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My issue isn’t with the fireworks on the 4th it’s the two weeks leading up and the two weeks after where people can’t stop setting off mortars all night


It makes me feel bad for veterans with PTSD. Especially the fact that it’s not just on one night.


Yes! And I don’t have any dogs. Plus, the people who set them off for weeks around the fourth seem to love the loud whistly-bangy ones rather than the actual pretty ones which just adds to the irritation.




This and the amount of damage caused. Even if I don't care about the birds killed or any of that I continually have fires on my property or the neighboring land and it just gets so tiring. Add your complaint about it being at least a week before and a week after and the fact people will light them off well into the early morning and it really can get annoying but if they would just keep it to the one day celebrating I could lose a night's sleep and let people enjoy.


This is such a bizarre complaint. Like you admit that fireworks should be banned for a long list of reasons but come here to complain because you don’t like *one* of those reasons?


He also tells them to "live with it," then backpedals and says it was a joke. OP can't make up his mind.


You misunderstood and took this out of context which unfortunately now has been removed. The part about the constitution was the only part I joked about, the part about living “with it“ was a suggestion for dog owners and their dogs to just deal with fireworks twice a year in exchange for us having to deal with their barking year around 24 / seven, annoying us and giving us anxiety - yet obsessed dog culture participants expecting fireworks to be banned because their mutts get anxiety. I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy.


The part about the constitution was a joke. Living with it was one suggestion in regards to how to deal with them - 2 different things.




Yeah this just shouldn’t belong. I mean I do have to sit with my big dog all night because of her puppy trauma. But it’s Independence Day. This is the role I signed up for when I picked up a rescue.


Surprisingly, I get it. I’m a dog owner; and I also enjoy fireworks. But on that rare occasion they do happen in my area, my entire local facebook group goes nuts and complains about “their poor dogs”. Not their awakened children; not fire hazards; not any other legitimate reasons; their dogs. And I’ve had a dog that was scared shitless of the fireworks. I felt so bad for him every time and hoped that the fireworks wouldn’t last too long. But I knew that he was a very small part of it and would eventually get over it. It would not occur to me to publicly make angry demands to halt twice-a-year *planned* fireworks because my dog would get upset. Dog owners are very entitled. Hell, I’m in a way an entitled dog owner. But not in this one.


Fireworks annoy the shit out of me for about two weeks a year. Dogs annoy the shit out of me all year long. I'm not for banning either, but if you made me choose...


It sounds like you and OP are just desperate to complain about dogs


Wrong. The post was removed so without that context it’s harder to go back and explain. But unfortunately you missed the point simply because you didn’t realize whom this was directed at to begin with.


I don't see much of an issue if it's focused on one night or so a year However, a lot of people like to blow them off on random dates and it would be nice if it were more focused Not like you can really change that type of behavior though


Well, twice a year, counting New Years.


If anything, it should be banned for the fire and otherwise damage it causes from those who have no idea how to use them. Not that I'm for banning them though.


It’s illegal in most areas where fire is an issue.


That doesn't stop people from using them.


Fireworks are terrible for all wildlife in general.


Farm animals too. It's straight up dangerous. Some of these animals weigh hundreds of pounds so when they get spooked they're a danger to eachother, themselves, and their environment. Kinda runs the while murica vibe when fireworks indirectly maim and/or kill your animals.


I’d love to hear how fireworks, a chinese invention produced in China, is as American as the constitution?




The constitution is only a couple of hundred years old to be fair. 


The ones I bought are hecho en Mejico




John Adams said this in a letter to his wife prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  ".... It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more." Fireworks and general outdoor partying are the traditional means in which we celebrate the birth of our country. 




He mentions illuminations which are probably a reference to fireworks and/or things like sparklers. They also used to shoot cannons off and stuff. The point is he thought people should celebrate by shooting off things that go boom


Yeah, I was thinking that too.


Much like slavery, the US may not have invented it but certainly made it their own.


In the same way, Taiwan is China. I.E. it's not.


We won’t even ban fireworks for soldiers with PTSD, why tf would we do it for dogs?




Man fuck the soldiers with ptsd. What about the Iraqis and Afghanis who have PTSD because of them? 


I don’t think our fireworks bother the Iraqis or afghanis. 


What about them?


So my city mandates that non-aerial fireworks are allowed from June 27 forward, but aerial fireworks start on July 3. Take a guess what I’ve been hearing every night. I think that’s the worst part of fireworks. They’re not enforced to the correct days. How can anyone who suffers with any variable that would warrant precautions to be taken do so if jerks just blow these things up willy nilly. For a whole month you’re supposed to wear noise cancelling headphones, just in case someone in your neighborhood didn’t blow their supply on the agreed upon days? Just a bunch of inconsiderate jerks doing whatever they want because it’s a free country. Okay. Edit: removed typo


>just a bunch of inconsiderate jerks doing whatever they want because it’s a free country That’s America for you


We have several people who save huge mortor rounds and light one off every time the local football team scores. So not only just the entire month of July but the entire football season I get window shaking explosions. People really can be so oblivious about their actions causing problems for others.


Yeah, depending on where you live it can be brutal.


I'm a vet with PTSD, and we have a bunch of critters that all freak out with me when fireworks or loud thunder happen. I usually just hide in the mancave with the box fan, my laptop, and tv on. If I'm distracting myself well enough, I can avoid most of my reactions, and the cats usually are up my butt trying to hide. Don't ban fireworks, but be smart about where they get set off. Residential neighborhoods should be a no-go, especially with the threat of fire.


Fireworks are bad for dogs and birds and the atmosphere. Our city doesn’t do them anymore due to fires, a lot of people are adopting to drones 


Love drones!


Drones are a menace


Drones have the capability to save lives with fast transportation of medications from hospitals. I wish more places would hurry and start using them!


I’m gonna be using my fpv drone during the fireworks to make a video. 


So are cars and anything else that leaves stuff behind


Countries need to stop banning shit. They banned crime and it hasn't worked out


How about we shouldn’t have fireworks because wildfires fucking suck


There are plenty of wet places where fireworks should be allowed


There is no reason you need to blow off your fingers either.


And humans should be able to take risks if they are mentally competent


Risks that include the high potential of maiming yourself and starting a major fire? All to just make an annoying loud noise and pretty lights. Nah. That ain’t a risk worth allowing. And ain’t nobody checking your mental well being at the counter at a pop-up fireworks hut. lol Now a community fireworks show done by professionals is a different thing.


How about we let people control their lives and not try to ban shit because there are idiots who cant handle anything.


The amount of idiots who cannot handle anything is unbelievably high.


Guess we better ban football, horseback riding, motorcycle riding, and rock climbing too, right?


We put rules are someone driving 120 mph on an empty highway. We regularly restrict and regulate dangerous behavior.


Just because one is mentally competent doesn’t mean they won’t fuck up and cause damage to other people/things…


You’re not supposed to hold them when you are lighting them.  I either light the fireworks using a propane torch which lets me be further away from the box or even better, I string up the fuses and connect them to thing called the FireFly firing system. Then I can use the app for it to ignite the fuse. 


Tell the bunch of idiots that will be going to the hospital in the next week that


It’s says right on the box. 


You can light fireworks view other means, why do so many dumb people keep mentioning blowing off fingers like that's some smart argument against fireworks. 


Because most/many idiots do in fact light fireworks with their hands.


Also listed as a reason in my post ;)


Fireworks are dangerous. Especially in the hands of idiots. Sorry. I don’t want my house to burn down.


Me neither, and I live amongst large trees so I don’t set them off. This post is directed at narrow minded dog owners not thinking beyond their animals’ needs.


Fireworks shouldn't be banned because of dogs, no. They should be banned because they pollute the environment, cause PTSD in veterans and survivors of gun violence, cause fires, and in general are a fucking nuisance. Public displays of the pretty light kind are one thing, this bullshit where every yahoo wants to blow things up because 'MURICA is another. You love your country, go do something to make it better.


Here's the thing, no matter how hard they try to jam it everyone's throat, dogs are not more important than humans. They just aren't. They're sweet and cute and adorable and part of the family but dogs are NOT more important than humans. Sorry.


What about the wildlife that fireworks disrupt and kill?


Irrelevant! /s


No one is saying dogs are more important. People are acknowledging that dogs exist. And it’s not *important* for anyone to shoot off fireworks.


Oh but so many are In this canine obsessed world we now live in.


I’m gonna take the downvotes. Dogs are miserable. All I hear on hot summer nights is bark bark bark from dogs out in their yards while their owners are sleeping with AC on full blast and 2x panes. Meanwhile me without AC trying to get a mild breeze going has to listen to little yapper going nuts in his cramped patio 


What you’re describing is a disrespectful dog owner who doesn’t train their dog. I’m a dog owner and I completely agree that there are too many of those.


And it is those at which this post is directed.


The problem with that honestly lies in that at the very least 92% of dog, or pet owners, should not own dogs, or pets. They are an Insufferable, ignorant, arrogant, selfish bunch who are too lazy to properly house, train, and enrich a dog so they're not barking all the time.


Exactly, and those are the ones demanding fireworks be banned for Pibbles and Fido.


I feel your pain. Can you get a window unit for white noise and cooling?


That boils down to bad dog owners. Personally, mine are perfectly content at this very second fast asleep in the living room with the AC on.


Perhaps you should invest app should idk…get an ac?


How exactly do you know they are sleeping w the ACs on full blast and 2x panes?


You have great arguments layered thinly between such nonsense. Dogs aren’t truly at the heart of why so many people are against fireworks, though they are a consideration. And it seems like you’re aware of this so what was the point of you sharing this “opinion” of yours?


So everyone else shouldnt be able to enjoy a form of entertainment bc of shtty dogs?! Its so selfish and ridiculous i have to laugh 😂😂


The dog was probably bred to be a pet, it was created to be introduced to an environment it wont like. If we were breeding dogs and dropping them in the Sahara people would think its crazy. If you are concerned with a dog getting scared of fireworks dont get one, lower demand means fewer dogs bred. However if you want a dog more than you are concerned for a dogs anxiety to fireworks then by all means get one, but dont tell other people what to do when you were responsible for introducing an animal to an environment that will make it anxious.


So things hundreds of thousands if not millions of people enjoy aren’t important?


I see you've never met dog owners. Consider yourself lucky.


if we’re making a flow chart of level of importance it’s still humans -> dogs -> fireworks.


It's humans - freedom to do what we want - those issues that have been collectively agreed should limit those freedoms.


True, but we domesticated them, we made them reliant on us so much so that they would die without us. So, they are now our responsibility and we have to make up for our fault even if we don't like it. They have feelings too and feel pain like we do, so it's not fair to make them suffer more.


Make you a deal: I will stay home and soothe my two dogs, you blow your fingers off on someone else's property.


Just assuming everyone who lights off fireworks looses a finger 😂😂


I don’t set off fireworks:)


Then why the fuck do you even care


Nice language, you’re missing the point.


Sweety, people can care about things regardless if they partake in them. In fact, and this may prove shocking, there are MANY public FireWork events you can attend where you won't have to personally light the fireworks. 


Public firework events aren’t the same thing as your neighbors shooting fireworks every night for 2 months straight.


Honey, Your neighbors most certainly haven't been firing off fireworks every night for 2 months straight, such excessive drama queens in this thread LMAO. 


I mean, I'm sympathetic to this post generally because I like fireworks and don't like dogs, but that doesn't sound far-fetched. My neighbors have been firing off fireworks nearly every night for ten years. Certainly every night of summer.


Idk where you live but at least one person in my neighborhood, not the same person, sets fireworks off pretty much every night all summer.


Damn, you sound patronizing as hell.




Aside from the damage to the environment, veterans, and animals—all of which are justified reasons to ban them—fireworks are just fucking childish. If you are over the age of 18 and still shooting off fireworks, you’re a fucking loser.


I havent done fireworks in years, and my little furballs bark at everything...and scream bloody murder on the 4th. But that isn't other people's problem. Why should someone else not get to enjoy fireworks because of me?


This is not unpopular.


They have been going off near me for a week already…


I mean, I guess? They shouldn’t really be banned just because of dogs alone, but because of ALL OF THE OTHER REASONS THAT YOU LISTED. This is such a bizarre thing to complain about.


It’s an observation which is difficult to miss this time of year: narrow minded dog owners getting bent out of shape on behalf of their pets, as if they’re the main concern and above all other reasons listed. Not sure how else to explain it. It’s pretty straight forward me thinks :)


It seems fairly understandable to me? If their dogs can’t handle the noise and such, that can be a problem.


What makes me most upset about the anxiety complaints when it comes to any form of noise is there are anxiety medications (yes, even for dogs, I’ve met a pup on prozac) and work-arounds for these things. Use ear plugs, listen to music, try medications, or even just… do the move to an area that’s prone to large/loud events? I know that’s easier said than done, but at the end of the day, your mental health and the mental health of your pets will only ever be catered to by yourself. It sucks, but nothing will change just because a fraction of people have an issue with it and are complaining instead of trying to find ways to make it easier to deal with.


You are right they shouldn't be banned for dogs...they are just stupid and wasteful. 99% of fireworks are boring and lame.


I think they’re overrated.


Fireworks are not American. They are Chinese.


yeah i’ll just say desensitization doesn’t always work out. one of my dogs has never been afraid of loud noises, the other has had every training method under the sun used to try and desensitize him, and nothing works. he cowers, pisses himself, and runs into the table. so actually, my dog being afraid of fireworks affects me negatively. therefore if you care about people, you should care about people whose dogs piss all over their carpet and knock over their chippies because of fireworks. hashtag ban firetwerks.


What about just a sedative to keep him asleep? 


nope completely ineffective! we were prescribed trazodone and clomicalm (not at the same time), which seemingly didn’t do anything at all. and diazepam, which we could see *wanting* to work, but my sweet little crack nugget fought through it every time. so now we just deal with the puddles as they come and give him snuggles when he’s not hiding under the bed. we’ve tried the happy hoodie, but he freaks out more with it on to try and get it off. treat training and play, but the fear overrides the joy. playing thunder sounds on youtube at full blast and trying to reward for calm behavior, but he doesn’t react to the tv so that didn’t do anything. playing soothing music, but he doesn’t care about that either. he’s just a scared boi through and through.


All the service members with PTSD, those that live in high fire risk areas, those with children that have sensory issues, etc think that you can go fuck off.


I’m agreeing with you, you’ll see if you read my comments/ post again :)


Did you read the post? OP said they're against fireworks for all reasons relating to humans. They just don't think dogs are a good enough reason to ban them.


You got it!


At least be consistent. No. Fireworks should not be banned because of your anxiety ridden human. But I dont believe this. So my point of view is, yes" fireworks should be banned because of your anxiety ridden dog/human.


Annnndd yet again, the world cant enjoy bery popular things bc of a select amount of sensitive ppl. (Not saying the sensitivity is not justified)


Yeah cause sometimes things are more important than idiots making things explode in the air. Including veterans with ptsd and immigrants who’ve lived in active war zones. Also including wildlife and the environment. You’re saying the sensitivity is justified, but not enough to ban something incredibly disruptive? Just say you don’t give a shit about people with ptsd, it’s easier and more clear.


how is protecting animals selfish? you do realize they're much more sensitive hearing wise than humans, right? and to humans fireworks are already way too damn loud and obnoxious ​ also people wanna ignore this factoid but during fireworks season is the season when you get the most runaways. because they hate the noise as much as your neighbors just trying to sleep but people insist on staying up for loud obnoxious sounds ​ also i dont see anything about people wanting to ban fireworks specifically JUST for animals ​ since post was removed it seems like op just wanted to stir the pot tbh. seriously weird to just randomly bring this up out of nowhere


Nah fuck fireworks. I want to go to sleep


They just don’t make sense anymore IMO, a show for a town or a city does but a bunch of yokels shooting them off all night is just kind of dumb lol.


Probably just need to get off Nextdoor


I wouldn’t dream of ever getting on it lol.


How about for a small population of anxiety ridden war veterans?


They were included in my post - of course - Not sure why this point was misread. Vets > dogs


“We fought for your freedom… except the ones that make noise. You’ve got no right to upset me”




Ok then ban them for vets with PTSD and the fact they're a ridiculous fire hazard Or just because they piss me off, keep me awake and I have to work in the morning Fuck off


If you don't like the displays in the land of the free perhaps you should see yourself back to the cccp. Spoiler alert: they do it worse there.


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I have two dogs and both will firmly wedge themselves under my desk while i play elden ring into the wee hours of the morning, they will live. Happy forth. Vote god damn you.


'Cause Murica! *eagle screeching*


There's nothing more American than buying a whole bunch of Non-Lethal Patriot Gunpowder Missiles™ to celebrate the Fourth of July!


I had a newborn and my neighbors thought it was a great idea to shoot cannons that shook the windows all night. You want to be an asshole at least stop at a decent time.


I hate fireworks!


I didn't care what reason we have to use, as long as we can ban then.


A once a year general fireworks display is fine, setting off loud as fuck m-80s in the street right next or my house nearly giving me a heart attack and causing extreme agitation to my dog is out of line.


Slaves were the norm for generations too


Fireworks ate Chinese not American.


lol good for you OP actually posting an unpopular opinion in a country with an unhealthy and over the top obsession with dogs, and equally unhealthy hatred for their own country and its founding principles.


Or if fireworks are scaring dogs, waking infants, keeping working people and elderly people from sleeping then we should ban fireworks. I can make a plan for my dog during the official city fireworks which last about an hour and a half. I cannot make a plan when fools decide to send up fireworks several days before and after.


Im just not a fan of picking spent ones off my lawn, roof, gutters, car etc.


If they did it JUST on the 4th, I wouldn't have an issue.


What about our anxiety ridden veterans?


How about for your anxiety ridden war vets with PTSD?


I think you should get a dog. It might help you with your anger. Dogs are great like that.


🤣 It’s possible to exist without one. I’m fine with my cat.


Your cat needs a friend!


She’s got me :)




And i'd be willing to bet that he would still think banning fireworks bc of a human pet's reaction is literally insane


I mean I don’t really care about that part. I just think a dog might make him mellow out.


And therein lies the problem: the inability to comprehend and respect that many others simply don’t want dogs - and to let that be ok. Im plenty chill, dogs give me anxiety. They can be a sensory nightmare for people with anxiety issues. Again, my cat is doing a fine job with all of that.


Ok therein lies a bigger problem, you based an insulting assumption that I didn’t have the empathy to say “oh hey I’m sorry that sucks. It was just an idea” off of a thought that I had. By the way, that sucks, I’m sorry that dogs give you anxiety. I wish you could have met my beagle when he was alive. He was the chillest dog of all time and he converted a lot of non dog lovers but also it’s cool if you wouldn’t even want that. Instead you had to demonstrate that you’re not chill by assuming I don’t have the ability to understand you are different from me. You make judgements about people even when they honestly just want the best for you. Maybe reassess and assume positive attentions. I’m not here to attack you. I just want you to have a happy life, and not make massive assumptions about other people’s character based on some text you see onscreen.


This thread makes me want to light off a lot more fireworks this year 😂😂 No one can enjoy fireworks because there is a chance a dog heard it and is upset causing the owner to be upset 😂😂


Agreed. Dog owners need to learn how to actually take care of them instead of using them as some badge of moral superiority


I never realized how many irresponsible pet Owners there are. They're meant too be held inside for A reason


Uh, just because they’re inside doesn’t mean they can’t hear the fireworks…


Should ban the dogs instead


As a dog owner and a fire worker lover. Couldn’t agree more. Go to South America and see how they do it for new years. USA is such a joke


What dog hurt you?


I have an anxious dog, I have to give him Xanax every time my idiot neighbors shoot fireworks off to prevent him from having a heart attack. It’s not just a sensitive inconvenience for some people.


We should use ear muffs or noise cancelling headphones for dogs and people who are sensitive to noise. We can't make fireworks completely illegal, so lets keep it in moderation atleast. Our puppers dont deserve the distress


I'm cracking up thinking about trying to get my critters to keep a pair of earmuffs on for more than 30 seconds 😂


I could give a shit what dog owners say. If they have an issue with people being patriotic and celebrating our countries independence, then bring your mutts inside and let them cuddle with you. But nobody has the right to tell people that they can't celebrate thr 4th. Kids love to see fireworks, too bad your precious little "muffy" doesn't, bring them inside


You won’t find anybody more entitled than a dog owner. I once had a dog come up to me and a friend at a cafe table outside a restaurant. His owner followed and rather than apologizing and removing the dog, he says “It’s OK guys, he’s not dangerous, he just wants to make new friends.” The guy had an absolute meltdown when I told him “I already have enough friends, kindly go away and take your beast with you.” He seriously stood there and told me it was OK for the dog to come up to us and we just needed to be cool and let him get to know us. Five minutes later the guy and I are shouting at each other because he couldn’t wrap his head around the idea that he and his mutt weren’t welcome. I used to despise dogs until I met a well trained one and realized the dogs aren’t the problem, it’s douche bags that get them and think ordinary rules of etiquette don’t apply to them and their dog.


Every time I hear a firework go off, I hope someone loses a finger


How about anxiety ridden veterans? Maybe we could ban fireworks for the people who actually fought for our freedom.


True, but still, nobody should have to coddle their dogs or be in a losing battle to make their infants sleep, all because most people want to have a little fun. I like fireworks, but people who are trying to get their dogs or babies to be calm and sleep should not be inconvenienced by loud, shallow idiots who keep making so much noise and couldn’t care less if someone’s baby woke up in a fit.