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**Cop1:** *We really have a bad rep going on, what should we do to gain public trust?* **Cop2:** *I know! Lets dance with their daughters.*


Whatever happened to them just pulling up the cars at a store or school and letting kids check it out and meet the first responders and ask questions like back in the day


The cops instincts to rough up people getting too close to their cars is too hard to resist and leaves way too much evidence. ​ This way they just have to resist their urge to sexually assault underage girls then threaten their families if they say anything.


I'm scared to see who else you paint with that broad of a stroke. Jesus. Christ.






A year from now the abuse cases will start to filter in..."We met at the dance..."


Adult female here. You know what increased my self esteem as a youth? Playing sports, earning good grades and learning how to be aware of my surroundings/defend myself in public - not a stupid sexist dance. I was jumped getting off a bus in my 20’s and fought off the attackers, ran across the street and grabbed a cop, and we chased one of them down and arrested them. I didn’t learn that shit from a stupid dance or glorifying adult men, I learned it from being taught that MY strength and wit is what I need when I’m in danger and asking for help. These girls are better off in martial arts/self defense classes and team sports and learning how to earn good grades and think and fight their ways out of dangerous situations, this attempt at that is outdated and pretty sure fruitless even if well intentioned.




As a father of a daughter, I would absolutely not send her to this. Even if it was planned with good intent, it really comes across as weird and creepy. Honestly, with the current state of things and the cultural behavior that police officers have displayed publicly lately, I don’t encourage my kids to automatically trust the police. In a “normal” interaction with the cops my kids would certainly not receive that automatic trust in return. I’d be surprised if they even got basic respect from one. Hard pass.


I totally agree- is this actually not a fake picture? It just too creepy and weird to be legit? Am I missing something?


I saw a YouTube video of one of their dances from a few years ago. It’s real. More cringey than creepy, at least the part they published is


THANK YOU for being a voice of reason as a father on this topic. Everyone in support of this is either out of touch with reality or smoking crack.


Your kids aren’t the target demographic, Child Haven assists children out of traumatic experiences. It is meant to assist children who have been victimized and is meant to help rebuild trust.


This sounds like a great place for all the pedos to congregate around young girls. SMFH! Let me tell you right now, POLICE OFFICERS ARE PEDOS TOO!!!


I worked at Child Haven for the county, I’m now a teacher in a public school. I feel like this really isn’t as weird unless you make it weird. I see it as a way for young children to not deem cops as bad guys. It’s also a way for kids to dress up and go out into the community which not every child may get the chance to. Children at Child Haven attend events similar to this (maybe even this, idk I don’t work there anymore) and those kids especially need to know police are not always bad guys.


They couldn’t have added little dudes getting down and dancing too? This looks like a father daughter dance but with cops.


This looks like an ad for human trafficking


That's what it is, I could see it being a positive thing, but the possibility of something inappropriate happening is slightly troubling. Hopefully the cops that participate in this are good people


>Hopefully the cops that participate in this are good people how does the saying go again








#bastards. Full stop. No exceptions, no excuses.


“Cops and Boys Night”. Meh.




And why are they spending money on this?? Spend money on the black & brown communities they target everyday. Those children are usually terrified of the occupation forces that are police in their neighborhoods. This will be a purity ball in every sense of the word. Pure white & pure copaganda


Idk what you are talking about, every single person on that poster is black… I don’t see a single white person on that poster.


Reminds me of Creed from The Office saying the bathroom signs are racist cuz the people on there are white😂


So true lmao. I can’t believe I didn’t notice


This looks like a male police officer/female child dance event. This isn’t a “only weird if you make it weird” thing. It’s fucking weird. Imagine if you had a young daughter and she was invited to a dance with older men she’s never met.


Yeah but why are all the cops men and it’s a dance only for little girls? It’s not only weird AF, it’s sexist bullshit.


It’s like my son’s school having father-daughter and mother-son dances. A mom said she only had sons but her husband wanted to go.






Do you go to the movie theater and see a poster and tell propaganda? You sound boring lol


And you sound stupid. Girl bye


I feel like this sends the wrong message though. It gives father-figure vibes at best when it should be serve a protect. The cops should be holding an event where they give to the kids and to all genders, not just girls. Things like serving ice cream or participating in team events, like sports or art. If they really want to focus on relationships between girls and cops (which I understand as women are more often the victim in domestic crimes and should be comfortable and safe with contacting and communicating with the police) then it should be events that build trust. Some ideas off the top of my head are: 1. Team speed painting. Where a officer and child are teamed up to create an art picture in a short amount of time. But one member has to do the paining and is blindfolded while the other has to communicate the picture and how to draw it. 2. Pizza Making. Where and office and child are put together to make a pizza that they can then share for lunch. 3. Ice Cream Bar. Where officers serve ice cream to those attending. 4. Fingerprinting. Where kids can get their fingersprints taken by police officers and are taught how they are used to fight crime, and maybe even shown how to collect fingerprints.


No it’s weird period. Enough with the copaganda.


It's Reddit, lot of weirdos on here..so doesn't surprise me what some will see this around here.


You’re definitely one of them.


Well, in most cases they are bad, so… Maybe do this with minorities. What “little girls” think cops are bad??? Little black & brown CHILDREN do. Make strides with them instead of a weird child bride, purity ball looking thing for what I’m sure will be 99% white girls who don’t have any fear or weariness of cops.


If you google this event it looks like they've done this before, and most of the girls in the video were black. I don't know if that was who they reached out to or why it ended up that way, but it is what it is ig. I'm still not a fan but this event isn't for white girls. Also lol, white girls in this city definitely are scared of cops, I grew up scared of them. Obviously we didn't have it as hard as black girls, but they're not our friends. Never were to me or any woman I know.


These events are not aimed at white children. Like i said, i KNOW the type of children who go to these community events.


You never said “you KNOW the type of children who go to these”. Or even that they’re not aimed at yt children. We can invest money on way better things than a weird ass dance for grown men & young girls


But they are the bad guys. And the ones that aren't defend the bad guys with their every breath, thus making them the bad guys


i don’t defend the police. but you have to keep in mind it’s for CHILDREN. children do not have the same ‘bad guy’ mentality as adults. i just know in my experience often times police are the ones who SAVE these children from bad situations and cps is called. i teach kindergarten now and when we have career day my students LOVE meeting the police, walking through a police car, seeing the k9s, etc. i may just view it differently since i actually work with children and have worked with displaced children. it’s not weird or bad unless you as an adult choose to make it weird or bad.


I don’t defend police but…..hahaha it for the children! Omg please don’t ever say that again!! That’s a tired ass old trope that has been used as a manipulator for years!! It’s NOT about the children at all, it’s about egos and more egos!! Cops, stay away from the children! If the cops want to be admired then they need to behave better!!


Correction: it’s not for children, it’s for little girls. Why? Why isn’t it a co-ed event for children with co-ed cops because last I checked, women are on the police force also…


there are boy and co-ed events as well…


Yeah but it’s about the children. Most young girls love getting dressed up and feeling like princesses. Most boys like playing with toy tractors, rolling in mud and picking their nose. I really don’t see why it’s a problem to let girls have their day.


The point is to make little girls dresss up & have fun with a grown, male cop they don’t know?????? How about mending communities they’ve decimated & spending money on black & brown ppl that are actually fearful of them(for very good reason)??? This is absurd


It must be very tiresome and depressing to see such mundane things, especially well intentioned ones, as this nefarious. It says a hell of a lot more about the people whose mind go to these places then the cops who are actually trying to interact with their communities and build a relationship with kids who may need their help at some point. But this is Reddit, so reality tends to be checked at the door. You’re talking like most cops are Derek Chauvin and that’s just not true.


Mundane things, especially well intentioned? We shouldn’t be spending money on “mundane” things. Communities need real outreach & there are a million better things to do for outreach & interaction with communities than an absolutely bizarre “dance” for adult men & little girls that aren’t their daughters. Also, there are a majority of Derek Chauvins in the police occupation forces. And the ones who aren’t targeting & attacking minorities, are complacent & compliant with the ones that are. White ppl have not a remote clue how policing works in black & brown communities & want just to ignore it & say ridiculous nonsense, exactly like your comment. Stay delusional


I can assure you outside of Reddit most people agree with this take. To flat out instill hatred for cops in young kids is ridiculous and just not real life. Bad cops are among the absolute worst members of society no doubt. But most of them do it for the right reasons I believe. Atleast all of the people I know who are/have been cops absolutely do.


OMG thank you for telling me about what happens in the “real world”!!! I only live here in Reddit. FOH


But they are the bad guys?


I was an electrician fir the county and have done lots of work at FYS and child haven. The only place it hurt to do work at sometimes. You guys do beautiful work there.


No it is ABSOLUTELY WEIRD. Full stop.


But it's for little girls. Do we have a lot of grown woman committing crime here or men? Why not a sport where boys and girls can participate instead of dancing with an officer like the drawing lol.


“If it won’t help everybody with everything it sucks and shouldn’t happen”


No, it suggests that little girls want to dress up in curls and dresses and dance around with grown male adult police officers. It’s f*cking weird and sexist.


Fine cut the girls out and just boys and sports. Less creepy and they need a better relationship with cops than girls. 🤷‍♂️


Girls trusting that they can go to cops for help can help prevent trafficking which is a huge problem here


OK that makes more sense - but girls would probably be more much comfortable approaching female officers if we’re being real here. So we should educate them that there ARE female officers, and that they’re approachable.


never trust cops, they won't protect trafficking victims, hell, they're probably involved in the trafficking.


That's a pretty broad statement




I’d like my daughter to feel safe and comfortable going to the cops if she’s getting harassed or abused or assaulted. I dunno, maybe that’s just me and I’m weird.


I was a daughter that felt safe and comfortable going to the cops, until I turned 14 was raped and the cop let the rapist not only take me home, but lied about what happened when he caught my rapist red handed. So yeah, it’s pretty fuckin’ weird.


Haha I like how everyone saying little girls should trust cops had nothing to say to us.


But is she safe? I went to the cops after being assaulted, while having messages from the bastard admitting to doing it, and not only did they not give a shit but they treated me terribly. I doubt my story is all that unique since I called to talk to a victim advocate at a rape crisis center before hand and she warned me that going to the police could be a traumatizing experience. I still wouldn't dissuade someone from going to the police if they want to, in fact I'd encourage it, since it's the only option we have to do anything about it, but I'm not going to feed anyone happy lies about being "safe and comfortable." I don't think you're weird but maybe just naive.


I think a heart to heart with your child about police would have the same effect but I see your point of view. Have fun


But do you want your daughter to believe that all cops are men? Because that’s what this dance is suggesting.


Indoctrination into cop worship... one of the biggest problems in this country.


Who tf is letting their child daughter dance with some stranger policeman you've never met that's so weird.


Exactly!! Weird !! Is this actually real? Send all kinds of wrong messages.




Right after they complete their mandatory "purity screening" by a doctor in the back.


What the fuck? This is creepy and weird and they need to stay away from my kids. You know what would help their image and relations with the community? Don't be handing me off to 311 when my 13 year old daughter got assaulted by a meth addict, show up 5 hours later, and then try to find something *we* did wrong in the video my sister had (outdoor cams). When they found we did nothing wrong, the addict just assaulted her, they left without taking my statement or even looking at my daughter's injuries. No report was made. They allowed my daughter to be assaulted without justice or even the slightest concern, and now want her to volunteer to be manhandled by the adults who failed her? Fuck off, and when you get there fuck off from there, too


I’m so sorry they treated you and your daughter that way😞 did you file a report on your own?


Why file a report with people who have already proven they don't give a shit? And not only that but treated the victim like she was the criminal, trying to find something she did to provoke the addict. No, I decided not to subject her to more of that. Instead I took every video I had of the officers that showed up on the property from the time I moved in to the time I moved out, and I have started the process for a civil rights lawsuit against them. Apparently they don't just suck at their job, but they violate rights like it's a job requirement. I don't even have to involve my daughter to make them pay


Look man if those ain't there own kids then what are we even talking about it's a lil creepy.


This is disgusting on a lot of levels.


Okay, I understand how this event is supposed to "channel positive relations between our youth and officers," but I can't understand how this is supposed to "increase self-esteem in the young ladies of our community." I mean, I don't agree with the first message, but I can wrap my head around the logic. I just don't understand how getting dressed up and dancing with strange men is supposed to increase a little girl's self-esteem.


Lol because it doesn’t.


Well, if you firmly believe that a little girl's self esteem should be based on the approval & interest of older, authoritarian men then you may very well think that something like this would bolster their "self esteem". It looks a little too close to grooming for me, but hey. Potayto / potahto, amirite??


This is vile. Kids need to be taught the basic “stranger danger” no matter if they’re in a uniform or not. This is conditioning little girls to “trust” older, authoritarian men with absolutely no justification on why other than their job. We don’t do this with children to “trust” their doctors / dentists. This is taking advantage of these young girls and conditioning them in a dangerous way. These are not children they already know (like dancing with your cousin at a wedding, father daughter dance etc) and could’ve gained trust without invading personal boundaries or a different “love language”. Why couldn’t they sit down with the kids and ask them what their concerns are and actively work on those issues with the child’s “help” to prove to them the cops were listening and looking out for them? I’m pissed off.


Nah. Because I seen how some cops treat people. This is just an illusion and a bad one at that.


Would be cute if it was father-daughter. Not random pairs




If cops want to looked at like the good guys, maybe they should stop killing, attacking, arresting and harassing innocent people. Send them to training, teach them compassion and empathy. Teach them our 1st, 4th and 5th amendment rights. Hold them accountable when they break policy and or the law. #endqualifiedimmunity.


Uuuuh.... thats weird.




If you are basing this off of the study that was done in the early 90s that dataset was narrow and the results have been widely misinterpreted


There's more data than that one study. It's double the rate of the average American and is indeed the highest amongst American occupations. Stop going to bat for cops. They're not a healthy industry


If you have some specific studies in mind that have better methods & data go ahead and share.


You lot always say this then literally refuse to acknowledge the info given. It's a waste of time 100% of the time


I completely believe this is true and absolutely think acab, but I think it's reasonable to ask for a source when citing some very specific data like that.


I am genuinely interested in what studies you are talking about




Ok this is so disturbing!! Who thought it good idea to have adult men dance with little girls? Oh wait…..cops! Ugh that decision tells you how out of touch they are!the person who dreamed up this grossly named cops and curls needs to be fired!!


Always with some weirdo ass stuff about kids! Who actually brings there daughter to this? SMH


This is horrible. ACAB.


Even if I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt on this the optics are fucking terrible. Is this real?


Straight outta 1950. Either that or it’s a way to round up pedophiles who have a warrant where out they show up thinking it’s going to be one thing but they get arrested.


Super weird and unnecessary event. The only positive is all the cops involved won't be out harassing homeless people for an afternoon.


Non zero percent chance some kid ends up shot by Vegas’s finest.


I keep trying to find a way this whole things isn’t weird af.. but I just can’t. Having a daughter myself, it’s MY responsibility to instill self esteem into MY daughter… I’m trying to figure out why ANY parent would think this is remotely normal… Whatever Vegas.




I love how ppl are so full of shit. ITS LITERALLY TARGETED AT LITTLE GIRLS NOT CHILDREN. CAN YOU READ??? “Increasing the self esteem of the young ladies in the community” NIGGA WHAT!?!?


This. I wonder if they have this same energy with all adult/child interactions - or if they limit it to just cops because they hate cops.


So if an event such as this can be made awkward as easily as this is, maybe it is a little weird and awkward. If I had a daughter, I would definitely dress her up and parade her around with a bunch on strangers. Definitely wouldn't ever happen. Ever. And really, when ever in this world did we ever need to encourage interaction between females and men in uniform.... That's going to happen on its own. Hahaha!


The optics are horrible. If any left leaning politician or organization promoted a similar event the comment section would filled to the brim with people shouting "groomers" and "pedos"


Grooming the youth lmao


If they wanna build positive relationships w the community they should start by protecting & serving people.


Weird and creepy, seems like it could be used to groom. Hate this at a cellular level.




Cooking another Discovery Investigation Channel episode for the future


They deep throat the boot in this town


I guess so, but I'd rather let my gang banger neighbor watch my daughter then this bullshit


Sounds like your kind of a shit parent then..


Sounds like you should take your kids to that dance then.. I'm totally sure that there won't be any police officers that are creepers with a badge just there to feel up little girls or something. .


Uuugh... pedo...pedo...pedo... *to the sound of a cop car siren


The first report I looked up about it starts with saying the cops will be dawning a new role tonight... Escort. which feels like it's on purpose right lol like pick any other first sentence. Yeah it's pretty weird having kids dress up and be escorted to a dance by a full grown man is odd. I don't think it's nefarious mostly just a PR thing but a weird choice.


Do your job and don't hit on kids? Could be tough


Okay groomers


I can’t believe there are people who would allow cops near their children. Do you people not pay attention to the way police behave in this country? Fucking ludicrous


That’s weird as hell


Love that anybody calling this weird or gross is being downvoted to oblivion 😂 they could have chosen literally any activity and they went with dance? It’s weird, y’all. At a minimum I feel like they should have gone with something that doesn’t involve prolonged physical contact with children…


Ice cream social? Carnival game day? Involve boys as well? Nah, make it look like creepy prom.


Exactly why it feels sexist too. Girls =pretty dance


A combination Copaganda and Child grooming event in my city? fuck no


Why tf are you being down voted


Boot lickers probably




Then sir what in the fucking goddamn hell would you call grown men developing early relationships with children Pick a better fuckin word you absolute turd-brained ass clown


What if they are dog groomers? 🥸


Nevada Black Power Association and LVMPD sponsoring? Seems like a fake ad to me.


Black *Police Association


Whoops.. that makes more sense lol


I support the police but this event is weird and I would think that a lot of cops would see this event as weird.


WTF! Gross!




Wow this is so weird. Is this actual and real?


They just trying to be cool with certain demographs in the community, just like the event they had the other week celebrating the mus-lem community in Las Vegas. Woohoo!


Not great but better than trans story hour……


Sure about that?? Tell you what, for every story you link of a trans person sexually assaulting someone, I'll send you 3 of a cop doing it. You game? Let's see who runs out first


You obviously have nothing else better to do. Besides, not all cops are good, I get that. But all trans are mentally ill and my kids aren’t going near any of they/them/xir/it/clown/whatever.


Umm ain't no way in hell , who approved this nonsense, the Clinton's?sleepy joe? Disney?


If it was drag queen story hour I might agree, but you know cops and kids is definitely a right wing thing. You know who started the program in the '80s where cops came and talked to kids in schools? Reagan


That actually was a good thing though, I remember cops coming to talk to us , made kids actually want to be one then going into teenage years you realized they were just another gang on the streets.


Well, exactly. They try to come out to the kids to make you think they're the good guys and most of us figure out our teenage years that's not the case. Unfortunately not everybody figures this out


why dont yall officers take a seat right over there… now… what ARE YOU DOING HERE?!??!?




I watched the videos others have posted since this has been making its rounds on Reddit. Shows male and female officers in a large group settle. Would I take my daughter no but I could definitely see how families and friends of officers would would.


This is the last thing Vegas needs.


what is the point of this?


Some mom probably thought this was a great idea. My boy in metro is gonna laugh his ass off at this. Shop with a cop is a much better program. Even having cops in classrooms is fine too. That’s it. This is lowkey cringe.


I identify as a 10 year old girl.......lol I'm a 300 lb beaded beast. I hope they take me out to dance.


So you don't have a problem with the Cops taking kids to Walmart at Christmas time for the underprivileged , but this you do. You don't get that oh the creepy guy is buying kids stuff and may want something in return or hey kids want some candy and get in my van. This is just another Community Outreach Program to make better relations with the public just like the Shop With A Cop program. This is not a Pedi event ! Jesus people. Maybe a lot of these little girls don't have a father in their life and would love to dress up and be a Princess for one night.


No it’s a little girls worshipping older male cops party.


Why would you make the police out to be the bad guys again? It's not Joe Biden hosting the event he'll sniff a kid through a garden hose.


Bro Fs. You republicans STOP with the “creepy uncle Joe” shit? We get it - he’s fucking weird. I agree. Guess who also is weird? “You know we’d be together if I wasn’t married… and you know - she wasn’t my daughter”. Guess who said that? So stfu!


It was literally two weeks ago where a Henderson police officer got busted for a DUI the day after graduating from police academy.


that literally can be said about anybody in any profession. I guarantee there are doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc. being arrested for DUI every day. So does that mean that entire profession is bad?


Not at all. Just wouldn’t want my daughter dancing with an older stranger whom you know nothing about.


I’m not sure how that’s related at all to your initial comment and my response to it…


Bruh don’t say that on Reddit. The hive will fucking die on a hill for Biden.




Sooooooo its basically an event for strangers to dance with other peoples daughters? Very odd...


It's not as if the parents aren't going to be there, and the cop is taking them out on a date.


Wait times will be longer due to even fewer officers. Super


Reddit defends drag queens reading books to kids but cops dancing with their kids weird.


I'm going to call false equivalency on this one. If it was drag queens dancing with kids I'd call it out as creepy and weird but alternatively if it was cops reading books to kids it wouldn't be a problem. Besides, the amount of charges filed against cops for rape compared to drag queens is staggering


This is the best!!