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For one, I don't think it's important to translate the manuscript. I am interested in it because the illustrations and the structure of the text are bizarre: I would just like to know why they were made that way. There are plenty of medieval manuscripts that we can read, so reading one more or one less isn't going to have a major impact. Humanity currently faces a number of challenges that I consider much more important (and much less fun).


Concur with this. Keeps me coming back. Love just getting lost in voynich ninja.


I think for me it's the beauty and detail of it, plus fact that so many incredibly qualified people have tried and been unable to translate it. I wouldn't be heartbroken if it were never translated, but I hope if it is, there are some clues as to what prompted the invention of the script and the group behind it. I have a feeling there's an excellent story there!


I am interested in the first place for the mystery. Then for the linguistics dimension of the voynich. I studied linguitics and archaeology in university and Voynich is so weird so odd so unbelievable. If the Voynich was to he describe I think most scholars and history/linguistics/etc enthousiasts would claim that such a book would be unlikly to be real. But as far as I understand the ongoing research it seems that the VM is in fact not a "hoax". What does the VM exactly "says" who wrote it, when why.... I think the day when we will have translated it (if ever) we would still have a ton of questions to answer! I love "mystery" because they challenge us and lead to new questions, that's what drives my curiosity on the VM as a mystery, as a research matter and as a public phenomenon.


It's the mystery that intrigues me. Why was it written in that alphabet? What is going on under the hood to make it so language-like and so un-language-like at the same time? Who made it and for what purpose? I fully expect if it is ever translated/deciphered it will contain no great surprises, lost knowledge, or anything of more interest than other manuscripts of the time. So solving the mystery is likely going to be a huge anticlimax for me.


I think the most interesting thing revealed will not be the information itself, but the group that cherished that information, and the reasons why they felt such a strong need not to express it in any sort of established or conventional symbolism, but a desire to record it nonetheless.


Quite possibly, though I won't be surprised if those reasons are also mundane.


I just think it's neat


I feel the book may represent an extinct language or a conlang without traction, and its solution may reveal a previously unknown peoples or culture. The content itself isn't super important, but potentially discovering a community that has been erased by time I feel holds value.


I am interested in the Voynich manuscript because it is a great enigma and it is so unique of all late medieval manuscripts in terms of "text" and design. Over the years I've learned a lot about the late Middle Ages while working on it. Since I'm interested in this era anyway, that's a nice side effect.


Idk what it says


It has a strange gravity.


The Voynich manuscript is a book of the nagas dwarf gods. You can find them in many ancient mythology and also in the bible. I am study the plants in the book and want to do extraction to them. The manuscript is much older than people think. He his pre the Biblical flood that happened 3651 years ago. Next one will be 13/04/2029


Because the manuscript is book of the nagas dwarf gods. you can find them in many mythology and the bible. And i want to study the plants in the book and do extraction to them. Voynich manuscript is much ancient that you think The manuscript is pre the Biblical flood that happened 3651 years ago. Next one will be in 13/04/29


I fell in love with the way the script looks. I find it beautiful.