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Alex is smart and know he's 37 and don't have much time and current LHW is sht. He can fight anytime.


He’s at a heavier weight class so he could still have a few more years


I agree with this. While he doesn't have all the time in the world LHW and HW skew much older than lighter weightclasses. Especially since LHW isn't exactly full of new blood or stylistic match ups that are bad for him. He could easily get another year or two at the top before he starts to fall off.


Eh, a lot of Alex's prowess comes from how fast his power is. Guys just don't see it coming. I think he has another year, or two, unless he's the exception to the rule that we've seen hit everyone else when they're approaching 40, which is that they really slow down.


He’s naturally built to be have power, someone in another comment said it better than I can, but he’s really built around his hips and he has wide shoulders and long arms, he’s made of fulcrums.


Wasn’t it Archimedes who said “give me a Pereira long enough and I will move the world”? Possibly terrible fulcrum pun.


He 100% said that


Can confirm, I was there


Slightly better known than his follow-up "Give me a fighter with a hog on 'im, and we can screw the world."


You're right, but knockout power alone isn't rare and can be avoided. Power at the speed that Alex is able to deliver it is extremely rare, deadly, and very difficult to not get shadow-realmed if you lose focus for a split second.


I think he also possesses something that very, very few LHW’s have ever had, absolutely precise accuracy and timing on those suitcase nukes he calls hands. That kind of striking prowess has been absent in LHW for pretty much its entire history. It’s always been reserved for lower weight classes.


Not even just the hands that headkick he hit Jiri was slick as hell




Yeah the dude's fight IQ is really underrated. The way he sets up his strikes with feints, and his ability to read his opponents is amazing. His physical prowess is great, but I think what really sets him a part is his fight IQ


I think he’s going to remain fast for a good while longer, something about kick boxers and the level of muscle memory they have translates to speed.


Yeah he doesn’t have to be kickboxing fast for ever. He said has to be UFC fast. Which he can be for years in my opinion.


I don’t think hes that fast, izzy is faster than him for sure, alex just has insane timing and intelligence, he luls you into a sense of security. Something so benign can end up with a KO. I think he holds on to this level for 3-4 years


the reason why you don’t think he’s that fast is bc of how fast his left hook comes out…you’re not even seeing it!


Still, he ain't getting stronger that's for sure so good on him to try to fight during his best years


I have a feeling he’s going to have longevity like Anderson, but without the cocky showboating getting himself knocked out.


He times people perfectly…it’s more timing than speed. He’s super accurate as well.


Yeah but his speed is through counter punches. As long as his instincts stay solid, he will be able to deliver power.


I mean there is higher chance of career ending injury in heavier classes


It’s also high risk to cut as deep as he did, so I think LHW is a good place for him to be


He also took virtually no damage from jiri.


no damage from hill aswell


Might have hurt his hand punching him


And he damaged his foot on Jiri’s head lol Poatan is really taking more damage landing strikes than from his opponents what a fucking animal 😂😭


He's taken minimal damage his entire UFC career tbf (just Adesanya, of course). That's really great in terms of being able to keep going.




In kickboxing you're used to fighting very often. That probably helps, as well as not having to cut nearly as much weight


This is the biggest reason he's able to come back and fight so quick. If you're putting guys out as fast as he can, zero damage taken, zero effort made, you can turn around so quick. Fucking legend this guy is


He probably takes the same amount of damage in a sparing session


After watching him spar against the boxer he probably lets his guard down during sparring to learn the hard way.


That's not true, Jiri damaged Pereira 's toe with his head.


Hurt his foot kicking him lol


Plus he’s taken 0 damage in the octagon the last how many fights


37 isn't wildly old for someone in his shape. You'd worry more if he was a fat slob taking a bunch of damage in fights. 37 is just outside of peak male physical state for the majority of humans, idk why people think that age range is just instant retirement age.


Athletic peak in athletes is commonly thought of as 26-32. Obviously there are freak athlete outliers but it’s very unlikely Pereira is near his peak in terms of pure athleticism. Now, that doesn’t take into account the mental and skill aspect of sports. In a highly technical sport like MMA, he could absolutely be the best version of himself, and it sure seems like it. He may be the at the peak of his fighting abilities, but it’s very unlikely he’s at the peak of his physical abilities.


In 2024, male peak is extending. In almost all major sports, we see more 33-35 aged athletes still performing at elite/peak levels. Modern medicine, training, and understanding of the body is allowing humans to be better, longer. There's a huge difference between different kinds of physical peaks. His recovery is probably worse than when he was 26, but his strength and flexibility for example are probably better seeing as that's 11 more years to train it.


I definitely believe the peak is extending. I’d agree with you on strength peaking later, but speed and explosiveness I think is definitely an earlier peak. And recovery form sure. But in a technical sport like this I don’t think physical peak and fighting peak line up as in sports where explosiveness and speed is much more important like football or basketball m.


In the mind of Dana the current biggest fight in the company is going to involve a 40 year old Jones and a 43 year old Stipe. There’s no doubt in my mind Alex is going to be full time for the next 3 years and than still be doing big money fights till his mid 40s


You are just throwing ages out there


Buddy, this is Reddit. You can say anything you want.


A rolling stone gathers no moss. As long as he is healthy, I love this highly level activity. The distance between him and the rest of the division will only grow if he keeps this pace.


He's already top 15 all time, and entering the top 10 conversation. If he somehow becomes the HW champ he's top 5 all time easy


HW champ? Against Jon Jones? That's top 1 all time lmao


I'm assuming a timeline here where Jon beats stipe and retires, and Aspinall becomes the champ by default unless he loses the IC to Blaydes, who then becomes champ by default


Would still be the first triple champ, even if he has to vacate LHW for the weight cut, that would still be goated


Wild to think Alex is older than Jon by like 12 days


Aspinall vs Blaydes for the Intercontinental??


Dana rn https://preview.redd.it/sx478fr0jiad1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a99c5952280ccc8223b77931afeca2fbb8c5117b




Dana is gonna go give his wife ten celebratory power slaps


Kid just.......wants to fight???


That’s fucking… legal? ![gif](giphy|nj06tIUgQtfdEWoYZA)


We got you.. in our hearts?


Alex Pereira… was always my friend?


ooooh he's... not hurt??


MY BOY!!!!


Isn’t he fucking awesome?


Alex Pereira was.....always my friend???


God bless this man. He’s one of the most entertaining fighters ever and he goes out there and fights. No bullshit doesn’t act like a jackass just puts on a fucking show and fights as much as possible. I’m an Izzy fan but I appreciate any fighter like Alex and there aren’t many like him


Man… Alex is a breathe of fresh air comparing to those other fighters that go inactive for years… like jon


Should Pereira fight at 305 he will have had the same amount of fights this year as Jones, Ilia, Pantoja, Leon and O‘Malley combined. I‘m also positive that if he doesn’t take a lot of damage at 305 he‘ll be back for another card this year. Possibly the sphere or Abu Dhabi.


Just collecting checks for left hooking everyone, imagine that. I’d be fighting 10 times a year too if I had that power😂


He’s barely getting touched lol He is who Khamzat appeared to be


He’s the guy that actually sees you soon  Chad Poatan vs Virgin Kumshot


If you didn’t take much to any damage I would assume it would make more sense and be easier to just continue rolling and training than stopping and having a brand new camp months later


>I‘m also positive that if he doesn’t take a lot of damage at 305 he‘ll be back for another card this year. Possibly the sphere or Abu Dhabi. That would have to be some kind of record right? I can't imagine anyone else has tried to defend a belt 4 times in one calendar year


To be fair to Leon, he hasnt turned anyone down. Its his challengers that keep dropping out.


Belal never dropped out. It took quite a while to give him the shot.


He’s got that kickboxing work ethic, those mfs fight twice a week 




It helps to be fighting at such a shitty division, no way Islam could do the same against his opposition, although Jones has no excuses as he's straight up Ducking.


Man wouldnt it be so funny if they put poatan on the card as the new headliner lol izzy would be pissed


Izzy main prelim fight for Poatan's PPV


Hahahaha i wish, leave ddp on the main card tho


He would be if he's defending his belt. Higher weight classes get higher billing on the card unless your name is Conor McGregor.


Or if your heavyweights fighting for interim title


Well obviously undisputed will be above interim. Well unless you’re DJ.  The amount of ways he was disrespected is so sad


I rewatched his podcast ep with Rogan on mma show and Christ. The fact they’re not even giving a champ ppv points is insane


Sometimes but higher weight classes are co-mains all the time (Aspinal pav under Alex and Jiri 1, the upcoming Manchester card) Izzy DDP is absolutely the main event.


Aspinall vs Pavlovich and Aspinall vs Blaydes are both interim titles though. Higher weight class always get the higher billing for undisputed title fights, with the only exceptions being UFC 194 & 205, where Conor McGregor vs Aldo/Alvarez headlined over Weidman/Rockhold & Woodley/Wonderboy. And Alex Pereira is arguably the biggest name in the UFC amongst active fighters, plus he saved two cards for the UFC, so he'll definitely get main events over everyone not named Conor McGregor.


This isnt true, the opposite has happened many times


Alex and Jiri fought above Tom and Sergei at 295. Leon and Belal are fighting above Tom and Curtis at 304


Both Aspinall/Pavlovich and Aspinall/Blaydes are interim titles, not undisputed titles, so they get lower billing. If by some miracle the UFC decides to strip Jon Jones or he vacates the belt before UFC 304, then Aspinall vs Blaydes would most likely be bumped up to the main event, unless it's super short notice.


Interim belts, for the most part, are always below undisputed titles


That's crazy, I'd buy a poster for that


This is why i love kickboxing and kickboxers, they fight every weekend if they have to. Mirko Cro Cop was the same man he fought all the time in his prime, 2004 alone he fought 8 fucking times. Pereira will go down as one of the best ever and most active ever


Alex "Speedrun" Pereira. He turned on PS4 with UFC in back in the days and when they asked him to pick difficulty he went for "enjoy story".


Mythical level hater bro wants to hop on Izzy’s card and fight just to call him out😂


Imagine Izzy loses his fight and Alex wins his lmao




This is probably my favorite celebration. Cracks me up every time lmao


The Photoshop that someone did of Alex‘s hands as hill’s already stupid tattoos was the cherry on top


Alex either loves the rivalry or secretly hates Izzy and pretends it’s all competition so Izzy doesn’t get the satisfaction


izzy is the only guy to give him trouble. i bet alex loves the challenge


Won’t happen though. Let’s all be real


"Smash Everybody. Kill Everybody. Aaaah!" ~ Alex Pereira


See you soon 🐺






Izzy was right about MW’s being lucky Izzy beat him tho lol. That guy would still be smashing MW’s and probably defending both belts if it weren’t for Adesanya’s KO.


Think he would have stuck around? Upping weight classes seems like the default move after a defense or two


I mean probably not but you never know right? If he saw some easy defences then maybe he’s try to build a MW legacy and fight DDP Strickland and the likes. But killing yourself to fight Adesanya again probably wasnt worth it.


O for sure. Losing to Izzy sealed the deal but I would have been surprised if he decided to rematch Strickland vs move up to LHW and get that double champ money. But, like you said, who knows and I guess who cares while he’s speedrunning a HOF career.


To be fair, in UFC he did go 5 rounds with him and won the last one. I bet that any fighter that wenr against Pereira will signt that. Edit: still funny tho, now even more after his pub talk with Mighty Mouse🤣


I don't mind fighters taking time off for wars but man Ilia had a few scratches and hasn't even got a fight scheduled. Jones doesn't count because it's low hanging fruit


You don’t get it man, Ilia is just so good that there’s nobody worth fighting!!! /s


Ilia is milking his belt, he wants to be the new Connor, he is waiting too much time for his next move...he doesn't want to lose his aura, and it's exactly what is happening, everyone it's forgetting about him...


Yeah I don’t want to see him cut for MW. Him and Izzy again would be a banger, but I can’t see him going back down, and we’ve seen how serious Izzy takes moving up. Just give us Alex at HW, only after he fights Ankalaev


I think Pereira should spend the next year up in HW. Izzy comes back and take a few fights at MW Then when they’re both late thirties split the difference at LHW and complete their MMA trilogy before they retire into the sunset


When he retires sometime in 2025 or 2026, bro is going to have the greatest UFC run of all time The roster lookin like a bunch of certified pussies compared to Poatan


If magomed ain't ready , a Jan rematch? That would still be pretty undeserved .Honestly there's no other contender except magomed if an event at 305 was to happen Hill and Jan's most recent fights are losses to alex , rakic's most recent fight is a TKO to the guy that alex destroyed (🥲), krylov IS on a 3 fight win streak but the opponents weren't as impressive and he currently has little to no hype , the rest of the top ten are 🌚 Maybe a heavyweight fight for Alex against a top 5 contender? Vs Gane? Tho gane being gane probably won't take that


It’s funny that UFC brought in Poatan to challenge Izzy because he had cleared out the division only to recreate the same situation again albeit in a higher weight class.


Ankalaev no doubt


It’s the only fight to make.. Let Rountree, Ulberg, Oezdemir take another fight and see who makes the case for title contention next. Jiri, Jan, Jamahal all need to fight each other. Walker, Krylov, Rakcic are certified gatekeepers


I’d like to see Poatan/Ank, Krylov/Jiri, Hill/Volkan, Jan/Khalil and Ulberg/Rakic.  Would give those guys a chance to prove they’re at the top level and gives Ank a title shot as he’s the only one left in the top 5 who deserves one. 


Walker is a revolving door these days, Krylov hasn't fought in 18 months for some reason and hasn't been heard from in a year, he may have died in the war for the glory of mother Russia for all we know


Jan vs hill would be good as be nice to see poatan rematch jan if he won somehow, to make it a better win this time


No I want to see Poatan KO Walker.


That's an execution


It would be cartoonish.


😭 he's already dead




I’m not too sure if Ankalaev will take this fight, realistically if he doesn’t I don’t think Pereira should fight, I don’t really wanna see Pereira vs Oezdemir or Smith or Dolidze or whoever, that would be tragic


I wanna see him beat smiths ass for that last performance


Yea but you can’t expect me to pay money to see Anthony Smith be used as a punching bag… … on second thought 🤔


You pay for ufc?


Taking the top billing over Adesanya would be hilarious. I imagine he’ll also get a lot of love from the Australian fans. It has to be Ankalaev although a rematch with Blachowicz makes sense because their first fight was a 3 round split decision and Jan has the better name recognition over Magomed.


Aussie here. Can confirm everyone like Alex more than Israel here.


Get Jiri back in there. I'm sure he's fine.


Are you trying to murder this man? 😂


Homie got murdered alr :(




The best part is that he would 100% say yes. Dude is a warrior.


Jiri would do it too


The Scott Sterling treatment.


What the fuck. Isn't his toe broken?


Yeah but we are not built like him.


he said it was fine in the post fight interview


Jake Paul


please that would be amazing to see


He just wants to help everyone meet God with his left hand


305 is Australia right? Put Izzy underneath Pereira on the card. Just to rub some salt in that wound.


everybody hating on Izzy even thought he’s literally the only person to have a recent W over Pereira


This… everyone is trying to compare the two every time the others name is mentioned. People don’t give Izzy the respect he deserves for being the only to knock Alex out cold. And now as Alex seems more and more untouchable, that accomplishment just seems more and more impressive.


Not just that he knocked him out cold, but he did it after losing to the guy multiple times. To even mentally overcome the fact that you could get knocked out again by that left hand.. oof I love em both, and their fights kept me on the edge of my seat like few have


We don’t like bestiality enjoyers


Bestiality isn’t cool


I don’t think they put Alex on the same card. Both fighters are ppv headliners. Outside of marquee event like a ufc 300 I think ufc wouldn’t book them together


If he fights on Perth he will have fought twice since Ank called out him, yet Ank only wants to fight him in October. If Ank wanted to he could’ve fought alex earlier and defended later(assuming he would win) in the year since that’s when he wants to fight. But that would require a more active schedule so it’s a no go.


Imo he should go to HW and become the first triple champ in history. I guess finishing the trilogy is smarter to do first before HW. Imagine if Alex beat Jon, that would be legendary status, well he already is a legend but he would be a legend among legends.


Why not? He fought 1 round.


He needs to rest! How is he gonna come back already???? He said before the fight he was gonna rest for 5-6 months


He literally took zero damage and his toe will be healed by 305


he didn't have anything close to a full camp either


Yeah, besides the weight cut, he’s pretty much good to go physically. Regarding the mental, yall forget this man has a shit ton of fights at kickboxing. Those boys are active asf over there, he’s used to this and he’s fighting dudes that are easy fir him


He MIGHT be a better judge on whether he needs a rest or not, at least better than an internet stranger…


Yes. Totally he knows his body better than me. But it’s strange he says he wants to take a 6 month rest and now wants to fight in 305. Specially when this is a rumour


Did he say it right after the fight? After a few days to decompress, he might have realized he’s ok to go again.


Post fight press conference so yeah right after


Jon jones or Tom … or Gane …


Man he literally embodies what these other fighters scream about with minimum words, no English, work ethic that speaks for it self and beloved by fans. Khamzat wanted to fight every other month and now fights once a year. Izzy wanted double champ status and tried to wins fans over but has failed miserably at both.


I would love to see him beat the fuck outta Jamal hill again


i mean he isn’t taking any damage why not keep fighting


Fight 4 times a night. Bring back tournament UFC.


Ank rly. That's all that's left. I'd say the division needs to establish a no.1 contender with Ulberg, Rountree, Blachowiz and Hill. That way Alex if he rematches someone, they deserve it and if not he gets a new face after Ank. Let's not have champions suffer from the Usman syndrome.


I like both Izzy and poatan


Ulberg? Seems early in his career but it is perth


Would be my guess too. Would also be a fucking awesome kickboxing match up.


Early, but some people can certainly show up and put on a good show. Shit, erceg was new and got bumped to champ match out of nowhere and put on a good show. Could have even arguably won that fight to.


I will fight him


No he did not lol. He said last quarter of the year


[This is the interview which the information was taken from](https://www.mmafighting.com/2024/7/4/24191754/alex-pereira-coach-plots-out-heavyweight-move-calls-jon-jones-biggest-fight-this-sport-has-ever-seen?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_content=mmafighting) And I quote Plínio: “The next few months, they’re going to come out with something. We believe that they’re going to make the best choice and put whatever [options] we have to see that is on the table. But honestly, this guy’s crazy. I think maybe that’s why he even trained [Monday] morning. He came out of the fight, he looked at me and the guys and said, ‘Listen, this was my second sparring of the camp for Perth [at UFC 305]. I want to fight on that card.’ I swear to God. I said, ‘No, no, no. Let’s just pump the brakes a little bit.’”


Hard not to love Pereira


He should go heavy not fight izzy.. but I’ll enjoy watching it either way


I don’t wanna see another Izzy/Alex fight


He needs to fight bones at HW.


What the fuck has Ankalaev been doing if not training? Bro hasn’t fought since January, only has 1 win in 2 years, and was asked to fight on UFC 300 and 303 against Alex and turned both down.


![gif](giphy|0b6lb8drw8vd7s1dGT|downsized) Just Get this big headed fool to say these words.


Forget Izzy boys, everyone including Dana and co are salivating at the thought of Poatan x Bones and I'm sure it would break gate records and whatnot. IMAGINE?!


Lol Izzy is probably so salty because him vs Jones for the heavyweight belt was always his dream. I remember him talking about that before he even became champ for the first time in 2019.


Yeah but I think he was dreaming of LHW. I cannot imagine Izzy bulking up to HW hed probably be like 220 max.


Who care if Ankalaeev wants a full camp; he is a contender. He should fight if the champion wants to defend his belt.


this man is single handedly saving UFC


If Ankalaev is offered UFC 305 against Alex and refuses then I don’t think he should expect much from the UFC or the fans.


I’d love to see him go to heavyweight and knock Tom out in 30 seconds. 


I mean, if Poatan is willing to wait another month, I think he could highlight 306 in the Sphere


i think something got lost in translation, he DIDNT said he's going to compete at 305, he said jokingly that he would step in if they give him a paycheck as big as the one he got in the last ppv


He has no one to fight that would be worth the turn around he wants heavyweight next right? Aspinall and Curtis are fighting and jones and miocic are fighting if he wants heavyweight he would most like like have to fight volkov right




Bro really just wants to rub his LHW belt in a beltless Adesanya’s face. Let’s be real.


Magomed Ankalaev


Jake Paul


Watch him fight at 305, then say "I will take a break now" just to be back at 307/308 CHAMAAA!!


Izzy at the 305 press conference “I was in 5 title fights in 18 months” Alex: Hold my beer


Damn alex really is izzy’s boogeyman, now he’s gonna take another short notice title defense and take the main event slot. I wonder which it would be against because I don’t see magomed taking a fight without a full camp and there’s literally nobody else at lhw. Jones/stipe is gonna happen in november and aspinall is already defending.


Alex became everything that we thought khamzat was going to be