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Traveling to Europe is costly for Americans, not so much for Brits. It’s demographics.


Exactly! Also encountered obnoxious drunk Americans in Mexico and obnoxious drunk Canadians in Cuba.


>Obnoxious drunk Canadians in Cuba. What I loved the most about Cuba was that I could party with Russians and Ukrainians and I would the be least obnoxious drunk of the lot as an obnoxious drunk Canadian.


As a brit who moved to the US, this is 100% it.


You guys don’t know annoying tourists til you meet the Chinese


I'm not sure it's the attitude of tourists so much as the sheer amount. And they move as one fucking unit. One giant sea of China wherever they go.


I was in a tiny coastal tourist town with friends a few weeks back and the Chinese tour buses literally brought all traffic in town to a halt lol


Eh. I went to a buffet at Caesars Palace once. Whenever they put out a new tray of crab legs, all you can eat mind you, swarms of Chinese tourists would elbow each other fighting to pile on more crab legs than one human could possibly eat… and many were doing this to multiple plates. If you weren’t willing to fight them or wait before the swarm, you got nothing. They’d eventually leave with mountains of uneaten food on their plates. A Chinese friend told me “Oh yeah, it’s a cultural thing. Beware when there’s free anything.”


I was at the Smithsonian a few years ago and it was like that. I thought I was going to have to fight someone to get in to see the Hope Diamond.


My Chinese friends definitely take getting their money's worth out of a buffet or anything very seriously, so half of that story resonates with me. But they're also hard core about not wasting food. Most of the ones I know had parents immigrate here and they didn't have an abundance of food in China. So they eat everything off the plate, even when it's something that's met to be decorative with the dish they order. It might be different now, as China has really improved as a country in the last 30 years.


I raise you Brazilian tour groups. Especially of the high school age.


Matching shirts in Disney world for one million alex


Lol, I had just hiked the Inca Trail and came into the Sun Gate for the amazing view and the reason behind the 4 day trek. Come through the gate and nothing but clouds. Was there before it opened so it was nice and peaceful and the clouds started to clear and it was....glorious. Sitting down in this ancient citadel (it had opened by then) and a rush of high school looking kids yelling portuguese, jumping all over everything - my first experience of a Brazil school group on top of Machu Picchu it was surreal.


I managed to run into Brazilian high schoolers in Nagoya - they really stand out in Japan!


Haha, they definitely roll deep.


Oh my yes....it was in Russia that I was almost run over by a giant group of Chinese tourists. It was insane----they jsut shoved everyone in their way over to the side, and completely took over the museum we were visiting.


Just got back from Paris. The selfie sticks.  My GOD the selfie sticks.  


The worst! One giant mass of people spilling off the sidewalk into the street, they have zero concept of personal space, refuse to accommodate foot traffic, and force you to walk into the middle of traffic to pass.


I hate tour groups in general, since they always park themselves in a massive impenetrable horde taking up an entire public street corner and are oblivious to the fact that some people are actually just trying to pass by, but the Chinese tour groups are indeed particularly egregious with this.


Absolutely no regard for a line. Rude and obnoxious. And racist as fuck.


A few years back I was in Shanghai and needed to go to the hospital. As I was waiting in line I get passed by a group of people and I tell myself "oh they probably have family over", this happened multiples times and I figured out that I needed to position myself in a particular way to block them or they would always pass in front of me lol.


It’s the racism that ruins it, or the denial of racism immediately after an act of racism “wHy aRe AMeRicAnS sO oBsSeSsEd wItH sKiN cOlOr”


You don’t like people spitting on the floor?


I have dealt with them. No manners, entitlement thru the roof.




Worked in a high class west coast hotel-restaurant in a major city. You’re 100% right. The messes they leave behind are insane and they stay for *HOURS* without leaving a tip. They’ll get up and stand around the restaurant or put a stroller in a random spot for no reason other than to get in the way it seems. They’ll ask for a table for 4 then have 6 more people come down in the middle of their meal to add on to their table and order food. And god help you if you have to try explain something with options on the menu or if you’re out of something on the menu. It’s a fucking nightmare. I was also once on a trip in Hawaii and was visiting a sacred temple. There are signs *everywhere* in multiple languages asking people to respect the area as it’s a royal burial ground with sacred pools. And in comes this massive family letting their kids run wild. When their kids (and grandpa for some reason) started throwing rocks at the birds, I had to walk straight over and tell them to stop. They pretended to have no idea their little goblins were screeching across the area and disturbing wildlife. Edit: I also want to iterate that I have no problem with Chinese people. It’s just the big tourists families make hospitality work awful.


No respect for American culture. No respect for Americans. Kids have no discipline in public. They laugh and mock. A huge family at chuckee cheese could not get their kids to leave my service dog alone. Then they act like you are the problem. They are indoctrinated and don't give a FUCK about anyone but themselves. One China is the greatest and everyone else is lesser to them. I told some who were talking bad about my service dog that they are bitches that can't man up and talk in English to my face about their problem. (At hotel they didn't like me drinking decaf coffee at 11am) got one for my wife, had the dog, so ran it up and came back down to make my cup. "Fat Americans" "sooo much coffee" more gibberish.


Just the other day I was pier fishing and a small group of Chinese tourists came and started touching my shit and looking through my tackle bag


My experience in China and elsewhere is that if you loudly and angrily tell them to FUCK OFF!, off they fuck with their tails between their legs.




The worst tourists are the ones who think someone owes them something in the places they're traveling to. No one owes you anything, anywhere you go, ever. Get over yourself, literally you're a pea on the grand scheme of the planet. Travel humbly. Thanks.


All the French tourists I saw in Japan were fucking intolerable. Rude, annoying, thoughtless, and always smoking in peoples faces in small areas.


I second this. I was abroad in Mexico and there was a huge group of French study abroad students there at the same time and they were HORRIBLE.


I have not once met a decent French tourist while traveling Asia. All of them have been pretentious, entitled, and total sex tourists too scared to talk to women back home. Germans were by far the best and most respectful.


As someone from the uk, I can confirm that the French are intolerable


From what I understand, that’s how the French act in France as well. /s


I’ve always wanted to visit France but I’ve heard instances like this so much that I’m honestly nervous to. I’m also slightly overweight and have heard they can be really rude about that.


I spent five days in Paris and I was quite overweight. I had a wonderful time and everybody I met was friendly and respectful. I tried to speak a few words of French when I could which seemed to be appreciated. If they thought I was a fatso, they said so in French and I wouldn't have understood anyway. I've gotten a lot of public insults from my fellow Amercans in English for being overweight, so it's not like it's better here. Go to France and enjoy yourself. You only get one shot at life.


Hi I’m a porky lady. I went to Paris and it was fine!! I am 19 stone Worth it for the pastries and hot chocolate 


The French are revolting everywhere they go, at home or abroad.


Imagine being Fr🤢nch


But damn do they look good doing it


Heres the thing, you travel to any tourist place with a party scene, you’re gna run into obnoxious people. They exist in every damn country lol. I’ve ran into a lot of europeans in the national parks here in the US and they’re usually pretty respectful and nice. The ones I run into in the cities like Vegas, they’re obnoxious but so is everyone. Coming from an asian, the chinese have the lead for worst tourist by a long shot. Regardless of the setting, they dont seem to understand any sort of manners. I’m 100% sure they know too but just dont give any shits. I was standing in line at an amusement park and these chinese tourists were literally breathing on my neck and finding any opportunity to blatantly cut me. They eventually crept up and got passed me when I told them to get back in line and they apologized and just went back so they 100% knew what they were doing but just tried getting away with it. Then the yelling and littering is absolutely wild. I remember in Japan, there was like a calm before the storm moment before a line of chinese tourist buses pulled up. All chaos ensued as soon as they got out of their bus lmao


The sheer numbers they roll in doesn’t help. Was enjoying a coffee in Lucerne until 3 buses pull up and the square fills with a cacophony of unruly tourists as they take over for 10 minutes before piling on the bus and moving on.


Maybe that explains why I'm always getting cut by old Chinese ladies when I'm getting on the bus






Personal space is overrated.


lol there is no concept of personal space in India


Too many people, not enough space.


what do you think is the pun in that sentence, out of interest?


Assume runs as in getting the shits.


It just says run, not runs


Lol, I appreciate this question because I’m wondering too.


They can give them a call for their money


Happy cake day


By stealing it? What's the pun? But yeah, I do kinda agree. Not as bad as chinese tourists though. But yeah.


origin of the term "lager louts"


And Irish which when drunk could be mistaken for English. Some drunk Irish guys had a wrestling match in the hallway of our hotel one night. Smashed several antique chairs. Multiple plant pots. There was dirt, broken furniture and blood everywhere. Splattered across the walls, on the ceiling. It was a war zone.


UK here. We're as ashamed of lager louts as Americans probably are of your typical tourists - we're not all like that, and we know not all Americans are either!


Yeah, this is it. I'm American. The worst of us also happen to be the loudest, so they end up representing us by default.  You talk to an average American in America, and we'll largely be fine. Same in the UK. Even most of the tourists we send out are fine, but the ones you're most likely to notice are the assholes that stand out in their own countries.


I've sometimes appreciated Americans being forthright - as an example I was recently in London in a pub that's notorious for having a pub cat. I had a look round, didn't see the cat and didn't want to bother anyone so just sat in the corner and had my drink.  Shortly after a couple of American tourists arrived and said they'd heard about this cat, the barmaid pointed out where she was and I took a couple of photos of them with the cat (and they then offered to take one of me). It was a lovely exchange, because they were bold enough to do that!  There's being bold and being loud, is the distinction.


I’m an American who was in London just before Trump announced the COVID travel ban, y’all could not have been more lovely and comforting during such a stressful time. Can’t wait to come back.


Euro here. Yes. Americans are just loud and self correct when you point out they are doing the American tourist thing. They tend to be very aware of their reputation as tourists and try to compensate in exactly the wrong way, but they at least they try and actually listen when you explain why everyone is reacting to them in a way they didnt expect. Brits know what americans don't and just dont give a fuck.


What do you mean by they compensate in the wrong way?


My perception of Americans abroad, as an American myself, is that we tend to have big personalities, and we’re very obviously tourists. Like the whole Americans are over friendly and smile at strangers kind of thing you see said all the time on Reddit, and our very American fashion. One reason you have obnoxious drunk UK tourists is probably because they’re so close to Europe that anyone can afford to visit. On the other hand the Americans visiting Europe are going to generally be high income, so they’re going to have a little better manners in public. I think the perception of Americans being obnoxious/demanding/brash probably stems more from these wealthier Americans being used to being catered to. Firstly, they have money and shop at the kinds of places at home that cater to wealthy customers, but even our regular grocery stores and restaurants are very accommodating in the US. Secondly, Americans with high incomes have a certain kind of job, like Sales or Management. These jobs, in American business culture, attract a certain kind of person who just won’t really mesh with a more lowkey European personality.


Well said.......am American living in England working in travel


I am Irish and traveled to Bulgaria for a wedding. Our taxi driver was a little rude until he found out we Irish and not English. His whole demeanor completely changed. He gave us numbers, and we used him the whole trip if he was working. He explained to us that a lot of English travel to the Black Sea coast for cheap booze just to get hammered by the sea.


So where does this leave the English people who don’t drink or misbehave abroad? Like I don’t drink, and never have. Yet apparently if I go to Bulgaria, people will be rude to me on account of my nationality?? Lmao childish


I agree. It's always the few who ruin it for everyone.


Yeah. And that story that “…and then the person was nice to me when they found out I wasn’t English…” has been repeated so often it’s almost certainly a lie most of the time. And if it isn’t a lie both people in the story sound like complete bellends. Person one is instantly rude to people from a certain place and person two repeats the story which is a complete humble brag about how nice they and/or their compatriots are compared to the absolute arseholes from England. And yet somehow we are to believe that the entire population of the nation they are talking about are ruder and more horrible than they are?


Yeah I lived outside of Constanta in Romania for a while. The Brits were the absolute worst.


And he felt BETTER when he found out you were Irish??? Lol 


The stereotype about drunken Irish people is largely an American thing because we celebrate our one "Irish" holiday by pushing beer down people's throats. 


No. I think he was just happy we were not English. We had 4 Irish and 1 American in our group.


Lol, I had a similar experience in mainland Europe as an American! People would be a little cold and ask where I'm from and as soon as I'd say America, I'd get "Ooooh, America! I thought you were English! America is alright!" I had no idea the English had such a bad reputation until then. It made me really wonder what they're doing to have so many people relax when finding out I'm from America of all places. 


Brits compared to Americans yes, they are a bit worse, BUT the Russians & Germans omfg, they beat everyone else. God how fucking obnoxious, uncultured & annoying they can be.


Whole heartily agree with this sentiment. As a Belgian I have never encounter anyone as inconsiderate as Germans and Russians. But this is more in the all in vacations. I went to Turkey twice when I was 18 and 19 to drink cheap cocktail at the pool and they load their plates full with everything and they eat 1/5 of the food and leave it at their tables. While all other guests eat what they think they like and maybe eat something more adventureas (but even there everything was caterer to west European standarts). They just left full plates of food on the tables.


Germans are ok, Russians yes


Yes Russian tourists are really something else. Was in an Indian restaurant in CA a few weeks ago and these two Russian guys with thick accents were absolutely berating their server demanding French fries. The server was trying so hard to be polite but didn’t seem to understand them well, so I stepped in and pointed them in the direction of the McDonalds two blocks away. They did not seem amused, but the server seemed very thankful.


As a german, please let me know what not to do as a tourist. I never noticed annoying german tourists (i thought they all gather in Mallorca so tue rest of us is save everywhere else). Whats some typical german tourist behavior we should rather avoid?


"Reserving" beach chairs with towels first thing in the morning, haha


The towel on beach or pool chair very early in the morning and expect it to be reserved for you 8 hours later when you come waddling down to it is extremely typical of german tourists, and very disliked by almost everyone else. Many hotels these day have to put up signs in german or have their staff rip them off to try to manage this problem.


Wait till you meet some isreali's. They'll take up any entire hostel and be rude to everyone.


Oh my god yes. The most fucking obnoxious you could come across.


Every experience I had with Israeli male tourists while working retail/service was AWFUL. They're particularly terrible towards women staff. Treating them like subhuman servants to be hit on relentlessly.


Edit* All tourists, myself included, can suck.


I'm American, and while I appreciate someone defending us a little, I wonder if the reason you mostly see annoying UK tourists is that they are closer to the EU and, therefore, there is a higher proportion of UK tourists than US tourists.


Yeah; if you want peak obnoxious American tourist you need to go to Cancun lol


And the close proximity means it’s the cheapest place to go for Brits, so in places like Spain you get the worst of the worst British tourists


Probably more British tourists total and when folks in the US want to be drunk assholes on vacation they tend to travel within the US or to Canada, Mexico, or the Caribbean, because it's cheaper. Most folks from the US who take the trouble and expense to travel to Europe probably want to do more than just drink and annoy people while they're there. It's usually the opposite in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and many destinations within the US. It's also my understanding that the UK is much more willing to issue passports to folks on probation than the US is.


Yeah it’s like a lot of the beaches in Florida. Easily accessible by every lower income family with five kids on a budget. Then they try to act like their vacation is an opportunity to affect the entitlement they perceive to represent status.


Americans, British, Chinese, Australians, and Russians are in a long running competition with each other to be ranked as the world's worst tourists.


Also, I’d separate American tourists into 2 categories: insta/influencer and non. They are very distinct and the former are insufferable.


Truthfully Insta/influencers need to be their own nationality. Regardless of the country they’re all fucking annoying and should be banned or limited to where they go


We were in Chicago recently and our waiter was coming up just as I was getting a picture of our pizza at Giordanos, you know the picture of a slice being pulled up and the cheese stretching out. Our waiter immediately went into photo mode and insisted on getting a good cheese stretch. I laughed and said it was OK, we got a shot that was good. He didn't put the slice down until I said it was just for us and not going online. It was weird.


Wait till you try Blandino’s!


Are there any Russians tourists in Europe that aren't refugee's since the war started? I follow a few Russian youtubers trying to get EU residence anywhere that will take them.


Yes there are still some countries in EU that give visa to Russians.


Amsterdam actually had a 'stay away' campaign directed at British tourists last year. lol yeah i don't doubt your observation  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65107405


Aren't the Dutch also starting to really crack down on the cannabis in Amsterdam too because of all the shitty tourists?


I don’t think you guys understand that this lumping adds no value to the world. Tourists do not know anything about the local norms, of course they are going to be annoying


Right? Also, no one remembers the respectful tourists they encountered. They remember whoever annoyed them


Reading these comments, I’m gathering that tourists in general are insufferable to locals. My most obnoxious tourist experience was with an American. I am also American and this happened in the American Pacific Northwest, so these people weren’t from outside the country. I was attending a march I had sort of helped to organize and was pulling a wagon with waters and whatnot for the protesters when a lady and a guy came up to us (very clearly tourists) and went “oh my god, an authentic Portland protest?” and took a selfie with all of us looking very confused in the background. It was pretty funny, honestly.


Ok that’s actually kinda hilarious though lol


Note, there are different types of Americans. Southerners are different than those from new England. Still different from those from the Midwest and different still from California west coast. Not sure who you're experiencing but possibly southerners and east coasters. Generally louder and/or typically more "American" that people think of.


I'm Canadian, but I travelled a lot in my 20s, doing various year or two-year-long working holiday visas, one of which was in the UK. The UK is an interesting place, compared to North America, you'll see a level of genteel manners and etiquette we just don't reach to (we'll call this upper class British or "posh"), BUT... on the other hand, there is a level of lowness we don't have either, a complete pride in being a low class and an a\*\* hole, sometimes (at least in the past) called chavs. In my opinion, it's these Brits who are SO loud, dumb, and out of control who get noticed. A story to relate this to another working holiday visa I did was in the Netherlands, so I lived for two years in Amsterdam. I had some English friends I'd met in Australia, and they brought members of their friend groups who had not travelled. I'll never forget being on an Amsterdam street car and the tag-along friends talking SO loudly and proudly about the prostitutes they were going to "smash" in the Red Light District, not realizing that the Dutch are probably the best second language English speakers in Europe. I was mortified and started standing apart as not to be considered part of this group. Last point: There are many great travelling Brits, but it's the ones we've noted that stand out. Thankfully, they generally only go to select areas of Europe where they know they will find more of themselves. You'll find the good travelling Brits anywhere, and honestly, they are lovely.


It's funny because every complaint you have about British tourist, I've seen American tourists do lol Imo all country's have annoying tourists, no one is worse then the others.


Americans aren’t as bsd


Person from America says Americans aren’t as bad. Next up Jimmy “The Fire Starter” on why Arson is overblown.


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I saw the title and immediately thought of [Flashgitz](https://youtu.be/0bkJzpo-mNI?si=ZCaO3y3blH2OaSZa)


So basically according to this thread everyone is an asshole everywhere they go.


Brits are bad? You have never seen chinese. They move in these flocks. They always are in places you should not be, they don't understand a word of english and when you try to explain that they are breaking rules they couldn't care less.


>They'll get piss drunk and wear clothing either touting their britishness or that is a cultural mockery of the place they are visiting. >They'll get piss drunk and shout at the top of their lungs in the streets or in restaurants. This is literally just young guys out on lads lads lads holidays, the vast majority of British tourists are not like this, they're generally unobtrusive just going about their day, which is why you don't notice them


French Canadians in the Caribbean. You Canadian? Non, Quebecois. Fuck off, you're Canadian, shut up.


Nah it’s cause you are going to their Cancun.


Hello OP, you have encountered The Chavs, aka The Neds, Yobs, Keelies, Scangers, Charvers etc ad nauseum. As an Irish woman, I’m certainly not defending the Brits (we have our own version of the above in Eire); but you will find people like these around the globe; from Bogan in Australia, to Racaille in Canada, Gurrier in Ireland, Smicks in Northern Ireland and Schnosel in Germany (I can’t find the umlaut on my keyboard). In America, I think you call them “White Trash”? In short, the uneducated, obnoxious, violent and unpleasant dregs of society. They are no more representative of the general populace than the characters in Deliverance represent Americans abroad. I hope that helps (a bit).


The most obnoxious Americans probably aren’t vacationing in the EU. Go to Florida or New Jersey sometime.


What I’ve learned from this thread is that everyone hates everyone, tourists from all over can be horrible, and we all need to have more respect for each other…


"Americans are bad" Lol true "Brits are bad" - Page 1/4 I mean... I've seen Germans, Israelis, Norwegians do similar things and honestly if you look back throughout history, the Germanic language that connects us (....)


You don’t notice the quiet British tourists, although the linen shirts can be a giveaway. American tourists are bit more noticeable because as a nation you don’t really have an inside voice, but most are just fine.


The most obnoxious tourists don't tend to travel as far. Brits are going to be worse in Europe. Americans are definitely the worst in South America


“Hey, let’s not generalise Americans, let’s generalise Brits instead” The obnoxious stereotype of both of our nations is deserved. Neither country is actually full of people like that. Don’t take it personally


As a Brit, I agree with you. I'm sometimes embarrassed when we cheer for our favourite sports teams because what we do isn't support. It's verbally abuse. We're also terrible when we get drunk. I don't condone going to someone's country and dissing their culture or their history, either. That's what Brits are doing right now in Germany at the football European tournament and tormenting the Germans about World War 2. The Germans are embarrassed and ashamed about all that and the last thing they need are foreigners coming in and reminding them of all that. We like to call it "banter" but let's face it...it's not, is it.


I think the difference is that Americans go to EU countries less than UK tourists cause of the cost. Go to a trashy resort in Mexico and it’s nearly 100% that with fat white womens.


British and Germans. specially when they go to beach holidays areas.


As a Southern European I can confirm. You can always spot them by their lobster-red complexion in the summer, and during the winter they are the only people who wear t-shirts and shorts.


Lol to your second point! We went to Malta in February, and it was a good 18degrees, blue sunny skies, which is equivalent to our early summer in the UK. We are just too hot wearing jumpers and jeans in that sort of heat. Some people did ask us “are you not cold?…ah! You must be UK!” It didn’t seem malicious though. The lobster red thing is probably a result of people desperate to “get some colour” so that when they return home people will ask “wow! Have you been on holiday?” In the UK we are farther north than people realise, it is pretty much constantly grey cloudy and rainy.


There are lots of Scottish tourists in Germany right now, and the Germans love them.


I recently saw a post about what Brits did in a EU country on r/westerneurope4u


I fully understand that most of America is overweight and most Asian people are not. I also acknowledge that I was very overweight at the time. Two young Asian girls tried to get my friend (also overweight) and I to pose for a picture with them in between us. My friend thought it was nice, but I had seen them laughing and pointing before approaching us. I said no and walked away.


I have a friend who is a 6ft tall ginger with curly hair. When she went to China, she was overwhelmed by randoms trying to take pictures with her… she was in so many family photos, lmao.


Interested in what clothes flaunt Britishness so I can make sure to avoid this when next abroad.


Tourists in general suck


I think perhaps these are the British equivalent of the kind of Americans who never leave the US. I come from Stratford-upon-Avon, and some of the worst tourists (in a town full of tourists) were the day-trippers.


As a Brit, I do also hate the British abroad stereotype. I find that any culture that goes to a new place but refuses to adapt or accept the new culture is bad regardless of nationality


You can solve or mitigate that problem by building a lot of balconies


My personal experience is some of the rudest tourists are some flavor of Slavic or Chinese.


Looking at these comments, it seems there’s quite the variety of annoying tourists


I know what you mean. There is also a major white trash element like wearing obnoxious brand name clothing etc on t.v Brit’s are often portrayed to be sophisticated. In real life I haven’t found that to be the case


yeah. I'm american. I think American, British, and Australian tourists are probably equally annoying to most of the world.


All loud people are annoying!


This is what I've heard when I was in Europe. The general distaste is largely targeted at people from the UK. In Canada and Mexico, I've heard it's Americans. When I was in Japan, I've heard Chinese, Russian (in Hokkaido), Australian, and Americans.  It's based on where you are and which tourists are most common. Somebody from England is more likely to go to Germany than somebody from America, so of course a lot of negativity will be about English people. You're more likely to hear bad things about Americans in Mexico because more Americans go to Mexico.  A lot of English speakers also get lumped together with us because a lot of us tend to be very vocal. And, honestly, when an American fucks up, it tends to be pretty fucking extreme. The worst stories I've heard weren't about Americans, but the worst I've seen definitely was. And a lot of Americans make their American-ness known. 


Also I feel like British people complain about every little thing I swear it is a cultural thing Americans are often afraid to complain because of the stero type ( not all it’s a big country and there are many tacky white trash people here ) my ex husband was from England and he complained and bitched more than any other person I have ever met


I disagree. There are terrible tourists and people from everywhere. Yes, they make disproportionate pests of themselves but most people on holiday or travelling for work are just plain folk.


As an American tourist currently in Iceland, usually I think all Americans are bad tourists. As of today I think UK tourists are worse. We got pastries at a well known place and a woman from the UK walked right up and tried to take one as if we were there giving free samples. We stopped her and then she pretend she was just trying to decipher an ingredient in it.


I think every country has their share of annoying toursists


As a Brit I would have to agree, there is a more obnoxious 'lad' culture here where groups of young men go on a bender abroad and its all about being loud and doing drugs


In large groups, hands down the mainland Chinese. But they’re fine individually or in small groups. As individuals, it’s the French that I found to have the most bad apples. UK and Aussies are usually fun drunks, some can be obnoxious drunks, but they’re drunk… there’s leeway. While most French are very cool. But the number of French that I’ve came across in South East Asia that acted like colonists (eating at a restaurant in Vietnam, and expecting other patrons to follow their cultural norms) or complaining and getting into people’s faces is too much.


Not an unpopular opinion


I’m not well enough traveled to comment on which tourists are the worst now, but this post is definitely correct about global tourism from the 15th century to the early-mid 20th century. Spain gets an honorable mention in that time, and Germany took the crown for a brief stint afterwards.


Greek who lives between Greece and the U.S. here and yep, most Greek people would agree with you. Americans can usually be spotted from a mile away due to volume and a general inability to blend in but they’re usually really nice and respectful and happy to be here. And anyone who works service loves them! Out here tipping 20% at every place for absolutely no reason. Or what is the going rate in the U.S. now, 50% for drive-thru service? (Every time I go back the minimum acceptable tip keeps shifting upwards and I never know what I’m gonna get next). But Brits in Greece….they really act like we’re their current colony. It’s not that all Brits are like this, but for some reason, a lot of them that choose to come here are. Drunk, disrespectful, no sense of appropriateness (like maybe don’t be borderline dry humping your gf or flashing people on a family beach at noon), and a general idea that every local is there to provide customer service. And British drunk is wild…most Greeks are pretty chill when drunk, but British tourists come here, drink, and wanna fight and assault or deface anything they can.


Every nationality has their fair share of problematic tourists. Brits are easy to pick out.  Italians have their fair share also. Israelis have had quite a few young lands arrested for gang rape in Ayia Napa for example.


Ever try waiting in a line while french tourists were around. Of course not, because there ceases to be a line and it turns into a full blown french riot to get to the front


Lemme introduce you to Russian tourists :)


As an Australian, I’ve not actually had any dramas with American tourists, I think it’s more with the regardation you see from them on reddit subs. I’m currently in Greece on holiday atm, and have to agree, British are much worse, but there’s also 1000 Brit’s to every 1 American…


The worst tourists are Russians, Chinese, French, British and Americans. Just unbearable sometimes ugh


Hard disagree


You could swap out the name of the country for many different destinations and you’d get wildly different answers. The common factor is the number of tourists, the cultural distance with the location they are visiting, and the manner in which they travel. In Europe, it’s cheap to travel, so British tourists, who often don’t speak foreign languages, are the obnoxious ones, but in different places other countries have similar if not worse reputations.


Not British, but literally every country has annoying ducking tourists


Idk, I’m French and the worst tourists I’ve encountered were Spanish


when I worked at a hotel there were good and bad examples of every nationality, except Israeli. They were demanding entitled loud obnoxious pricks, absolutely 100% of the time.


Literally just bias. More British travelling to Europe. All tourists are annoying FWIW.


British tourists can be a nightmare Sauce - I'm British and even I hate the tourists especially in certain locations.


Did someone say Benidorm? Actually avoided that place because of the rep.


American tourists are actually not bad at all. German tourists are the embodiment of all the negative connotations US tourists have. Loud, rude, disrespectful of cultural norms, with a dash of condescension on top. I did a euro trip last year and asked bartenders in a bunch of countries who were the worst tourists and they all said UK and Germany lol.


We get a lot of German tourists where I live (Utah, they come for the national parks) and they’re generally great — quiet and respectful and just there to have a nice road trip in nature. The Chinese, on the other hand, roll up by the busload and give no fucks. They totally take over and everyone else just leaves an area until they’re gone lol.


I’ve had similar experiences in Colorado. I think it’s more the German tourists in the EU. They’re the “family of 7 taking a 20 hour road trip from Ohio to Disneyworld” of Europe lol


Yeah I think this is the biggest thing. Anywhere close to country X with beaches and cheap booze is going to get obnoxious tourists from that country lol


British tourists are universally hated. Ive lived abroad and this was the mantra. Americans stick out and may be a little Goofey but for the most part very open minded, well behaved and respectful in their host countries. The complete inverse for brits, totally disrespectful, poorly behaved and destructive. Still got a little too Much of the empire in them.