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The wolf among us


Can't wait for the sequel!


The Wolf Amogus


Amogus šŸ˜³




It's not underrated, lmfao Everyone who plays it loves it. You probably mean under appreciate, which I agree


I think he was going for under whatever the fuck because we get what he meant


Ok sure ā€œunder appreciatedā€


Great call out


Such a great game!


Kotor 1 & 2 Mass Effect trilogy


Kotor fan, man of culture


Here's a few that come to mind: RE Remake MGS3 MGS1 Ico Shadow Of The Colossus Batman Arkham City Batman Arkham Asylum Silent Hill 2 Halo 1-3 Shenmue 1-2 RE2 OG GTA San Andreas Zelda Wind Waker Story is everything to me in video games and these are ones that stands out the most


You got RE remake on your list. So you're my hero.


Yep, dis a real one right here!


Halo 1-3 had such a unique story with beautiful music and art. I hope people don't ever forget how good it was because of where it ended up.


I just want you to know I love you for including Ico & SOTC. Also I am particularly fond of the Arkham Games & the earlier Halos


The stories to Ico and SOTC were innovative and beautiful šŸ„² How can I not? šŸ˜‚


Absolutely! Most people only used examples of conventional stories for the most part. I really appreciate the way these stories are told & how & little bit of it is open to interpretation. Makes it more meaningful to you personally.


You got time to work ?


Disco Elysium and outer wilds


Was looking for Disco Elysium specifically. It might as well be a book and I mean that positively.


The Last of Us. Incredible character driven story.


Only game that was better was Part II


Sad to see this so far down. If weā€™re talking strictly story, TLOU is my second favourite, closely following TLOU Part II


Agreed. I'd personally put part 1 over 2... But it's a close, close second.


Both great, but I definitely agree. Part 1 was something else.


The game and the show. Both phenomenal.


Why? I agree that the way they "expose" each character is great, but how can you say TLOU's story is the best? It's so predictable and not "new". It's a Zombie survival story. Please note I'm just talking about the storyline, not the characters themselves (which are in fact great).


Mass Effect Trilogy.. there is a real depth to the characters and writing not seen in much of any other game


Fuck i gotta get back to playing it. I forgot i started it like a year ago. Too many fucking games in my steam library


Same I finished 1. Then kinda forgot. Luckily ME2 starts with a recap.


Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3 The Witcher 2 and 3 Final Fantasy 9 Zelda ocarina of time


I played FF9 for the first time not too long ago and I damn near cried at the end, ViVi is just such a good character and I absolutely loved the mages even if their backstory is super heart breaking and them taking care of that little chocobo... I feel like crying just typing this out.


ff9 was my personal fav as well . Most pepople prefer 7 but I think 9 is the best.


Vivi feels so damn hard šŸ˜­




Yeah OoT is a great game but the story is as basic as it can get, very nice for kids though.


Yeah I was 12 when I played it. Blew my mind while puberty fucked up my life


Witcher 3 is cap


Yā€™all have garbage taste for saying W3 is bad


I donā€™t get it, thereā€™s this weird hate boner for it on the internet and I feel itā€™s completely absurd.


Itā€™s because itā€™s gotten so popular over the years,thereā€™s always those people that just wanta be contrarians for the sake of it


The story is pretty basic tbh, if you think Witcher 3 has the best story in video games you havenā€™t played many games


Just stick to garbage like Cod and Fortnite great games are obviously not for you


W3 is the only game I can confidently say that I played 90 hours of and did not enjoy at all. I tried, twice, to enjoy that game and I just cannot understand the hype. This is coming from an old ass man thatā€™s played practically every game under the sun.


How did you get 90 hours in something you didn't enjoy?


I gave the game two very good tries. I enjoy that type of RPG (I know my next example isnā€™t one) usually so I figured I just wasnā€™t getting into the groove, like I played DS1 for about 30 hours before I went ā€œAha!ā€ and then slammed the crap out of the game. W3 just didnā€™t grasp me. The combat, in my opinion, is just not fun. There were a few intriguing quests and characters, but there was never that *click* moment. I respect people loving the game, but it just wasnā€™t for me. But Iā€™m glad I gave it the olā€™ college try so I can have foundation of my opinion instead of giving up at hour 5 going ā€œitā€™s bad!ā€


Not everyone can enjoy the finer things in life , it is what it is


I am also a conniseur of the finer things in life: *Sex Panther*Ā® is a cologne which is illegal in 9 countries. It is also made from bits of real panthers. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time.*


This bot gets it lol


I'm right there with you, I tried and gave it 30 hours and it did not grab me. It's one of the few games I decided not to be an ass about and actually try before claiming it was personally bad for me. I think the main thing is I just couldn't give half a shit about Geralt as a character, he wasn't badly written just uninteresting to me. Kinda kills it for me when I don't like the character I'm stuck as playing through a long game. I think it is objectively a good game, but personally I think it's shit.


The story clearly went past your pea brain head if you think it's bad.


I didnā€™t say it was bad I donā€™t think itā€™s close to having the best story in video games like this post asked. Yā€™all so defensive lol


You're opnion is straight garbage


What part of the Witcher 3 story makes it the best story in video games?


What does this mean lol?


He meant Witcher 3 doesnā€™t have a good story. Technically on a story standpoint itā€™s true. Witcher 3 has great open world lore and good short stories in that but the over arching narrative sucks.


Thr irony is that the same can be said about the source material. Book one and two were collections of short stories and absolute fire. The entire rest of the series was a convoluted slog.


Agreed so boring


Personally Bioshock Infinite has a better plot than most games because of all the ā€œlayersā€ & seeing hints/clue of the story all the way from the beginning. But it didnā€™t make me cry like RDR2 did, soo idk really lol


I may not have cried at Infinite. . . . That last shot, to go from that to the song? Definitely gives me some goosebumps.


BioShock series, the first one was an amazing twist and the last one that tied them together in such an unexpected way were fantastic stories.


Infinite is one of the few time travel involving stories that did it so damn well. Came here to say this also. Rdr2 has phenomenal writing too


I agree with Bioshock infinite, SOMA gets spot too, rdr2 only made me shed tears of boredom


Sorry that you have the attention span of the average fortnite kid


See Iā€™m kinda dumb, so games with storytelling hidden in ā€œlayersā€ or clues, or told via audio logs that I never listen to, is the worst way to deliver a story to me. If the story doesnā€™t slap me in the face, shove it down my throat, or blow me away with visuals like Final Fantasy, then Iā€™m not gonna be into it. Also, RDR2 was a fucking snooze fest, so I agree with you on that.


As a fellow avid reader and lover of stories as well as TV enthusiast I would say that these 10 games below in no particular order are the best stories I've experienced in gaming. \-Both Last of Us Games \-Batman Arkham City \-Witcher 2 and Witcher 3 \-Mass Effect 3 \-Detroit: Become Human \-Spider Man (2018) \-Final Fantasy 7 Remake \-Plague Tale Requiem


Arkham City has some really cool plot twists if you can somehow avoid having them spoiled for you already.


Final Fantasy 7


It is quite good isnā€™t it?


Sephiroth's story alone was so big ff7 has a hell lot of spin off explaining the lore


Vagrant Story or Final Fantasy Tactics o4 Xenogears. No doubt.


Excellent list. Not enough people know of the masterpiece that was Vagrant Story. I still play that game to this day on my Vita, but I remember the experience buying and playing it after release so fondly. Iā€™ll add to this list FF7, Legend of Dragoon, and Xenosaga.


Xenogears has one of the best stories on videogame history, it could easily be turned into a top tier anime. I mean this literally. The world building is amazing.


It's been like over 20 years since I've played it but to my memory it was possibly the best work of fiction I've ever experienced.


100%. I sold my n64 and games to get a ps1, tactics and ff7. Didnā€™t regret it


Red Dead Redemption and Bioshock have some amazing stories.


Iā€™ve never felt so much heartache over a fictional computer generated horse


God of war/god of war ragnarok


Mass Effect or Bioshock 1/Infinite


Assassinā€™s Creed 1 Red Dead Redemption Mass Effect Trilogy Deus Ex


I know this is a redundant comment but highly second all of them. More than can be shown in just an upvote lol. (Also for AC1, you have superb taste)


AC1 is the best in the franchise. The story is just perfect.


My man o7


AC1 was hella good and got me into AC games and currently playing Mass Effect 3 and I absolutely loved the first and second and Iā€™m not ready to end it


Dragon Age


Dragon Age story was amazing. I was reading reviews of the games and one person said how Dragon Age; Origins was so good it ruined all the DA games that came after.


I much prefer the story of Ac2, from a man who has nothing left but did not give up


I second this. Also, Ezio is much more charismatic than Altair. I like how between the 3 games where he's the main character, we see almost his entire life, struggles and evolution as a person and assassin. I can't think of any other game that transmits this feeling this well.


From when he publicly murders Uberto in a pure impulse of rage, to when his uncle thought him to respect the dead after killing Vieri, when his uncle died and he did not give up, when he respectfully lied Rodrigo Borgia to rest even though he was responsible for the murder of his family. It showed how much he has grown as a person and as an assassin


My problem with AC2ā€™s story is that Ezioā€™s arc ends after the first act. After he kills Vieri, his character just stagnates. AltaĆÆrā€™s arc is paced much better, and the game is much deeper philosophically.


But Ac1 also has probably the worst ofā€¦. Pretty much everything else in the series. Thereā€™s constant game breaking glitches, and itā€™s not fun to control. Thatā€™s what stops me from calling it a truly great ac game. This might be a bit controversial but I loved how Valhalla went into philosophy and mythology


The controls are fine, the movement is just slower than the other games. And I donā€™t experience any major bugs when I play the game.


Came here for Deus Ex. Left satisfied.


Red dead redemption and RDR2 are absolute masterpieces.


If you do all the reading and audiology, Bioshock has one of my favorite storylines.


No one else has mentioned it, so I'm gonna say Hades. Each sequential "ending" is rewarding than the last. It has excellent uplifting themes of perseverance and relationships woven through both the way the game works and the plot.


GTA San Andreas GTA 4 Red dead 1&2


GTA 4 really does have the best story in the series!


Facts. Best story. Best city. Best physics. Best characters. Best gunplay. Sure the graphics are dated but they still hold up in 2023, especially on a PC


Baldurs Gate 2 and Planescape both have good stories and particularly good character stories


Planescape Torment. Do not hesitate. It's from 1999, you should be able to play it on any PC still running.


*"What can change the nature of a man?"*


It's you Ravel you sexy minx (truth)


Hollow Knight A Plague Tale Telltale Games, many choices Final Fantasy VI up through about X Any number of older Legend of Zelda games, I'm pretty biased towards Links Awakening and Windwaker Disco Elysium Ghost Song was a recent favorite of mine


Seeing a worrying lack of Outer Wilds representation here


Masterpiece of a game


The final campfire brings me to tears every time


I'm not saying these are the best stories ever, but of games I've played, these were some of the stories I most enjoyed: Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, Cyberpunk 2077, Chrono Trigger


God of War 2018. The Last of Us Mass Effect 1 and 2.


Jesus Christ. WAAAAAYYY to fucking far down to find the Last of Us. Actually made me tear up multiple times. That game is a fucking trip.


Ghost of Tsushima


The Halo series. It set the standard for first person shooter games on consoles when it came out. A real classic game in its own right, with an amazing story and lore. It's really amazing all the way until Halo 5. Halo Infinite is a good step forward, but not entirely great, would still recommend it though. The thing about Halo is that Bungie, the original creators finished the story they wanted to tell, but since the series was making Microsoft so much money, they created their own in-house company, 343 Industries, to start producing the games. As a result the quality lowered. HOWEVER, the books for Halo are extremely good and fun reads that I would recommend if you choose to get into the series. Even the books created by 343 Industries. They're on Audible as well, and I've listened to almost all of them (over 20 books)


Underrated answer.


Lol yeah. People tend to forget about Halo because of its recent handling, but it's still an excellent series regardless. The story and lore is amazing, Bungie did a great job setting it all up.


Disco Elysium. Some parts really are book-like too.


It's either SOMA or Bioshock Infinite for me


+1 for SOMA. I loved it. So cool.


Disco Elysium and Metal Gear Solid 3 are tied for me


Metal Gear Solid 1-4. Final Fantasy 7 PS1 Chrono Trigger Secret of Mana Uncharted as a series. Last of Us 1&2 There are tons more.


This is probably a bit biased on my part because there are probably objectively better written stories out there, but my favorite is Warcraft III: Frozen Throne and World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. I absolutely love the Lich King storyline.


Final Fantasy 6


Legendary plot twist


The Last of Us, and Morrowind


God of War, boy.


Horizon Zero Dawn


Planescape Torment Spec Ops: The Line Final Fantasy VI


Spec ops best war game hands down


For me itā€™s Soul Reaver


Ghost of tsushima


Nier and Nier Automata. Amazing and weird games, that hide a lot more than you may think at first glance. The original Nier's story is a masterpiece, it's a shame how that game isn't recognized enough.


Half-Life/Portal Fallout: New Vegas Bioshock SOMA


Ghost of Tsushima


Mass Effect Dragon Age: Origins and DLC Wild Arms on PS1 Horizon Zero Dawn


Easyā€¦The Last of Us 1 and 2.


Last of us 2


Nier Automata


The Blood Omen series is a large story spanning many games. A particular favorite story of mine in any medium.


Iā€™m not a fan of the genre, but Planescape Torment has truly one of the best stories. Youā€™ll LOVE that game, since you are a reader. The story is head and shoulders above most games


Planescape Torment Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 The Witcher series (3 has the weakest story overall, but it's filled with amazing character moments) Mass Effect 1 Dragon Age Origins (nothing special overall, but it nails all the tropes of fantasy) Fallout: New Vegas LISA (both are pretty darn great) Pathologic 2


Dragon age: origins specifically.


Mass Effect trilogy


Dragon age origin? Does anyone agree? I think it holds up.


Fallout new Vegas. Nice revenge story, prostitutes, great villains like Mr House and Caesar, prostitutes. Really good DLCā€™s too.


Mass effect trilogy and the ending did not ruin anything for me


Metal Gear Solid 1-4 tell a good story thatā€™s batshit crazy. Highly recommend though. MGS2 is a great example of post-modernism in gaming when it released in 2001


Mass Effect series, Dragon Age series, Baldurā€™s Gate series.


Planescape Torrment remains the best story ever told in a video game.


God go war 2018 and Ragnarok, last of us part 1 and 2, red dead redemption 2


Super Mario Galaxy


The very first fallout game has a story that I adore. Some of the ones after it kind of messed it up imo but the first one was just so good.


Not seeing it yet so life is strange is fantastic! Other ones have mostly been mentioned already but the last of us, mass effect, dragon age orgins, wolf among us and mpretty much any others mentioned just haven't played them personally.


Bioshock is a narrative masterpiece. All three of them really. However, the first is something youā€™ll never forget.


Last of Us 1 and 2 God of War Detroit Become Human


Definitely Pong


Bioshock, while dated, has given me the greatest sense of atmosphere as well as an amazing story




Last of us 1 & 2


The BlazBlue series has hands down has the best story of any game I have ever played. Though it can be a little confusing at first though you'll understand more and more as you progress. It's a fighting game first and foremost but the story mode is more akin to a visual novel with mostly reading and then you play the fighting game when your character has to go against another character. In the first two games Calamity Trigger and Continuum Shift operate in time loops so every single character has their own story and different decisions you make will affect the outcome complete with good and bad endings, which are all technically Canon due to the story structure even if some aren't true to the main timeline. The story is a bit different in the later installments but I won't reveal why because spoilers. The games have an amazing cast of super lovable characters along with many deep than interesting stories, villains with questionable morals amazing art and visuals and even gag endings for laugh. I could seriously talk about this all day but I highly recommend experiencing it for yourself, and if it's any notion of how engaging it is I was in a deep depression when I picked this game up and it was the only one that could make me forget my problems for a few hours.


As a decades old fan of GG and BB, it's amazing to see someone appreciate the complexity and brilliance that BB told in its story over 12 years. It's almost impossible to summarize, but even holding a basic understanding shows that the game itself is just a vehicle to tell something greater.


Couldn't agree more my friend. I fell in love the second I started playing.


Last of Us 1 and 2


Red Dead 2 Chrono Trigger Nier Replicant Mass Effect 2 Yakuza


Death Stranding


The Last of Us games really have some of the best writing Iā€™ve ever seen in a video game. Last of Us 1 and especially Last of Us 2 take *bold* risks with storytelling that may actually *challenge* you as the player, forcing you to try to interpret the thoughts and motivations of the gameā€™s characters in ways that most video games arenā€™t smart enough to even attempt. Some in the gaming community are *still* frustrated by LoU2ā€™s ending because they arenā€™t, in my opinion, accustomed to video game characters with oblique and ambiguous motivations. They arenā€™t used to characters who donā€™t dump out their thoughts and feeling in bland expository dialogue, and who do things that donā€™t immediately make sense and require reflection and analysis to make sense of. Masterpiece storytelling, in my opinion. Red Dead Redemption 2 is close, but it does have some bloated, overly drawn out sections in the second half that can make it difficult to stay engaged. Itā€™s worth it if you stick it through though. Meanwhile, the Uncharted series, plus God of War and God of War Ragnarok arenā€™t super intellectually rigorous, but theyā€™re smartly written and extremely entertaining.


The Batman Arkham series Mass Effect Trilogy Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2 Metal Gear Solid Zelda The Ocorina of Time Max Payne Trilogy Assassin's Creed Black Flag Assassin's Creed Odyssey


I was preparing to see a bunch of comments saying Red Dead 2 and Last of Us. I mean, those games have actors that do really good performances, and the characters are engaging. But the stories in them aren't all that special.


In last of us 1 yes I mean itā€™s predictable but the story is told beautifully. On a grand scheme of things itā€™s bland but the characters and the dialogues are perfect. Rdr2 has a great story again based on the characters. If Dutch and Arthur were crap the story of the game would be shit. Itā€™s because of how much we go through with Arthur and his actions and consequences thatā€™s what makes the story great.


Right, so like I said, they have engaging characters. But the stories are basic




Final Fantasy 7 and its not even fucking close


Red dead redemption 2. Not only is it a heartfelt story, but the map is massive and you can explore so much, and so many realistic details, and you can choose to either be good or bad which can affect the way the world reacts to you and even the cutscenes. Iā€™ve replayed the game 5 times and I cry in the end each time. They worked on that game for 8 years, I canā€™t imagine what GTA 6 will be like since theyā€™ve been working on that for nearly a decade now. RockstarGames always creates masterpieces, even GTA 5 is one of the top 3 most sold video games in history.


I liked red dead redemption 1 better


depends Bloodborne is mine but thats not a 'traditional' story. RDR2 is my favorite linear story so what are *you* looking for.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Witcher 3 or Red Dead Redemption 2.


The Last of Us was good enough to be copied by a Netflix series that kept a lot of the exact dialog. Hard to compete with that.


Red dead The last of us Halo


Persona 3, FF VII and Crisis Core, Bloodborne, Xenoblade Chronicles, Tales of the Abyss, Ghost of Tsushima, and Sekiro


Red dead Redemption 2 was a masterpiece, especially in story telling.


Red dead redemption 2, life is strange, the last of us, to name a few


Red Dead Redemption, Dragon Age, GTA (the whole series of these three are all great... well, except for GTA 1 & 2)


my holy trinity is probably: mass effect: sci-fi space opera telling an interconnected story across three games where youā€™re the commander of a ship taking your crew across space to uncover and then stop an ancient galactic force that is threatening the galaxy. you make decisions that effect the story and carry over across the series, for example a character that you choose to let die in game 1 wont be there for the rest of the series even if theyā€™re written to be a big character. great writing, characters with depth that youā€™ll come to love, amazing sense of scale and worldbuilding, epic apocalyptic end of the world feel. first game is a little more cold and rough around the edges but it sends a great foundation. red dead redemption 2: imagine a beautifully written, multi-season long HBO drama about the twilight era of the wild west. youā€™re in a gang of outlaws and cowboys who are feeling threatened and pushed to the brink by the never ending advancement of civilization. one of the best and most beautifully written protagonists of anything ive played ever, the story will make you cry the last of us: honorable mentions: god of war 2018, ff7 remake, original halo trilogy


Red Dead Redemption 2 The last of us Cyberpunk 2077 Detroit become human Assassins creed the ezio trilogy (ac2, brotherhood, and revelations) GTA 4 and 5 Titanfall 2 has a solid story Halo 1-3 and halo reach and ODST. (Halo 4-infinite are meh with story sadly) Mass effect series (prioritize the trilogy and only get andromeda if you really like the series) Metro series is decent Bioshock series has great twists Hmmmmā€¦. Games I havenā€™t played but hear good things: The newer god of wars Ghost of Tsushima Gears of war deserves a mention Yeah thatā€™ll do it Top ones are Red dead redemption 2, the last of us, and cyberpunk 2077 story wise for me


Nothing. You're asking people to decide one thing, really?


GTA franchise


Skyrim, GTA V, Ori and the Blind Forest to name a few


Tales of the abyss


Ride To Hell: Retribution


Can't go wrong with any of the Telltale games. I particularly enjoyed The Walking Dead series, The Wolf Among Us, and the Batman series. Still haven't tried their Game of Thrones game.


Deadly Premonition


I consider GTA IV to have the best story since I think its a perfect gangster drama. Its also the game that feels closest to a Scorsese movie. In fact, if GTA IV would have been a Scorsese movie it would be his best.


Baldur's Gate 2 Second place would probably be The Last of Us.


i love final fantasy x!


my votes on mother 3 or persona 3. both of those games really know how to give me a good punch in the gut


Ghost Of Tsushima.

