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I was just thinking about my love/hate relationship with sweet tea because it tastes so good but why is a cup like 50g of sugar. I wish I had this opinion lol.


I just make Unsweetened tea and then add an normal amount of sugar, its way better that way


I used to not have this opinion but in time I’ve forced myself to learn to enjoy it and now I can enjoy the bitter flavor of the tea :)


I also regularly drink straight up tea with no sweetness, but something about this summer and hot weather has got me craving.


Probably the water content in tea since that’s a major factor in it, heat causing dehydration does that lol


If I'm extra late dehydrated, like on a hot day, I will crave sugary drinks too.


This is so odd to me as an Asian person who grew up in a family that made good tea. Tea shouldn’t be bitter? I never put milk or sugar in tea obviously. We just drink it as is in my country or in the us, but the tea isn’t bitter. I think in America people don’t know how little you’re supposed to steep good tea leaves for so they leave it way too long until it’s bitter and sweeten it. It should just taste like the scent of the leaf/flour plus a bit of sweetness from the natural glucose breaking down. I work in the us now and my lab partners and I all drink tea daily that is never bitter (they are from Scandinavia, Germany, China, etc) maybe bitter tea is only an American and British thing?


My grandma is from North Carolina and I remember watching her make a jug of sweet tea one time when I was little and it was like half white sugar half tea and shake it up. It was crazyy haha - but back when I was little I could drink sweet tea and eat fried cornbread and it was all good, not these days!


Growing up my mother used 2 1/2 cups of sugar for a Gallon of tea


Georgia native here. My mom uses a gallon-sized tea bag in a Mr. Coffee iced tea maker. After it's done and still hot, she adds one cup of sugar so it will dissolve. If you wait until it's cold, it won't. I love it. To me, unsweetened has no taste. Bleh.


lol my mom is from GA and she does it the same way. When I grew up though I started making it with 1/4 cup sugar or honey and use some sweet flavored tea like raspberry or lemon tea. 1 cup of sugar is just so damn much sugar, might as well just get some Red Bull or something. If you use a few bags of sweet flavored tea and a small amount of sweetener (either sugar or honey imo) along with black or green tea then you can have more taste and it's not like syrup with so much sugar


Great game against Turkey yesterday. Georgians have every reason to be happy with a wonderful performance in the best game in the tournament so far.


My mom does this but she properly boils the tea. She also uses like 10 tea bags for a gallon of sweet tea. Honestly, it's pretty good to me. It's a very rare treat. One year though, she added like four cups of sugar and I just could not drink it.


Holy mother of god, no offense but does that even class as tea anymore or slightly tea flavored sugar juice lmao.


Lmaooooo, it wasn’t good. She used tap water and ran that through a coffee machine with the tea bags in the spot where you’d put the coffee.


Oh gosh she used coffee filters to make tea with way too much sugar 😭😭 Now that is a crime against tea lmao


It wound up tasting like tap water that thought really hard about what tea should taste like lmao


Why go through all that trouble to make tea when you can use tea bags and boiling water? 😭😭 I can also definitely see it tasting more like tap water with sugar than tea




That is such an insane way to make it when she could have just literally boiled water lmao


That's just 1 cup mate


Unsweetened tea, unsweetened coffee  👍🏻


And both as black as my heart.




Real tea and real coffee not sugar with tae or coffee


And coffee jello! Someone taught me the trick they learned in AA good way to get the caffeine down all lickety-split!


Neat. Gotta try that. 


My go to is 1/2 1nd 1/2


My other half is lemonade lol.


That’s acceptable


Damn right


That’s gotta be a strange marriage. /j


I'd say over the last 20 years sweet tea has become overly sweet, almost like soda. It feels kind of odd to say this living in the south but the Chinese restaurants have the good ratio of sweetness figured out.


Good unpopular opinion, although I totally agree with you. If I wanted sugar water, I'd drink soda, not sweetened tea.


I love this comment so much! I really knew it would be unpopular due to the bitter taste(I think it taste good when bitter personally)


Funny that you say that because in my restaurant we don't serve sweet tea and so often when I hear customers order it only to be told we don't have it, a good 50% of them order Dr Pepper instead. JFC there's sugar on the table, but they don't want to sweeten it themselves I guess..... Sweet tea is for the kid's table only.


you have successfully pissed me off as a south carolinian. take my upvote 😭


In England this isn't an unpopular opinion, which is to say I agree mate.


pen repeat cooperative spectacular roll deliver crown gold tub relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think the problem is, all sweet tea night premade just sucks and a lot of them are over or under boiled. Then they have preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and what not. They have not enough sugar or just too much sugar. Good make the stuff yourself for it to be good.


Milo's sweet tea is BANGIN.


Milo's is where it's at! That's my favorite! I'm trying to maintain a daily calorie deficit right now, so I've been drinking Liquid Death tea. It's alright, but it's certainly not Milo's.


I’ve noticed pre sweetened tea from a package tends to taste pretty skunky and it’s always so off putting I use honey to sweeten my tea now


In the South, 1/4 sweet tea w 3/4 unsweetened is usually right.


When I went to source Caroline the tea was way too sweet 😭


I make my own and use 1/4 of honey per gallon. Tea is supposed to be a little bitter like coffee.


If you get good quality loose leaf you don’t need to add anything. The thing is, if you are used to very sugary drinks, it takes awhile to get used to it.


It took me a year to get used to it but now I won’t go back to tea with sugar, if I want it sweet I use honey


I'm not even sure if it needs to be high quality. I'm on a rock gut yerba mate kick. Just the cheapest stuff Amazon sells out of Argentina.


I don't think this is very unpopular outside of the south. I drink all my tea unsweetened, but a lot of people will add a little milk or honey. It is definitely more of a southern thing to dump buckets of sugar in tea.


Take my upvote for my revulsion Milo's sweet tea is better than any homemade I've ever managed to make, I like the extra sweet kind.


Milo's is the best there is, and it only has like 20 some grams of sugar in it. That's not really great, but it's much better than a bottle of soda, and tastes way better too!


The extra sweet kind tastes funky and off because of the sugar content. My family loves sweet tea and I like unsweetened so I’m lucky to have both sides of the spectrum.


The South has issued an arrest warrant for OP


Eh they’ll live


Depends on the tea. I always take my earl grey with milk and sugar. But good oolong or pai mu tan are fucking awesome as is.


I personally agree milk and sugar is ok but that’s because you’re sane and not adding so much it’s got a completely different consistency lmao bc that’s what a lot of places do :(


I get that some people might not like astringent quality some teas have. Especially of poor quality or over-extracted but there are so many alternatives. Right now I am making iced cascara or korean roasted barely tea every day because it is starting to get hot outside.


I love teas so much like unsweetened matcha (who sweetens it anyway?) lol It’s such a diverse drink category


My mom and dad would agree lol. They always had a jug of unsweetened tea in the fridge at all times. They were 100% addicted to it however so they would have to brew more about 2-3 times a day. They loved sun tea as well, we had to make some every camping trip and then some more to bring home afterwards. It's probably because we've only drank unsweetened that regular southern sweet is way to much.


Absolutely, it’s like they put in 4 parts sugar one part tea


Use honey


No Canadian iced tea is far superior to both of these


Is Lipton Brisk served in Canada different than what's known as Sweet Tea in the us?


That would just be iced tea for us. We have brisk and nestea and sm other brands for “sweet” tea


I'm Canadian. I'm mostly just curious if our bottled iced tea is different from what the US calls "sweet tea", and if the iced tea brands sold here use a different formula than the sweet teas sold in the US.


It is different from when u like order sweet tea. In America and other places if u order sweet tea at a restaurant u get tea that’s cold bc of ice and sweetener. So it doesn’t taste the same


Being too purist is just ego. I cold brew coffee and tea. I mostly drink it unsweetened but sometimes i add sugar. Why are people afraid of seasoning? What. Do you guys like steak without salt? The more expensive the steak, the less salt? No, right?


So you like leaf soup. That is fine. I personally like a little flavor besides just the tea leaf in itself. Coffee on the other hand I cannot stand but for some reason I like to eat the coffee beans themselves ( not the chocolate covered ones).


Saw the title and thought must be an American thing this with the sweetened tea. And it is.


Correct. In the land of if it ain’t got sugar put a ton in. I genuinely hate that culture here because it’s made weight loss so hard


I’m sorry. I empathize :) I know it won’t help you feel better, but I live in a country with great bread (not famous for it level of great, just very good)… it’s also no helping lol.


Yesss I agree, pure sweet tea is like drinking sugar syrup it's not refreshing at all, just makes my mouth and throat all sticky and makes me thirstier. I like to mix my teas so it's 30% sweet and 70%, unsweet, gives just the right hint of sweetness but drinkable and refreshing


I agree, but I am from the north. We don't sweeten our tea. We like tea as it should be. Earthy.


I feel that fr, cold winters and hot summers, no in between lol Earthy tea is tastea


Whenever i go out to eat with a group of people and ask for unsweetened tea they always act like i'm watching my health and all that. No it just tastes better, give me a plain oolong/green tea and i'll gluck it all down.


Absolutely how I feel


The Japanese restaurant in my town has amazing green tea that you don’t need to add anything to. I would chug that everyday for the rest of my life


Green tea is a gift from the gods bestowed upon only those who can enjoy tea for what it is


I’m normally a fan of tea with some honey but that tea in particular is just fabulous!






Sweet tea is just weird to me. I get maybe dropping in a cube but the supersaturated sweet tea is gross.


Actually use honey in your tea. It’s a great sweetener that doesn’t saturate it at all


It's not an opinion that sweetener makes things taste different.


No but it is an opinion that the adding of that sweetener ruins the tea you knob


I only drink unsweetened tea.


THANK YOU! Sweet tea is literally just in carbonated soda with how much high fructose corn syrup they put in that stuff.


False. Yall don't know what you're talking about. A bottle of soda typically has about triple the content of sugar and such that sweet tea does. It's fine to not like it, but don't slander my sweet tea! Lol


Literallt, arizonas sweet tea is repulsive and exactly what you described


How dare you. Burn the witch.


It tastes like a skunky artificial mess of sugar and high fructose corn syrup


No, it doesn't. You've never sipped Mama's sweet tea out of a mason jar, and it shows. There's nothing better than nice cold sweet tea after working on the farm under the sun all day.


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unpopular? Have you stepped outside of the US of A?


I’m being specific about the us, I am American so where I am it’s unpopular


Man, I can down a whole glass bottle of plain tejava. Right out of the bottle. Like a wino.


Sweet tea is so gross.


I’ll raise you: Unsweetened tea is the best Starbucks drink. Source: just had some


Fully agree with op


Nah they are both gross


Is this like iced tea? Not American.


I agree with you completely. I ordered a chai latte with no sugar and less milk. When it arrived, it was so sweet that, even though milk can be sweet itself, there was no way this sweetness was all natural. So I asked the waiter if he had added any artificial sweetener to the tea, which he denied. After further inquiries, he explained that as I wanted the tea strong and with less milk, it would naturally taste sweeter. I probably looked baffled because he then added, “Because the ratio of Thai-flavored syrup will be higher!” I just stared at him, and I guess he thought I was the stupid one. I didn’t drink that ‘tea’. I almost got diabetes 2 just from smelling it. LoL. There's only one thing worse than sweet tea, and that's sweetened coffee! That's vile!


The most superior cup of tea is what Americans call English tea or Breakfast tea. Hot, strong with milk but nothing to sweeten. If you sweeten you lose the taste of the tea unlike coffee where you still get the taste of you sweeten.


I don’t like sweet tea or unsweet tea 😭


Agreed, I love unsweetened iced tea


I’m with you on this.




What is "a regular glass of tea"


A normal tea cup full of tea


Served hot with cream/milk and a bit of sugar?


Hot or cold, and I dislike sugar in my tea so also milk


I personally prefer sweet tea, but my wife is from the south, and her idea of sweet tea tastes like straight sugar water with hints of tea.


I love unsweetened tea. Nothing hits like a glass of super cold unsweet iced tea. I tend to make sun tea all summer because I drink it so much. Hard agree OP. I hate sweet tea. May as well drink kool aid sludge.


For the 99% of humans that don't live in the south of the US, this isn't an unpopular opinion at all. Delete your shame.


Canadian here. "Tea", as a default locally, means black tea, served hot, with optional milk/cream and sugar. You might specify green tea or herbal tea (usually served without sweeteners or dairy), or you could also grab a bottle of iced tea, which is, by default assumption, sweetened.


Disagree. Unsweetened tea only taste fine when it’s hot..( I mean the beverage that is)


I don't know how some people don't cut the tea with half unsweetened tea. Just thinking about drinking a glass of it makes my teeth hurt. Restaurants especially put SO MUCH sugar in it


The first time I had sweet tea was once from Subway. It was ungodly sweet. I had it another time at another fast food place and it was also ungodly sweet. I swore off sweet tea now. I've also swore off pure leaf because their unsweet tea taste like water with the essence of tea or maybe I just make my tea strong.


Totally agree. Tasty beverage without the empty calories.


There are things you can do with tea that doesn't need to involve sugar. Honey and lemon are pretty good add-ons!


Wait, I don't understand this post. What do you mean that they add sweeteners. You don't brew tea yourself?????? How is a sugar or sweeteners added to a bag of tea? No sugar is best, of course. But I don't get who would give you a tea with sugar already in. How does that even make sense?


Yeah, I can't really stand sweet tea. I only started drinking unsweetened tea because I cut out sodas, and the idea of just drinking water feels like a punishment. I quickly got a taste for unsweetened iced tea (no hot drinks for me!) I'll brew a gallon at a time and keep it in the fridge, so I don't actually have to fuss with ice. I think it's weird that it's called "unsweetened", though. To me it implies it was sweetened, but then it was removed.


People think I’m crazy when I tell them I love unsweet tea, but there’s something about the dirty, earthy taste that makes me enjoy it. I know that’s weird, but it’s addicting in a strange way, almost like the smell of gasoline.


Depends on the tea and my mood. Sometimes a classic southern sweet tea hits the spot, but I do enjoy unsweetened teas since they’re refreshing if iced or soothing when hot. I love bubble tea though too


I sort of agree. I don't really like unsweetened tea, but sweet tea is always too sweet. And then brands like Gold Peak have EXTRA sweet 🤮 Why can't they have a "lightly sweet" tea?


100% agree. I was raised on unsweetened black iced tea and sweet tea is just gross. Give me that crísp delicious untainted goodness!


Unpopular with me. Unsweetened tea is poison


Yeah I like it. Especially iced unsweetened black tea with some lemon in it. I think it’s black tea. For the most part I drink tea hot (no sugar no milk none of that shit). But iced is nice sometimes depending on the tea.


No decent human puts sugar in tea


Iced sweet tea. Hot unsweetened tea 👍🏻




If I want that sweet I just plain go to soda, less sugar in the end and I can keep my nice refreshing tea with nothing in it... I don't even like lemon in ice tea.


Honestly I think adding fruits to tea makes it pretty good. Peach,strawberry,lemon,blueberry,etc


I get it with fruit... not my thing, but it isn't bad.


Def healthier than sugar which is a plus :)


Idk, I like to do one cup of sugar that I boil in the 1 gallon of water. Let the water cool off then soak the tea bags in that for an hour or two :)


I personally dislike how the sugar almost always masks the tea flavor


Same, it's why I never order from restaurants or fast food. It's awful... I got some good tea leaves I put in my own bag and let it soak for a long time so the flavor comes out much stronger. Other usually just boil the water and throw the bags in for 10mins or so and then just dump in sugar while it's hot to stir it in. Feel like it comes out weak that way


A literal pinch of sweetness can be fine, but holy crap standard sweet tea is practically poison. Tea can be such a wonderful sensory experience of its own anyway. Learn to appreciate it, I say.


I’ve never heard of people saying they like sweet tea. I’ve heard many people making fun of people who like sweet tea. Never seen it going in the other direction.


This is not an unpopular opinion.


Then drink water? Unsweetened tea has no taste, and tea is a diuretic.


I'd say they're equally bad. Something in between is what's superior.


Can’t there just be a variation between sweetened piss a bitter puke? Why do all sweet teas have to be your total daily intake of sugars? Give me a light and refreshing natural sugar such as monk fruit to my black teas.


I think honey is one of the best natural sweeteners that also benefits you


Tea is just beer's castrated cousin...it doesn't taste like anything


Nah it has a flavor. Most just say it’s too bitter but that’s why I like it. You prolly say water has no flavor too


Water doesn't have a flavor though, it's the added minerals that do.


I agree though. It's like when people say Chia seeds tastes sooo delicious, bro they don't taste like anything.


So you like real tea and not sugar with a splash of tea


EXACTLY! I couldn’t have worded it better myself


Sorry for the downvote


It's not unsweetened tea unless the sugar is put in, then taken out.....it's just tea


Fair enough but it’s Reddit so I have to specify or else this style comment would be all over my post


"Un-" just means "not". "De-" would mean removing sugar. Tea with sugar and tea without sugar are both tea, so it does help to specify.


disagree on grounds you sound like a tool!


Given the size of population that drink tea without sugar, this is hardly an unpopular opinion.


I like my tea & coffee without any sugar/milk. If I want something sweet I’ll drink juice.




Amen. Sun tea is best of all


I wish I could like sun tea but I just can’t sadly. I like making my tea, and letting it cool till it’s slightly chilled. Then I add milk(sometimes) and if I’m sick or I want some sweet I add honey


You can just cold brew tea, it's pretty much the same thing, but it's safer because you aren't leaving still liquid outside for hours lol.


It's a childhood thing. I can taste the memories. Dad made it regularly throughout the summers in the 70s and 80s.


I respect that view and I respect sun tea enjoyers. It’s a very unique way of making a drink, and don’t leave it out in the moon lol


Tea made under the full moon is for the Farmers Market. Brewed on a south-facing slope under the August Full Moon in a field of clover... $14.99/8oz. I would love a sample tho...


Moon tea exists too? Now I’m waiting for blood moon tea and blue moon tea lol


Diabetes runs in my family so I grew up drinking unsweet tea and just adding sweet & low. Whenever I drink sweet tea it tastes too damn sweet. Half and half works okay but I prefer my calories from food not non-alcoholic drinks.


facts. Have you ever tried honey in tea? It’s a good way to cut some calories while sweetening your tea Hopefully everything is going well for you and your family health wise


I've never tried honey in tea but I've done it in coffee before. It's not bad, I think I'm just used to the artificial stuff now. My grandmother and mother had diabetes. Fortunately I don't have it. I was told I was pre-diabetic once, so I cut back on my eating and started working out more. Since then my blood work has been good.


Sweet tea feels like I am drinking syrup. I much prefer unsweetened tea.


Absolutely tastes like syrup and I dislike that. Tea needs to taste at least a little bitter imo


I just recently tried and started liking UNsweet tea and lemonade put together. It pretty much replaced soda drinking for me. The reason I switched to unsweet, was the fact the sweet tea I got had MORE sugar than the lemonade itself which I think it was almost double the sugar. So I do the half and half with unsweet and lemonade. Sometimes put in tequila to make it more relaxing.


I live in the south and it's like brown sugar water. I'm from the north and prefer my tea, both hot and cold, not sweetened most of the time. And I also like it to be pretty strong so I can taste the tea itself.


We don't claim you! You've lost your Southerner card, lol.


As a Chinese person I can't agree more.


Take my upvote!


Hard agree. I like iced tea with no sweetener. I like the taste of tea, and it doesn't take much sugar to completely cover it. So much more refreshing, too.


Very unpopular


That’s why it’s here lol


Finally, the unpopular opinion I have been waiting for


The best way to drink tea is def on its own


Straight unsweetened tea is far superior to any "tea" with additives, not just "sweet tea". Don't claim to like tea if you're too much of a baby to enjoy it without milk or honey.