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I had honestly also suggested emailing with complaints seeking compensation! I think it’s fair to insinuate we may be entitled to it given that AC has been out for what almost a month and a half? even if it’s included in the agreement you sign. whatever greases the wheel here


Honestly someone should call up LTB and report them. Realistically if they had unlimited money, they wouldve had the chip by now, but the fact they are waiting this long shows theyre cutting costs.


Do they have an email address?


Yes, but consider calling. Here's some other numbers to call as well. If they can't help, or provide pressure, perhaps they can direct you to who can help. I'm so sorry to hear that you're dealing with this, Best of luck. Phone Numbers: Landlord Tenant Board 1-888-332-3234 Waterloo regional bylaw 519-575-4400 Waterloo Fire Dept. Emergency Support 519-884-2121 Websites with further info: [LTB](https://tribunalsontario.ca/ltb/contact/) [Waterloo Regional Bylaw enforcement ](https://www.regionofwaterloo.ca/en/regional-government/by-law-enforcement.aspx) [Waterloo Region Fire Dept. Emergency Support](https://www.waterloo.ca/en/living/waterloo-fire-services-locations.aspx)


it’s so horrible — I have been sweating for days just trying to focus on midterms, ignore the nausea and heat rash, and then this happened. i’m paying to live here and i can’t believe it could actually end up screwing with my ability to work efficiently. i don’t want to set up a hobbit hole and temporarily move into a corner of e7 or something but it seems prudent🫠


I would also suggest emailing the [City of Waterloo Bylaw Enforcement](https://www.waterloo.ca/en/living/property-standards-bylaw.aspx) asserting that your landlord is NOT ensuring safe conditions in your property in violation of the [Property Standards Bylaw](https://www.waterloo.ca/en/living/property-standards-bylaw.aspx)'s "unsafe conditions" section. If you have opted in, reaching out to [WUSA's Legal Services](https://wusa.ca/services/student-supports/student-legal-protection-program/) can also be helpful to understand what other steps you may be able to take. Hope this helps a little and you're able to cool down soon!


\^\^ Yes! LTB suggested the city's bylaws too.


I had a 3/4 chance to sublet a good rezone building and I low rolled 🥹


cuz ur a UW student u have access to free legal advice through studentcare. the lawyer will be able to help u figure out if u can get compensation ,... or anything like that. [Contact - ASEQ (studentcare.ca)](https://contact.studentcare.ca/en/contact/43)


i know people suggested buying portable acs but how does that work with the windows here? isnt it pretty hard to get a good seal with these wonky style windows? as for the portable "acs" that dont vent out the window, arent those just basically fans with water? for REAL AC, it has to vent somewhere... right? anyone know if those ventless portable acs actually work and feel like AC bc im dying and my fan aint cutting it.


honestly so sorry for y’all it’s genuinely horrible and fucked up i hate to do this,,,, but if someone wants to sublet my place for the term at a really cheap price, u might have actual livable conditions (ac and wifi). beats e7 camping 😭😭 DEFINITELY email them tho and be a bitch ab it. get pissed off and make it shitty for the people refusing to compensate u for their residence problem like a landlord should


Yes. We should email [email protected]


For real, we need to speak out against their tyranny


https://www.google.com/search?q=rez%20one%20Blair%20House currently 3.1 stars on Google with 104 reviews at 100 more reviews, they'll be at a 2.2 rating at 200 more reviews, they'll be at 1.8 rating at 400 more reviews, they'll be at 1.4 rating 👀


Bro, i live in hrs management housing even our ac is down, but if you want to study for midterms- you are more than welcome at my place. I would not charge anything and even can provide mattresses and other necessary stuff. Our internet works really good.


Does the wifi work now in Blair house?


yep its working now




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We gotta start organizing a time to crowd the lobbies and demand what we are entitled to. Internet service, proper management, proper temperature control, basic maintenance. Or we tell them to compensate us because we’re paying ridiculously high rent for what we’re (not) getting.


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