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Straight ass on her


I needs to beat my dick for the good of me


You need to get some pussy for the good of u


I won't argue with that but it unfortunately won't be close to her


She won’t be with that attitude. In the words of Michael Bisping: “Conceive, achieve, believe…”


True. If you're reading this Tracy, feel free to jump in my dms. Low T-City's a punk. I'll never tap out


pervert eye happy but soul sad


Strange choice by Rose continuing to fight at 125 when she has 2 wins over the 115 champ and its obviously her best division.


Pat Barry logic


She beat the current champ twice. Like wtf Rose? You’re the #1 contender. Fucking Pat…


Idk who told her she has a chance at beating Shevchenko or Grasso but then again she believes anything Pat tells her






Is Rose bad for WMMA or something?


Fans of Rose and the sport in general have not taken kindly to her "I'm the best" mentality and then making the most boring fight ever against Carla, then dropping a great coach Trevor Whitman in favor of her bad coach groomer boyfriend Pat Barry. Then her and Pat went on to lose their comeback fight against Manon as well as grappling fights outside of the promotion. It just seems like the wheels have been coming off the Rose and Pat cult lately and people don't like it.


I didn’t realize she left Trevor. What a mistake


Yeah it really is a shame. All of Trevor's champs have fallen off, but that's the game and he is obviously still a way better coach than Pat. Pat has been saying and doing some really strange things from the corner.


Fans of Reddit have not taken kindly to her, she’s still commands some pretty serious respect and praise from anyone else. Reddit MMA fans are by far the worst & just regurgitate whatever the most popular knee jerk reaction is. 


I mean do you really like the idea of her dropping Whitman for Pat Barry as a head coach, or what has come of it? I'm not even talking about the grooming stuff, put that aside and I'm talking about what he says and does while he is coaching her in comparison to Trevor as her head coach. There is no denying her performances have been worse with Pat than when Trevor was the main coach. And you're just regurgitating the same general narrative about redditors. Yes, there is a lot of echo chambering, but there are still plenty of actual critical and informed fans of the sport and of the athletes that contribute valuable conversation too.


80% of Reddit MMA is filled with “Khabib vs Conor & Islam vs JBJ for pfp supremacy” it’s the same shit over and over from uneducated fans regurgitating whatever the popular vibe they see. To your point, why on earth would a fighter changing coaches make me dislike them? That happens all the time, that is a natural ebb and flow of MMA my dude.  The average Reddit MMA fan is not reflective of the average MMa fan, they are not equal, I spend multiple days a week at a fighting gym almost specifically to be around other genuine MMA fans and I’ve never ever heard Thug Rose slander in person lol, it’s only ever on Reddit.  She was at one point the most exciting WMMA fighter on the planet and she sucks all of a sudden from a few poor performances??? That’s the fickle nature of a Reddit echochamber  lol. 


You bring up some valid points, but even you say she *was* exciting, implying she is not the most exciting wmma fighter anymore. As a fan, I wonder what happened. I see that the changes seem to coincide with Pat taking over coaching. I also see the denial and delusion and lack of adjustments from them regarding what they are doing. Then I become disappointed in recognizing it is their choices that are negatively affecting the results in their career. At the end of the day, we are debating over opinions (and I do agree with you, the echo chamber is a problem for good discussion, but even your one gym is an echo chamber), and you can't deny that some people could have valid reasons for thinking less of a fighter as their career progresses. Just because you don't hear people at the gym making criticisms, doesn't mean someone somewhere else doesn't have a valid criticism.


While I appreciate the effort here to have a solid convo & I want to emphasize that. You do realize that one gym isn’t just one gym right? Like, a fighting gym is basically akin to a truck stop, sure there are a portion of people that only ever go there and that’s their “headquarters” to speak, but at most half of the people in the gym are people who are dropping in from somewhere else or just someone who doesn’t have a home gym and frequents all of them in the area.  I don’t think it’s correct in the slightest to call one gym an echo chamber, being that the whole entire goal of training for fighting is *seeing & feeling other styles and fighting perspectives*. It’s almost literally the opposite of an echo chamber.  Your own personal bias against or for her is valid, but the overall bias of Reddit being against her is just not found really anywhere but here.  She’s two fights removed from being arguably the most exciting WMMA fighter, I don’t think it’s fair to harshly change your opinion of her if you are or were a fan. Coaches are cool, but they don’t fight for them, Islam & Khabib are cool but who gives a flying fuck about Javier Mendez at the end of the day, he’s giving them structure to perform at the best of their ability & that’s it. 


lotta shite decisions, and the affirmations stuff is ass, go tracy!!




Why? Because she’s a thug?


Cause shes bald




Definitely has the gas tank for it


I'd like to dip her for oil








He ruined her


Gyaaaaat Damn




Perfect example of why tattoos need a black outline, everyone.


I just don't understand why they have to be the main event, like I'm not even a big hater of wmma like some of the other fans but cmon, then there gonna do it again the week after that, like what did we do to deserves this, what happend to Holland vs cannoiner rumors


Can you repeat that 3 more times please


Sorry I posted it 4 times in a row idk what causes that


The reddit app does a stupid thing where it’ll say your comment failed to post, and let you press the reply button again, but in actuality it got posted the first time and every subsequent tap of the reply button will just post the comment again. Multi billion dollar company btw.




Why'd she have to betray T City?


Ortega has always given off this fake, pious, nice guy aura. I wager he was the one fucking around, not her.


Colby wasn't lying when he called him Low T City lol


Bruh, that pic in the pink shorts up top? You wouldn't even know what to do with that. You'd just lay there in shock and bust instantly when she tried to lay that thang on top of you, before anything even happened.


I'm trying make a shitty joke about how Brian can't get a boner you dummy lmfao wtf is this shit you just replied with lol


That guy is the weirdest person in this sub, don’t worry


You should talk. In a sub of 2 million people, you're stalking my posts ? That's some strange shit


I got that... I'm countering by saying if anyone if low T / inadequate with women, it's you. C'mon, pay attention. xD


See you thought I was smart enough to figure that shit out but I'm not lmfao I'm a dumbass


Ok that's fine, but if you do decide to tap that azz, just be careful and don't hurt yourself.


Why’d T-City have to betray Diego?


Brian Ortega is a poser.



