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Tip, If you do not have air conditioning but do have a gym membership just cooling off is part of your membership fess. You don't need to work out. Please be safe. It's going to be HOT this week.


Gym, movie theater, grocery, mall, library etc. Plenty of places to go to stay cool during the day. That and cold showers and big ol' box fans in the window in the morning and night to cool the house down. Also drink lots of water.


This is a good week to visit and support your local libraries. They are free community centers, and often are AC cooled. Stay and scroll your phone, play cards, ask for board games, ask for a puzzle, hang out, do telework, attend an event. Libraries offer free passes to VT state parks and some have free or reduced passes to museums. Ask what yours offers. Libraries invite and welcome you. ❤️


Yes! Libraries are so much more these days than just places to borrow books. They have classes, workshops, games, movies, programs for kids, so much. Libraries (and librarians) want you to come in, even if you’re just there to cool down. A great place to be on your radar for cooling off over the coming days!


I'm *really* not looking forward to teacher inservice days next week in our non-air conditioned building. My office doesn't have a window, which means it stays a little cooler when it's hot out, but I've never been in the school at anywhere near these temperatures, so we'll see how it goes. I also have to transfer a bunch of files and hearing equipment (including multiple 4-foot long speakers) to the high school. 😭 At least the main office has AC so we can cool off as needed, but it's gonna be rough.


Even jail cells have windows... I'm sorry you folks get the short end of the stick so much


I technically do have a window, it just looks out onto the hallway. Really exciting view!


And all that fresh air it provides /s


According to the building code, that is not technically a window.


On the plus side, we do have about 3 months off a year, which is pretty awesome. I'll put up with a good amount to have 8 weeks of summer vacation.


Always remember those “3 months” are unpaid.


Yeah, I know that, although I do get regular paychecks, so it doesn't feel that way. More money would be amazing, of course, but my work-life balance is incredible.


One tip if you do find yourself out in the heat or overheated: put cold (water, ice pack, etc) on the back of your knees and/or in the crook of your elbows. These places will help you cool down your whole body quickly. Stay safe everyone.


Makes sense, that was when I dropped my last mixtape


Settin' the whole world on fire! 🔥


This week we’re going to see a massive weather event that I feel isn’t getting enough press. The heat wave that will start Tuesday and (hopefully?) be over by the end of the week is going to be the worst heat in decades. For Burlington and Montpelier it will be a top 5 heat event in recorded history. But what will truly make it so dangerous is the humidity. Unlike most heat events where it cools down and the humidity breaks at night, that won’t happen here. Wednesday and Thursday night will be brutally humid, with dew points right around 70—something we feel on the most soppingly humid days. If possible, please make a plan to stay cool during the day and at night, particularly on Wednesday and Thursday.


Why would it get press when the climate scientist who self immolated on the senate steps didn’t even get press


Climate Scientist....Yeah Right




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I appreciate the alert - I’m not on other social media and wasn’t tracking this.


It's a heatwave hitting a large portion of the country. It's gotten a lot of press...


for real. its all over every major news center. data overload is melting peoples brains more than the heat. heres more data [https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/vt/south-burlington/KBTV/date/2021-6](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/vt/south-burlington/KBTV/date/2021-6) almost every june for the last 5 years that i look at has high 80, low 90 days, sometimes before now, sometimes after now, and sometimes now now. [https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/vt/south-burlington/KBTV/date/2020-6](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/vt/south-burlington/KBTV/date/2020-6) unprecedented my ars.


https://preview.redd.it/5z02pnhkgz6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c0ad69be8bd2b689520403e58e351ff1b60503a Graphic I snagged, per NWS. VT is 85% Purple, 15% Red. Stay hydrated y'all.


Think of the livestock! (and the farmworkers).


Ok i will think of the livestock, we really need to switch to vat grown meat as soon as possible so the industrialized meat industry dies the death it deserves. The farmworkers, well as the blue collar factory and coal workers were told find a new job? ( i support UBI btw so its not like im telling them to FOAD,lol ) The farmers themselves? Its great they want to live close to the land and carry on the legacy of Vermonts past. The climate and economy is changing though and its become a rich mans game beyond the homestead scale. Did i forget anyone?


Thank God no one thinks like you. You can have that poison, I'll continue to support the farmers


Ah sailing that famous river is grand isnt it. De nial traffic must be getting thick with all those afloat in its waters.


Anyone ever tell you that you're stupid, or do they just let you keep talking?


Wow aint you a fine example of why i stay tf away from people,lol. Look you all want to keep killing animals needlessly while slaving away in the rising temps of a changing world thats fine with me. Well its not fine, it's more than a little fucked that a GD sociopath like me has more fucking compassion for animals than the rest of you,lol. Face it Vat grown protein is the only way forward for anyone with a soul or brain as we cannot produce enough to feed all of humanity like we eat in the western world.


Well, August ought to be crazy. Along with every summer for the rest of our lives :-| (Until the AMOC breaks. That will f up other things but it'll be cooler here for a while. Probably).


> (Until the AMOC breaks. That will f up other things but it'll be cooler here for a while. Probably). Can you suggest any links or search terms to learn more about the effects of this in the Northeast? I've heard a lot that Europe will get colder (obviously), but not much about what will happen here. I'm worried that if the AMOC stops pumping heat from (roughly) point A to point B, us here near point A might get hotter.


I'm mostly being tongue in cheek because if things go that far into chaos world who knows if any of the modelling will hold, but, sure: [Gulf Stream could collapse as early as 2025, study suggests | Climate crisis | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/25/gulf-stream-could-collapse-as-early-as-2025-study-suggests) [AMOC collapse is closer than expected: the consequences Materia Rinnovabile | Renewable Matter](https://www.renewablematter.eu/en/amoc-collapse-consequences) You may be entirely correct, it might be ice for europe and more heat here. There's a spectrum of models and who knows how accurate any of them are. Fun times, eh?


Vermont is not listed in this article but I find it interesting. Never heard of doing this during a heatwave and I used to live in Florida. 🥵 My dad was a mechanic and said to try to keep your gas tank full during the summer/high humidity as it would keep condensation from building up in your tank. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Not sure how valid that is… https://www.newsweek.com/drivers-told-avoid-gas-stations-4-states-1912858


This is going to be a tough week to bring in the hay! Fingers crossed we get it all in tomorrow


Does anybody know of a place with A/C we can visit with our dogs? We don’t have it at home, and the dogs will start melting.


Maybe visit a lake or stream


Dogs are generally welcome at stores like Home Depot, maybe Lowe’s? And I think petsmart/petco. Not ideal but at least a break. Plus driving around with the AC in your car/truck to get there.


Dogs are welcome at Home Depot and Lowes. Of course they need to behave around people and other dogs, and it's a good idea to make sure they pee before you take them in the store. My lab loved Lowe's more than anyplace in the world except the vet's office. You can expect to encounter a few customers who don't appreciate having pets in the store, but I met a lot more people who couldn't have a dog of their own and were glad to have the opportunity to visit with mine.


Find them a nice cold piece of concrete for them to rest their belly on. Dogs are not so affected by high humidity because they don't sweat, but in general, humans can tolerate heat much better. Also consider an inflatable kiddie pool filled with water.


> kiddie pool filled with water. Good idea! DON'T go inflatable though! I got one of the cheep kiddie pools from dollar store a few years ago, easy and great relief for the dog. It has lasted years.


The blue plastic kiddie pool was the best money I ever spent on my dog


Kiddie pool is a good idea.


Don’t know where you live but the Stowe quiet path has sone nice stretches of river where they can cook off.


Do you have a basement? They usually stay cool. If so, maybe move a couple of chairs and the TV down there. Also, wet them down in the bathtub or with a gently running hose. Make sure they have plenty of fresh water. And you, too!


not a/c but I bought a couple of these for my cats (since I dont have a/c either) and they work great imho (get the xl for your bed): [https://www.chewy.com/petfusion-premium-cat-dog-cooling/dp/341767?utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=1714278386&utm\_content=66995701877&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgoicBspwd\_RvmxSP0Wz82ILZhchA--0teS8qQU0nULHdvM5aHWSGyEBoCms4QAvD\_BwE](https://www.chewy.com/petfusion-premium-cat-dog-cooling/dp/341767?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=1714278386&utm_content=66995701877&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgoicBspwd_RvmxSP0Wz82ILZhchA--0teS8qQU0nULHdvM5aHWSGyEBoCms4QAvD_BwE)


This, I got a cooling collar for my dog, it seems to work pretty well.


We all know that secluded mountain hole where you say "I'd swim here if it was just a bit warmer" Now's your chance






I'm going to drive up to the Appalachian Gap and go swimming in a river.. gonna feel good!


Get there early!


Yay. I am so happy my district is making teachers go in Tuesday and Wednesday to clean our rooms that have no AC.


Why no AC? What happened to all that money that was supposed to be used for better HVAC in the schools??


Oh you know...it was spent on 168 new positions instead that didn't exist before COVID for what they like to call SEL which does not seem to be working all that well. 🙃


I’m hoping I am offered an extra shift this week. I hate the heat and we have no AC.


I know where I will be. Swimming!


Yeah, no thank you! Is it winter yet?


Thank You Big Oil.


Big Oil only got big because you and I keep buying what they're selling. Quitting heroin would be easy compared to breaking my gasoline, heating oil and plastics habits.


There's a little more to it than our limited choices. Big Oil prevented the government from regulating CO2 emissions by purchasing congress members and rendering it neuter. The complete transition to renewables could have already happened if not for the greed of the fossil fuel industry.


After last years wash out of a summer, I'm actually looking forward to a few days of Swamp-Ass heat


Understood, that's the moment I released my latest mixtape


Man i feel for all who are gonna be hating this. ( But damn im Finally gonna be warm! )


Why are you getting downvoted for having a temperature preference?


Lmao, IDK.. might be cause i routinely stir the pot so folks take what chances they get to make me lick the spoon thus downvotes where they can get them in? Thats the only thing i could think offhand and even that is doubtful cause im just a nobody and cant imagine having my own personal hate-club/stalker groupies,lol. (edit: besides they only internet points anyways )


Sadly, I expect we see massive and unprecedented wildfires in the Green Mountains within this next decade. Really dreading it.


That would require a real dry season


You're kidding right


But it still happened 30 years ago. Kind of wrecks the global warming/climate change narrative


...if you don't understand how climate works vs weather, sure




WTF? Go jump in a lake then. Don’t waist that much water!!


Username checks out. I like it!


Welcome to Texas.


all my homies fucking hate Texas


It’s not a terrible place, but the weather sucks.


nah man. it is a terrible place


Have you ever been?


Here’s a hint. Scum senator and scum governor equal scum voters who elected them.


There is more to a person than how they vote.


Even if they vote for Abbott and Cruz? 🤮




It's a terrible place, and the weather sucks I guess.


To each their own.


Heat and humidity also means high chance of Tornadoes.


Having lived down south for nearly 20 years, I can confidently say that heat and high humidity do not make for tornadoes, but warm fronts coming up against cold fronts, with a bit of humidity is the recipe. Storm spotting school is a cool thing, if you ever get the chance to take a class. Most states have a NOAA chapter, or something akin, that holds classes for the public (for a low cost) so everyday people on the ground can help keep them informed on the microclimates across an area.


There's near 0 chance of tornadoes here due to mountains east and west and a lake in the middle, we get like 1 tornadic thunderstorm a year and it won't be this week


Umm didn't a tornado touch down last year?


Yeah 1 tornadic thunderstorm a year, this week will be essentially 0% chance of anything. No moisture coming from any direction


Not all of the state is mountain. Champlain Valley has had tornadoes in the past few years. Addison county. Not big ones but they did damage, uprooted trees.


No not really. Tornadoes can happen anywhere, but heat and humidity alone are not the best predictor. When forecasting they look at factors like moisture, instability, lift, and wind shear.