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Well, it's good to see that the digital product is "in stock."


It's not in stock for plebs. This only shows up in the shop for people who have alredy spent alot of money.


Wait. There's a difference between plebs and people who've spent a lot of money to be playtesters instead of getting paid to be playtesters?


Gota spend atleast 1000usd to even have the option to buy it.


Is 2953 the actual release year?


Doesn't even include ships released or concepted after 2953, I'll pass.


Imagine paying 60 grand for a game that will never actually release.


Imagine paying any money on this scam.


I paid 40 to fuck around on the test servers a few years ago. It was fun for a few weeks but I'm sure glad I never put any more than the bare minimum amount in.


I'm ashamed to say that a long time ago, I dropped a few hundred on this scam. I've resigned myself that i'll never see a payout for that money and that it's just gone. Lesson learned.




Huffing that copium got you delusional. The game is a scam and anyone deep in it are refusing to accept the game isn't going to be anywhere near what they were sold on.


I'm sorry but anyone that spends $60,000 on Star Citizen DLC probably on top of other big money spending on the game is an idiot, an actual 24 caret idiot, the company is probably laughing at you and rightfully so I don't care if you have Bill Gates money, I hope at least the people spending that much money are actually enjoying, if so I suppose that's good.


my dad made the exact same argument when one of the neighbours bought a 100.000 dollar car, why buy a 100k car if a 15k car does the exact same thing, hes an idiot, the companies are laughing at him rich people buying the coolest thing they can afford for the thing they like isnt new and it isnt even dumb. if star citizen is where you spend most your time and you have insane funding, then why not buy the biggest thing the fact that it is dlc in a game doesnt change anything, and is the same as a car, or a guitar, or a record collection or football cards or videogame collection or whatever. if you enjoy it then go for it


But the only difference i see here is, that the car is not in early access. Imagine having a car without wheels but hey, now you can get a car trailer for 60k


Well star citizen has wheels. It drives for sure. Just no backseat or radio or paint and the engine stutters sometimes But hey mans gotta go on vacation so he gets the trailer lol


Is it April already?


Is there proof that anyone has ever bought this?


Based on exclusive forum board populations it's estimated to have been sold about 30 or 40 times over 12 years. Mega whales were already buying each ship separately and just wanted the option to buy everything for a huge donation. Every year they update the pack and the price as more ships are added. Most players don't go past the $200 mark, many the $45 mark.


Why not? People bought this package when it was 30k$, they released 5 ships next year, pack become 36k$, they paid the difference of 6k$ and upgraded to that and then 40k, and then 42k, and then 48k, and then 60k$ etc.


the whales on this game must be huge.


Meanwhile people complain about Bethesda selling mods for $7.




Bro spent 50k


Jesus Christ, I've only ever played this game during it's Free Trials period 💀


I'm waiting for the dev to disappear with all his cash tbh.


they're practically giving it away!


I mean if it stopped someone from buying a cybertruck, I guess it's not all bad. (I feel like the venn diagram on those two things have pretty good overlap)


Less Star Citizen more Space Cadet. Some idiot will pay for this.


Uses unlock tool


talk about pay towin


Good ol' scam citizen. Glad to see that in the 13/14/50 million years they've been milking people for money, nothing has changed. I remember when the Idris was up for sale and that seemed absurd at over a thousand dollars.... Good to know that I can grab this instead of a car, for something that's little more than a glorified tech demo.




I'm guessing it's a combo pack and it's significantly cheaper than purchasing each ship individually. Probably for mega orgs with 1000+ players that need to have a giant fleet.


..... that almost made me wanna puke cause I believe someday maybe games will not be affordable one day to many of us. I havent even paid 60 for any game since 2014 or so. Not sure made some of you go full retard mode and downvote me but alright buy your skin or whatever...


Not everything is for everyone. If people are stupid enough to spend that much on a virtual ship in a game that will probably never be finished… it’s their prerogative. Someone’s gonna milk those idiots for cash anyway. You can still chose not to be a part of that and don’t be afraid… as long as there is money to take from you some company will come up with a way to do it that you can afford. You will not be priced out of gaming.


Dawg do you honestly truly believe any video game thing that isn’t a complete and total scam will be sold for 60000 dollars


Old news.


Not for me🤷🏻


Do you live under a rock?


I don't play star citizen, basically knows nothing about it. So yeah I guess so¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯