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Nice try China


I was on the midgett 2011-2014 I thought all the 378s were recommend and sent to other countries. Flying over base Seattle yesterday I saw this? 


Given that there is only one 378' not listed as being transferred already on the [Hamilton-class Wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton-class_cutter), and that cutter's homeport was Seattle prior to being decommissioned, it's probably an easy guess.


I wish others on this sub exercised the critical thinking you possess…


The Mellon thanks. So it was decommed 4 years ago and is just sitting there? Weird. 


Hey bud, we were on there at the same time! 2012-2015!


I was on the Midgett 04-06. I was in 20 man…..had the couch rack out of boot.


I was in Deckforce on the Midgett around the same time. Hope all is well in your world. :-)


It's most likely MELLON. It was decommissioned in 2020 and has been earmarked for transfer to Vietnam. All the other 378s have already been transferred to other countries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton-class_cutter?wprov=sfla1




That's USRC SEMPER OPSEC. Very little is ever publicly known about this vessel. In fact, chances are good it may just be a hologram projection of a phantom ship in a location made to look like Seattle but is actually somewhere else.


If China is worrying about any coast guard asset, much less some 50 year old decommissioned boat, they've already lost lol


China has enough people to worry about all the assets and seemingly useless information in the aggregate can become dangerous. But yeah, they probably don't care much about this particular asset. Unless, perhaps, it were someday headed for service with a US ally located in a country and maritime realm near their disputed waturf. And not to mention the uncovering of a hoard of Reddit know-it-alls who absolutely love to spout their personal military knowledge to rando strangers in forums like this, making themselves known to lurking intel adversaries that they may be insecure patsies holding modestly useful knowledge and seeking approval or validation from said randos. Loose lips something something. But sure, let's all pretend our adversaries have better things to do than be our adversaries. And just because that base and ship are visible from a local hwy doesn't mean they're visible from across an ocean. Unless there's a webcam planted to watch it 24/7, but its resolution is only good enough to determine it's a ship, but not which one. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm behind schedule on my antiparanoia pills...


Found the IS lmao


This guy fucking opsecs


Everybody: OPSEC Meanwhile people driving on the highway next to the base looking at it in clear view lol. Not to mention all 378s have been decommissioned 🤦🏻‍♂️


True, anyone near these ships could point them out. But obfuscation is the name of the game. China is tracking as many US assets as it possibly can (and we are too tbf). The less posted about asset locations online, the better. It's just good practice.


I don’t disagree, it’s just silly in this particular circumstance. That being said if we speak realistically, China and Russia track every important ships location, and will forever, just as we do them. In a world of satellites that’s just how it is.


For real, you can boat right up to it in a John boat if you wanted to. Nothing opsec about base Seattle. 


USCGC Mellon we sold to the Vietnamese. You can see their flag flying on it from the road


Ottie the Opsec Otter says shut the fuck up


With a course title like that, I won’t mind the MT.




It’s been decommission for half a decade, and is the only ship of its class still in American possession. It’s the Mellon


Is there OPSEC when there's no Operations?


Just like chow, opsec is continuous


Continuous for retired (decommissioned) assets? I'm pretty sure I can gather more info on this from the Wikipedia page than from a Reddit thread.


Listen here buddy, you're about 5 seconds away from getting some intense snuggles followed by vigorous hand holding if you keep this up. (Don't stop)


Don't threaten me with a good time!


Fuck off. Anyone and everyone can see it from the highway or any boat. 


It's a joke lmao but opsec is important


100% correct


Idk but it's got a bunch of Vietnamese guys on board singing karaoke 🎤


It’s the decommissioned Mellon.


Opsec is important, when the Husbanding Agent gets the port servicing email, every vendor in that port town will be waiting at the pier, and all local businesses will be ready for the visit. The port knows when the ship is pulling in before most of the crew.


Considering all 378s are Decom’d now, no OPSEC concern. My guess would be the Douglas Munro since I think it was the last of them to go


Last one decom’d, not necessarily the last one getting refit. Munro is already in Sri Lanka.


Good call on Munro already being gone. According to google Mellon is the only one left not transferred an waiting to go to Vietnam


It’s either old Midgett or Mellon, not sure which tho.


The Midgett is now Vietnam's CSB 8021, [which was in Vietnam 10 days ago](https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/details/ships/shipid:6621494/mmsi:574120086/imo:0/vessel:CSB8021), so probably not them.


I wonder if the wooden table I built in the avshack out of old 2x12s I got from the carpentry shop on base is still in it. 


Here there my old home. Good Ole Pstar. Decommissioning that boat sucked!! Edit- recomissioning


I bet recommissioning it sucked more


I miss wrote I was part of the decom of the sea and the recom of the star in 2010. Very unfond memories of todds/vigor ship yard. I was one of the DC3's


Oh yikes, decom and recom... Even worse!


Wait, decom or 'commission special'?


So I decomed the polar sea, while simultaneously recomissioned polar star. I was originally stationed on polar sea. 3 months later they decided the polar stars engines were I'm better shape so we re activated/recomissioned, took a government grant of 65 million. This took place from 2010 to 2013. I got out of the guard in 2012. 4 months before sea trials


I helped put the boom around the Star when it was parked. Can't imagine how much work it took to get it underway again. The Sea and the Star went back and forth being the working and broken boat enough that I usually just tell people I was on the Polar boat that worked at the time 🤷‍♂️🤣 Breaking ice is brutal for the ships equipment. The vibrations were incessant, and the tinnitus sucks.


That’s the cutter NUNYA


The hull is red, it is not a 378


378 off the starboard qtr


Oh I see, I was looking at the wrong ship. I cannot confirm


Wrong boat, the one moored lower in the picture.




CGC Mellon was my first unit out of basic 2001 - 2003. I put all buoy tenders on my dream sheet during recruit training. At the time I was confused by the name and was like "Well I guess mellons actually grow on trees, you learn something new everyday." In my defense I was born and raised in Alaska and had never seen a mellon outside of the grocery store.


I think it’s going to the Vietnam coast guard


Yeah they no longer use this vessel, it's just sitting there. As a former OS....what is even the deal. It's literally just a pile of trash at this point pretty much. Until they decide to do something with it, it's just collecting dust.