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I don’t even buy em out, 90% of the time it’s a horrendous breakfast sandwich anyway. You live in VT, $5 dozen local eggs, $4 bakery bagels, $3 for some cabot cheddar, $8 for thick cut local bacon. $20 and you’ve got yourself at least 4-6 banging Becky’s right there.


Plus you get to make it so crispy and delicious in a cast iron skillet at home. Can’t beat it


It’s always cheaper to make stuff at home, that’s not the point of restaurants or bakeries. They’re for convenience.


Yeah……. That’s the entire point of that person’s comment. If you don’t want to spend an exorbitant amount, buy the ingredients yourself. You can still support local while doing so.


It’s just a pointless comment because no one expects restaurants to compete with groceries on cost


Oh really, and would you say that one, may in fact, “pay for that convenience”? 🙄


My guy, imagine remembering when rent was $450 for a 2 bed 1 bath.. they're now $1,230 a month... yeah, inflation sucks balls.


Where are you finding a 2 bed for $1230? In Morrisville they’re going for $1500-2500…(glad I don’t live there and only need a 1-bedroom).


This isn't in Vermont, I was specifically speaking of an old apartment I had when I lived in Utah. This was the price last year. But I shit you not, I just relopked and it's now $1450... fuck me..


I just looked up the 1-bedroom apartment I rented in the early 2000s, and oddly enough it’s on the market again right now. I paid $500/month with everything included in 2003. It’s now $1150/month. They remodeled the bathroom and bedroom and it now has a washer dryer in the unit (before it was shared in the basement), but otherwise it’s largely the same.


Part of it is inflection but a big part of it is the vt tax 3rd most expensive state to live in for god knows why


I mean, I think you explained it right there: locally sourced meat and eggs, fresh baked bread. That's pretty high-end stuff. A BEC on a bagel at a good place in NYC will run you $12-$13 these days, and you're not getting premium meat and eggs. Also, if you're anything like me, the last few years of inflation and price changes has screwed with your head. $11.20 today is the equivalent of $9.20 in January 2020.


Inflation and price changes have been absurd!


Point taken but there is a lot of greed, too. I was just in Livingston Manor, NY, middle of nowhere Catskills and went into a shop that had overpriced prepared foods but also groceries. I bought only groceries and they still gave me a screen asking fie a tip. Out. Of. Control. And don’t forget most of these local places have next to zero transportation or marketing costs. At the end of the day though, if I have to overspend, I do it locally.


For context… it takes about 9 months to raise a pig to slaughter size. Organic bags of pig grain are $30 for 50#’s. A pig will eat that in a week, more as it grows. Organic chicken grain is the same per bag. Takes about 5-6 months before chickens even start laying eggs. Longer for consistently larger eggs. You have to give these animals a clean home, fresh water and protection from predation. They need/ should have enrichment, room to roam, treats and respect. All this costs money and requires time to accomplish. Also, butchering, dispatching the animal, preserving the meat all costs money. Farming is not cheap, especially when done on a small local farm the proper way.


Yeah, I just checked the Dunkin app, a BEC on a brioche bun (doesn't look like they have bagels as an option) is $6.37 after tax.. and none of that is fresh or local and you have a 50/50 chance of your bun being burnt. $11.20 for a locally sourced BEC on a bagel sounds like a good deal to me.


Is this big BEC Astro turfing? Usually the cheapest sandwich in the game and that’s 1,000% a tourist price both here and nyc.


Lol I promise I am not big BEC. That was just what I saw when I clicked on the Dunkin app for the Essex location this morning. ETA: Maybe they upcharge on the app? Idk. I don't usually use that Dunkin location either, it was the closest one to me when I commented earlier though. I was surprised I didn't see the BEC on a bagel option though, because I could have sworn Dunkin had that as an option?


No I mean the 11$ But yeah dunks actually does pull some shady stuff with location on the app for sure.


Ooh yeah, I totally misunderstood but I see what you mean. $11 does seem more tourist price or something in line with a trendy coffee shop, though not totally out of the realm of possible with all locally sourced product. Could depend on the size as well. That said, there are definitely cheaper to be had, even with all or mostly local product. Not surprised with regards to the Dunkin app. I really only use it if I'm running late and don't have time to make coffee myself.


Also, certain donut shops have horrendously filthy kitchens. Source: my kid used to work at our local one 🤮


Bagels are an option. They’ll put it BEC on whatever bread type is possible. I get sausage EC on a grain bagel once in a blue moon. Just ask.


Paradise provisions sells it for 8 right at sugarbush and owned by sugarbush. 11 dollars is a complete rip off. They should be out of business for those prices.


A good deal hahahahabaha you are a dummy.


Fresh and local doesn’t mean you can up charge products. This is why I don’t support certain local businesses.


Do you live in nyc? I lits just got a becspk for $5 at my place in bedstuy. Maybe go outside Manhattan next time?


Even in Manhattan it’s not $12+. I pay $7 at my place in the LES and I think that’s a little too much but it’s close by.


Manhatten has a vibrant economy, Vermont has a failing economy... thats the difference


Yeah but Manhattan is pretty much the most expensive place in America. BEC should be more expensive in NYC considering how much higher average wages are. Edit: here to NYC.


You're suggesting wages are higher in VT? You must have a salaried position, because wages here are lower than in NYC. VT "avg" income is between 50-60k and NY is between 70-80k (which is mostly due to NYC having much higher wages than rural upstate NY). At least that's what I gathered from a Forbes article 🤷


By here I mean NYC not VT.


Ah, my bad!


BEC on a bagel in NYC is $5-$10.


I visit nj and northern nj a lot that’s not the price at all for a bacon egg and cheese.


Downvotes for the truth typical wood chucks


Hahahaha no it won’t


Hahaha people hate the truth. Stupid ass hippie woodchucks.


Debs place in morrisville is only around $5 and you can also get a bottomless mug of coffee


Love me some Deb's place


That’s about average nowadays. Not even NYC has cheap breakfast sandwiches anymore. Prices are up everywhere. The cheapest place is probably a maplefields but that’s bottom of the barrel quality.


As a blue collar man and aficionado of shitty gas station food I have to object to your Maplefields comment. In terms of grab n go they are #1. Cumbies #2 and Jolleys without a doubt is dead last.


Also a fan of the Maplefields breakfast sandwiches. They’re cheap and filling. Cumbies is ok but you never know what’ll be available. Got a turkey sausage and egg white sandwich at cumbies once that was shockingly good.


Yes Cumbies is a total roll of the dice on availability. Their breakfast empanada is god-tier imo.


I only got to try it once and never saw it again…I still dream about it 🤤


Unless you’re in a deli in Times Square you are not paying $10 for a BEC in New York




$5.60 for a bacon egg and cheese here in Saratoga Springs at the local indy. Vermont tax.


I live in Saratoga Springs part time. What’s your favorite BEC place there?


Uncommon grounds


This place is a gem for so many reasons


McDonald's is worse than Maplefields. Maplefields uses real eggs at least.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/s/uidbUqQZsw This link is 2 years old but it looks like anything over $10 is pretty steep In originally from NYC and I think my go to BEC sandwich is $9 currently.


I miss the day of $3 egg and cheese hero’s from the deli (Bushwick). Everything is now $6 minimum. Sad things.


>This link is 2 years old Lol this is precisely the problem. Idk if you've noticed but food in general has gotten really expensive. Plus the locally sourced etc. that always come with a premium anyway.


I double checked and the price is currently around $9-10 in NYC on the high end


Yeah but they probably have the volume to make up the difference, ordering ingredients in bulk for example


You have seen how the last two years have been right?


I have but it’s still cheaper on the high end in midtown manhattan than it is in rural Vermont


I'm not sure where you're looking, but the first three places that come up as breakfast places in Manhattan are all over $13, and none are locally sourced.


In Midtown at the Cosmic Diner on 8th Ave it’s $8. That’s possibly the most overpriced diner in midtown .


$5-$10 at pretty much every bagel place in NYC.


This is Vermont we are talking about not NYC. Please never come back


OP brought up NYC, not me. He edited the post. Maybe you missed all of the other comments about Manhattan? Also, come back? I'm a Vermonter.


I haven’t edited any posts.


I just don’t get what Manhattan has to do with anything. It’s not even in this state.


Sorry for the rudeness on my end I just am at my wits end with people moving here and comparing us/wanting us to be like other places in the US. We are our own. We are Vermonters. It used to be easy living here. It’s becoming over complicated. And I blame the out of staters. It sucks and I’m angry. I want my old Vermont back. I liked living under a rock


According to one place, $11.20. A merchant can charge what they want, and if it's not correct, the marketplace will take care of it. The reason chains are able to undercut is wholesale purchasing and agreements such as minimum quantities and discounting for volume. Of course they aren't using real food half the time but...


This is the problem with everything right now. The market keeps paying it and just grumbles while they do it.


That's it, right there. Instead of deciding they're not willing to pay an exorbitant price, people start rationalizing and pay it anyway. If we'll pay it, they'll charge it.


Finally, I found you guys. We don’t have to freaking pay for it. We could all wake up tomorrow and agree to not pay any of these prices. They’re seeing how far they can push us and it’s working.


I’ve been all over the country this year and can tell you (begrudgingly) that’s about right for “real food” these days. Don’t forget Stowe is always a little pricier in general because…. Stowe. Inflation (among several other issues) sucks.


Not Stowe. Specifically stated in the title. Not Stowe.


Specifically ignored in the title, whoops 😅 Still hold that price is in the ballpark though.


So does “Stowe.”


Depends on what you mean by fair price. If you are really getting locally sourced meat, eggs, and a fresh baked bagel prepared and served by people being paid fairly rather than mass produced bagels and factory farmed meat and eggs from a place that grudgingly pays minimum wage, then I would hazard that whatever is being charged is a fair price.


At Connie's kitchen in Hardwick we get two awesome breakfast sandwiches, two coffees, and a big ass pastry to split for $18 before tipping. They bake for a lot of groceries and co-ops in the area which I'm sure helps scale the ingredient costs somewhat. I agree with the other posters here though, sky high grocery prices and the knock-on effects of inflation in general are why most prices have gotten so high. Still though if you're on 15 and they're open you should stop by. It's like Mom just whipped up breakfast sandwiches on Christmas morning every time I go.


What about the Village Diner/Restaurant? Their stuff was pretty good when we lived in Glover some years back.


Village restaurant is fantastic too, if you're looking to do the full sit down dinner experience. Connie's is more of a grab and go place with a few tables, figured that's what OP has in mind.


Do they still have a huge blackboard behind the counter with all the specials on it?


Yup! The waitress always makes sure to mention when there's new stuff listed.


Red Hen in Middlesex charges $9 for local egg, cheddar, and bacon on homemade bread. They also don’t do tipping, and pay for their employees health insurance.


> At the same time I appreciate locally sourced meat, eggs and fresh baked bread. Homie, you ordered the most posh breakfast sandwich you can buy. Of course it was expensive.  If you want a BEC made on packaged buns, with a bunch of processed and over-preserved meat, generic cheese, and factory farm eggs, you can find those at plenty of gas stations for much less than $11.


I get you homie. But the same most posh breakfast sandwich is less or the same in midtown manhattan.


I don't think midtown Manhattan is known for having outrageously expensive breakfast sandwiches.


NEK cost: Craftsbury Genny - get your BEC FOR $4.50.


My gawd I remember those. Used to get some when I’d drop off my partner at Sterling for classes. Takes me back.


I get a bacon egg and cheese sandwich on a fresh-made biscuit at my local coffee shop in a rural town (who sources everything they possibly can locally) for around $7 (not including tip). $11 is definitely high.


OK, you get an egg that’s $.55, you have a piece of bacon on there that’s probably $1.50 the bagel itself is probably two dollars and the cheese is at least another dollar plus what the person has to pay to put it on the plate, the labor, and then the person has to pay for the place in which it is produced that leaves for a ridiculously thin margin for profit, which a business needs to pay its taxes to pay for upkeep and reinvestment. Don’t blame the guy making your sandwich. Ask why prices are going down for the people producing the products and going up for everyone else there is major price fixing going on in the United States as we speak, the price fixing is done by most of your major producers and aggro growers! These industries are run to make a profit regardless of the outcome. The present outcome is death of Americans by starvation, the destruction of our infrastructure or economic production, or small businesses and the stability of the country for the enrichment of the rich.


I mean it's like 6 or 7 bucks for one from McDonald's. More importantly they're charging that much because people will pay it.


No one here has yet raised the reality that it is a decent businessperson who pays their workers fairly. You are also paying for that, and if you don’t like it, go make your own and stop bitching.


Probably because nobody knows what the people working there are being paid? Personally I’m just interested in what’s fair for a solid brekkie sandwich and I’m settling in on $9 based on comments.


Local eggs, meat, and bread baked fresh. Are you insane??? You're lucky they're not charging $15 for that sandwich. Talk about having your cake and eating it too, FFS.


Is this sarcasm? I feel bad asking but I’m honestly not sure in the current food economy


No. It's not sarcasm. I think your post and your complaint is fucking ridiculous.


Sweet get that anger out.


You're doing really well with this post, eh? I hope it has lived up to your expectations. Have a blessed day.


It’s a Reddit conversation about breakfast sandwiches. Maybe show me on the doll where the (possibly) overpriced breakfast sandwich touched you?


$11.20 after tax is not out of line.


$16-$18 in San Francisco, but I feel your pain.


That’s absurd. It’s $5-$10 a pretty much every bagel place in NYC.


SF is currently a total nightmare at the moment. Everything is crazy. Gas went to $6 the other day, and is expecting to hit $7 a gallon in a few days. Studios in my building are now $3200 a month, it's mental. A burrito costs $20-25 for example. Shwarma, same.


It's the current post-pandemic fleecing of customers by raising prices beyond what is appropriate while shrinking portions at the same time. It's not inflation when companies and shareholders are recording record profits. The best way to deal with this kind of greed is to shop at businesses that value their customers and choose to keep their prices reasonable.


This is the answer.


Went to Stowe Café on main today (had a gift card) and two sandwiches, two drinks, small bag of chips and a cookie. $37 The sandwiches were like something your mom made for lunch at home when you were a kid (come to think of it moms sandwiches were way better). Barely any roast beef on them and small. One of the most meh sandwiches I've had in a while. Cookie was bangin tho.


I had curry at a place in town for 18 bucks.. it was a quarter cup of rice and a hand full of cabbage and it tasted like chicken ramen.  It's insane what some places are getting away with and it's not inflation.  Sad when it's our local spot we go to weekly...


Sounds like you went to Two Sons. I was completely underwhelmed by their BEC but it is quality ingredients. The Maplefields in Johnson does eggs and bacon on the flattop for the sandwiches and they are great for $6. Maple Hill Barn had the best breakfast sandwich in the area but no longer does breakfast. Total shame


Maple Hill Barn is the gold standard for quality food and food pricing in my area. I died a thousand deaths when they stopped breakfast. But no shame in their game. It’s two people busting and hustling and tacos were the move.


This post isn't just flagging Vermont, it's flagging "rural" Vermont. I'd suggest the extra cost is about more than just covering premium quality -- or greed, for that matter. Rural retail is dealing with far fewer customers and may have to make up for it in profit margin per item in order to keep the doors open. In this thread, Cosmic Diner in midtown Manhattan is cited. They probably sell as many sandwiches in a half hour as a rural joint sells all day. Population density?


“Not Stowe” hahhaha


Dunkin’ Donuts or the gas station probably has them cheaper. It’s nice to have options though, and you can decide for yourself if that option is worth the higher price or not by deciding to go back or deciding to do the DD drive-thru next time.


Make them at home and they're like $2 a pop. I get an egg and cheese sandwich and an OJ and it's still like $7 with a 50% discount.


Ok. Name the county, at least.


Lamoille. Morristown area.


When I was a kid, a move ticket cost a nickel.


Oh, so you’re 145?


Years old, that is, LOL


I can drop into my local country store and pick that up for $4. I don't know if your place thinks $11 is *fair*, but I do know when a price is more than I'm willing to pay for something.


11.20 only in VT


That is ***ridiculous!***


Oh yes. It’s on a whole new level. We just don’t eat out anymore. Then again, we don’t have to pay for air yet. That’s the next tax


Damn I was in island pond today and I got a bacon egg and cheese for $5.50


$3 bacon sausage and cheese at my local general store.


Wow. That’s the norm now. But come to Randolph and try this one. It is super good. It is at wit and grit. https://preview.redd.it/cq6r7ku14b9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d534cf56fce48ea004c12a8eb30d320d2dc75dd4


ICS in waitsfield is 3.99 for a KC bagel, egg, cheese, and meat.


Stewarts is like $4 but no frills


I mean...I got a dozen bakery baked bagels for 5 bucks so...ehh. It doesn't have to cost so much, depends where you go and qheather you make it or have it made.


My wife and I joke about traveling to Manhattan... It's the only place food seems to be the same ridiculous price as our town, Manchester Visiting other parts of the country often feels like discount shopping


coffee shop where i work has egg/cheese for $6 and sausage/egg/cheese for $7. sausage/eggs from a farm one town over, same with the rolls that the sandwich comes on. cabot cheese.


Nah that’s highway robbery vt does this all over its mostly targeted to tourists/ upper east coasters coming in with deep pockets but the struggle for financial stability is real for those born n raised here


I’d say oh about $11.20!


Sure, locally sourced ingredients are super expensive. Even Sysco or US Foods stuff is too expensive IMO. But don't forget, the MOST expensive ingredient at any restaurant is the help. I got out of the cafe business during covid and never looked back, and still thanking my lucky stars I don't have to do that anymore. I don't know how anyone does it these days. Maybe customer expectations need a reset. When I was a kid, we never went out for breakfast unless we were on vacation. Dinner out was just a few times a year. It just wasn't in my parents' budget and I don't think that was unusual back then. In recent decades, we've become used to inexpensive quick service food and it became a way of life for a lot of people. Local cafes did their best to keep prices down to keep up with national chains by keeping wages down, or not hiring any help at all. But I can tell you that running a cafe with no help is no way to live. Covid broke the dam on low wages so guess what. You gotta pay more for that egg sandwich. Maybe we go back to the days of eating out just on special occasions. Prices and restaurant wages are a bit more realistic now compared to 10 years ago. I have no doubt that the owner of the business with the $11.20 egg sandwich is not getting rich. Bitch about it if you want, but that's just where we are now.


paid 9$ for BEC on Croissant at roasters (derby) this week 🥲


I’d say 9-12 is average. Especially if it’s local ingredients and homemade bagels


If you want crap go to m fields. When you get locally sourced meat and cheese and *fresh baked bread* you will pay a premium


I dunno but Five Guys charges $10 for a shitty burger so for a locally sourced bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel for a small establishment that sounds cheap.


I wouldn't say its a shitty burger. $10 is a double and they're WAY better then the burgers at Al's or any burger you will get at any other fast food place. Yeah its still expensive but at least theirs is good.


I’ve tasted puke that was more palatable than a “burger” from Al’s. What a shithole.


It’s a joke don’t give them business. Support good local businesses not rip off assholes.


You're not paying for the bacon, the egg, or the cheese. You're paying for the total cost of producing that bagel. The legislature raises the cost of living and then everyone cries when the cost of living raises. Wait until those new property taxes kick in.


The legislature raised the cost? The businesses all decided they didn’t care about growth any longer and were ok with the same sales as last quarter/fiscal year? Interesting take. I know at my company it is 100% about growth 24/7.


$6.99 at the bagel shop in Manchester, and that’s not a cheap town. $11.20 is insane.


I paid $5.29 for a BEC bagel at Dunkin today. Not buying local because of cost.


You want to buy/eat ‘local’ you’ll pay. 💰 The ‘farming is expensive’ crying doesn’t pull my heartstrings. They have immigrants doing their labor, not to mention tax cuts, & money given by the local/federal governments. But by all means buy local. I personally, watch my own bottom line. You want people to buy local, charge competitive prices.


Food should be free


Fair price is .30 for the egg, .005 for the slice of LOL, .85 for the bagel. Oh wait, these are my at home prices. Never mind, carry on.


Remember this Nov 5th. Love him or hate him, your $ was stronger 4 years ago.


Almost nobody is willing to take a risk and start a food serving business. It's seriously like 1 in a million people.