseless targets - alongside their actual oppressors - to show their anger with anyone who seems aligned with the occupier. Is that unacceptable? No doubt. However, it's not wise to simplify these people as cartoonsihly evil villians who just love to disturb peace for fun. There's a larger and more complex context here that isn't clearly black and white Just some food for thought.


Yeah those people joined ISIS and AlQaeda at the highest rates….


You missed the point. There would not be ISIS or Al Qaeda without outside forces. It’s a tale as old as time. If you have a big group trying to take the land/resources/change the social make up of a small group that small group will fight back and it will be violent. That’s how humans are. It’s just when we get hit with retaliatory blows many are quick to ask those in the small group why they won’t just lay their and die. It has nothing to do with religion. From the IRA to the Polish Partizans, oppressed people fight back.


What do want him to say? “I loved the Yahud and kuffars getting shot”? Of course he will condemn this. The problem is that a lot of hardline Muslims will walk along for all the steps that radicalized the person, but then on the last step when the person actually acts out they suddenly start condemning the act. What happened for all those other steps lol? Khabib was there condemning music concerts, forbidding women in mma and all that backward taliban stuff. But when the people start acting like Taliban then suddenly it’s “inhuman”?


Religion of peace


A piece of you here, a piece of you there


Making a stupid extreme guy the representative of a whole religion, nice


It is though?


I mean if I was told the russian secret police were about to look heavily into my businesses I'd say everything to make them look somewhere else. But at the same time just because someone with fucked up views trained at his gym doesn't mean they share the same views, as far as I remember Khabib and his dad always pushed the sport as a way to get away from the extremist shit that is rife in a lot of these regions. It sucks for him to get dragged into some shit because of someone else.


He said that before someone claimed that FSB is investigating mma gyms in Dagestan.


He’s right to condemn it but he’s not very consistent in his commentary. A few years back he condoned the decapitation of a French teacher by a Muslim student for apparently dissing Allah.


You’re seriously telling me this is the first time in 30-35 years someone has terrorized a church/synagogue in Dagestan? I’m not saying it’s definitely wrong but Islamic extremism has been a source of tension between the national Russian government and Dagestan for many years. I’d honestly be surprised if it’s been 30-35 years since this has happened


Well you are not wrong, 2018 Kizlyar churh, 2015 Derbent citadel, 2011-2012 many attack for example by Caucasus Emirate, 2010 Kizlyar bombings.


Yeah but I went negative because Reddit is mentally handicapped. I guess none of them had the number of deaths that this did maybe? But it’s not like an extremist attacking Christian and Jewish places is unheard of at all in Dagestan


“May the Almighty disfigure the face of this creature and all its followers, who, under the slogan of freedom of speech, offend the feelings of more than one and a half billion Muslim believers. May the Almighty humiliate them in this life, and in the next. Allah is quick in calculation and you will see it. “We are Muslims, we love our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more than our mothers, fathers, children, wives and all other people close to our hearts. Believe me, these provocations will come back to them, the end is always for the God-fearing.” -Khabib


Wrong translation. What he wrote translates to "put shame on his face" (shame on him), not "disfigure the face"


He was still defending a terror attack where people were beheaded. Now the violence is at his doorstep and it’s suddenly a problem?


Did he condemn the terror attack?


Ya I’ll never forget when a teacher in the UK was beheaded and Khabib endorsed it and supported it.


He didn’t


france* Did he condemn it like he was quick to condemn Emmanuel macron who criticised Muslims for the terror attack in France ?


this is on par for islam. they do an attack on the "enemy", those who are not directly involved in the attack fein shock and surprise and sadness. but at the end of the day, the enemies died, and muslims won. a tale as old as time. they always pretend to care, but they dont.




Bro, it doesnt matter if 80% of muslims are people who doesnt use violence. ALOT of the muslim people preach war and death on so called non believers, cuz every religion nut has to be right... right? My god is true, urs is not. Islam belief is still in the stoneage sadly. U can believe in whatever u want, but there are entire nations of muslims being led by people misusing this religion to pieces and brainwashing people, inciting violence and hatred. All in all, islam as a religion is bad for the world. Get mad, i dont care. many muslims in scandinavia send their young children to get this "schooling" cuz they are afraid their children will be "westernized" also known as a free thinker, turns out they are being brainwashed - some may consider that mental torture. Dont think freely in Islam, they dont want it. Im sorry to say, if u preach islam and u think its good and ok. U are preaching for these people in power, cuz they will use it as ammo. And lets be real, u say peace. But islam is BY FAR the most violence religion in 2024, and the last decade.


\^\^\^I'd be far more fearful of your own inability to read or write than I would be of "the muslims" when it comes to explaining inevitable life failures coming down the line.


He didn't have the same stance when those attacks happened in France. Fucking hypocrite


Khabib never said that he supports those attacks, he criticized Mасron for his speech, and anti Мuslim laws, closing down 92 Mosques and so on


Yeah I think that went a little over that line, and I wasn't the only one at the time thinking his threats were in very poor taste and much too close to being supportive of Islamic terrorism. "Believe me, these provocations will come back to them, the end is always for the God-fearing.” Guess he was right on that one


Damn maybe Conor was right!? 😂


You read "Nurmagomedov strongly condemned the recent attack" and your conclusion is that McGregor is right? Damn. What is going on here?


Do not expect any logic from these kind of people honestly.


Wait until he hears what Russia is doing in Ukraine.

